Sure for Colds Vh:;n the children get their feet wet and take cold give them a hot foot bath, a bowl of hot drink, a dose of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and put them to bed. They will be all right in the morning. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral will cure old coughs also; we mean the coughs of bronchitis, weak throats, and irritable lungs. Even the hard coughs of consumption are always made easy and are frequently cured. Three sizes: 25c., 50c., SI.OO. If your druggist cannot supply you send us ono dollar and wo will express H large bottle to you, h' 1 charges prepaid. Be sure and give us your nearest express office. Address, J. C. A vttu Co., Lowell, Mass. ' A King's Fear of Woman's Beauty. Charles XII. of Sweden feared only one power in the the power of beauty; only a handsome woman could boast of making him quail—she put him to flight. He said: "So many heroes have succumbed to the attrac tions of a beautiful face! Did not Alexander burn a town to please a ridiculous courtesan? I want my life to be free from such weakness; his tory must not find such a stain upon it." He was told one day that a young girl had come to sue for justice on be half of a blind octogenarian father maltreated by soldiers. The first in clination of the king, a strict disciplin arian, was to rush straight to the plaintiff, to hear the details of *hc misdemeanor for himself, but suddenly stopping, lie asked, "Is she good-look ing?" And being assured that she was both very young and unusually lovely, he sent word that she must wear a veil, otherwise he would not listen to her. WHY MRS. PINKHAM Is Able to Help Sick "Women When Hoe tors Fail, How gladly would men fly to wo man's aid did they but understand a woman's feelings, trials, sensibilities, and peculiar organic disturbances. Those things are known only to women, and the aid a man would give is not at his command. To treat a case properly it is neces sary to know all about it, and full information, many times, cannot be given by a woman to her family pliy- MRS. Q. H. CUAPPELL. sician. She cannot bring herself to tell everything, and the physician is at a constant disadvantage. This is why, for the past twenty-five years, thousands of women havo been con fiding their troubles to Mrs. Pinkham, and whoso advice has brought happi ness and health to countless women in the United States. Mrs. Chappell, of Grant Park, 111., whose portrait we publish, advises all ] suffering women to seek Mrs. Pink- j | ham's advice and use Lydia E. Pink- j ] ham's Vegetable Compound, as they cured her of inflammation of the ovaries and womb ; she, therefore, speaks from knowledge, and her experience ought to give others confidence. Mrs. Pink ham's address is Lynn, Mass., and her i advice is absolutely free. Compressed Air for Canal Locks. On the Erie canal at Lockport, N. Y., a pneumatic balance lock is being sub stituted for a flight of old-fashioned ; stone locks, says the Youth's Compan- ! ion. The new lock consists of two steel chambers, one for ascending and the other for descending boats. Each chamber is divided into two parts, an < upper one containing water to receive the boats and a lower one containing compressed air on which the upper chamber floats. When a boat has been ] run into the upper chamber it is either i lowered or raised, as may be desired, by filling or exhausting the air chamber beneath it. 1 !£farfftlfrsP ,r " T AKE THIS! My Bilious Friend," said the doctor, "it is the best laxative K^^iiW<r mineral water known to medical science." . Umpii Jsmes ffinfejlr will do more for a disordered stomach or a torpid liver than all the pills in the world. IT CURES CONSTIPATION AND BILIOUSNESS. Average Dose: One-half glassful on getting op in morning. Your druggist or grocer will get it for you. ■ Ask for the full name, "Hunyrdl Janos." Blue label, red centre panel. fi I Imported by Firm of ANDREAS SAXLEHNER, 130 Fulton St., N. Y. 11 English Races Load in Politics. If wc except the provinces of the Netherlands, the Swiss cantons and such tiny city states as Monaco and San Marino, which retain their ancient in stitutions, there is not a nation on earth, making any pretense to freedom and civilization, which had not a con stitution in great measure copied, within the present century, cither from* Eng land or from the United States. Thus, whether willingly or not, docs the civil ized world confess the primacy of the English race in matters political.—At lantic Monthly. It has been estimated that the ap proximate total production of rubber annually is 57.500 tons. Of this amount 21,000 tons are taken by the United States and Canada: 21,000 by the United Kingdom, and 15.500 by the rest of Europe. The Amazon district produces 25,000 tons and East and West Africa 24,000 tons: parts of South America oth er than the Amazon district, 3,500 tons. The natural gas wells around lola, Kas., are reported to be rapid.y falling. The Rockefeller and Standard Oil peo ple, it is said, will be heavy losers. There Is more Catarrh In this section of the couutry than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed tobo Incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disoase and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it In curable. Science has proven cntarrh to boa constitutional disease ami therefore requires constitutional treatment,. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoouful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. 1 hey offer ono hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testi monials. Address F.J. CIIBNEV& Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the host. A woman has built a house with her own hands near Fountain Ferry Park, Ind. It is a one-story wooden struc ture of four rooms with a stone founda tion. Best For the Bowels, No matter what alls you, headache to a fancer, you will never get well until your bowels are put right. CASCAHKTS help nature, cure you without a gripe or pain, I>roduce easy natural movements, cost you ust 10 cents to start getting your health -aok. OASCARETB Candy Cathartic, the genuine, put up in metal boxes, every tab let has C.C.O. stamped on It. Beware of Imitations. Russia absolutely forbids the employ ment of children under 12 years of age in industrial establishments, whether conducted by the state or private indi viduals. Headaohee and Nervous Depression are quiekly relieved by using Garfield Head ache Powders,whleh are composed entirely of herbs and are harmless. The intemperate use of tea and cof fee produces results as real as those of drunkenness. Total blindness is often the result of excesive coffee drinking. Dyeing Is as simple as washing when you use PUTNAM FADELESS DYES. Sold by all druggists. Ohio's cities and towns gained 486,- 021 in population during the last 10 years, or 792 more than the increase in the rest of the entire State. Your Storekeeper Can Sell You Carter's Ink or he can get It for you. Ask him. Try it. Car loads ure ept annually 10 every state in the Union. Do you buy carter's t Breakage of propeller shafts at sea costs an immense sum annually in sal vage. Fits permanently cured. No fits or nervous ness after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. $2 trial bottle and treatise free. Dr. R.H.KLINE, Ltd. 1)31 ArchSt.Phila.Pa. Korean paocr is so strong and dense that it can be used to cover umbrellas. Frey'* Vrrmifupr For Worms ma ' iß Electricity is coming more and more into use in the tanner's business. To Cure a Cold In On® Day. Take LAXATIVS RKOMO QUININE TABLETS All S. ru^ M L ts rof,m(l lho > mey If it fulls 10 cur®, h. W. UROVE 6 Blguaturo la ou each box. 25c. One hundred yards has been run in 10 seconds, but 50 yards never covered in 5 seconds. The stomach has to work hard, grinding the food we crowd into it. Make its work easy by chewing Penman's Pepsin Gum. Champagne to the value of $3,307,000 was imported into this country last year. T do not believe Plso'e Cure for Consumption hos an equal for coughs and oolds.— JOHN F. BOYKB. Trinity Springs, Ind., Feb. 15. I'JOO. Silk dresses were worn in China 4,500 years ago. M rs.Win p!ow'h8 00tb1n k PyTup forrhlldren tei't-hini'. Hot tens the gums. reduces inflnminr tion. allays pain,cures wind colic. J2sc a buttle. Canada expects a population of 6.000.- 000 in its census returns next year. For fatigue of mind and body take Gar field Headache Powders; they bring Im mediate relief and no reaction follows their use; they are made from herbs. Exports of cotton piece goods from Great Britain last month decreased 59,- 391,400 yards from September, 1899. The Best Prescription for Chills and Fever is a bottle of (I MOVE'S TASTELESS CHII.L TONIC. It Is simply iron and quinine in a t&ateloss form. No cure-—uo pay. Price 60c. One gaslight gives out as much car bonic acid gas as two sleeping persons. WOMAN AND THE WORLD. I Good fortune rang the bell one day; j She stopped to Huff and fix her linir, j To swing her skirt the proper way And dub on powder hero and there. And, being satisfied, at. last She hurried to the door to find Whoever had been there had passed Along, aud lefl no card behind. —Chicago Times-Herald. HUMOROUS. j Nell—Miss Gotrox has a poor com plexion. Belle—Yes; for such a rich ! girl. 1 should think she could afford a better one. "Do you believe iu heredity?" ' asked the Serious Man. "Well, I've known old clothes to descend from i father to son," replied the Cheerful | Idiot j Mrs. Muggins—My husband pro j posed to me 13 times before I finally | accepted him. Mrs. Buggins—l sup- I pose that's why he has been supersti tious ever since, j "There is something very sad to me i about wedding bells." remarked the spinster. "Yes," agreed the crusty , bachelor; "they affect me like the ! moan of the tied." I Blobbs— I The school children nowa | days seem very dull. Now when I j was a boy—Blobbs—When you i were a boy it was the teacher's switch ! that made you smart. I Youngpop—Why so downcast?" Newlywed—My wife threatens to go home to her mother. Youngpop— Humph! That's nothing. My wife threatens to bring her mother on to us. "Are you perfectly sure this milk is free from germs?" asked the careful housekeeper. "Yes, lady," replied the milkman, confidentially; "we boil every drop of water that goes into it" "Now," said the kindergarten teach- I er, wishing to illustrate the live senses, I "what are our noses for?" "Please, j Ba'ab, dey bust be to catch cold id," j snifiled the small boy at the foot of j the class. Mrs. Newrich was giving a dinner . party. "The cream Is simply deli ! clous," said n guest. "Well, It ought i to be," replied Mrs. Newrich; "I'm ! sure we patronize the very best ere- I xnatory." "I can't, for the life of me, see," re j marked Mr. Buggins, looking at a • picture of the airship, "how this thing J is steered." "I suppose even an air ! ship has its steerage," ventured Mrs. Buggins, who had been across, j "It seems to me you take the death j of your rich old uncle rather plfilo | sophically." "Yes; and, candidly, if he had kept me waiting for his money | much longer I believe I would have taken his life quite as philosophi cally." "My ancestry," said the tiresoms Mr. Blugore, "can be traced back into the ancient days when—" "I don't doubt it," interrupted Miss Kostique; "I fancy it would go back to one of the original boars that went into the ark with Noah." THE COST OF DYINC. Why the Sewing Woman Fays Ten Centi a Week. "I was behindhand with my rent last fall," Haiil the sewing woman, "and I caught an awful cold because I couldn't afford to buy n -w overshoes; but I always managed to have the in surance agent's money ready for Idm. when he called. You may think 10 cents a week is a small sum to bother about, hut when the season is over In my place u dime looks as big as a half dollar does when I am earning my $lO a week. Why do I pay It you ask? Well, 1 expect to get sick and die one of days, and then, if there wasn't the hundred dollars insurance money, how could I count on having a decent funeral? I know there are those who say that they never trouble their heads about such matters, but that Is no way for people tt> talk who have got any self-respect, though it tuny do well enough for drinking men and others that Potter's Field Is too good for. And 1 don't wlint to be caught as a friend of mine was last year. She is one of the happy-go-lucky, hnnd-to mouth sort of bodies who never lay up anything for n rainy day. She wouldn't look ut an Insurance man. Though that girl's mother was given up by the doctors for months before she died, there was only $3 in the house when the undertaker's meu came in-for the body. "Now, how much do you suppose that poor woman went in debt for the funeral? Fifteen dollars might be what the city has to pay for burying a pauper, hut It wouldn't begin to pay for anything that might be called a funeral. The undertaker's hill was $7. r >, and, everything considered, it was not an overcharge, although the debt ain't paid off yet. My friend says she is in no hurry to pay It, as she wants to find out first If the law can't compel her step-father to give up the mouts. He deserted his wife two years ago, running off with another woman. I think the person who contracts the debt Is the one that has to pay It, but there are those who seem to think they know more than I about such matters From what I have heard of the step father, I guess he would have been willing enough to turn his wife's body over t ) tile city to be buried like a dog, but I'm thankful to say there ain't many husbands like him that I know of, and that is the reason why so many widowers are married to their second wives before they get through paying for their first wives' funerals." —New York Times. W^( u Absorb Impuril(•. No compound of gelatine or milk Bhould be allowed to remain un covered, as both absorb impurities from the air. A eut onion is a gen uine scavenger in the same respect, and should never be used in cooking, nor should it be eaten, after it lias been cut for any length of time. If only half of a large onion has been used the other half can be safely re served for another occasion by wrap ping It securely iu paper. Hintfi for Tea Makem. The properties of tea depend chiefly upon the presence of a volatile oil that nets as n powerful stimulant The fact that this oil Is volatile mid easily lost Is the reason why tea should never boil or remain on the leaves after they are steeped, tfroen and black tea are made from the same plant, the only difference lying in the ways of curing, the green tea being made by much the quicker process. For a strong cup of tea a tenspoon ful to a cup of water Is the usunl proportion, while one teaspoonful to a pint of boiling water makes a weak cup. Very hard water should be boiled thoroughly for Ave or 10 min utes before it is used, so that the car bonate of llnte may be separated from the water, or on the other hand, It should be steeped four minutes longer boiling point, theu used before the separation eommeneed. Green tea should he steeped foud minutes longer than either Oolong or English break fast tea. A Suggestion for the Cook. Another point which the cook should know is the difference between sim mering and boiling. This Is readily tested with a cook's thermometer, when boiling point will he found at 213 degrees, simmering only demand ing ISO degrees. Roughly speaking. It Is easy to see the difference be tween the two. When a liquid boils at full pitch Its surface will be close ly covered with bubbles, and the whole surface, will, so to speak, rock and swell with the heat, In which con dition it very quickly boils over. When it simmers, however, the surface of 'the liquid will simply ripple like a pond into which a stone has been thrown, the water keeping all the time at a gentle shiver. This rip pling is called by French cooks the sourire or smile of the water. If you allow meat or anything that the cook ery books say should he simmered to boil up aud bubble, the substance In question will harden and become stringy, giving out all Its goodness to the liquid In which it is cooked, said liquid beiug only too frequently thrown away.via the sink. But if in your zeal to keep the dish at simmer ing point you keep It at the side of the stove, where the liquid never reaches "smiling" point, the substance In question may heat, but It will only steep, not cook. JmJfC(/S£/foL3 Lima Bean Soup—Slice one small onion and brown in two tnblespoon fuls of butter and one of boiling water, one bay leaf and one coffee-cupful of Lima benns; cook until beans are ten der, press through a sieve into two cofTee-cupfnls of boiling milk; add one lialf teaspoonful of salt* cook until It thickens. Ontmeal and Crumb Griddlecnkes— Soak a half cupful each of rolled oats and bread crumbs over night In a pint of sour milk; add u half-tenspoon ful each of salt and sugar and a lialf teaspoonful of soda dissolved In a tablespoonful of hot water, a beaten egg and Hour enough to make a hat ter; bake on greased griddle and serve hot with butter. Nut Bißcuit— Put through a food-cnt ter sufficient shelled nuts to measure one cupful, add two-thirds of a tea spoonful of salt, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder and one tablespoonful of butter and mix to a dough with sweetmilk; turn out on a floured board, knead for a moment, and roll two-thirds of an Inch thick; cut Into round or square biscuit, brush the top with milk, and bake In hot oven. Molasses Cake —One cupful each of sugar and molasses and a quarter-cup of butter warmed together over the Are. Stir until the butter Is melted, remove from the tire; dissolve a half spoonful of soda in a half-cup of strong coffee and add to the other In gredients; bent iu two whole eggs and two cups of flour and bake in square tins in moderate oven. Eat while fresh, not hot; tear apart with a fork Into squares. Gold Mount Potatoes—-Add to one quart of sifted potatoes the benten yolks of three eggs, one-half teaspoon ful of salt, one-fourth tenspoonful of paprika, one tablespoonful of grated onion, one tablespoonful of minced parsley, two tablespoonfuls of melted butter; then add the stiffly beaten whites of eggs, mold 011 a buttered plate, score, brush with egg and bake 20 minutes. Slip onto a hot china plate when ready to serve. MINISTER SAVED Rev. Henry Laagford entirely cured e? Nervous Pros tration by Dr. Greene's Nervura Blood and Nerve Remedy. REV. HENRY LANGFORD. lUt. Henry Langford, the eminent Baptist divine, of "Weston, W. Va., has iusfc e*i eaped utter nervous and physical proetration. Ho is pastor of four churches. "For tee years," be said, "I have boon nervous and growing worse all these years. During the lnef. four or tive years I became so nervous I could scarcely sign my name so it could be read I was so nervous that I could not read my own sermon notes after they had been laid asidf. awhile. "I was unable to hold my head steady in the pulpit, nor could I hold or handle mf books and papers without embarrassmont, owing to the trembling and weakness of my hands and arms. I was BO nervous that I could scarcely feed myself. In fact, my nervous system was wrecked. " I tided many remedies recommended by physicians, but found no permanent relief. "Oneday I was in the store of R. 8. Ogcien, at Sardis, W. Va., and he said to me: 4 You take two bottles of Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy, and if you say 1% don't help you, you need not pay for it.' "I took two bottles of this medicine and found so much rolief that I bought two mors bottles, and now lam wonderfully improved in health and in strength. Dr. Greene's Neiv ▼ura blood and nerve remedy dia it. I can heartily and truthfully recommend it to the rick. Too much cannot be said in praise of this splendid medicine. I say this for the goo<f of other sufferers from nervous ana prostrating discuses who can be cured by this remedy. For myself, I am thankful to God that I found Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nervo remedy, and for what it lias done for ma " DR. GREENE'S OFFER OF FREE ADVICE. Dr. arcane, Nervura's discoverer, will give his counsel free to all whd write or call upon him at his office, 35 West 14th Street, New York City. His advice Is from his great skill and experience and will shorten the road ta health. Thousands come to him and write to him constantly. Do not put oil getting the right advice. If you are "1 "" Mil iiTTr HI si mil mill THE NATIONAL MAGAZINE, fLeCe* Edited by Joe Mitchell Chappie, //I vour s " c ' reaf h fs u s on or before January 1, 1901. !t-v-as*/ Think what this means I It places the cleverest, bright- J (J " est and most up-to-date magazine in your hands every >/ , month for a year for {JZ——— half the regular price! (2/ ' — much less than it costs to publish it. The "NATIONAL" vfLeUdlZ*! is thoroughly American, now in its 13th volume, full of just the reading you want from cover to cover. ~A\. . TlmelyJToplcSj Washington Affairs, 'AfUjd&LMf. | Clever Illustrations. , , . I Over 100 pavn each month. rre.ldent MrKinlpy has Rub*crHiecl for Thl. I. a .pedal ana D and read tin; "NATIONAL" ror years. Send your 50c. to-day—while limited olTrr <o tbr I you think of It. SubicrlpUon price SI.OO a year after Jan. I. 'Addre.i rnuirraorti.ta ,...per ft The National Magazine, 91 Bedford St., Boston. A large Dublin manufacturer has a room entirely furnished with Irish peat. The carpets on the floor, the curtains at the windows and paper on the wall arc made from this substance. For years he has experimented witli the ma terial, which is now very largely ex ported as fuel, and he has discovered that from it it is possible to procure al most any kind of fabric. There are 1,100 Chinese pupils in Queens College, Hongkong, varying in age from g up to 23, and many of them have family cares in the shape of a wife and children at home. Each year sees a decrease in the proportion of married schoolboys, and the average age becomes less every year. 0 • . o 1 Tied Up | 0 % • X When the muscles feel drawn and J tied MP and the flesh tender, that • X tension ia 0 0 • 0 5 Soreness S S and • Stiffoess • 5 0 from cold or over exercise. It • • lasts but a short time after 0 1 St. Jacobs Oil I 0 • • 0 ■0 is applied. The cure 9 m U prompt and sure. 0. o • • 0 0.0.ty0.0.0.0.C>. Dr. Bull's Cough Cures a cough or cold at once. fM . . Conquers croup, bronchitis. 111 grippe and consumption. 24c. J New Zealand shares with Iceland IhV distinction over other parts of the cartj in freedom from all forms of cattle disW ease. PwMW 3^ The real worth of W. 1.. Douglas 83.00 n 1141 M(. •3.50 blkm'h compared with other makes is •4.00 to 85.00. P7 OurS-Kiilt KrigoT.ine pjj cannot ho equalled at g? any Over 1,000,- 4 jjrftST COljjp^W^ 6 P s9o°r f s3:so'shoMw!J ' two°p al'r'l' of oTdln'7 wJf W <V $ 3 or $ 3,5 & M^?^ckto n , "We are tlio largest makers <f men's 8! and 53.50 shoes in tlie world. We nmkv and mil more 83 and 83.50 shoes than any other two inannfaotiiri r a In tlio U. S. The ri'iMilalloi. of W. L. RCQT Douglas |3.ooand $y..,0 ahoes for nPOT* DLOI style, comfort, and wrarta known Hrol everywhere throughout the world. | $3.50 makes "beol'uie I I $3.00 CUfIC placed no high that tlio'wrarer tS~JfIC Onilti expect more for their money UllUCe than they can get drew hi re. THE IC lOASONi W ~ UougUt |1 end tS.M shoes are aol'l than nnv otter makn ia became 'l'll f Y Alt 1 THE liII.NV. our dialer diouU krr\ them we give one dealer ciclimvo auio i.i each towii lake no atiMHuie! luaiat on having W. E I>ou:>.ai ahoca with name ami price atnmpeii on bottom. It vour dealer will not get them i.r y.o. . ml dir<ct tA State kind of leat iferJTizeA'hll width"pUln U pr "np'tS,* Our allocs will reach you anywh-m. Catalogs /W "•Ai. llouglna Mioc Co. Ilrocktou, Alans. Dir.-i: !<• i,".sir™-'. v ''Vv 1 ~i'ii'iv: tCnSi'."?! Branch ofllcw; C'lilrago, t level nd in I Detroit. I*. N. i;. n. i ■.<)•) " DlfOPSY^E^' dees- Bo <a of teatunimiala and 10 (In va't>eatinei ( Free. Dr. U. E. QUEEN'S BON*. Uux V Atlanta. Oa, Tt^nia
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers