FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. XIII. NO. 91 Men's and Boys' Overcoats selling at Half-Price at "tefowick'sWearVel Clothing and Shoe House. REFOWICH BUILDING, FREELAND. Ladies' Queen Quality Shoes. Me and Clew YYYY UNION-HADE. Manufactured by The Clock Tobacco Co., Scranton, Pa. "S77"illia,m Sch-waxtz, Sole Agent for Ha/Jeton and Vicinity. GEO. KROMMES, dealer in GROCERIES and. PROVISIONS. Rebate Checks Given for Cash. Birkbock and Walnut Streets. LAUBACH'S VIENNA BAKERY. B. C. LAUBACH, Prop. Choice Bread of All Kinds, Cakes, and Pas try, Daily. Fancy and Novelty Cakes Baked to Order. Hunm annul supplied to balls, parties or picnics, witi all necessary adjuncts, at shortest notice and l'airest prices. Delivery and tupply vtagone to all parte oj tovm and eurroundinpa every day. AMANDUS OSWALDT dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions. FRESH ROLL BUTTER AND EGGS A celebrated brand of XX ttour always in stock. Latest Hats and Caps. All kinds of household utensils. N.W Cor Centre and Front fit*.. Freelana EVERY BEYER OF SHOES is neglecting his duty to his purse if he fails to learn our prices and examine our qualities and styles before investing money in footwear. We Sell Shoes and nothing else. You can buy to better advantage here than in stores where shoes are carried as a side-line, and if you give us the op portunity we will prove to you that this is true. STAR SHOE STORE. ii. uin n-A Corner Centre and Hllfcll Maitoy, Prop. walnut Street*. BREVITIES. In order to give borough taxpayers an opportunity to take advantage of the coming pay days, Collector Hugh Malloy has extended the time three days, to January 30, before adding the 5 per cant penalty which the law places on delinquents. St. Ann's band last evening serenaded Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Welsh at their homo on North Centre street. Mr. WeLh has been a member of the band for several years, and he treated his musical comrades in a royal manner. The ball of Local Union No. 1499, United Mine Workers, to be held on February 8 at Yannos' opera house, promises to be a record-breaker in the line of attendance. The union has a membership of nearly 700, and as this is its first public affair all will be there. Edward Doggett, of town, whoso in juries in No. 5 mine, Jeddo, on the 14th iust., necessitated the removal of bis left eye, returned homo from Philadel phia Wednesday evening. Tho wound is rapidly healing and Mr. Doggett may bo able to resume work next week. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Slattery are attending tho funeral of Mrs. James Gllson in New York city today. Another meeting will bo held here on Sunday by the D. S. & S. Railroad em ployes to further consider tho company's failure to increase their wages. Edward J. Gatfney and Patrick Gal lagher, theological students at Balti more, are spending their vacation with their parents in Freeland. Many out-of-town people were present yesterday morning at the funeral of the late James Gillespie. A requiem mass was read at St. Ann's church by Father McNulty, of Philadelphia. Fine confectionery at Koiper's. John Krommes, of the Second ward, has resigned his position as clerk with Grocer George Krommes. The silk mill started a night force at the mill this week. Boys are employed and the force is quite large. Dr. and Mrs. Georgo Wise, of Tyrone, are visiting tho former's parents at Jeddo. County Detective Richard Jones made his first ollicial visit to Freeland yester day. The marriago of Miss Susie Shigo to Andrew Zolenak Is announced to take place on Tuesday, February 5. Dr. J. H. Cloud, who recently resigned his position at Drifton, will be banquet ed tonight by Drifton Tennis Club. Gentlemen, for hats and caps go to A. Oswald. He has a nice variety. The funeral arrangements of tho in- j fant son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stan-! ton wero changed yesterday, and in stead of interring the remains at Ruck iiort this morning they wore buried this afternoon at Freeland cemetery. George W. Wilmot, Jr., Adam Losser, Thomas Krommes, J. P. Powell, Thomas Briggs and James Goulden, all of Upper Lehigh, acted as carriers on Wednosday it the funeral of the late John Leison- I ring at Mauch Chunk. Mrs. W. E. Oberrender Is tho guest of relatives in the Wyoming valley. Miss Twilia Oswald left here on Wed nesday, accompanied by her father, A. Oswald, to receive treatment at a Phila delphia hospital. The overall factory still continues to hustle on quietly and turn out large shipments of their product daily. The appointment of Salvatore De- Plerro, of town, as transcribing clerk of the house of representatives at Harris burg, has beeu coufirined by that body. So many of the engineers employed oy Markle fc Co. are oil duty on account of being stricken by grip that the firm is considerably handicapped by tho lack of men for their positions. The friends of Mrs. L. Denison will ne pleased to learn of her recovery from grip, at her homo in Bay City, Mich., through the use of Dr. Miles' Nervine and Pills. tIISCELLANEOL'B AUVEKTISKMKNTS. NOTICE I 8 HEREBY GIVEN that ail act will be introduced in the present general assembly of Peunsylvuuia, the title ol which is as follows: AN ACT To reponl that portion of tho fifth section of an act entitled: "A further supplement to an act entitled, "An act to organize the Middle Coal Field Poor District," approved the sixth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, so far us the same relates to ilie Judges of election meetings at the poor house of said district, certifying returns and issuing election certificates. The object of repealing tho portion of said act Is to accept the advantages givou by the geueral act of ussembly, approved the tweuty oightduy of April A. I). 1W, P. L. 127. IS. \V. Gangwer, i William 8. Lieb. .-Directors. Wilson S. Campbell,) INSTATE OF ANNIE HARVEY, late of LU roster township, deceased. Letters of ad ministration upon the above named estate having been granted to the un dersigned. all persons indebted to said estuto are requested to make puyuieiit, and those having claims or demands to present the same without delay, to Charles A. Harvey. John M. Curr, attorney. Watch the date 011 your paper. FREELAND, PA., FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 1901. Our Newest Industry. The Salmon Iron Works, the town's newest industry, is forging ahead at a rapid pace, and a successful future is marked out for it. It. F. Salmon, since assuming the management, is untiring In his efforts to secure work, aod that he has succeeded can be attested by a visit to the plant, where miscellaneous jobs of various descriptions have almost crowded out the main article that was to bo manufactured by tiie company, namely, the Salmon car wheel and axle. At present rush work in the line of the hundred and one articles used about the breakers of the vicinity is being turned out. while the brick works at Pond Creek, the new brewery and other buildings in town require the attention of the dozen and a half employes in manufacturing articles for their use. Preparations are being made to start on a large scalo at an early date on the wheels and axles, the merits of which our roaders are familiar with, and by that time the complete success of the plant will be assured. Haworth Recognized. Hon. H. W. Haworth, of town, has been recognized by the ppwers at Harris burg in a manner which is giving his friends a great deal of pleasure. In ad dition to securing the appointment of a townsman as transcribing clerk, the only appointment Luzerne county receiv ed, he has been chosen chairman of tho committee on counties and townships. As the now county bill is to be again , introduced in the legislature, his ap pointment as chairman of the com- < mittee means that its passage will be aided by those who control legislation. Representative Haworth has also been appointed as a member of the committees on appropriations, mines and mining, congressional apportion ment and elections. For a new member this is a record which has been seldom surpassed. Scale Committee. The anthracite miners have secured representation on the scale committee of the United Mine Workers. At the session of the national convention in Indianapolis yesterday a resolution to add six members from the anthracite region to the scale committee was offer ed, and President Mitchell named the following: William X. Martin and Harrison Heslop, of District No. 9; Henry Collins and William Mates, of District No. 1; J. C. Gallagher and Condy O'Donnell, of District No. 7. Those additional members met with the general scale committee last even ing. Tho committee invited the anthra cite members to submit their scalo recommendations in writing, and from these the committee will compile its re port. Married Last Evening. George B. Seiwell and Miss Mame Jones, both of town, were married last evening at 8 o'clock at the homo of the bride's mother on North Ridge street. The ceremony, which was performed by Rev. J. B. Kerschner, was witnessed by a number of friends of tho contracting parties, and was followed by a wedding supper. Many handsome presents were received. Mr. and Mrs. Seiwell will begin house keeping in the near future on North Ridge street. Died This Morning Timothy O'Donnell died at 8 o'clock this morning at the resldenco of his sister, Mrs. Peter O'Donnell, Coxe addi tion, after an Illness of one week. The deceased is survived by a wife and two children, also by a brother, Patrick O'Donnell, of Drifton. The funeral will take place on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the residence of Peter O'Donnell. Interment at St. Ann's cemetery. Sunday School Officers. The following have been elected offi cers of the English Baptist Sunday school: Superintendent—Thomas Evans. Assistant—John Price, Jr. Treasurer—Thomas Roberts. Secretary—Lewis Young. Trustees—Albert Buchman, Lewis Young, Thomas Roberts. Notice to Taxpayers. A penalty of 5 per cent will be added to all taxes remaining unpaid after Wednesday, January 30, 1901. This date Is three days beyond the limit allowed by law, and no further exten tion of time can be granted to de linquents. Hugh Malloy, Tax Collector Freeland Borough. When threatened by pneumonia or any other lung trouble, prompt relief is necessary, as it is dangerous to delay. Wo would suggest that One Minute Cough Cure be taken as soon as indica tions of having taken cold are noticed. It cures quickly and its early use prevents consumption. Gfbver s City Drug store. Second Ward Politics. There li a movement on foot among tha Republican voters in the Second ward to obey the call for a caucus issued by their borough chairman and to nomi nate another ticket instead of the one chosen last week. The indignation aroused by turning down School Direc tors Kline and Krommes by tho people who had control of the meeting on Sat urday evening is being felt In the ward, and the sentiment that the work of these directors entitles them to renoml natlon is spreading among their con stituents. Some of the men nominated for offi ces last week are steadfast in the claim that they were legally selected, and they refuse to sanction another caucus. It is certain that the meeting called by the borough chairman will bo largely attended by the ward voters, and that, it is claimed, moans a ticket different from the one now in the field. Anthracite Coal Shipped. The official statement of anthracite coal shipped during 1900 shows that 45,107.484 tons were moved, as against 47,665,204 in the previous year. Tho following table shows the amount In tons each company carried and tha amount either in excess or below Its qunta: Carried Excess Deficit P. & R 9,338,516 91,482 Lehigh Valley 6,909.442 149,879 Jersey Central 5,309,856 32,280 D. L. AW 6,013,849 8,000 D. & H 3,973,859 356,460 Penna R. R... 5,169,947 27,694 PennaCoal... 2,090,153 285,854 Eric 1,741,069 63,330 N. Y., O. A W. 1,658,457 260,125 D. S. A S 1,568,488 10,274 N. Y. S. A W. 1,333,848 109,592 Total 45,107.484 "The American Girl." One of the dramatic successes of the present season is H. Gratt&n Donnelly's now comedy-drama, "Tho Amorican Girl." Mr. Donnelly's latest effort Is a departure from conventional lines, Inas much as it is a bright vigorous and dramatic play, without the aid of any sensational clap-trap scenic effects. The story has a strong hoarl interest as well as comedy. Tha company is one of unusual strength, headed by George F. Hall, who has a personality that cannot be overlooked. His humor Is so infec tious, and so apparently genuine that his Importance in the cast Increases with each act. The author has furnish ed two unusually good children parts which are played by little Daisy Statnpe and little Grade Russell. New County Campaign. A meeting of the members of tho bar living In the district comprising the proposed new county Is called for this evening In tho office of Attorney George Troutman. 11l Hazleton. The object is to formulate ways and moans to reopen the new county campaign. The ineot- Ing will be well attended, as the mem bers of the bar In the lower end aro now unanimous In favor of a new county. Several of the drivers employed by Markle A Co. complain that they are not paid for the number of hours they are compelled to work. The matter has been under discussion for tho past few weeks and the grievance has boen pre sented to the flrm for Its consideration. Pepsin preparations often fall to re lieve indigestion because they can di gest only albuminous foods. There is one preparation that digests all classes of food, and that Is Kudol Dyspepsia Cure. It cures the worst cases of in digestion and gives instant relief, for it digests what you eat. Grover's City drug store. "I was given up to die from heart and nervous troubles caused by the grip. Six bottles each of Dr. Miles' Heart Cure and Nervine cured me."— Mrs. John VVollet, Jefferson, Wis. DePIERRO - BROS. Corner ot Centre and Pront Street!. Gibson, Dougherty, Kaufer Club, Rosenblutb's Velvet, of which we h ve EXCLUSIVE SALE IN TOWN. Mumm's Extra Dry Champagne, Hennessy Brandy, Blackberry, Gins, Wines, Clareta, Cordials, Etc. Ham and Schweitzer Cheese Sandwiches, Sardines, Etc. MEALS AT - ALL - HOURS. POULTRY, FISH AND OYSTERS. CHEAP FOR CASH. GEO. FISHER'S No. 6 Walnut street. Wm. Wehrman, "W" atclima,lser.. Watches, from $4 to $25. Cluteke, from $1 to SB. Centre street, below South. ROUND THE REGION The inquest in the case of Anthony Lindacher, who was recently found dead at Wilkesbarre, has boen held. There was no evidence to show that foul play had been committed, although there were many suspicious facts. The jury found that death had been caused by a fall, but the police have not stopped their investigation. President McKinley is slowly recover ing from grip and its after effects. Samuel Herriwitz was arrested at Scranton for selling a ham sandwich with a dead mouse concealed In it to H. J. Coyle. Before Coylo discovered the unusual make of the sandwich ho had taken a good sized bite. The accused showed that the mouse was placed in the sandwich by an employe of a rival lunch wagon, and he was discharged. "When the grip left me tny nerves and heart were badly affected; but I be gan taking Dr. Miles' Nervine and Heart Cure and was soon all right."—Wm. Roerlcht, Eau Clair, Wis. Jonah Whitesoll, who was injured by falling over a 9tone culvert, has been awarded SI,OOO damages In his suit at Wilkesbarre against Lehman township. Arbitrators have awarded Mrs. Wil liam Stevenson damages in the sum of $3,500 for a broken leg, sustained last February by a fall upon a Pottsvllle lay street. It was alleged that the borough authorities were negligent in permitting a gutter to be blocked. The most soothing, healing and anti septic application ever devised is De- Witt's Witch Hazle Salve. It relieves at once and cures piles, 6ores. eczema and skin diseases. Beware of imita tions. Grovor's City Drug store. The decision of Judge Mitchell, of the supreme court, on the law classifying townships, will give a new form of gov ernment to twenty townships in the state, five of which are in this county. The five in Luzerne are: Plains, Ply mouth, Marcy, Wilkesbarre and New port townships. Mrs. Margaret Edwards, of Shamokin, 1 widow of tho late Captain T. J. Ed wards, a former resident of Eckley and Upper Lehigh, has been granted a government pension of $8 per month. George J. Flannery wa9 relieved of the awful pains in his head in fifteen minutes by the use of Dr. Miles' Pain Pill 9. Now ho is rapidly recovering at his home In Buffalo, N. Y. Because ho could not get work George Hughes, of Plymouth, shot himself in | the head and diod instantly. He sent his wife on an errand in order to get an opportunity to fire the shots. Tobacco of all kinds at Helper's. Serious damage threatens the town of Parsons. The town is undermined by the workings of the Laurel Run colliery, and it has been discovered that they are threatening to cave in at any moment. Unloss Lattimer strike is ended by tomorrow evening, all the collieries operated by Pardoe & Co. will bo idle on Monday merning. The merited reputation for curing piles, sores and skin diseases acquired by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo, has led to tho making of worthless counterfeits. Be sure to get only DeWitt's Salve. Gro ver's City drug 9tore. PLEASURE. January 25. —Fair of Young Men's C. T. A. B. Corps at Yannos' opera house. Admission, 5 cents. February B.—Ball of Local Union No. 1499, U. M. W. A., at Yannes' opera house. Tickets, 50 cents. For Grip aches use Dr. Miles' Pain Pills. |j> j Sold by all Druggist,. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Freeland Opera House Co., Lessees. Tuesday Evening, Jany 29. The Comedy Drama, "The American Girl." Scenes Laid in America and Abroad. BY H. OKATTAN DONNELLY, author of Darkest Russia, Ship Ahoy, Etc. Introducing the Comedian, GEORGE F. HALF. Direction of A. Q. BCAMMON. Prices: 25,35 and 50 Cents. Seats on sale at McMenamin's store. TR I-WEEKLY A.l-ways 3>Te-w and TXp-tc-IDate Come In aud See Them. Phila. One-Price Clothing House. 8. SENIE, PROP. Birkbeck Brick, Freeiand, Pa. £MIAS. ORION STROH, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW and NOTARY PUBLIC. Office: Rooms 1 and 2, Birkbeck Brick, Freeiand JOIIN M. CARR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. All leifal business promptly attended. Postofflce Building, ... Freeiand. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Legal Business of Any Description. Brennan's Building, So. Centre St. Freeiand. R. J. O'DONNELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Campbell Building, ... Freeiand. "J'lte Haven Offloo, Kano Building. Opposite 1 ostolliee; luesditys, Thursdays, Saturdays. JOHN J. McBREARTY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Legal Business of every description. Fire Insurance, and Conveyancing given prompt attention. McMenamin Building, South Centre Street. JJR. N. MALEY, DENTIST. OVER BIRKBECK'S STORE, Second Floor, - . Birkbeck Brick jyjRS. S. E. HAYES, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. Washington Street. None but reliable companies represented. Also agent for the celebrated high-grade Pianos of Hazelton Bros., New York city. JJR. S. S. HESS, DENTIST. 87 South Centro Street. Second Floor Front, - Refowich Building. A. BUCKLEY, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. All business given prompt attention. Tribune Building. . . Main Street Geo. H. Hartman, Meats and Green Track. Fresh Lard a Specialty. Centre Street, near Ccntrul Hotel. T. CAMPBELL, dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes. Also PURE WINES | LIQUORS FOR FAMILY AND MEDICINAL PURPOSES. Centre and Main streets. Freeiand. P. F. MCNULTYT FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. Embalming of female corpses performed exclusively By Mrs. P. F. McNulty. PREPARED TO ATTEND CALLS DAY OR NIOHT. South Centre street, Freeiand. CUEBY'S Groceries, Provisions, Green Truck, Dry Goods and Notions are among the finest sold in Freeiand. Send a sam ple order and try them. E. J. Curry, South Centre Street.
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