FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. xr. NO. 52. 1 YOU CANT I il $ (& -U ft GO ASTRAY I # I • I T % 0 When you buy your holiday groceries jii o>x from us. Not a "fake" article in the O0 whole store. We have a very complete -Jj 0!% stock of groceries, provisions, dry goods, }(: canned goods, etc., making an excellent j}' f % assortment to select from for your holiday if. .<s dinners. Let us serve you. We always jl give the best of satisfaction. " j'j #1 - I O i @ GEO. J. SHAMBORA. | A 8 w | 0 Lentz Building, South Centre Street, jr | j;; 0 Useful Gifts Are Appreciated. ;i fk . if A Carving Set, a Half-Dozen Knives and e||g l'orks, Tea-Spoons or Table-Spoons will please the whole family. Pretty assortments of each at -j.' this store, besides many other equally useful articles }l' i° r die home. From our very large || F't Stcclr cf Pine Hardware j-'j JjL You can select something that will please your i(j friends. A useful gift will be appreciated all the AWa year round. We have ladies', gents' and children's :a skates from 40c up. We have the best makes of (S3A r, t! ' %0 Ranges, Stoves, Heaters, Furnaces, Etc. it (S% if) §0 PLUMBING, SPOUTING AND ir EATING. :: © Win. Williamson, Washington and Front Sts. I i'| i || Holiday Points: | ( Coats.—Ladies' and Miss- Underwear.—Ladles and ffi os* Coats in latest styles. Gents, also Children, Sup- 111 Flush Capes from $5 to sls. plied with Woolen or Cotton £ Our goods will lit you and Suits. Good quality and it'. our figures will please you. at very reasonable prices. Dross Goods.—lf you be- Celebrated "Union"' Suits T Hove we assert too much sold here. i({ Owhen we claim to carry the Blankets.—Muncy Blank- 'jf finest line in town, come ots, $3 to $lO. Also Quilts. ?[' and see for yourself. Our Comforts, Feathers, etc. M ; stock of Crepons,Henriettas, .lewelry.—Very line lino :(i -R Figure Poplins, etc., must of Ladies' Bracelets, Pins, Jj* A be seen to be appreciated. Brooches, Kings, Studs, etc. ijj vidv Gloves.—Ladies', Misses' Good quality. No fancy JJ and Gents' Plain and Fur- prices asked. fcO P Kid Gloves. A very Gents' Silk Mufilers and W. pretty line for you to choose Handkerchiefs. JF from. Lace and Embroidery. !' Umbrellas.—Wo soil them Christmas Stories for the p. £ from 49c up. Warranted Children. :/i Silk, $1.75 to $5. Fancy Novelties. 'Sk IDYXHSLXIEXa G-ILL, | J P. 0k Centre Street. $ VFI? -JT xsvu, Y' O ( 0 Hear Trolley Car Terminus. i( 0 | | GILLESPIE & CURRY, I DEALERS IN T 0 | § Choice and Fancy :i H Groceries and Provisions, | H I X CANNED GOODS, F W 8 § WOOD, WILLOW AND TINWARE, I i © FLOUR, FEED, TOBACCO, ETC. j; © I WE IIA VE AT ALL TIMES A JU w -j; Of Complete Stock of Heintz' Pickled Cooda. 8 © I ■ South Centre Street. | 1 GILLESPIE & CURRY. 1 © v ?(0"00 ?<0 ' >&'• ■..? TAP 00 W "SATF"ON?%£ FREE LAND, PA., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 189 S. REAL BARGAINS at the Star t ShoeStore. Our Large and Pretty Line of Wifc Footwear Is complete. We make a specialty of Ladies' Shoes. Here are some of our offers: We will sell you Wm. Neely's Luz erne $2 Ladies' Shoe for $ 1.50 and we guarantee every pair of them. We will sell you H. Leh & Co.'s Allen town Ladies' Fine $2.25 Shoe for $1.75 and will guarantee every pair. We carry Twenty-three Different Styles of Ladies' Shoes. We will sell you Men's Fine Dress Shoes from 95c to $3.25. We have an extensive stock of Men's Box-Calf and Winter Russet Shoes. We have the Never-Rip School Shoes for Boys and Youths. We have Mundell's Solar Tip Shoes for Children, Youths and Misses—best school shoe in the world. We carry full lines of the Best Gum Boots, Felt Boots, Overshoes, Rubber Goods, etc., at very low prices. Shoes were never sold before at as small a profit as we are selling them. STAR ~ SHOE STORE. Nothing Rut Shoes. ! Above the Postofliue. Opposite Side of the Street. Hugh Malloy, Prop. If you are looking for a good, substantial ( New Year's Present, ( one to please the most fas tidious friend, call and look over my line of new j FURNITURE i CARPETS, i The Finest Stock of Fancy Rockers, White and Gold Beds, Couches, Onyx Tables, Parlor, Dining and ' Bed-Room Suits, ' Chiffoneers, i Down Quilts, Curtains, Blankets, Etc. Will be Hold din ing the holidays lower than the lowest. j. p. Mcdonald. Comer of CENTRE and SOUTH. GROVER'S CITY DRUG STORE | Is where HOLIDAY PRESENTS are abundant. \ I Our stock is too numerous to give a detailed A description of It. However, we promise that f we have just what you want hi the lino of ( fancy goods. Very complete stock of crepe i and tissue papers, toilet goods and toilet sup |j plies. Very handsome and useful. J Patent Medicines of Every Kind, 0 R <(0'<(0 00 00 R OO 000000 OOFYI £5% <Sj& eS'i got, gyt), gffe (CjpA, #% j£^ IS News and Notes, g ot i rfffi fe ,S O O O S = W 3 W Cl Paragraphs of Local and General fj |:|| Interest Gathered from All |][| f% Parts for Readers #1 r. ml r, 0% of This Paper. A" ; <Zi& <(n£ O O O %?i§ 0J& Tim fair of the Vouug Men's Corps gs)Vj will be open this evening. ?<a>^ Prof. S. DePierro is recovering front a se\ere attack of bronchitis. vfiuS E. 11. IP tli, of Nescopeck, has been liik granted a patent on a door-securer. f{^ ;£V"A Andrew Surka, of McAdoo, was killed Jp J j&Pj) the mines at Audenried on Tuesday, V/ij? P. I). Gallagher, formerly of Drifton, is hereon a visit from Thurmond, West r (c& Virginia. A clouded sky prevented the people of this section from having a clear view £ 3 of the moon's eclipse on Tuesday even- Ul „ ' *' The bond of Sheriff-elect James liar- v °y i' the sum of SOO,OOO has been ap- Jro, proved by the court. A Maryland trust company is his surety. V. S. Nitsche, a lla/.leton jeweler who <V went to the Klondike a year ago, lias not been heard from for some time and his friends are growing anxious. Patrick Gallagher and Miss Mary A. p j} McCloskey, of lla/le lirook, were mar- £ t lied in Eckley Catholic church by ltev. Thomas Brehony on Monday. v/J? Several Froeiand members of the Masonic order attended the fortieth anniversary of tlio lla/.leton lodge Tuos l,ig evening and were royally enter -0)?%, tained. glfa Judge Howard J. lleeder, of the superior court, died yesterday at his home in Easton. Ho caught a cold on p election day and pneumonia set in with £ 3 X afata| ™ uit - x fyjiJ? Miss Alice Soager, daughter of Mr. jgWb, anl ' Mrs. Matt Seager, of llazleton, was %i\o married on Tuesday to Samuel F. gity Knelly, ef Conyngham, a son of the y(i\§ Contractor C. H. Knelly. of*h Mrs. Margaret Tracy died at Mauch o*%!i %tv Chunk on Tuesday. She was owner of Mlt!? a largo farm at l'enn Forest, Carbon o"'ii county. The deceased was an aunt of r<i *f £ £ M. J. Bergln, of Drifton. gm. The shooting matcli tor ;>() between J,L, f ft J* I'atrick Dover, of Froeiand, and William $ g\Rt, Fox, of Eckley, on Monday, was won by x>Wj %lgr the former. Each man shot at seven gfiy, birds. Devor killed two and Fox one. gfVn <aA A successful eisteddfod was held at lla/.leton 011 Monday. Among the prize- 0P& <ALft winners were William Williams and vtcS 1 o*?4i ''°' in I'rice, of town, who woro awarded r abft 8k for ihe best rendition of tlie duet, 3 "Martial Spirit." J - Buddy, one of the best known of U0 'he younger members of Eu/erne county /SCRi har, died Tuesday evening at his home ln Miners Mills, aged 111 years. The young attorney hud many friends in the lower end of the county. o*Pij llichard W. ltrodhead, a prominent VftS' resident of Mauch Chunk, was burled vtl!? Tuesday afternoon. Ho was 59 years of age. Until a short time ago he was eon p nected with the Lehigh Valley llallroad, filling several important positions with that company during his career. & T. O. Oborronder, formerly of town hut now proprietor of a Wllkesburro fe.J jgilto, restaurant, received a handsome gold WO A watch from his father-in-law. J. W. filVj. Hrair, of Ilazlcton, as a Christmas prcs- /sttb fi t- and his wife was the recipient of 1500 in gold from tiie same donator. The prisoners 111 the Monroe county r 0 0 jail for tho first time in years did not £ 0. have their regular Christmas dinner, ft 3 composed of turkey and other delicacies. 0 ■ | JiPj SherifT Learn says that he cannot afford to do this now on account of a cut in £,-J AlOj food allowance made by tho comtuis- -cfpj W sio " ers - %J OTlie new brewery concern to bo *Ol "■> known as tho Consumers' lleor Com- I'any, of Scranton, has been organized to compote with the Central I'onusyl- r (iiP vania Syndicate, which now controls 0* v i f nearly all the big breweries of north -0 eastern Pennsylvania. The company Is c o ''; capitalized at 8:190,000. wS "• B. Weiss, the produce dealer of = Shelly's Station, who at the last term of Lehigh county court got judgment for . v 81,177.04 against J. .1. Hillespie, the col- ropj lecting agent, of Allcntown, has entered an execution for the amount against £>V)j Olllespie and the sheriff lias levied 011 the tatter's personal property. o\p> Edward Murphy, of town, and Miss 0 Alice Manelis, of Wilkesbarre, were £o^- married yesterday in the latter city. o■■0■■ Immediately after tho ceremony they ft ; left on a wedding tour and will visit the principal cities, returning here on Sat- ft" J urday. They will take up their residence Jtpj on Main street. The young couple have sSWb a host of friends who wish them success. so;>, ft "■ 3 c it? , V(b? oit? r, <us* "btcft 3 'ob? Vii? ( <lO r 9 t c> (gMb, zfOb ' "baft r a.W 'O'aft' r <wo lift ftaiS' Tvctft %.*? 7( a vS I b Have YOU Selected iij # W | YOUR jil \ isiraomns! j H // not, don't forget that ||j ft n>e have some good ones at -ij | bottom prices. This is a •!; J j i Our $1.97 Reed Rocker, f | ('• y A Sideboard, makes a )(! | nice present. Yon can't i(< b put it in their stocking. ij( z A Bed-Room Suite won't -ij ? go in either, but it makes a -)j | nice gift alt the same. -|j u BTffe havo them and we want to sell '\\ them. Come and sec. all the other- good V. y things we have. } F. H. ALBERT, Centre Street, I I | ! REFOWICH, I ! II ? ;i ? . j; | New Merchant \ , Tailor, ? I i Clothier and I c' . Cents' Furnisher. ' ? i w y First-Class ij< I I \ Cutter Engaged. v. f - | > Two Doors above the ' i • \- 0 , i". 'O, Wear Well Shoe House. | ! i 1 1 I Ladies' Hats Reduced. II I f Special reduction in Huts and Hat § Trimmings until January 1 in [i i Mrs. Mathers' Millinery Depart- 'Ji * ment. For the holidays tills -Jj 3 store uontuins u bewildering . variety of v | | USEFUL AND FANCY GOODS. | |(i y Christmas Cards, - - lc up. .1! p Pretty 1899 Calendars, 15c up. jj $ Thousuuds of neat and handsome articles, y all very cheup when inlity is considered. P Everything is new, seasonable and of the very latest design. Ladies'goods of every deserip £ tion. Come and spend a pleasant hour or two viewing tliis stock. .|j ( MRS. MATHERS. St ? ill } x y 3 CENTRE STREET. J Cr ' • % ® | Standard Patterns Reduced, 1 I ! ? (■(lip'tyg <io f io $1.50 PER YEA R jgSJfc, £3 R>, )£ gl'Q „-1 jjCTto, l <SrS' %!>? Yv bilg bag bag Yv Yv Yy* Y? YS* Yy < £uP u^ John Shigx* E23131D fl Cheapest Shirts in Town, Q Pole agent for tilobe lli-uml. I tjij! IDf ! 1 r 'ii^ I h :' f% Lauudered Shirts : 'll i ' A'( AS, Regular Price, I !| R 1 O M I I I I' ' • I I r^ f JX 50c, 75c and sl. |, j j|j iRt 'UmlLl %J Come and Learn My Price. I i ]y Very large line of Furnishings. j i )y Hats from $1 up. j jAY \ AY Woolen and Kid Gloves. III'.:! ivH-rat.' ■,,1 li bj Comforts, $1 up. Vr/ H(Lv £§Wj Slioes for everybody at rock bottom prices. Never-Rips sold for Agent for Hay's f% Patent Warm Boot. The greatest idea of the r century. Come and see them. Felts. 411.05 up. Overs, Rubbers. Etc. Special line of Ladies' Yf Shoes. When you want to save money buv tit b I vuy John Shigo's, South Centre St. w ' bag Only Reliable Groceries St r <(io soxaiD iisr otj-ieb stcee. w £ | . 1 ins old-established firm invites you to give them a trial when placing your orders for groceries, provisions, etc.. for the holidays. Their reputation is a guarantee of the quality of their stock. Kverv thing kept in a first-class store will be found here. f% S. WENNER & SONS. O y? CORNER of Centre and Luzerne Streets. O LADIES' COATS AT S2. 1:1 oicing to the lateness of the season AY Ladies' and Misses' Winter Coats, Y<? Capes and Cloaks have been large/// Reduced in. Price. II 'ould like to close, AY them out before the new pear and will Ye? sell at lowest possible figures. / have f| some excellent bargains in this line. AY b t g 1I OLID AY GOOI )S S %g Of the newest designs can be seen here in f'i profusion. The usual low prices of the store Sgf continue to prevail this season. Large piles f f of pretty and handsome goods on every side. AY Let me quote you figures before you purchase. YA f% Mrs. R. Thompson, Centre St. X Watch Ycir Fnuits. I £ I The frugal persons always watch tlie f| pennies, the dollars are being credited with AY taking care of themselves. At any rate tlicy w do at this store, where the purchasing power is f| greater than ever before. We have the goods. AY They are yours for the asking. ( <a& OUR STOCK OF STOVES AND RANGES © A Easily leads all others in quantity, and Y®* where can the Apolla or the Wyoming Dock f'ii Ash he beat in quality? Our heaters give r 'df comfort to hundreds of families these cold £ | wintry days. Buy yourself one of them for |L a Holiday Present and you will never regret it. Y-? C| LET NO ONE PERSUADE YOU A Y^ That they sell cheaper than the Original fl Birkbeck Store. \fe lead in everything wo carry. Come and examine our great establish ment. Our Lamp Display alone is worth a rfPs visit from any part of the region. bag gvn William Birkbeck, Birkbeck Brick. Q Y? dag bug big bag bag bag nag bog%ag ba g bag bag bagbag bag
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