FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. XL NO 53 RAILROAD TIMETABLES LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. November 13, 1898. AKBANGEMUNT OF PAHHKNOKK TRAINS. LEAVE FKKKLAND. 6 20 a ni for Weatherly, Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, Phila delphia and New Vork. 7 40 a ni for Sandy Run, White Haven, Wilkes-Biirre, Plttston and Scruntou. 8 20 am for Weatherly, Mauch Chunk, Al leut-iwn, Bethlehem, Easton, Philadel phia, New Vork and Ha/.luton. 9 33 a m for Hazleton, Malianoy City, Shen andoah, Ait. C'aruiel, Stmmokin and Pottsville. 1155a in tor Sandy, Run, White ."Haven, Wilkes-Bar re, Scruntou und all points 4 30 p m for Hnzleton, Mahanoy City, Shen andoah, Mt. Curmel, Sinimokin and Pottsville. 0 37 P in for Sandy |Hun, White Haven, Wilkes- Bur re and Scruuton. 0 59 p m for Hazleton, Mahanoy City, Slieu andouh, Mt. Cai mel, Shamokin. ARRIVE AT FRBELAND. 720 a m frouiMPottsville, Delano and Ilazleton. 7 40 a m from Pottsville, Shamokin, Mt. Curuiei, Slienuiidouh, Mahanoy City and ilazleton. 9 17 u m from New York, Philadelphia, Euston, Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk and Weatherly. 9 33 a m from Serunton, Wilkes-Barre and White Haven. 1 1 55 a m from Pottsville, Shamokin, Mt. Citrme), Shenandoah, Muhunoy City and Hazleton. 4 30 P m from scrauton, Wilkes-Barre und White Haven. 0 37 P m from New York, Philadelphia, Euston, Bethlehem, Allentown, Potts ville, shamokin, Mt. Carinel, Shenan doah, Mahanoy City and ilazleton. 0 59 p m from Scrauton, Wilkes-Barre and White Haven. For further inlormation inquire of Ticket A(rontß. UoLLIN FI. VVILBITR, General Superintendent. CHAO. S. LEE. Gen'l Pass. Awnt. *0 Cortlandt Street, New York City. R PHE DKLAWARE, SUSTIUEITANNA AND 1 SCHUYLKILL RAILROAD. Time tattle in elf cot April 18, 1897. Trains leave Dril'tou for Jeddo, Eekley, Hazle Brook, Stockton, Beaver Meadow Road, Kuan and Ilazleton Junction at ft JO, dUU a m, daily except Sunday; and 7 (JU a m, 2 38 p ni, Sunday. Trains leave Dril'tou for Hanvood.Cranberry, Tomhickon and Derinircr at 5 JO, 6 (JO a m, daily except Sunday; and i 03 aw, 23b p m, Sun day. Trains leave Drtfton for Oneida Junction. Harwood Road, Humboldt Road, Oneida and Shepptou at h 0(1 a m, daily gexcept Sun doy; and 7 03 a ra, 2 38 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Harwood, Cranberry, Toinbickoii ami Deringer at 035 a m, daily except Sunday; uml 8 03 a m, 4 22 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Hazioton Junction for Oneida Juuetiou, Harwood Road, Humboldt Road, ( utcida and Shepptou at u 82, 11 10 a tu, 4 41 p m, daily except Sunday; and 7 37 a ni, 3 11 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Dorlntfer for Tomhiekcn, Cran berry, Hut wood, Ilazleton Junction and Roun ut2~s. ft 40 p m. duil> except Sunday; and 0 37 a m. 5 07 p m. Sunday. Trains leave shepptou for Oneida. Humboldt Road, Harwood Road, Oneida Juuetiou, Hnzle ton J unction a *d Roan at 7 11 am, 12 40, 522 p ni, daily except Sunday; and bli a in, 3 44 p ni, Sunday. Trains leave Shepptou for Heaver Meadow Road, Stockton, llazle Brook, Eekley, Jeddo and Dril'ton at 5 22 p ui, daily, except Sunday; and 8 11 a m, 3 44 p in. Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Beaver Metidow Road, Stockton, Hazle Brook, Eekley, Jeddo Hud Dril'tou at 5 45, 020 p ni. Unity, except Sunday; and 10 10 u m, 5 40 p ui. Sunday. All trains connect at ilazleton Junction with electric cars for Hu/leton, Jeunesville, Auden ried and other poiuts on the Traction Com pany's line. Trains leaving Drtfton at 5 30, 6 00 a m make connection at Deringer with P. R. R. trains for Wilkesbarre, Sunliury. Harrisliurg and points For the accommodation of passengers nt way stations between Hazleton Juuetiou and Der inger, a train will leave tlio former point at 350 p m. daily, except Sunday, arriving at Deringer at 5 00 p tu. LUTHER C. SMITH, Superintendent. MISCKLLANKOUS ADVKUTISKMENTB - SALE. —By virtue of a writ of u Fi. Fa., issued out of the court of common pleas of Luzerne county, there will he exposed to public mill! nu SATDKHAY. JANITAIIV 1890, at 10 o'clock a. in., in the arbitration room, ut the courthouse, Wilkeslmrre. Pa., All the right, title and Interest of the defend 1 nut in and t • the following described pieces, ! parcels and tracts of laud, viz: All that oeriuin lot or piece of land, situate ! in the borough of West Ilazleton, Luzerne county, Pennsylvania, being lot marked num ber nine (hi, in square number forty-live (45), on the plot or plan of said West ilazleton, bounded and described as follows, to wit.: Beginning at a point on the west side of Warren street, a distance of forty (4(1) feet southward from the southwest corner of War ren street and Monroe avenue; theifcc extend ing southwardly along said Warren street for it distiiuee of forty HO) feet to corner of lot number eight (8); thence westward!}' ulong norili line of said lot number eight (8) for a distance of one hundred and llfty (150) feet to Wayne street; rhonce northwurdly ulong said Wayne street for a distance or forty (40) feet to corner of lot number ten (10); th nee eust wardly ulong south line of said lot number ten (10) f ra distance of one hundred and tifty (160) feet to the place of bcgimiin Second piece. All that certain lot or piece of land situate in the Green View Addition to the borough of West Hnzleton, Luzerne county. Pennsylvania, being lot m irked num ber seven (7), In square number four (4), on the plan of said Green View, bounded und describ ed as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the. south side of Green street, on line of lot number six (0); thence westwardly along said Green street for y-tlve<4> feet; thence south one hundred and thirty-three (133) feet to -prucc alley; thence oust along said Spruce alley forty-tive (43) feet; thence north one hundred and tliirty three (133) feet to the place of beginning. Late the estate of the defendant named in said writ with the appurtenances. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Henry Martin vs. Mrs. Anna Kress. James Murtin, sheriff. Frank Needliuin, attorney. mm- BAKERY. J. B. LAUBACH, Prop. Centre Stroet, Freeland. CHOICS DREAD OF ALL KINDS CAKES, AND PASTRY, DAILY. FANCY AND NOVELTY CAKE NAKED TO ORDER. Confectionery 4 Ice Cream supplied to balls, parties or picnics, witl' all necessary adjuncts, at shortest notice and fairest prices. Delivery and mipply miyon* to all parts oj ttnnn and nurronndinq* every day. PHILIPPINES." By Murnfc Haletead. "Story of the Philippines" is the title of the best book published on the new Eastern Pos sessions of the United States. It is written in a clear, vigorous style bj the famous uutfior and editor and noted war correspondent, >1 iirat Hnlstead. John Hilly, of Freeland, is agent for Free laud and vicinity, and will call for your order. Every home should have this standard book. 91.50 a YEAR is all the TRIBUNE costs. BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. PARAGRAPHS GATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OF THE REGION. Synopßi* of Local and Miscellaneous Oc currencen That Can Ho Read Quickly. What the Folk* of This and Other Towns Are Dointf. A Long Distance telephone has been placed in the TRIBUNE building. The public and parochial schools of the vicinity will re-open tomorrow. The Greek Catholics of the region will celebrate their Christmas on Friday. Miss Sarah Doyle, of Audenried, took the veil at Villa Mario convent, West Chester, on Thursday. January 1(5 has been designated by the court, as the last day for the filing of liquor license applications. Harry L. Smith and Miss Alma E. Cetschke, both of k<lle. wore married on Saturday by T. A. Buckley, J. P. The output of anthracito during Jan uary has been Hied by the managers of the coal trust at 3.000.000 tons, and it is said tills may bo further curtailed. Ono hundred church hymnals were presented to the congregation of St. John's Reformed church by the Chris tian Endeavor Society yesterday—a very appropriate New Year's gift. Commencing this evening a two weeks' revival service will be held at the Eng lish Baptist church by Bev. li. M. Robinson, evangelist and singer. Ser vices are at 7.30 o'clock each evening and all are welcome. The mother of R. P. Mellon, of Free land, died 011 Friday at her home in South Bethlehem. During the past year she had suffered from a complica tion of diseases. Mrs. Mellon has in tny friends in Freeland, having visited here several times. According to the Ha/.leton Standard William D. Mumaw and Fred Elkins, foremen of No. 7 Stockton blacksmith and carpenter shops, were dismissed from the Cross Creek Coal Company's employ last woek because they "had been too good to the men." ' While cutting timber in the Preston mine. Ashland, Friday night, Michael Moore, a carpenter, struck a box of dynamite caps that had been secreted behind the prop, and a fear f ul explosion resulted. Monro was instantly killed and his body horribly mangled. A strange, well-dressed man walked Into tlie Susquehanna river at South Wilkesbarre Friday afternoon and was drowned, lie broke the ice in order to reach the water. Two men went to his rescue, but he refused their aid. The body floated away under the ice. The rate of wages to be paid the miners in the Schuylkill region for the last half of December and first half of January has been fixed at 8','.32. This rate is 6 per cent below the $3.50 basis, an advance of 2 per cent on the rate paid during the past two months. Daniel Mulreany, of town, and Miss Mary Sheridan, of Plymouth, were married in St. Vincent's church at the latter place on Wednesday. Miss Eliza beth Crossin, of Luzerne, accompanied the bride, and Robert Mulreany, a brother of the groom, acted as best man. Mr. and Mrs. Mulreany will reside here. Hly Abandon Large Colliery. Considerable uneasiness is manifested over tlie uncertainty of the future of William Penu colliery, one of the largest coal operations in the Shenandoah region. It employs close to 500 men and boys. The fifteen-year lease of Stlckney, Cunningham & Co., of New York, expired on January 1 and the company declares it will not take a re newal of the lease unless the Girard estate reduces the royalty. Should the latter refuse, the colliery will in all probability be abandoned. PLEASURE CALENDAR. January 2.—Business Men's Dance under tho auspices of the Tigers Ath letic Club ut Yannes' opera house. Admission, 25 cents. January 3.—Fair of Young Men's C. T. A. B. Corps at Grand opera house hali. Admission. 5 cents. January 21. —Annual fair of the Citi zens' Hose Company at Yannes' opera house, closing January 30 with a ball. fUl■' 1m THOMPSON'S HI DIPHTHERIA iiaiiwaanrftMl; CURE- A POSITIVECUREfor Diphlh.rb, Cr. )up, Quinsy, Catarrh and all throat trouble. Perfectly Harm less. Price, 600. perboitle, Lr salcay dru^- ISIS everywhere. THOMPSON DIPHTHERII CURE CO.. VUliaagpert, Pa. Bellasrz t's Shoe Store is the proper place to Buy Winter Footwear An immonsoitook of ladles', (fonts' and old droit's shoes await your inspection. Only reliable goods are curried on our shelves, and if wecun't suit you there wo can take your measure for a pair of our great and cheap custom-made shoes. Douglas and other standard goods are sold far below prices charged elsewhere. We have all the lamotts makes of gum boots, also rubbers, felts, etc. Come and see the store. Ha by Shoes, 30, 40, 50, 00c und 05c. John Bcllezza, Timony's Brick, Centre Street, near South. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED. FREELAND, PA., MONDAY, JANUARY 2, 1899. Narrow ICdcupe of Four Minor*. Four men wore entombed five hours and narrowly escaped with thoir lives from a run of quicksand at the No. 18 colliery of the Lehigh and Wilkesbarrc Company at Wanamie mine on Friday afternoou. They are: William Wil liams, a miner; Frank Brown, a miner; John Malton, a minor; Mike Sefsky, a laborer. ISo suddenly did it occur and so rapid was the run of the quicksand that the surface was affected almost as soon as the workings, and the frame house of Michael Puisne was sucked gradually down into a hole some thirty feet in diameter and circular. Mrs. Polsue and the children managed to escape. Soon the Polsue house was halt engulfed and then It stopped. As soon as tho news was heard men were sent down to warn the miners and all were hurried out as fast as possible, but it was found by the investigating party that some men were shut in by a rush of the quicksand. At iirst it wa> thought that many men were entombed, but before long William Fritzges, a driver bov. staggered up the gangway, toiling painfully along through the quicksand which was there about a foot deep. He said that he thought only four men were caught—and so it proved. The escape was a narrow one. They wero at work in the gangway about, a mile from the foot of the shaft. A blast lired by Brown broke through the six foot vein and into a vein of ouieksnrid. It burst upon him like water, "llun for your life, Billy!" lie shouted to Fritzges, his driver boy, and as Fritzges ai Brown turned from the road to safety und heroically dashed up the gangway to warn Williams, Mat ton and Sefsky. lie saved their lives, but all of them hung in 4jje balance for some time. Knowing the only safety was in keep ing above the rising river of quicksand, they climbed Into the highest breast and waited for their fate. The quicksand arose until it lapped their knees. Then the flow stopped and gradually subsided until they wore able to wade out. New Year's Day Fire. Shortly after 8 o'clock yesterday morn ingr fire was dlscov.rnd In Hugh Mallov's building, Contro and Walnut streets. The sound of tlie alarm was heard by few people, owing to the high wind, and some who did hear it mistook the ring ing for one of the several sliuilar-toned church bells. Those who responded worked*heroically in a bitter cold and located the blaze in the woodwork near the chimney leading from the kitchens of Mr. Mutiny's and Owen Peters' resid ences. The fire was extinguished before any considerable damage had resulted, Mr. Malloy's loss being about 8100 to the property. The cause of the fire was a blocked chimnoy, considerable soot having gathered from constant burning of wood in one of Mr. Peters' stoves. Tn l'ay for Mxmmhil Hall. The Grand Army posts of Wilkesbarre are gratified over the probability of Luzerne county paying off the debt on Memorial Hall, in that city. In re sponse to a petition signed by the most influential taxpayers, two grand Juries have recommended that tho county clear tliis debt, and the court gave approval on December 24. Tho malting of an ap propriation of this kind is based on tho act of assembly of May 22, 1895, which provides that the county commissioners may expend money for a soldiers' or sailors' monument after two grand juries recommend it. ISut it is tho principle and willingness to give recognition to its old soldiers that pleases the Grand Army men. Serious Fire ut West Hazleton, West Hazleton was visited early Sat urday morning by a disastrous confla gration. The blaze was discovered in the blacksmith shop of A. W. Washburn, formerly of Freeland, and rapidly spread to adjoining buildings. A scarcity of water retarded the work of the firemen. The losses are as follows: Blacksmith shop, owned by Elder Spang ler, 8500; contents, owned by A. W. Washburn, 8-100. Residence of Elder Spangler, 84,000; insurance, 81.500. Double dwelling of John Christ, 83.000; partly insured; furniture and clothing of William Gates, a tenant, 8000. Single residence owned by I'feii estate, occupi ed by Mrs. Neiinan, damaged to extent of 8200. (loud Will, timers. At a meeting of the Good Wills Ath jetic Association yesterday the following officers were elected: President—James Shovliu. Vice president—Chas. Johnson? Recording secretary—J. A. McGlnloy. Financial secretary —I'. A. Gallagher. Sergeant-at-arins—James Gallagher. Guard—Con E. Breslin. Trustees—John M. Carr, James John son, Daniel Mcßrierty, John Ferry, John Gillespie. CASTORIA. Bears the _yf III® Kind You Have Always Bouyrht O ii. ST O XII A. . Bears tho yf The Kind You Have Always Bought THREE GREAT NIGHTS. Tiger* Tcuth Bull and Hop* Will Kud Tlii* Evfiilng. The tenth annual hall of the Tigers Athletic Club took place on Friday even ing, and the result added one more suc cess to the long record of creditable affairs that have been conducted by the organization. The management of a ball on the scale outlined and advertised for weeks previous to this event would tax the genius and ingenuity of greater societies in larger towns to carry it to a successful finish, nevertheless the club was equal to the occasion, and every promise made to the public was fulfilled and every expectation of the people was realized. Nothing of the kind had ever before been attempted within a radius of many iniles. and the club's innova tions and daring original ideas, with nothing similar in the past to guide from, made the achievement of Friday evening all the more praiseworthy. Tho a u barb decorations caused amaze 'eat- from local as well as from out of-town visitors, being such as to baffle an adequate description. The apparently endless streams of national colored bunting, palms, holly and holly hock, representing thousands of yards if laid end to end. into which 8,000 tiny (lags were placed, carried the eye to the ceiling, which was barely visible through the mass of evergreens, and to the walls, where truly artistic work has been per formed In shaping appropriate designs, covering every inch of available space. The stage was a bower of beauty, and various colored incandescent lights and arcs of several lines threw a lustre over the scene that gave the whole an effect really beautiful. Every feature of the affair, from the brilliant ball-room on tba first Moor and the spectators' accommodations on the second to the eating and other depart ments on the third, was beyond critl j cisin. and the throngs made the spacious building ring with genuine pleasure the whole night. The program of thn even ing opened with a march led by Master of Ceremonies l'eter G. Gallagher, of town, and Miss Mary A. Boyle, f Beaver Maadow. Dancing was con 'tiuued until 5 o'clock Saturday morning to the strains of DePierro's enlarged or chestra. The New Year's Eve Hop on Saturday evening was a repetition of the success of tho previous night. The Business Mori's Dance tonight will close the af fair. St. Ann's band will supply the dance inusis this evening. PERSONALITIES. Miss Colfa Gallagher, (in religion Sister Pauline) and Miss Kate Duffy (in religion Sister Justine), of Sciauton, visited their relatives hero on Thursday. Miss Josephine Rndewick will leave tomorrow for West Chester, where she will become a student at the normal school. James Rogair will leave this week for Butte, Montana, after a two months' visit at his father's home. Miss Bid Carry, of Trenton, N. J., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Dominic Kelly. Michael J. Mor&n, of Philadelphia, is visiting his family here. Miss Sadie Slattery spent last week in Philadelphia. RI'KNT NEW VKAII'B IIKKK. Among the people from a distance who spent New Year's with relatives and friends here were the following: Edward P. Gallagher, East Hartford. Miss Nellie O'Donnell, Allentown. Edward O'Donnell, Philadelphia. John Yunnes, Little Falls, N. Y. Frank Toburski, New York city. Miss Laura Purcell, Allentown. Joseph Kennedy, Philadelphia. Miss Maine Boyle, Allentown. Dr. P. S. Stein, Philadelphia. Miss Mary Dugan, Scranton. John Plewellyn, Carbondale. Michael P. Boyle, Kingston. Tramps Beat a Woman. After having recuived food on Friday morning from Mrs. Annie ICocbabo. aged 26, a woman of Llauto, a mining hamlet near Tatnaqua, two tramps demanded money. Upon being refused they attacked the woman and beat her in a frightful manner. While the one held her hands the other clubbed her over the head with a revolver. Her scalp was covered with lacerations, one eye was closed and blood (lowed from her ears. She screamed for assistance and strug gled desperately to save her life. As footsteps approached in answer to her cries the ruffians made their escape. Descriptions of tho uieu were wired to all tho surrounding towns, and that evening Chief of Police David Itinebold, of Tatnaqua, captured two tramps giving their names as Hartley Brown and Edward Collins. They were locked up and will be taken before the injured woman for Identification. A. Oswald sells three bars of grand ma's butter milk soap for the small sum o" sc. castohia. Bears the K' 1 " 1 ' oll " aw Alwa ' s Abuses in the Recorder's Office. The expediency of having Citizens' Protective Associations in each county of Pennsylvania has been suggested by the Philadelphia Press, such organiza tion ty assume the responsibility of noting how the public officials conduct the taxpayers' business. A knowledge of methods in county government and the frequent disparities in the cost of supplies, or expense of keeping t,bo state's dependents, etc., commended the wisdom of a careful supervision of the kind suggested. Schuylkill county has its Taxpayers' Association that lias re volutionized measures for reform in that district. Luzerne has a somewhat simi lar association. In other counties where there is official looseness there is a quies cent submission to the way things are going, because of a. disposition upon the part of representative citizens not to bother over public interests or a fear of antagonizing political powers. Tho Luzerne Association has just demonstrated its usefulness by exposing "how it is done" in the recorder's office. Other courthouse officials are to be ex amined later. Prior to six years ago the recorder was paid in fees, and now he receives a salary. Comparisons show that in 1887 that official employed three clerks, to whom he paid 93*300 annual wages. In 1897 there were seven clerks, and the salary and clerk hire aggregated 913,392. In this connection the associa tion calls attention to tin l alleged fact, that the recorder and his chiof deputy have done practically no office work, and that the clerks have nursed their sine cure places. To further evidence the good service of this association in uncovering abuses of trust in Luzerne county, a compari son witli other counties of the state is submitted, viz.: Philadelphia—Number of clerks, 55; papers filed in J897, 52,000; remaining unrecorded at end of year, none; salary and clerk hire, $1)3,000; average record ing fee, $2.40; cost in salary and wages for each paper recorded. $1.77. Montgomery—Number of clerks, 7; papers tiled in 1897, 5,107; remaiuing unrecorded at end of year, none; salary and clerk hire, $9,054; average record ing fee. $1.88; cost in salary and wages for each paper recorded, $1.77. Luzerne—Number of clerks. 7; papers tiled in 1897, 5,550; remaining unrecord ed at end of year, 900, estimated; salary and clerk hire, $13,292; average record ing, $2.40; cost in salary and wages for eacli paper recorded, $2.39. A Wonderful Collection of Facts. To those familiar with tho almanac issued by the Philadelphia Press the announcement that the 1899 edition is on sale is quite sufficient to induce pur chase. Those who have examined the contents of the two previous volumes is sued by that paper know that thero is not to be found in the United Stutes— and, if not there, nowhere in tho world— j an almanac which surpasses the Press for accuracy, comprehensiveness, variety and attractiveness. It is a volume of of over 500 pages, replete with the in formation that every citizen interested in the past, the present or the future of the country in which he lives needs con stantly. What the Press does for tho news of tho world daily its almanac does for the events of tho year. There is not one department of human activity which is not touched on. It answers the many questions concerning the government of the United States and of foreign nations, is a valuable resume of the war with Spain, abounds with statistics from commercial and industrial pursuits, tells the*story of the part played by the Keystone boys in tho late war—and is, in fact, a complete cyclopaedia of the world's activities dur ing 1898, and must be indispensable to every thinking American citizen. The almanac may be had from newsdealers or by sending 25 cents to the Press, Philadelphia. How's This I We offer One Hundred Dollarv Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured bv Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, Ohio. We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for the last fifteen years, and believe linn perfectly honorable in all business transactions atid financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. WERT & TIIUAX, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. WALDINO, ICINVAN* & MARVIN, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh (Jure is taken inter nally, acting directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 75c. per bottle. Suld by ail druggi.sU. Te*t'menial* f r Hall's Family Pills are the best. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought sSnaturoof Dr. David Kennedy's favorite Remedy CURES ALL KIDNEY. STOMACH < —AND LIVER TROUBLES. „ Dr. David Kennedy's favorite Remedy CURES ALL KIDNEY, STOMACH ~ R .■> V\ND LIVER TROUBLES. | i A LONELY ISLAND. | IT IS A BRITISH POSSESSION IN THE ATLANTIC OCEAN. Known a Kocknll, anil No Human Do ing Ilaa Kver Lamleil Upon ll—Prob ably the Cause of Many Disasters—Looks I.lke a Ship Under Uull Sail. Perhaps the loneliest island in the Atlantic Ocean Is a British possession known on the map as Roekall. Where is it? Roekall is a lonely pyramidal rock, some 70 feet in height and 250 feet in circumference, rising sheer out of the wild Atlantic waves, about IS I miles west-half-south from St. Kilda, in the outer Hebrides, 200 miles from the nearest point of the Scottish main land and 2GO miles northwest from the nearest point on the Irish coast. More exactly, its position—at least, as nearly as this has been ascertained —is latitude 57 deg. 30 min. north, longitude 13 deg. 42 min. west. There is neither soil upon it nor sandy beach round it, the depth of water close up to it being twenty or thirty fathoms. A "rock," therefore it must he called rather than an island, or even an islet; ■ and, of all the rocks and islands, great and small, surrounding our shores it is at once the most remote, the most desolate, the least known, and in many respects the most remarkable. Not only has It never boasted a hu man Inhabitant, but no holiday tripper or sportsman has ever set foot on its shores, and only on one or two occa sions is it even known to have been landed upon. Only in the finest weath er is it possible to land upon it; in Winter the ocean waves far overtop its summit. This summit can only be reached, even when a landing has been effected, by at: ascent on the north eastern face of the rock, so precipitous are its other sides. Close to the main rock, and with deep water between them, lies a dan gerous reef, exposed at low tide, known as Hazlewood Rock; while a mile and a half southeast lies another similar rock known as Helen's Reef, from a vessel of that name whose wreck upon it first made it known. To the mariner Roekall presents It self as a serious danger. Neither the main rock nor the surrounding reef has even been either lighted, belled or buoyed. Yet, though not In the main line of cross-Atlantic traffic, there can be no doubt that they have frequently proved fatal to vessels. There are several actual records of wrecks upon them, the earliest being in 1686, and it is probable that they are partly ac countable for some of the disappear ances of well-found vessels which are reported annually from the Atlantic. Even In broad daylight the main rock is a menace, for, with its steep, tall sides, and its pointed top, always whit ened by the deposits of sea birds, it is invariably at first sight taken for a ship in full sail. Mr. J. A. Harvie-Brown, an eminent Scottish naturalist; Mr. R. M. Bar l-ington, a leading Irish naturalist, and two other gentlemen, undertook not long ago a scientific expedition to Roekall, under the auspices of the Royal Irish Academy. Twice was the rock approached, but on each occa sion the swell around It rendered a landing impossible, and the expedition had at last to return, bulbed of its main object. Nevertheless it brought hack some very interesting results, ob tained chiefly by diedging on the bank and by observing the birds flying around the rock. Ornithologists have long awaited with keenest intfcrest information re lating to the bird population of the rock, and have imagined it a possible breeding place of several interesting sea birds. But the recent expedition, during which no fewer than twenty species were observed round the rock, proved that in all probability no spe cies breeds upon it except the common guillemot. In many other ways the rock is of much scientific interest, and any yachtsman or others who may hereaf ter he fortunate enough to effect a landing upon Roekall will certainly obtain results of much interest to nat uralists. Pop Corn In Milk. A Northern business man living in the South has found an agreeable cure for insumnla. It answered perfectly in his case, and no longer needing it as medicine he continues it as food. It is a most agreeable dish of popcorn. The corn is popped in the usual wire basket, and while hot it is put in h j hot howl. Scalding milk is poured ' over it, and in two minutes it is soft and ready to he sprinkled with sugar, unless salt and pepper are preferred. The addition of a little vanila trans forms the juvenile favorite into a deli- j cate hasty pudding. To keep the corn after gathering, put it (on the cob) in a cool place; if shelled it loses ts moisture sooner, nr.d after awhile will not pop. The place where other corn is kept is best to preserve It in. Pop corn hot served in bowls of hot milk I is a Southern refection at card par- j ties. r Dr.David Kennedy^ Favorite Remedy Cures all kidney. Stomach +* -""*-ANO liver troubles. I $1.50 PER YEA I v. You Know Us Weil Enough to feel that whatever you want in our lino oannot be bought to any better advantage than of us. More than that, there is nothing here that you can tint buy uitb per fect safety. Our bargains are. <ltialit.y and price bargains, consist ing of an elegant line of well tailor ed, well trimmed, perfect iitting copies of the fashion plate, CLOTHING, Our lines of hunts' Furnishings, Hoots. Shoes, etc., are also the finest in town, and our prices are surprisingly low. Philadelphia O.N I'M'HICK Clothing House. BI3KBECK BRICK, FREELAKD. QIIAS. ORION STHOIi, Attorney and Counselor at Law and Notary Public. Office: Booms 1 and 2, Birkbcek Brick, Freehold JOHN M. CARR, Attorney-at-Law. All leg - ul business promptly attended. Postofllco Building, - - - T'recland. MCLAUGHLIN, Attorney-at-Law. loyal Business of A/.// Dcs"rijition. Brenmui's Building. So. Centre St., Freehold. -piIOS. A. RUCK LEY, Justice of the Peace. All business givdn prompt attention. Tribune Building, - - Mala Street. M its. S. E. IIAYES, Fire Insurance Agent. Washington Street. None but lleliahle Companies Represented. TYR. N. MALEY, DENTIST. OVKIt niRKUBCK'S STOHE, ScuuiHl l-'linir. Hirkheck Brick. Q l>. KOHRUACH, General Hardware. Build ts' supplies of every kind always in stock. Wall paper, paints, ami tinware. Bicy cles and repairs of all sorts. South Centre street. LIBOR WINTER, Ealing House and CTyster Saloon. No. 18 Front Street, Freoland. Temperance drinks, cigars, etc. Families supplied with oysters direct l rom the shore. GEORGE FISHER, ~ dealer iu FRESH BEEF, PORK, VEAL, MUTTON. BOLOGNA, SMOKED MEATS, ETC., ETC. Call nt No. is Waluut street, Freoland, or wait for the delivery wagons. VERY LOWEST PRICES. Condy 0. Boyle, dealer in Liquor, Wine, Beer, Porter, Etc. The finest brands of Domestic and Imported Whiskey on stile in one of the handsomest sa loons in town. Fresh Rochester and Shenan doah Beer and Youngling's Porter on tap. Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions. A A i mslm? i S BROTHERHOOD HATS 0 0 * U "T* A celebrated brand of XX Uour always iu stook. Roii Butter and Eggs a Specialty. AMANDUS OSWALD, A'. If. Cur. Centre and Front Ma., Fi tclund.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers