F REEL AND TRIB UN E. VOL. XI. NO. 51. I YOU CAN'T "*1 |GO ASTRAY j 1 J I • || Oil When you buy your holiday groceries J gttb. from us. Not a "fake" article in the ;) Vlc? whole store. We have a very complete • 0 stock of groceries, provisions, dry goods, :) canned goods, etc., making an excellent jl assortment to select from for your holiday Jfk dinners. Let us serve you. We always jii give the best of satisfaction. jj, • H 1 |5 GEO. J. SHAMBORA. I CI Lentz Building, South Centre Street. | V . i ! i © Useful Gifts Are Appreciated. ; A Carving Set, a Half-Dozen Knives and b Forks, Tea-Spoons or Table-Spoons will please jj fJR the whole family. Pretty assortments of each at -j W this store, besides many other equally useful articles for the home. From our very large j| xok Stocis: of Pine Hardware gjj} fjjk You can select something that will please your U vjo? friends. A useful gift will be appreciated all the jj fv/x year round. We have ladies', gents' and children's :l fj? skates from 40c up. We have the best makes of ' Ranges, Stoves, Heaters, Furnaces, Etc. I PLUMBING, SPOUTING AND 11 HATING. 5 0 Wm. Williamson, Washington and Front Sts. ij 110 l iclii y Points : jj Coata.—Ladies' and Miss- Underwear. —Ladies and ij es' Coats in latest styles. Gents, also Children, Sup- :[ Plush Capes from 85 to sls. plied with Woolen or Cotton 5! Our goods will lit you and Suits. Good quality and (, <<{& our liguros will please you. at very reasonable prices. :[ O Dress Goods.—lf you be- Celebrated "Union" Suits }j liovo we assert too much sold here. W Owhen we claim to carry the Blankets.—Muncy Blank- :f tinest lino in town, come ots, S3 to 310. Also Quilts. 5 kjtk and see for yourself. Our Comforts, Feathers, etc. wi\v stock of Cropons,Henriettas, .lewelry.—Very tine line jf Figure Poplins, etc., must of Ladies' Bracelets, Pins, }) be seen to bo appreciated. Brooches, Rings, Studs, etc. U My Gloves. Ladies', Misses' Good quality. No fancy V. Oaud Gents' Plain and Fur- prices asked. ' top Kid Gloves. A very Gents' Silk Mufllers and V. 0 pretty line for you to choose Handkerchiefs. Jj from. Lace and Embroidery. ;j ATOy Umbrellas. —We sell them Christmas Stories for the U from 49c up. Warranted Children. rj Silk, 81.75 to 85. Fancy Novelties. ! H 5 g| TDYYISriEXu GILL, | Centre Street. < © HSTear Trolley Car Terminus, j! H | 1 GILLESPIE & CURRY, ! W i CI DEALERS IN 1 || Choice and Fancy | Groceries and Provisions, $£ II CANNED GOODS, w jg WOOD, WILLOW AND TINWARE, Q FLOUR, FEED, TOBACCO. ETC. © WE IIA VE AT ALL TIMES A Complete Stock of Heintz' Pickled Goods. CI j|||) South Centre Street. | GILLESPIE & CURRY. w w7< EREELAND, PA., MONDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1593. f REAL © % I BARGAINS I I at the I | Star i ShoeStore. f i % t Our Large and Pretty Line of £ j Winter Footwear f © Is complete. it i| k j!< We make a specialty of 0 jj Ladies' Shoes. Here are some % $ of our offers: © 4 4 We will sell you Wm. Neely's Luz- 01 rn erne $2 Ladies' Shoe for $ 1.50 and we hL y guarantee every pair of them. tfJJ M We will sell you H. Leh &Co.'s Allen- r Yt jjil town Ladies' Fine $2.25 Shoe for 0 $1.75 and will guarantee every pair. Y We carry Twenty-three Different M Styles of Ladies' Shoes. xjr[ 'M We will sell you Men's Fine Dress •ii Shoes from 95c to $3.25. We have an extensive stock of Men's 0: M Box-Calf and Winter Russet Shoes. x(l [ft We have the Never-Rip School Shoes 0 vj for Boys and Youths. xtf Sj We have Mundell's Solar Tip Shoes 0 if, for Children. Youths and Misses—best vt [ft school shoe in the world. We carry full lines of the Best Gum vt Jp Boots, Felt Boots, Overshoes, Rubber 0- [') Goods, etc., at very low prices. xft [ft Shoes were never sold before at as 0 small a profit as we are selling them. I STAR - SHOE - STORE. C W § W Nothing But Shoes. Y Above the Postoffloe. W 0i Opposite Side of the Street. | Hugh Malloy, Prop. | © If you are looking for a Vft jn good, substantial 0j | Christmas - Present, | one to please the most fas- 0 •K tidious friend, call and i look over my line of new 01 | FURNITURE f I CARPETS. | j| The Finest Stock of oft © Fancy Rockers, o\, ' ( White and Gold Beds, i, © Couches, is Onyx Tables, k :5 . . 0 •h Parlor, Dining and T <SS © Bed-Room Suits, Chiffoneers, i Down Quilts, Curtains, M Blankets, Etc. 0 ijj Will be sold durintr the holiduys 0 ■ lower than the lowest. B | J. P. MCDONALD. | © Corner of CENTRE and SOUTH. 5 •; GROVER'S } CITY DRUG STORE i is where HOLIDAY PRESENTS | W are abundant. 0 | PRETTIEST j I NOVBtTIBS c I II TOWS, f | | Uf Our stock is too numerous to give a detailed t •n description of it. However, wo promise thut ( y we have just what you want in the line of £ w fancy goods. Very complete stock of crepe U !/i and tissue papers, toilet goods and toilet sup- A y plies. Very handsome and useful. | Patent Medicines of Every Kind. ! >J . o^-t, <£J?l <gp, rflgk gWU£ SLgk rfWtj I SKETCH OF A POPULAR CLUB. St II ° "> It 7 (0 ? °'ie of thc m " popular of the many social ijL Ji \lPj and other organizations which thrive In Free- Jnn. 1.3 laud Is the Tigers Athletic Club. Organized g-Q lT °" ''""" '■"• m "• ninc H '" l one-half years ago, 7 L) With the primary object of promoting ath '((s letles, principally base ball, in the town— VjjlV >l'A —but with the further object of advauclng ZJWJ >rM its members In all that might aid them in at- a \i)jZ tabling the higher ideals or manhood, regard- Ag i less of their walks in life—this club, by strict f i fttv adherence to several principles which are vLI? SWtk tersely expressed In the following article gJWj taken from its constitution, has steadily risen M my in prominence and respect In the community. Jy>C I' 3 The object of the club reads as follows: (£. 3 iT "The object of establishing this club Is to VIC? . i deveiope in our members a broader sense of ■ { g their duty toward their God, their country, f/iA o>>, themselves and their fcllowman, that the same gJVA .3 may have a tendency to promote more friendly fi. 3 iwl relations between all classes of people, and 'it, ■ 3 that by associating together wo will dlssemi- "3 'dv nato a spirit of brotherly lovo. good fellowship vLlv d/A and true manhood among our members, and £s®s, ff t§ advance their condition socially, morally and ® Intellectually. As a moans of attaining these Aim z/iVV ohjects the club shall establish and maintain p 3 rooms wherein the members and the public in UUP qzg, general can assemble and spend their leisure 'IA time with profit to themselves by the reading A A iith, "f good, sound, moral and Instructive iitcra- gfllh •J3 turo, by an interchange of views on matters s'■ § C Pertaining to tlie welfare of all and in the en- LLr "LLi joyment oi games and sports." '/IV ~ rhe "A". I .' perhaps, won most of its fame fe',3 Lo. through the work ot its members on the base gic Wjh ball diamond. It muiutaiued a ball club dur ,/.3 big its younger days whiob was a success so s',3 L„ far as ordinary base ball went, but with the "if 'l'll passing away of tlie older association of this (J'Li St town the Tigers saw their opportunity to ad- ?> , 3 LiC vanco the game to a higher lovel and thev LAST '"'A forthwiili made use of the same. P'Px ~,3 Early ill the spring of ISW the late Eckley I). A,3 ;Coxe agreed to give the club control of the 'LI Li Freciaud ball tnirk. after receiving satisfac- £"'LJ ■/(& tory assutnnoes that thekport would be con- W. 3 Li,, ducted in a broad and uplifting manner— iLL: Li which agreement was faithfully fulfilled L? "i 7.3 Without delay the ground was improved, fee? IK" fences, grand stand, etc., erected, new uni- ''if W£j forms and equipment procured for the plavers j? '£ ■Liw the whole requiring the outlay of a sum V,',,v iif amounting to SHU) for preparations alone. iiif " 'Li Tills action of the Tigers gave an impetus to g'i zYS? base ball in Freelatid. State league clubs W,3 Ai>, were tlioir principal opponents during the 'LJf ■"4 seasous of lW-ur.-#, with an occasional >Jp Eastern league tenia playing against thoin. Crowds catno from niilea around to witness ir '4 these games, and Frceland soon achieved a p l ' reputation as a base ball centre ami the home of has- ball players which still cllnirs 10 it. zix The Timers coutinuc<l to furnish a high R'b, {p grade of this sport until tin; public's appetite ? //( § Ja. i" that line had been suthdled. One of the 4 most signal successes was the game play- £F v/ b 7itf 0(1 " ero under their management on Septem- Lif her at', 1805, between Wilkesburre's Eastern ''if . 3 league team and Hozleton's State league club 71V third ola lo r the championship of Hy/p ■iy> the county. This wjs witnessed by thousands ii,; A of people, over 600 coming on special trains 7Lv trom the county seat alone. While base ball was their principal out-door amusement, it was not at any time allowed to p 1 $ '/iW overshadow the more important object of the V Club's existence. In 1801 the members leased 3 the Goepport building on Walnut street, and i VPS 5 i" a short wlnlo it was necessary to enlarge the quarters by tlie addition of another story. ■ A Here several of the members congregate ynj' nightly, surrounded by the loading daily i>>, papers and the best magazines, and few pluces 3 more pleasant and more conducive to young i 'ziC? men's welfare can bo found. Already the nucleus ol' a good library has been secured, A and within a short while several hundred £ 4 volumes from the best authors will hud a rest- *?//i\V Ing place in the rooms. 4 The club has occasionally held public enter- & talnments, the most iinporrant in that lino 'o/i\y being a lecture on "The American Citizen" by Dr. 1). .1. Stafford, of Washington, D. C., which f?T 4 <t cy was preceded by a musicalH of extraordinary Yyvi<y merit. On this occasion the entire clergy of 4 the region became the guests of the club.'und A a very large audience was present, notwith- Y7,\V jn standing the high prices of admission made • 3 necessary by the sum paid this noted orator. zikS 3 The club comes before the public twice a V/zivS' ■) i year. A ball Is held on Now Year's live and a A P cnic on May IK). An unbroken series of HUC- R' ' / A '/(£? oesses mark its record, from the date of the r/,i\? first bail to the present Mine. The Tigers have ■ A yet to meet their lirst failure, having, upon c A, every occasion, succeeded in accomplishing n;>i whatev-r the majority agreed to do. This can ■ A be attributed only to the intense loyalty of £ $ iLV tl,e members to the organization and to tho energetic spirit that is uwakened when action .o**, and united work becomes necessary. t? -a 7Vv New Year's Eve this year falling on Satur- v/'iW day, the annual ball—tho tenth-will bo held ,ok -,3 next Friday evening. The members expect fly this event to surpass all their previous sue- Y/.i^ cosses, and preparations are being made ac- X 3 cordlngly. Their decorations, heretofore a R ■ A fiLv feature, will have the aid this year of electrical pjnx effects. Practically the entire building hus A been leas<Ml, and the club will take charge on E A (tip Friday and remain in possession until the fol- TO. lowing Tuesday. In tho dance hall DePierro's -oA complete orchestra of eight pieces will supply f/jjy the music on frriduv night, while St. Ann's Parish band will do likewise on Saturday A in, - 3 and Monday evenings. fy'.A. (lip In numbers the club is not as strong as it rs/p OJh might be if the members desired more names zo>. on its rolls. Owing to the membership being £ 3 (([p limited discretion is necessarily exercised in 9JK electing applicants. However, any male of A good character, sixteen vears old or over, can r A (lip be proposed-race, religion, color or politics x/np 0?> being no bar to membership. A The roll of active members is as follows: £ '((jP Boyle, Bernard Gillespie, John viiP Boyle, Hugh, Jr. Hunion, Edwurd P. -o;. • 3 Boyle, John F. Houston, John t'hip Breslin, Hugh, Jr. Johnson, Condy J. vVlv om Brogan, John J. Kecnan, Bernard J. -o>. 3 Buckley, Daniel S. Malloy, Hugh, Jr. £'■ a UP Cannon, James J. McGroarty, John MiP Dever, Patrick McHugh, John K. 3 Dever, Roger McMeuamiii, Hugh A. Doggett, George McMenamin, John J. voCr SWX Ferry, James McTighe, Patrick B. 3 Ferry, Juines U. O'Donnell, Andrew {? A Uiy Gallagher, Charles O'Neill, John HtP om Oallugher, Charles J. Uuigley, Jauios B. 3 Gallagher, James M. HI ley, Andrew £ A UIP Gallagher, John Tiinony, James viP Sim Gallagher, Peter D. Welsh, James g Gallagher, Peter G. Welsh, Thomas c % '((\p Another roll is maintained, known as the HIP Sgh. honorary list, comprising active members rsim d who are temporarily or permanently absent, t-3 lib,y The honorary 101 l contains the names of the HiP om following, with thoir residences on the Ist Inst: rom :* 3 Boyle, Manns, Bayonne City, N. J. c A Boyle, Michael P.. Kingston. JL/A Breunan, John. Philadelphia. KIIK 3 Breslin. Patrick J., Bayonne City, N. J. c: Broderick, Matthew, Villanova. Ul\P JTIXH Burns, James. Fortress Monroe, Va. Kim 3 Carey, Joseph P., Trenton, N. J. P Uiy Cunningham, William F., Weathorly. r (nP Sim Doggett, William, Allegheny City. Aim ; 3 Dugan, Edward, New York City. £ h $ <liP Gaffney, Edward J., Worcestor, Mass. V(Lv Gallagher, Bernard, Sun Francisco, Cnl. A1 m 3 Gallagher, Edward F., East Hartford, Conn, p 3 ftiv Gallagher, William F.. Bavonno City, N. J. HiP Sim Harvey, James, I'hiladelphia. Aim I 3 Herrou, James, South Bethlehem. P A Houston, Peter, MeAdoo. c (iiP McCafferty, Eugene, Manayunk, Phil i. Aim : 3 MeFadden, Bernard, Villanova. £ 3 -fAv McGarvey, John J., Gallitziu. HliP m McGill, Michael J., Park City, Utnh. 3 McGowan, Philip, Koxborough, Phila. 3 W McKinley, Janus. New York City. *a\p McTighe, Daniel J., Ottawa, Canada. <iiy O'Donnell, Maurice, Bayonne City, N. J. <<tiP O'Donnell. Patrick, Hazlcton. * Hliy Heed. James, Scranton. Trimble, John, Elizabeth, N. J. W w f ccusr <(o<F ''ax? cai& '<l±P '• Cais? Hlis? Vi}o % Have YOU Selected | YOUR I CHRISTMAS mm? I If not, don't forget that ? we have some good ones at | bottom prices. This is a cut of I Our $1.97 Reed Rocker. I \ ■ I ? A Sideboard makes a ) nice present. Yon can't i! put it in their stocking. | i A Bed-Room Suite won't ? go in either, bu tit makes a -:j ) nice gift all the same. ' f v Wo have thorn and wo want, to sell •] 5 them. Come and see all the other good V ( r things we have. ( [ F. H. ALBERT, Centre Street. ? I REFOWICH, I ) ' id k i;( ? FreelancL's ;i ' . f ) New Merchant !j; IF Tailor, | J ) Clothier and i| ) \ L Gents' Furnisher. ■; ) j ? First-Class :{ i! b Cutter Engaged. ill ; f Two Doors above the t| $ ' w 'i H ear Well Shoe House. | \ | \ Ladies' Hats Reduced. ? I Special reduction in Hats and Hat W Trimmings until January 1 in rfj Mrs. Mathers' Millinery Depart- m ment. For the holidays this store coutains a bewildering ;! variety of 1 i! 1 i USEFUL AND FANCY GOODS. ! , f * Christmas Cards, - - lc up. .1 i V. y Pretty 1899 Calendars, 15c up. b -j Thousands of neat and handsome articles, n all very cheap when quality is considered. Vi Everything is new, seasonable and of the very latest design. Ladies* goods of every descrip- || tion. Come and spend a pleasant hour or two * 3 viewing this stock. b i l MRS. MATHERS. \ | CENTUE STREET. j| j Standard Patterns Reduced, jj ptyb r r u cris? | John Shigo >| | Cheapest Shirts in Town. © l|j Bole agent lor Globe Brand. till I i fclflr- l i'iM © X 11|| 1 ' V- Laundered Shirts : J j hnjiJi; j Sjf jjj Regular Price, | I , I!! I ' i'i il 50c, 75c and sl. j j |U| ' j | I Q w Come and Learn My Price. jjJjll j j jj j jj'l •;j Very large line of Furnishings. jpvv ' |j|! j • ( j' Hats from $1 up. lilies I ' j/; jl j /Sib, T Woolen and Kid Gloves. ill 11111 il ijArifX 1111 l 1 (■' Comforts, $1 up. g } h ¥ W !k Shoes for everybody at rock bottom prices. W }J Never-Rips sold for $1.25. Agent for Hay's jif Patent Warm Boot. The greatest idea of the W W century. Come and see tliem. Felts. $ 1.05 up. j(j Overs, Rubbers, Etc. Special line of Ladies' •jj Shoes. When you want to save money buy at ; ! i ilj John Shigo's, South Centre St. $ _ _ © | Only Reliable Groceries 8 •! ® SOLD libT OTXI2 STORE. ? <>A i| it jjf This old-established firm invites you to give £JI ,j them a trial when placing your orders for groceries, An j provisions, etc., for the holidays. Their reputation / is a guarantee of the tpiality of their stock. Every ?. thing kept in a first-class store will be found here. va? r © I S. WENNER & SONS. Il I 9 ji CORNER of Centre and Luzerne Streets, f - $ || j LADIES' COATS AT 12. 8 I 0 | Owing to the lateness of the season | Ladies' and Misses' Winter Coats, v,J? :|j Capes and- Cloaks have been largely €"|} | Reduced in Price. Would like to close Aa | them out before the new year and will v<J? jj sell at lowest possible figures. I have | some excellent bargains in this line. 0% I r ' lL^ I HOLIDAY GOODS S a W Jj Of the newest designs can be seen here in £ v % (V profusion. The usual low prices of the store gfrf. jj. continue to prevail this season. Large piles £J} ® of pretty and handsome goods on every side. A>x a Let me quote you figures before you purchase. %0 I HH if Mrs. R. Thompson, Centre St. X s X I Watch loir Pennies. I | The frugal persons always watch the §J|l jj pennies, the dollars are being credited with AL | taking care of themselves. At any rate they v t A ■| do at this store, where the purchasing power is | greater than ever before. We have the goods. Aa ;S They are yours for the asking. I ° m | OUR STOCK OF STOVES AND RANGES Q il Easily leads all others in quantity, and if where can the Apolla or the Wyoming Dock D Ash be beat in quality? Our heaters give Y*)f •jj comfort to hundreds of families these cold f | X wintry days. Buy yourself one of them for ;$! V a Holiday Present and you will never regret it. %0 i m | LET NO ONE PERSUADE YOU || il TO •jj That they sell cheaper than the Original e A Sj Birkbeck Store. We lead in everything we A>. jj- carry. Come and examine our great establish- £Ji lit ment. Our Lamp Display alone is worth a gvn jjf visit from any part of the region. 1 © j William Birkbeck, Birkbeck Brick. © il 0 r r<,}g TriA coA 7ru>? ' r ctA r asP l aiig 81.50 PER YEAR
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers