FREE LAND TRIBUNE. VOL. XT. NO. 50. £ c,7> i sy'i 8 YOU CANT i e i BGO ASTRAY ! ■r®y o I 0 J W When you buy your lioliday groceries |j £ from us. Not a "fake" article in the ';( %i 0 whole store. We have a very complete •) £Vh stock of groceries, provisions, dry goods, .j Jjl? canned goods, etc., making an excellent ji £ assortment to select from for your holiday i; dinners. Let us serve you. We always |j if/-J} give the beet of satisfaction. |l ® | C'l 1 1:5 GEO. J. SHAMBORA. -f if w kj © Lentz Building, South Centre Street. | F/'i i w _ 1 © jjj © Useful Gifts Are Appreciated. it © I A Carving Set, a Half-Dozen Knives and jjl G'Y Forks, Tea-Spoons or Table-Spoons will please "1 Jjjjh 'he whole family. Pretty assortments of each at Sj r r( this store, besides many other equally useful articles y g\i>. for the home. From our very large kj k' Steele of Fins Ilardwars j| You can select something that will please your kj friends. A useful gift will he appreciated all the |j gppj year round. We have ladies', gents' and children's j| vftY skates from 40c up. We have the best makes of w Ranges, Stoves, Heaters, Furnaces, Etc. i< PLUMBING, SPOUTING AND IIBATING. ' © Wm. Williamson, Washington and Front Sts. ;ji Jk "* ------ I I| Hoi Iday Points : j! NI?A Coats.—Ladies' and Miss- Underwear.—Ladies and \[\ g: 3 es' Coats In latest stylos. Gents, also * Children, Sup- lb ilk I'lush Capes from $5 to sls. plied with Woolen or Cotton 5 £ © Our goods will lit you and Suits. Good quality and ij vtiv our figures will pleaso you. at very reasonable prices. ijj Dross Goods.—lf you be- Celebrated "Union" Suits .! mly lievo wo assert too much sold here. W when we claim to carry the Blankets.—Muncy Blank- '1 Y(/J? finest line in town, eoino ots, s.'i to $lO. Also Quilts. 5j eQJH and see for yourself. Our Comforts, Feathers, etc. \j £ A stock of Crepons,Henriettas, .iowelry.—Very lino lino Figure Poplins, etc., must of Ladies 1 Bracelets. Pins, Jlj ( uty Gloves.—Ladies', Misses' Good quality. No fancy .(j and Gents' Plain and Fur- prices asked, fytv to P A'id Gloves. A very Gents' Silk Mulders and W pretty line for you to choose llandkerchiefs. *M from. Lace and Embroidery. .!' Umbrellas.—We soil tliein Christmas Stories for the i,! £ i from P.c up. Warranted Children. L Silk, $1.75 to $5. Fancy Novelties. ' M TDAVTSriTUIIL. GILL, j Centre Street. i' l w : GJ USTear Trolley Oar Terminns. i} """ J | 1 GILLESPIE & CURRY. 1 W | f© • DBA LB lis IN It H } Choice and Fancy : w i I Groceries and Provisions,j W? 1 [ m i II CANNED GOODS, i © i! i WOOD, WILLOW AND TINWARE, i W i ! © FLOUR. FEED, TOBACCO, ETC. j 0> > > ' i WB IIA VE AT ALL TIMES A j £'% ! Cempleie Stock of Heintz' Pickled Goods. ' o I South Centre Street. ( r\ ! o Gl LLESPIE & CURRY. I w 1 i? 1 V-L eph j i i i5 ,177 i < <ily r iix? ERE ELAND, PA., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1898. REAL X 'j? I BARGAINS S at the Nlfti S Star i Shoe i Store, f jfi Our Large and Pretty Line of F 7 "i i Winter Footwear 8 t! v i kit Is complete. %, it We make a specialty of ■jj Ladioff Shoes. Hero are some t of our offers: d We will sell you Wm. Neely's Luz ■Jj erne $2 Ladies' Shoe for $ 1.50 and we H* guarantee every pair of them. rfs^> W We will sell you H. Leh & Co.'s Allen- r ai^ [(< town Ladies' Fine $2.25 Shoe for .jj $1.75 and will guarantee every pair. VA? Y We carry Twenty-three Different i',( Styles of Ladies' Shoes. We will sell you Men's Fine Dress •jj Shoes from 95c to $3.25. t • We have an extensive stock of Men's it Box-Calf and Winter Russet Shoos. VdY W We have tlie Never-Rip School Shoes ■jj for Boys and Youths. fyoi? T We have Mnndell's Solar Tip Shoes i,t for Children, Youths and Misses-best ja school shoe in the world. ■jj We carry full lines of the Best Gum Vi l kp Boots, Felt Boots, Overshoes, Rubber jj| Goods, etc., at very low prices. :(( Shoes were never sold before at as small a profit as we are selling them. T 4 STAR - SHOE - STORE. W i|. " 717 i | Nothing But Shoes. 4 Above the Postoniuu. 'fdv ;|( c -ob. '!• Opposite Side of the Street. E- it If |j Hugh Malloy, Prop. | | v..., m|- ij( If you are looking for a good, substantial || Christmas - Present, || ijl - one to please the most fas- Splb, ■j tidious friend, call and Nie? 7 look over my line of new k!'. W I FURNITURE Q | CARPETS. K I) llle I'inest Stock of -f'N R b y. Fancy Rockers, 0^ White and Gold Beds, SJY l'( | i !/ Couches, ''if is Onyx Tables, %iiv ill . Parlor, Dining and y . xsife j! Bed-Room Suits, i!< Chiffoneers, p' % ;(i w I Down Quilts, Curtains, ll W Blankets, Etc. II Will be sold (luring the holidays •jj lower than the lowest. it J. P. Mcdonald. Jl vJ %i 0 Corner of CENTRE und SOUTH. ii " ' I GROVER'S II | CITY DRUG STORE 6 7 M Is where I HOLIDAY PRESENTS ft |j> Yd? it are abumlant. ? 777 i •J) w I flllWll'Lli IBS IN TftWN 5 t c<? W Our stock is too numerous to trive a detailed •jj description of it. However, we promise that v we have just what you want in the line of W fancy goods. Very complete stock of crepe vA? '.u and tissuo papers, toilet goods und toilet sup plies. Very huudsome und useful. kjl 0>l | Patent Medicines of Every Kind, M Vti? 'y ti? ii?' i.'U? ltd? 'ye? Vt? %? M) 7> g gVh £ is? flu:? W ? %.<? ? ab? I &£ i News and Notes. |$ 3. ,g^>>, 300 o E 8 y %L^ | Paragraphs of Local and General © | Interest Gathered from All © | Parts for Readers f'% y ~ J, r, W i o This Paper. >. O O O <£s% 3 P * a. Biittorwiok, .f pn Arjrylo, called ? on relatives hero on Tuesday. fyjr ij T. J. Dickinson, of Hazleton, has £f!% r boon granted a patent on a key-fastener, i The fair of the Young Men's Corps at the (irand opera house will he open to -5 morrow evening. P- r n <<%£? llaz'oton's opera house stockholders xs)px y received their semi-annual *J per cent tyj? >j dividend this week. cS^i y It is reported that the brick works at | Pond ('reek will he considerably en -7 lurged in the near future. p Rev. H. A. I. Bonner, of Ailentown. tj formerly pastor of St. John's Reformed Apty r church, was a visitor here this week. The Donovan Comedy Company, which played "Dewey's Reception" at liazlo.- !i ton Saturday evening, is stranded in that city. W h t xni;A ■? John Vanßlargen began work in P, tj Oneida saw-mill on Monday. A few ApA r moments later lie got too close to a buzz-saw and lost his left hand r A consignment of colored electric light m&m globes has been received by the Electric r Light Company for use at the hall of the i Tigers Athletic Club on the 3l)th Inst. tj Tamarpift's boom has been further In- Jcp>> p creased by the resumption of work at jj the Vulcan Iron Works. Sixty men g)px r were given cnployniont by this industry. %)J? ■j Mr. Edmund Coxe is very ill at the r home of liis mother, Mrs, Brinton Coxe, J on Spruce street. It is feared that ' pneumonia may dovelopc.— Philadelphia j Prats. a. r HiiP The young men of Oakdale opened xS)px r their new club house last evening with ?^ tL^ appropriate exorcises. Rev. Snyder, r<V>> t of Jeddo, delivered the address of the > evening. xOJA r Mrs. Elizabeth Bartels, aged 58 years, r <i\& j was found dead on the door steps of her r home in Cranberry on Tuesday. Death ■ was due to exposure. The woman was ( addicted to the use of intoxicants. ' The Citizens' Hose Company's annual l fai* will commence in Valines' opora p house on January 21 and close with a I, grand ball on January 30. Comm ttees t arc at work preparing for the fair. 'i Harry McElvain, of Mauch Chunk, a brakeman on the Central Railroad, was c<^ 3 struck by an overhead bridge at Eliza- g i belli, N. J., and severely injured. He J was taken to a hospital in that city. ') McAdoo Sifting*, which was one of r the freaks in Pennsylvania's newspaper vfiv \ world, has turned up its toes. The plant lias been taken to Tamatpia, where r <L(P j a now paper, the Register, is published. , Pottsvllle's Board of Trade, after a j? lengthy mooting, decided to opposo the new county scheme as soon as It appears i in the next legislature. The Board is W ij composed of several fossilized money- fp'b. ? bags. % L j! !j The verdict of the coroner's jury in * the Lehigh Valley Railroad wreck In 'i vestlgation, In which six lives were lost ' near Warrior Hun. Is that the disaster 'i was due to wet tracks and the refusal r of the air brakes to work. >j jgTA ? Executions for sunn have been Issued against Milo E. Miller, Hiram V. Kuo ? bier and Otto Knaake, trading as tho >j Mt. I'lsgah Shoe Company. The lirni Is ? composed of young men of Mauch %lio tj Chunk, and was organized seven mouths ? ago. 'i Two Lehigh Valley freight trains J" met on the mountain cutoff on Tuesday. "t'Jy 3 A caboose was smashed, and Conductor p ) Joseph Mackln and lirakeman Frank i Itrady, of Wilkesharre, were injured, , the former fatally and the latter seri ? y I'laia Speaker, a Republican candidate i, for poor director, l'hillp J. Hoyle. of ? Hazleton, advocates an amendment of i} the poor districts law, so as to have two y directors elected in the Luzerne section 'fttv of the district. ? %iS j St. Patrick s hand will make a tour of § the region on Saturday to advertise the j entertainment of that evening. Seats xi/yi y for the same are selling rapidly at >j Woodring's. The low prices of admission y and the excellent program ought to i Insure the band a large house. f If you have an absent relative or 3 friend you cannot send a Christmas p 'i tJ present that will be more highly appro- Jjjj; elated than a year's subscription to tho p 3 Tiiiitc.NE. Every one of tho 104 issues y in the year will cause the absent one to i, remember your thoughtfulness. Kpr, 'iso r< a.iP Voi? ' r z<c? f His' 'f U& r e(u0 r klCo , Have YOU Selected W ? i!i L YOUR i;( > tiisins fiirrsT} , // not, don't forged theft !jj y we have some getoel ones at 3 bottom prices. This is a -j; ' cut of lj 3 p i Our $1.97 Reed Rocker. i • !' ■ t Sideboard makes a Jj ! nice present. Yon can't f , put it in their stocking. ill llt A Bed-Room Suite won't -|j go in either, but it makes a -j I nice gift all the same. We have tlicin and we want to sell ?i' ' tliem. Come ami see all the other good V' things wc have. L : F. H. ALBERT, Centre Street, I ! ij| I REFOWICH, ! i iH ill Preeland's a | i New Merchant y Tailor, | | Clothier and ® I il Gents' Furnisher. 1 I l ' First-Class I if . Cutter Engaged. ijl ill Two Doors above the „ . il i II ear II ell Shoe House. i i; ' Ladies' Hats Reduced. I i ii j Special reduction in Hats and Hat Trimmings until January 1 in j'jj | Mrs. Mathers' Millinery Depart ment. For the holidays this -u \ store eontains a bewildering variety of V* } ill S USEFUL AND FANCY GOODS. ! t! } i< Christmas Cards, - - lc up. .I,' , t! 1 Pretty 1899 Calendars, 150 up. jjj I 'Ji Thousands of iiout anil hundsome articles, J all very cheap when quality is considered. t. r Bvorything is new, seasonable and of the very i latest design. Ladies'goods of every desorip- t ion. Come and spend a pleasant hour or two j/jj } viewing this stock. $ ; MRS. MATHERS. I ill 3 CENTRE STREET. ,4 3 I ; Standard Patterns Reduced, '§ 'uai? ak? <((0 r, <uo i? rf Hig *Vii c^ ;> i ©'-'i;? DA DADAD ADAD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD ADA D ~>m John Shigo M Cheapest Shiris in Town. £1 Polo agent i'ur Qlobe liruiid. i i iTPFi ' Ai^ i i!li ! 1 1 1 .. ; M Laundered Shirts : I; ' ' I Iw, Regular Price, |! ! |! ! : !| 4,D ' 111 | <: 1 1 11 I p i JSWX I 50c, 75c and sl. L l!;)|i| j ,-i I iji-| %J Come and Learn My Price. Jj'l .il'jii .liill i A DA m Pii. l Ai "fA 'f Very large, line of Furnishings. pk i 1 // Hats from $1 up. iMil' ll ! Ijiifd1 1 1 Woolen and Kid Gloves. ill I: I ■:! Kfcfrb- illil %D Comforts, $1 up. V/ DA ! AD oWi Shoes for everybody at rock bottom prices. AD Never-Rips sold for #1.86. Agent for Hay's DA Patent Warm Boot. The greatest idea of the AD century. Come and see them. Felts. $1.05 up. DA Overs, Rubbers, Etc. Special line of Ladies' Shoes. \V hen you want to save money buy at C i John Shigo's, South Centre St. %D O Only Reiiabie Groceries 2 AD SOLID XI>T OILR STORE. AD ,CW> § <?iD ai;). This old-established firm invites you to give them a trial when placing your orders for groceries, At. provisions, etc., for the holidays. Their reputation %D is a guarantee of the quality' of their stock. Every- DA thing kept in a first-class store will be found here. AD AD S. WENNER & SONS. © AD CORNER of Centre and Luzerne Streets. © ~ DA LADIES' COATS AT $2. © DA Owing to the lateness of the season Ladies' and, Misses' It'inter Coats, <aD \ Capes an<l Cloaks have been largely £A Reduced in Price. Would, tike to dose \ them out before the new year and will AD I sell at lowest possible //guars. I have A-A some excellent bargains in this line. HOLIDAY GOODS f| A'D Of the newest designs can be seen here in DA profusion. The usual low prices of the store iW continue to prevail this season. Large piles | of pretty and handsome goods on every side. 'A; Let me ipiote you figures before you purchase. AD DA Mrs. R. Thompson, Centre St. A Watcl Yonr Pais. 8 A)J. AD ■ The frugal persons always watch the pennies, the dollars are being credited with DA taking care of themselves. At any rate they AD do at this store, where the purchasing power is £j} greater than ever before. We bave the goods. DA They are yours for the asking. AD DA AD OUR STOCK OF STOVES AND RANGES © D'g Easily leads all others in quantity, and AD where can the Apolla or the Wyoming Dock DA Ash be beat in quality? Our heaters give r<, < comfort to hundreds of families these cold f2} wintry days. Buy yourself one of them for 2jg[ a Holiday Present and you will never regret it. ( Jl i% LET NO ONE PERSUADE YOU DA AD That they sell cheaper than the Original £ % Birkbeck Store. We lead in everything we carry. Come and examine our great establish- ment. Our Lamp Display alone is wortli a yW visit from any part of the region. AD DA AD William Birkbeck, Birkbeck Brick. Q Q 'L^ 5 r a tY r< a w t<i& ( a£ r (cL\& r <ftjS? 1 $1.50 PER YEAR.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers