EVERY MAN ! J Ought to have two ovos open when he L ] is awake and only one eye closed f A when he is asleep. ] It's the man with his eyes open—the A wide-awake man. as we cull him—who L> ] sees the opportunities ot' life; sees ( <J them and seizes them, nothing es- >, I capes him. A The sleepy Man walks down the street 1 and sees onlv u number of stores, all , A somewh t alike. Hi' fails to become k ' impressed. A On the other hand the Wide Awake Man L ] notices the air of business about our A et :ibli<limeut. The goods eatch his L. ] eye, he prices them, he buys and ho <J gets a bargain. He has made money, ►, I ] No wide-awake man passes our store. A It is always attractive—something ►> j j new every week. Our stock of 1 CLOTHING, j' I HATS, CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS, ' j SHOES .".1 RUBBERS f 'x is worth seeing. / Philadelphia IONE-PRICE; ( Clothing House, j Birkbeck Brick, Freeland. [ i'i There Is No Gift )• So Much Welcomed by Lady or Gent as a © WATCH i;( We have them in Solid Gold, j Filled and Silver, with Elgin | ;;j Movements. All sizes and new j • j ist patterns at prices that will •)' surprise you. it Conic. look at our stock. We have |l something that will suit you. j'j BUTTERWICK'S ■ ( Jewelry Store. •i| Corner C'eutrc and Front Streets, jj Watch Repairing a Specialty. £MIAS. OltlOX STlioll, Attorney and Counselor at Law and Notary Public. < illice: Rooms 1 and:.', Hirkbcck Rrick. Freeland JHX M. CAKU, Attorney-at-Law. All legal business promptly attended. Postolllcu Building, ... Freeland. QKOUGE MCLAUGHLIN, Attorney-at-Law. Legal Uusi/iess of Any Description. Urennan's Ihiildiug, Ho. Centre St., Freeland. A. BUCKLEY, Justice of the Peace. .'l/1 lnmincs yicen prompt attention. Tribune Building, - . Main Street. s. E. IIAYES, Fire Insurance Agent. Washington Street. None but lieliahle Companies Represented N. MALI-IT, DENTIST. OVER BIHKBECK'S STOKE, Si-. on.l Fliiur. - ■ Hlrkbeuk Drink. "• ROLLRUACH, General Hardware. liuilders' supplies of every kind always in stock. Wall paper, paints, ami tinware, bicy cles and repairs of all sorts. Houtli Centre street. Candies! Candies! Candies! Nothing Is more appropriate for a Christmas PRESENT than a II OF SELECTED Mill Suitable for your sweetheart, your mother, your sister, your brot her, your friends or your neighbors at reduced prices DURING THE HOLIDAYS ONLY. We have tons and tons of UPtAi-e Caaad.y, at greatly reduced rates. 10-Cent Candy is now sold: 1 lb 8c 2 lb 15c 5 lb 35c 15-Csnt Candy is now gold: 1 lb 13c 2 lb ; 23c I 5 lb 50c Give Us Your Orders if you want the BEST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES. Churches Supplied with their CHRISTMAS CANDY at Extra Lotv T2ates.! Call upon us before placing your order, as we make special prices for churches and give you No. 1 goods. Hoxes furnished free. Karkampasies & Karampas, 83 Centre Street, Freeland. l'Klil.L.VMi> LEADING CONFECTIONEItH i OPENING OF THE FAIR, j The annual fair held under the aus- ! pices of the Young Men's C. T. A. 11. Corps opened on Saturday evening on the third floor of the Grand opera bouse building. The opening night was fairly i successful, quite a large number of peo ple attending and apparently enjoying ! their visit. Both of the large rooms on tlie third j floor are occupied by the fair and many j handsome and useful articles arc dis played. Among them are a modern, \ ( high-class range, a bed-room suite, sev- : cral rockers and easy chairs, paintings, j line works of art, silverware, household : ornaments, etc. A number of selections will be played nightly by St. Patrick's band. The proceeds of the annual fairs are ; j applied towards cancelling the debt in- ' curred by the Young Men's Corps in | erecting and equipping the opera house ( building, and with such an object in | view it deserves the hearty support of ' | all tho people who take pride in the I town. j Few places the sizo of Freeland have j as fine an opera house as this, and as ' j I the cost of its construction and fitting : I up has been groat those who took thai risk ought to bo aided as largely as 1 possible in return for their efforts to ad vance the town. The Corps, in spite of conditions of the past few years, reduced its indebted- , ness considerable. There is yet, how- I ever, quite a sum owed, but with the continued help of the public all tin* I claims against the building will be j ' liquidated in a short while. . The fair will be open on Monday. Wednesday and Friday evenings. Hishop'a Council Chosen. The annual conference of the priests of the Scrauton diocese was held at Scranton on Thursday. The principal j business that came before them was the selection of members of the bishop's j council, which consists of six clergy mop. Three were appointed by the bishop and three by the priests. Bishop O'llara was present, but owing to his advanced j age, his coadjutor, Bishop Hoban, pre sided at the meeting. Bishop O'Hara's appointees as mem bers of the council are: lit. Rev. Bishop Hoban, Ilev. E. A. Garvey, V. F., of Williamsport, and Very Rev. P. C. Nagel. V. F., of Wilkesbarre. The three chosen by the priests are: Rev P. I. Mc- < Manus, of Green Ridge: Rev. Thomas V. fviennan, of Parsons, and Rev. M. F. Crane, of Avoca. All other officers cf tli© diocese were continued. Among I ! them arc Very Rev. Father Finnen, of Pittston, vicar general; Rev. Thomas F. Coffey, of C'arbondale, seerotary and : chancellor; defensor matrimonii, Rev. .1. P. O'Malley, Kingston; promoter fiscal!?, Rev. P. F. Brodcrick, Susquehanna. The pastors were instructed to trans mit to the bishop deeds of all real estate owned by their parishes. A rule was promulgated providing that no pastor shall incur a debt exceeding SSOO with out the consent of the bishop. Atten tion was also called to the fact that it is j contrary for a pastor or other trusters of church property to mortgage it with out the consent of the congregation. There is also a board of examiners, whose duty it is to examine in theology priests who have been serving less than fivo years, and a board to examine teach- i ers in the Catholic schools. Each of J those boards consists of five members. CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. ■ QIIEKIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of O Fl. Fa., issued out of the court of common | picas of Luzerne county, there will be exposed to public stile on SATURDAY, JANUARY 7, I 1801*, at 10 o'clock a. in., in the arbitration room, at the courthouse, wilkesbarre. I'a., AH the right, title and Interest of the defend ant in and to the following described pieces, parcels and tracts of land, viz: All that certain lot or piece of land, situate in the borough of West Hazletou, Luzerne 1 county, Pennsylvania, being lot marked nuiu- ' ber nine (9), in square number forty-live (45), I on the plot or plan of said West Huzlcton, bounded und described as follows, to wit: I ISegiuning at a point on the west side of j ! Warren street, a distance of forty (40) feet southward from the southwest corner of War ren street and Monroe avenue; thence extend- I ing southwardly along said Warren street for a distance of forty (40) feet to corner of lot number eight (8); thence westwardly along north line of said lot number eight (8) for u : distance of one hundred and fifty (150) feet to j Wayne street; thence nortbwurrlly along said Wayne street for a distance of forty (40) feet to corner of lot number ton (10); tie nee east- I wardly along south line of said lot number ten ; (10) for n distance of one hundred and fifty (150) feet to the place of beginnimr. Second piece. All that certain lot or piece i of land Hituutc In the Green View Addition 1 to the borough of West Ilazleton, I.uzcnie county, Pennsylvania, being lot marked num ber seven (7), In square number four (4>. on the plan of said Green View, bounded and dcscrih j ed as follows, to-wit: I Beginning at a point on the south side of Green street, on line of lot number six ( b; thence westwardly along said Green street for'y-flve (45) feet; thence south one hundred and thirty-three (188) feet to spruce alley; ; thence east along said Spruce alloy foity-tive i '45) feet; thence north ono hundred and tlrrty t hro6 (13:1) foot to the place of beginning. Late the estate of the defendant named in said writ with the appurtenances. Seized and taken into execution at tie suit of Henry Martin vs. Mrs. Anna Kress. James M. rtin, sheriff. Frank Needham, attorney. r |K> WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. The uii -1 'lersigned have this day purchased from Michael Halpin all his stock and fixtures, con . Misting of wagons, buggies, sleighs, lumber, j tools,!run,and all articles now on the premises. Pine street, Freeland, Pa. The business will in future IK carried on as the Halpin Munu facf ll ring Company* M. Halpin will be retain ed us manager, to whom nil payment for work done will be made, and all bills for labor and ! j material will bo paid by him for us. James McCollura. ' James Broguu. I Freeland. PH., December 18, JH9H. I LjXHt RENT. A large, well located store \ P room; rates very rens -liable; immediate possession given. 11. M. Rrcslin, Mouth Centre j street, Freeland. I $1.50 a year is all the Tribune costs. I Entertainment Program. The following is the program to be rendered at the Christmas Eve cnter i tainment under the auspices of St. Pat rick's band at the Grand opera house: Opening address by George MeLaugh - ; lin, Esq. ' Overture, "Fra Diavolo," by the band. I'ART FIRST. 1. Comic songs by Messrs. Brennan and Brady. 2. Dumb bell drill by Parochial School Children. 3. Selection by Prof. A. P. Mayberry's Choir. 4. Recitation by Miss Lizzie Furey. 5. Tenor solo by Mr. John Price. fi. Buck and reel dancing by Mr. Con McElhenny. 7. Vocal duet by the Misses Boyle. 8. Paul Midgets—James and Charles— in a boxing bout. PART SECOND. 1. Selections by Miss Emily Florence MaglTire, elocutionist, of Philadelphia. 2. Vocal selections by Davis Quartette. 3. Vocal solo by Mr. William Williams. 4. Recitation by Mr. Patrick Dover. 5. Vocal solo by Mr. Robert Jenkins. 0. Clarionet trio by Masters Leo and Emmet McDonald and Edward Johnson. 7. Song by Mr. Leonard Boczkowski. 8. Vocal duet by Messrs. Price and Williams. U. Sparring exhibition by Professors Lynch and Sheridan. Reserved seat tickets will be placed on sale today at Woodrlng's store. Patronize Local Merchants. From now on the holiday business in Freeland will be brisk. Show windows have been decorated and the stores of the local merchants present a bower of beauty. There is no necessity of going out of town to make your purchases. The local merchants, especially those whose announcements appear in these columns, deserve their full share of public patronage. Besides, gifts bought of home dealers have a double value, in i that thoy make friends happy and the money expended here goes into circula tion and may make many of your neigh bors happy, i Our local merchants always endeavor and generally succeed in buying the best in the market, and the prices de manded are as low as in the cities. Scan the advertising columns of the TRIBUNE before starting out on your shopping tour, and you will save both time and money. i Accidents In Anthracite Mines. Mine Inspector W. 11. Davies' report of tlie mine accidents in this district , has been completed. There were 1)8 accidents during the year ending November 30 last, of which 71 were non-fatal and 27 were fatal, leaving 10 widows and 30 orphans. Of the 27 killed the nationalities of the men were: Irish, 8; Hungarian. 0; American, 5; German, 3; Polish, 2; Austrian, 2; un known, 1. Advance information given by the sevo ral inpectors of the anthracite re gion show that for tlio twelve months ending November 30 tiler, were 1,407 j accidents, of which 377 were fatal, leav -1 ing 204 widows and H7O orphans. Luzerne County Honored. Captain Ambroso Higgius, of Wilkes barre. has the honor of commanding the | lirst company, of the army of occupu ; tion in Cuba, to land in that island. !lc is captain of the Fifteenth Pennsylvania Signal Corps, which, with the Two Hun dred and Second Now York Infantry, was the lirst body of troops to reach there. Captain Iliggins' company was , recruited principally In Philadelphia, 1 from Pennsylvania university students. 'of which lie was also one. He is well I known by many here, and old Luzerne I is certainly honored by tho distinction ! thus conferred on him. liiktriictivt) Temperance Lecture. | Ilcv. B. J. Dover delivered an enter taining lecture at the opera houso last evening. He treated tho temperance question in a now manner, giving rea -1 sons in abundance why man, for his own benefit, should abstain from the use of intoxicants. Father Dover spoke fully three-quarters of an hour and was lis | tened to with interest by tho large aud ! ience. A musical program was given j before tho lecture. Attorney J. J. Mc- Brierty presided and delivered a pleasant address at the opening. SIOO lie ward, SIOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one | dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that i i catarrh. Hall's catarrh cure is the onlv positive cure now known to the medical iratcrnity. Catarrh beiug a constitu tional diseaso requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is take \ internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the sysien . thereby destroying the foundation ( the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its won;. The proprietors have so much faith i:i its curative powers, that they offer n- L und red dollars for any case that it fa> s to cure. Bend for list of testimonials Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Cirsoid by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. OABTORIA. Bears the yj Kind You Have Always Bought CABTOIIIA. Bear. th. _ )h8 Kind You Have Always Boup.M OASTOniA, Bar. the The Kind You Have Always Bought Saved a Tramp's Life. Rernard Riley is tho name of a wan- i doring gentleman who owns his lifo to j tlio kind treatment given him by the j men working at the top of No. T slope. Upper Lehigh. Last Wednesday morn- i ing he passed the wash-shanty" at the slope, headed for Freeland, and burdened j with an unusually large "load" for a man to carry at that time of day. An hour later he was found some distance ; from the shanty. lie was brought back. I and notwithstanding all the efforts made to revive him he continued in an uncon scious state for thirty-two hours. The employes did what they could for the unfortunate, finally calling l)r. Cloud to their aid, who brought him back to his senses. Later he was visited by Dr. Nealo, and the man was made as comfortable as the equipment of a wash-shanty would permit. One of his bauds is badly frozen and several other parts of his person have been nipped by Jack Frost. Riley says bis homo is nowhere, and he keenly realizes his sad plight. After learning how serious was his condition, he became very anxious to be removed j to an hospital, and on Saturday he was ! sent to the Hazleton Institution. Former IteHident of Drifton Dead. Hillary Mess liner, a we'll known rail- I road ofliciul and engineer for years con nected with the Reading Railroad, died at a sanitarium near Wernorsvflle on December 11, aged 55 years. Mr. Messl nter was born in Pottstown. Early in the seventies he had charge of the East Ponn roundhouse In Reading. He then became foreman of tho machine gang at the locomotive shops. About 1880 he secured a position In Drifton with Coxo Pros. He remained there a number of years, when ho took charge of the : bolt and nut works in Kansas City. Mo. ' He next went to Michigan, where he had charge of the machinery of the Calumet Copper Mining Company. CJrnom* and Itridei*. Edward Murphy, one of Freoland's j most popular saloonists, will be married | to Miss Alice Manclis. an accomplished j young, lady of Wilkesbarre, on Wednes day of next week, tho 28th Inst., at St. ' Mary's church, Wilkesbarre. Robert Shaw, of Pittston, and Miss j Rertha Thomas, of Oakdale, will be I married at the bride's home by Rev. T. I A. Snyder, of Jeddo, on the 28th iust. Robert Patch and Miss Lillie E. An- j tl.ony, of Oakdale, were married at Freeland, on Saturday evening, by T. A. Huckley, justice of the peace. The marriage of Peter Houston and Miss Cassie Met lee will take place on Wednesday at Audonried. Legion of Honor Officers. Union Council, No. 300, American Legion of Honor, has elected the follow ing officers: Past commander —W. E. oberrendor. Commander—Owen Fowler. Vice commander—Charles Morkt. Orator—Hugh Malloy. Socretary—Dr. F. Sehilcher. Collector—James .1. Ward. Treasurer—J. 11. Laubach. Chaplain—Rev. .1. W. HischotT. Guide—Charles Pole no sky." Trustee—Rev. .1. W. HischotT. in Philadelphia. Joseph L. Cornet died in Philadelphia on Friday, aged 00 years. At the break ing out of tho civil war he was teaching school at Reaver Meadow. He unlisted in Company A, Twenty-eight Pennsyl vania infantry, and served to tho end of the strife, during which service lie was wounded four times. Ho had charge of thu G. A. R. department of tho Phila delphia Pre 18 at tiie time of liis death. Angelo Fcllin, an Austrian quite prominent in this section, died on Satur day evening. His leg was broken in the mines a week ago today, and while being taken home tho man was chilled and contracted a cold which steadily grew worse and finally caused his death. Swoyervillo is tho name of a ne\f borough which was incorporated on Saturday. It was formed from a part of Kingston township, including the town of Maltby. A fire in a 1). S. Sc S. caboose at Drif ton yesterday afternoon served to des troy tho clothes of a number of tho members of the Drifton Fire Company. Many of Freoland's college students will spend the holidays at their homes. fiiiil 1 USE THOMPSON'S MaWWgaSMH DIPHTHERIA CURE-" A POSITIVE CURF. for Diphth.ri;,. Croup, Quinsy, C.ttarrh and all throat trouble. Perfectly Haim leß9. Prioe, GOo. per bottle, for s.iiei.y mug.;. ists everywhere. THOMPSON DIPHTHERIA CURE CO., *""">"■ "■ GEORGE FISHER, dealer in FRESH BEEF, PORK, VEAL, MUTTON, BOLOGNA, SMOKED MEATS, ETC., ETC. Call at No. H Walnut street, Freeland, or wuit for the delivery wagons. VERY LOWEST PRICES. LIBOR WINTER, Eating House and Oyster Saloon,; No. 13 Front Street, Freeland. Temperance drinks, cigars, etc. Families supplied wiih oysters direct from the shore. Read - the - Tribune j BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. I Editor Owen Fowler, of tho l'rogresx, I is on the jury this week. James Harkins resumed work this morning after a week's serious illness. | i Charles O'Donnell, who was atllicted 1 with fover a month ago, is Improving. He Is now able to sit up. John J. Johnson is homo on a short vacation from Pittsburg, where lie is ; , employed as a street car conductor, lie will return this week. John Probert and his Hungarian la borer were seriously injured in High land mines on Saturday. The latter was taken to the miners' hospital. John Norton, aged 32 years, was smothered to deatli by being drawn through the opening of a rice coal pocket ; in Milnosville breaker on Thursday. Miss Nellie Campbell is home from school in Philadelphia, and her brother ! Thomas, who Is attending college in, Toronto, lias also returned for the hoii- I i days. I Mrs. Hugh McCroarty received a mes i sage on Saturday evening from Fortress j Monroe,' notifying her that her son, Hugh, who is a member of Rattery R, j Third artillery, Is ill. A. Oswald sells three liars of grtind iiui s butter milk soap for the small sum of sc. Mrs. James Campbell, of Eckley, left, on Saturday for Philadelphia in response to a message announcing that her daughter. Miss Mary, is lying danger- ; ously ill with pneumonia. Tho business person who does not patronize the town enterprises, when prices and services are equal, is not entitled to patronage from the home peo ! pie. no matter what his line of trade is. I Mr. and Mrs Rernard Kennedy, of j Oregon, who were recently married j here, are visiting relatives in Tamaqua. t j The Courier , of that town, gave an inter esting account of their romantic mar | riago in its last issue. ' Marklo Co. will drive a tunnel from 1 Jeddo No. I to the old Pink Ash mine. The latter workings have been idle for I nearly thirty years and are filled with ' water. It is proposed to drain theui by | the great Jeddo tunnel, j The brewers are kicking. About 300 j from all parts of the country met in j i New York city to protest against the I j continuance of the war tax of a dollar a I i barrel oil beer and to formulate meas ures to secure its abolishment, j The funeral of tin: late John Mealing took place at Upper Lehigh yesterday I and was attended by a large number of j people. Services were hold by Rev. .1. W. UischoiT, after which interment was made in Upper Lehigh cemetery. PLEASURE CALENDAR. December 10.- Fair of Young Men's ( . 'l'. A. R. Corps at, Grand opera house hall. Admission. 5 cents. December 24.—Entertainment under ; auspices of St. Patrick's cornet band at 1 Grand opera house. Admission, 10, 15 and 25 cents. December 20.—Shooting mutch and masquerade ball at Mrs. Krouse's hall. South Hoberton. Good music and re freshments. Admission, 10 cents. December 30.—-Tenth annual ball of Tigers Athletic Club at Yalines' opera liouso. Admission, 50 cents. : Pretty Brushes FOR Christinas Gifts, j ' We are displaying in our 1 r window : 1 ( Hair Brushes, Si. 75 to $6.00 \ '( Cloth " 1.25 to 4.00 'S | V Bonnet " .90 to 3.00 'jj y Velvet " .90 to 3.00 <1 S, Baby " .50 to 2.00 j fWM. GLOVER, JR., j • WEST BROAD ST., HAZLETON. <i\ ;We Invite You to Sec ] \ Our Beautiful Store. 4 2.- l j. - v 8 . j „ / Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions. lift! S BROTHERHOOD HATS 0 0 A celebrited brand of XX flour , always in t) ook. Roll Butter and Eggs a Specialty. AMANDUS OSWALD, N. W. Cor. Centre and. Frogt Sta. % Fremiti ml. | _Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy I CURES ALL KIDNEY. STOMACH ** AND LIVER TROUBLES. ,_or.Davcd Kennedy's favorite Remedy CURES ALL KIDNEY. STOMACH I AND LIVER TROUDLES. I Tie liidneys and Blood If you want to be well, see to it that your Kidneys and Blood are in a healthy condition. It is an easy matter to learn what state your Kidneys are in. I'laee some of your urine in a bottle or tumbler, and leave it stand one day and night. A sediment at the bottom shows that you have a dangerous Kidney disease. Pains in the small of the back indicate the same thing. So does a desire to pass water often, particularly at night, and a scalding pain in urinating is still another certain sign. Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy is what you need. It will cure you surely if you do not delay too long in taking it. Kidney diseases are dan -15 i gerous, and should not be neglected a single moment. Vj ''i"/ Read what P. 11. Kii'P, of Union, N. Y., a prom inent member of the G. A. R., says:—"l was troubled with my Kidneys and Urinary Organs and suffered great annoyance day and night, but since using Dr. David Kennedy's t'-mKßeSrfeßSs Favorite Remedy I have greatly im- proved, and that dreadful burning sensa- I'" 11 has entirely gone. I had on my lip TU afiff f what was called a pipe cancer, which spread P a *of ul' now that is almost well. I also had severe heart trouble ' so that il was difficult to work; that is a great deal better. I have gained nine pounds ; - since 1 commei,eed taking the Favorite Remedy; am greatly benefited in every way, and cannot twSflto Favorite Remedy is a specific for Kidney, Liver and Urinary troubles. In Rheumatism, Neu- W ralgia, Dyspepsia, and Skin and Blood Diseases, it has never failed where the directions were followed. It is also a specific for the troubles peculiar to females. All druggists sell it at SI.OO a bottle. Rj>}?!ip Fppa T If you will send your full postoffice address Hi W. to the DR. DAVID KENNEDY CORPORATION, Rondout, N. Y., and mention this paper, we will forward you, prepaid, a free sample bottle of the Favorite Remedy, together with full directions for its use. You can depend upon this oiler being genuine, and should write at once for a free trial bottle. DePIERRO - BROS. NCAFE.H Corner of Centre and Front Streets, Freeland, Pa. Finest Whiskies in Stock, i Gibson, Dougherty, Kaufor Club, I Uoscubluth'B Velvet, of which we h ve 1 EXCLUSIVE SALE IN TOV/N. Mumin's Kxtra Dry Champagne, Honnessy Brandy, Blackberry, Gins, Wines, Clarets, Cordiaij, Etc. Imported and Domestic Cigars. OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE. Ham'and Schweitzer Cheese Sandwiches, Sardines, Etc. MEALS AT - ALL - HOURS. Bulluntine and Huzletou beer on tap. B;itbs, Hot or Cold, 25 Cents. P F McNULTY, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. Embalming of female corpses performed exclusively ly Mrs. P. V. McNulty. Prepared to Attend Calls Day or Night. South Centre street, Freeland. Laubach's Bakery is headquarters for HOLIDAY CONFECTIONERY. All goods sold here are warranted to be pure : and free from adu Iterations. Buy yourcundy and eoufections at LAUBACH'S. Bellezzi s Shoe Store Is the proper place to Buy Winter Footwear An immense stock of ladies 1 , gents' and 1 children's shoes await your inspection, i Only reliable goods are carried on our I shelves, and if we can't suit yon there we can take your measure for a pair of our great ami cheap custom-made shoes. Douglas and other standard goods are sold ; far below prices charged elsewhere. We i have all the famous makes <il gum boots, •also rubbers, felts, etc. Come and see the store. It is complete in every respect. John Bellezzi. Timony's Brick. Centre Stroet, near South. REPAIRING PROMPTbV ATTENDED. Condy 0. Boyle, dealer in Liquor, Wine, Beer, Porter, Etc. ; The tfciest brands of Domestic and Imported Whiskey on sale in one of the handsomest su- I loons in town. Fresh Rochester and Shenan doah Beer and Youngling's Porter on tap. | 88 Centre street. dr.davio favorite K^sßemedy The one sure cure for J The Sidney's, liver and slood _Dr, David Kennedy's ravoritc Remedy CURES ALL KIDNEY, STOMACH A/ I ■ AND LIVEK TROUBLES. RAILROAD TIMETABLES LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. November 13, 1898. ARRANGEMENT OF PASSKNOEK TRAINS. LEAVE FREELAND. 6 20 a m for Weatherly, Mauch Chunk, AI leu law n, Bethlehem, Easton, Phila delphia and New York, j 7 40 a m for Sandy Run. White Haven, Wilkes-Bar re, Pittston and Scranton. 8 20 am for Weatheriy, Mauch Chunk, Al lent wn, Bethlehem, Easton, Philadel phia, New York and Ila/.U ton. 9 33 n in for liii/.ictoii, .Mahanoy City, 811011- andoiih. Alt. Cariuel, Shamokiu and Pottsville. 1155a in for Sandy Run, White Haven. Wilkcs-Hurrc, Scranton and all points West, I 4 36 pin for Hu/.leton, Mahanoy City, Shen andoah, Alt. Cariuel, Shamokiu and Pottsville. 6 37 p m lor Sandy Run, White Haven, Wilkes-Bane and Seranton. ; 0 59 p in for Hit/.|eton, Mahanoy City, Shen andoah, Mt. Ciirmcl, Shamokiu. ARRIVE AT FREELAND. 1 720 a m from Pottsville, Delano and Hu/.leton. ; 7 40 a m fioiu Pottsville, shamokiu, All. funnel, Slanaudoah. Mahauov Citv ar.d lla/.letoii. 1 9 17 11 m from New York, Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, Allcntown, Mauch Chunk and Weatherly. ! 9 33 u m from Scranton, Wilkes-Banc and 1 White Haven. 1155a 111 from Pottsville, Shamokiu, Mt. Carinel, Shcimndouh, Muhunoy City and lla/.lcton. 4 36 p m from Scranton, Wilkes-Bane and White Haven. 0 37 P m from New York, Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem. Allcntown, Potts ville, Shamokiu, Mt. Curmcl, Shenau doali. Mahanoy City and Hu/.lctnu. 6 59 p HI from Scranton, Wilkes- Banc and White Haven. For further information inquire of Ticket Agents. N itil.l.l N 11. WILBUR, General Superintendent, CH AS. S. LEE. Gen') Pass. Agent, 20 Cortlandt Street, New York City. THE DELAWARE, SUSQUEHANNA AND SCHUYLKILL RAILROAD. Time table in effect April 18, 1897. Trains leave Drifton for.lcddo, Eekloy, Ha/ie Brook, Stockton, Beaver Meadow Road, Ron 11 and I la/let on Junction at 5 Ut, 0 (JO a m, da iy except Sunday; and 7 03 a in, 2 38 p in, Sunduy. Trains leave Drifton for liarwood. Cranberry, Toinhickcu und Deringer at 5 30, 0 (X) a in, daily except Sunday; and 7 U3 a m, 2 38 p m, Sun 'i'rains leave Drifton for Oneida Junction, liarwood Road, Humboldt Road, Oneida and Sheppton at 000 u in, daily except Sun duy; und 7 03 u m, 2 38 p 111, Sunday. Trains leave Hu/.leton Junction for Harwood, Cranberry. Tomhickcn and Deringer at 635 a no, daily except Sunday; uud 8 53 a 111, 4 22 p in, Sunday. Truins leave Hu/.leton Junction for Oneida Junction, Harwood Koud, Humboldt Road, Oneida and Sheppton at 0 32, II 10 a in, 4 41 p in, daily except Sunday; and 1 37 a m, 311 pin, I Sunday. Trains leave Deringer for Tomhicken, Cran berry, Harwood, Hazlcton Junction and Roan at 2 25, 5 40 p m, dally except Sunday; and 9 37 a in, 6 07 p in, Sunduy. Trains leave Sheppton for Oneida, Humboldt Road, Harwood Road, Oneida Junction, Ha/le ton Junction aid Roan at 7 11 a 111, 12 40, 522 p m, daily except Sunday; and 8 11 a m, 3 44 p ni, Sunday. Trains leave Sheppton for Beaver Meadow Road, Stockton, Hazle Brook, Eckley, Jeddo und Drifton at 5 22 p m, daily, except Suuday; and 8 11a m, 3 44 p m, Sunday. Truins leave Hazle to 11 Junction for Beaver Meadow Road, Stockton, Hazle Brook, Eckley, Jeddo and Drifton at 5 45, 626 p m, dally, except Sunday; and 10 10 a iu, 5 40 p m, Sunday. All trains connect at Hu/.leton Junction with electric ours for Hazleton, Jeancsville, Auden ried ami other points on the Traction Com : pany's line. Trains leaving Drifton at 5 30. 0 00 a m moke connection at Deringer with P. R. R. trains for west 08 e ' Su,ll)ur y* Barrisburg and points FoY the accommodation of passengers at way stations between Hazlctou Junction uml Der • r? cr ' R * ru "i will leave the former point at 3ip 111, daily, except Sunday, arriving at Deringer at 5 00 p in. LUTUEIt C. SMITH, Superintendent. ; T. CAMPBELL, dealer in CSffO&eFieOf Ba&te mid Also PURE WINES LIQUORS VOII FAMILY ANI) MFDIVINAL DUltroSKtj. Centre and Main atroeta, Freeland. FRANCIS BRENNAN, RESTAURANT lul Ceutre atreet, Freeland, i/Nf.sT r.iouoit, mum, pout Fit ' CIO'AU,S AND SOFT Dttl.\h,l. '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers