FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. XI. NO. 48. || GEO. J. SHAMBORA. Mr. Shambora is the proprietor of a complete j),' grocery store, occupying one of the large business $ establishments in the Lentz building on South y> ||||} Centre street. He is an industrious and energetic M young man, who, during his brief career as one of w our merchants, has built up a large trade. In his jfi ajxh store will be found every article carried by the fi average grocer, and in quality and price his goods aj are not surpassable. Give Mr. Shambora a call. ♦!• ||| am aK mxkat at ammamam | © Useful Gifts Are Appreciated. I i§ I A Carving Set, a Half-Dozen Knives and w |||| Forks, Tea-Spoons or Table-Spoons will please a/ the whole family. Pretty assortments of each at -a this store, besides many other equally useful articles X Ofor the home. From our very large U gfc Stoclr cf Fine Hard-ware a kro, You can select something that will please your W friends. A useful gift will be appreciated all the •gßk year round. We have ladies', gents' and children's Jit rffip skates from 40c up. We have the best makes of © Ranges, Stoves, Heaters, Furnaces, Etc. $ I'L UMBING. SPOUTING AND HEATING. '' f| Win. Williamson, Washington and Front Sts. I asHfisar-at at -at at-aggis- as ; I Holiday Points: | Coats.—Ladies' and Miss- Underwear. —Ladies and \r. es' Coats in latest styles. Gents, also Childron, Sup- 'Ji Plush Capes from 95 to sls. plied with Woolen er Cotton .d Our goods will lit you and Suits. Good quality and 4jt our figures will please you. at very reasonable prices. Id Dress Goods. —If you be- Celebrated "Union" Suits Jl liove wo assert too much sold here. 4|? when we claim to carry tho Blankets.—Muncy Blank- ift finest line in town, come ets, s:i to $lO. Also Quilts. .L and see for yourself. Our Comforts, Feathers, etc. if. stock of Crepons,Henriettas, Jewelry.—Very fine line jjok Figure Poplins, etc., must of Ladies' Bracelets, Pins, X he seen to ho appreciated. Brooches, Kings, Studs, etc. 4K Gloves.—Ladies', Misses' Good quality. No fancy m and Gents' Plain and Fur- prices asked. , top Kid Gloves. A vory Gents' Silk Mufflers and 4jJ iglfo pretty line for you to choose Handkerchiefs. I|[ from." Lace and Embroidery. S Umbrellas.—We sell them Christmas Stories for the 4jf. from 49c up. Warranted Children. -row Silk, $1.75 to $5. Fancy Novelties. jl § ZDJkJSTIIEL GILL, | IP Centre Street. | ©* 3STear Trolley- Car Terminus. i!< siiniissisasasassiiiKii&ait am j| § GILLESPIE & CURRY, I |H DEALERS IN | S Choice and Fancy | § Groceries and Provisions, j || CANNED GOODS, 2 WOOD, WILLOW AND TINWARE, | © FLOUR, FEED, TOBACCO, ETC. |H WE HAVE AT ALL TIMES A | Complete Stock of Heintz' Pickled Cooda. ijj South Centre Street. © | 2 GILLESPIE & CURRY, j jjOTA pSI li, FREELAND, PA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1898. REAL | BARGAINS | at the Star 1 ShoeStore, j i Our Large and Pretty Line of g Winter - Footwear | I Is complete. We make a spec- £ ialty of Ladies' Shoes. Here v are some of our offers: 0 % We will sell you Wm. Neely's Luz- 0 erne $2 Ladies' Shoe for $1.50 and we f < guarantee every pair of them. 0 We will sell you H. Leh & Co.'s Allen- f < town Ladies' Fine $2.25 Shoe for £ $1.75 and will guarantee every pair. We carry Twenty-three Different 0 Styles of Ladies' Shoes. We will sell you Men's Fine Dress 0 Shoes from 95c to $3.25. We have an extensive stock of Men's 0 Box-Calf and Winter Russet Shoes. We have the Never-Rip School Shoes 0 for Boys and Youths. We have Mundell's Solar Tip Shoes 0 for Children, Youths and Misses—best <( school shoe in the world. g We carry full lines of the Best Gum Boots, Felt Boots, Overshoes, Rubber Goods, etc , at very low prices. % Shoes were never sold before at as small a profit as we are selling them. % STAR - SHQ3 - STORE. C | Nothing But Shoes. I Above the Postoflioe. Opposite Side of the Street. Hugh Malloy, Prop. | If you are looking for a C good, substantial 0 Christmas - Present, | one to please the most fas- 0 tidious friend, call and f <, look over my line of new § FURNITURE | CARPETS. | The Finest Stock of 0^ Fancy Rockers, N White and Gold Beds, ,- Couches, i Onyx 1 ables, v f? Parlor, Dining and \ lied-Room Suits, Chiffoneers, {? Down Quilts, Curtains, 0 Blankets, lite. i§ Will be solil during the holidays * lower than tho lowest. £ J. p. MCDONALD. | Corner of CENTRE and SOUTH. J GROVER'S J CITY DRUG STORE I is where | HOLIDAY PRESENTS ! ! % I are uhuudant. PRETTIEST j NOVHITiBS J IN TOWN, j [f Our stock is too numerous to give a detailed p description of it. However, we promise that V we have just what you want in the line of £ j, fancy goods. Very complete stock of crepe {k and tissue pupcrs, toilet goods and toilet sup- £ K plies. Very handsome and useful. y | Patent Medicines of Every Kind, j .u? 'fii?' r CLlo r t(o "VtC? 'c(|y '(US' r <o& r <to gfe 0 5 Power of' Worrien. I s"P>i %0 o o o % O Their Influence Controls All C §H Things and Towns Ad- f; fji vance or Recede as © f v i They Will It. f 00 1 6 % §"% o o o £1 <ZO % qVSJJ An address by X. C. Fowler, of Hoston, to the women of his city, applies with % equal force to this community. Mr. 0 <(X\P Fowler said: Dear Women:—l don't call you ladies. 0 (flip CSo 1 made the womai. The cook lady vt and the scrub-lady were made after- ? aP wards. f (L You love the town of your birth, or the & town of your adoption. You magnify 4 vanU S oB - > ,ou respect your ~ 5 town nobody will respect it. £ No woman is a half a woman unless S thero is ongravon upon the looking-glass ' lor m 'nd that patriotic motto of local vj; progression. "My Town First: Other cjPA Towns Afterwards." m 00 You are th, owners of your town. Man may think that ho Is monarch of all he can survey, but he isn't. fej Woman controls the family. She is 0 the queen of the home, the homo-maker Of P or the home-breaker, the captain of the 0i 00 house, and tho naturally elected buyer. Of Woman, not man, holds trade in the 0 10 hollow of her hand. Oi\ ? 3 Eighty per cent of the advertismentrs-0 SJg' hi your newspapers. In your magazines, t 3 and your family papers are written for £" SPA tl,e e .ves of woman. JjJ = J-} Tho woman buys for herself, for the B <SPA ehlldren, and for ovorv member of tho W ho "' eh old. ' L SPA There isn't a manly man entirely xn woiuanless. If the man Is wifeless, and CPA Is not arranging for a wife, he Is living g\). rfio under the lulluonce of some female—his SPA mother, Ills aunt, his sister, or some- 0) 70 body's else sister. rq jPh, The women of your town, not the men 0 <ZO of your town, make the business of your vd town. 0 10 Within the woman Is the power to On make or break the town. 0 Unless the town bo merely a suhu bin r <n bedroom, its character is reckoned by 0 its business. 110 * town with a thousand thousand-dol- B, j-prj, lar families Is ten times more progressive if) than a town of a dozen millionaires. jipj In tho circulation of money, not in the storing of money, Is the use of money. ;fl/A The rapid, healthful, vigorous circnla- yo: %0 tion of money is as necessary to the JliA strength uf the town as Is the circulation gj} '(0 of the blood necessary to the well-being % k[ of the body. 01 10 Show mo the business street of a town, vq and 1 will tell you the sincerity of its 0 10 cliurches, tho size of Its libraries, the Oa breadth of Its schools, and the character 0* 10 of its people. Alt 1 3 Tho business street is the giant artery o*' of the system of progression. A} t 3 Not the factories of your town, not {? the railroads of your town, not the insti- *§! 6-/1® tutlons of your town, not tho population g„' SPA °' yuur town, make your town, although yp they all help. fe. qPA In local homo-business is local progres- gf) $0 slo - % Where there is local business there is xg available money for better churches, better libraries, better schools, and hot- 0 qyp ter everything. Annihilate local business, or stunt its 0) growth, and there comes a depression, vd that depresses everything even to civiliz- 0). ation. Would you, as representative women, 0 have your town satisfactory to your- On "3 selves, satisfactory to your visitors, good 0 enough for your children, so progressive, 3 so pleasant, so filled with every needed p advantage, that your sons can afford to = 3 make tho town of their childhood the home-town of their life and business, Sj and your daughters may not be driven !p across its borders In search of husbands? SJ In your hands rests the fate of your pTpA town. As you will It, so will it be. Ip ijpA The business of your town makes the J,y town, and you make the business. ffPA Let your local duty bo your first duty, There can ho no second duty while the (CWA lirst duty remains unattended to. ,c"f There cannot he business without cos- tamers. 0 You are the customer, Q Don't go to the distant city a-shopping 0 or a-buying unless necessity demands. r (i k £ (live our local stores the first chance. 0 Tp If your town Is half-way docent there "re £ is. very little necessity, and almost as 0 little of luxury, which you cannot buy Yt et homo at big clty-pricesT 0 l'erhaps the great city emporium may B. 3 have more variety, but you only buy one B O bonnet at a time, and at one shopping you seldom purchase more than ono B, £PA dress pattern. -ci Most of the styles worth haviug are in Continued on Fourth Page. j-n W % 'io^io\>i0 > -to\0 Iy l0 r, i0 n i0 I> i0 r >J,O, > ±0' ? r ((iy r <co 'OO '<o '<(o , ''o <WO 'O0 r 'fo%o 'fa W r <fo'<a& iI7A X Have YOU Selected i| h* i! YOUR i <io | CHRISTMAS GIFTS? | 00 n>e have some good ones at •) bottom prices. This is a ■ cut of | 1 Our $1.97 Reed Rocker. | pa if. 0 0 Sideboard, makes u )- nice present. You can't 'f. p?i put it in their stocking. )|1 A Bed-Room Suite won't m 0 go in either, but it makes a -jj H nice gift all the same. s Vb, We have them and we want to sell *|l them. Come uud see all the other good Vf. things we have. Vi V,( F. H. ALBERT, Centre Street. | p?j, mzi&mmm l . | a& ill 3 REFOWICH, i 1 I p>i w -0 Freeland's ;i 5 I JTew Merchant % it Tailor, iii Clothier and i't Ek W PA Gents' Furnisher. 1 P \ p?i if 0 first-Class it 1 1 Wa Cutter Engaged. if P it ■0 Two Doors above the |jj Wear Well Shoe House. ill ■0 X ? I S Ladies' Hats Reduced. I 1 I .Special reduction in Hats and Hat {X Trimmings until Jauuary 1 in A Mrs. Mathers , Millinery Depart- OP ment. For the holiday's this *|| store contains a bewildering xn t variety of 5 USEFUL AND FANCY GOODS. || i iP Christmas Cards, - - lc up. •)! m if '(0 Pretty 1899 Calendars, 15c up. 'i 5 (UP Thousands of neat and handsome articles, .f all very cheap when ipiailty is considered. v (HP Everything is new, seasonable ami of the very I latest design. Ladies 1 goods of every desorip- jli tiou. Come and spend a pleasant hour or two jj viewing this stock. | ifl MRS. MATHERS. ? (0 it <PA. • 1 3 CENTUE STREET. 1 <0 :j g Standard Patterns Reduced, j W i' n h0 1 &0 1> i0 n^0&0!fo0&0'?i.0 1 >i0 ) igfijg or'fo0 r 'fo 10 '(0 '<o 00If0If0 00 ?f0Of0? fl gglgJl'i gV'i jgjfe g<l M j?1 >i £W, £>J <- (a> c YY " r i iiM YY tbs%ug YIM pjw^ ;• John Shigo 8E3331E8 || ill Cheapest Shirts in Town, CI 2(4 Pole agent for Globe Brand. ,i i r ((& ii li H ■ : - ;. f% ■jj Laundered Shirts : Mi| ! I I'M ' ' JC ;(j Regular Price, jl l'lh %/J T . i fifKt, jjj 50c, 75c and sl. T 'm'lt '!• ii •'I iff Come and Learn My Price, Hi i I; j' i £*% M N<i j Mi.: ,'' '// a f •a Very large line of Furnishings. ' iyjv i, , ! '>/ £ £ Jj Hats from $1 up. jj . IpWiAl Ijlml' I I?'^ .jj Woolen and Kid Gloves. nl h! ii. lullliC i.lil If Comforts, $1 up. V> Wh H ?<ug i' jj Shoes for everybody at rock bottom prices. fyiS® • Never-Rips.sohl for sft'l.2s. Agent for Hay's A'Mj jf Patent Warm Boot. The greatest idea of the YiM < century. Come and see them. Felts. $1.05 up. j Overs, Rubbers. Etc. Special line of Ladies' ,( Shoes. When you want to save money buy at J} I •MM, ( i John Shigo's, South Centre St. w ); t% I . . Mj- 0, I Only Reliable Groceries St | ' AY p I SOLX) J3ST OTTIR STCEE. K M'-'i j *.. . . / This old-establislied firm invites you to give them a trial when placing your orders for groceries, > j provisions, etc., for the holidays. Their reputation is a guarantee of the quality of their stock. Every- g"j, ! tiling kept in a first-class store will be found here. 'ftcS' , -M>| i S. WENNER & SONS. © I go* j j CORNER of Centre and Luzerne Streets. f (L | I MJ, I -xi.r M M M.'M::ic-■>::,M ::i,'mm:AY | LADIES' COATS AT $2. 8 ' £W>J. I F j Owing to the lateness of the season j Ladies' and Misses' Winter Coats, v<j? j Capes and Cloaks have been hugely j Reduced in Price. Mould like to close mm, j them out before the new year and, will %i& j sell at lowest possible figures. I hare j some excellent bargains in this line. A I 'Vu j HOLIDAY GOODS If I r Clg j Of the newest designs can bo seen here in j profusion. The usual low prices of the store ' continue to prevail this season. Large piles ? ( jf if of pretty and handsome goods on every side. Jp, jj Let me quote you figures before you purchase. %$ \ ( Mrs. R. Thompson, Centre St. M I Wf I Vd!? Wt> f s Watcb tit Pennies. 8 I' i v \ I r , | The frugal persons always watch the ) pennies, the dollars are being credited with taking care of themselves. At any rate tlie^ r Wm 'j do at this store, where the purchasing jtowcr is ! j greater than ever before. We have the goods. jj They are yours for the asking. 1 CJ \ OUR STOCK OF STOVES AND RANGES Q f fi, if Easily leads all others in quantity, and YY if where can the Apulia or the Wyoming Dock :l Ash be beat in quality? Our lieaters give Wf | comfort to hundreds of families these cold £ | | wintry days. Buy yourself one of them for A'>B '*• a Holiday Present and you will never regret it. f (u^ i!f jg)^, 'i C A i< LET NO ONE PERSUADE YOU f% i!f , §T ■fr That they sell cheaper than the' (Iriginal i ( I ,lj Birkbeck Store. We lead in everything we (• carry. Come and examine our great establish ment. Our Lamp I)isj>lay alone is worth a g'a if visit from any part of the region. if £% :•) W I William Birkbeck, Birkbeck Brick. O k '' <iC 'ao- '<<M I.M" ''uM r 'f(v>?MiiMMuM r '<( M 7,^0- $1.50 PER YEAR.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers