F REEL AND TRIBUNE. VOL. XI. NO. 49. |£ GEO J. SHAMBORA. Mr. Shambora is the proprietor of a complete ju grocery store, occupying one of the large business Y f0 establishments in the Lentz building on South jf o!tg Centre street. He is an industrious and energetic if young man, who, during his brief career as one of j& our merchants, has built up a large trade. In his store will be found every article carried by the average grocer, and in quality and price his goods are not surpassable. Give Mr. Shambora a call. j w * mmmmmm j 111 Useful Gifts Are Appreciated. A Carving Set, a Half-Dozen Knives and i Forks, Tea-Spoons or Table-Spoons will please j jgnjK the whole family. Pretty assortments of each at j ffilg this store, besides many other equally useful articles OS, for the home. From our very large ! w fgjfc. Stools of Pine Hardware V/lv . . I raTA You can select something that will please your j friends. A useful gift will he appreciated all the j year round. We have ladies', gents' and children's J skates from 40c up. We have the best makes of ; w? Ranges, Stoves, Heaters, Furnaces, Etc. ) PLUMB TNG, SPOUTING AND HEATING. j f| Wm. Williamson, Washington and Front Sts. j Iff Holiday Points: gn* Coats. —Ladies' and Miss- Underwear. —Ladies and es' Coats in latest styles. Rents, also Children. Sup- I Plush Capes from $5 to §ls. plied with Woolen or Cotton {?., A Our goods will tit you and Suits, (lood quality and r 'dV our figures will please you. at very reasonable prices. Dross Roods.—lf yon be- Celebrated "Union" Suits r <!i& licve we assert too much sold hero. I when we claim to carry the Blankets.—Muncy Blank- j Tfii& finest line in town, cotne ets, §3 to §lO. Also Quilts, • and see for yourself. Our Comforts, Feathers, etc. I wfP stock of Crepons,Henriettas, .lewelry.—Very line line J Figure Poplins, etc., must of Ladies' Bracelets, Pins, jjj be seen to be appreciated. Brooches, Kings, Studs, etc. Jp Gloves.—Ladies', Misses' Rood quality. No fancy Jul and Rents' Plain and Fur- prices asked. jj top Kid Rloves. A very Rents' Silk Muttlors and y £s& pretty line for you to choose Handkerchiefs. Jd fy/lp from. Lace and Embroidery. h Umbrellas.—We sell theui Christmas Stories for the })• %/lJ* from 49c up. Warranted Children. Jil Silk, §1.75 to $5. Fancy Novelties. jjj || DiLNriEL GILL, f Centre Street. | %jjj ISTear Trolley Car Terminus. it | GILLESPIE & CURRY, J f/0 DEALERS IN ■ m * § Choice and Fancy i Groceries and Provisions, j |F CANNED GOODS, w * II WOOD, WILLOW AND TINWARE, i i SI FLOUR. FEED, TOBACCO, ETC. fiVA ' ' ' W " I WE HA VE AT ALL TIMES A © Complete Stock of Heintz' Pickled Goods. ' II South Centre Street. *fo I GILLESPIE & CURRY. 0140>40 ,;> 40 , g i 0 ) 40 , '40 r> No't4o )) 4o!4 l 0 }> 40?'40gi0 ,) 40 t> 4o. r <fiof-<o'~fo rf <llSfo fo''fo'rS0 r fo'r<oH0 r ' r <OH0 r ~fo f0 ft FREELAND, PA., MONDAY, DECEMBER 19, 189 S. I ' " REAL , | jj BARGAINS | \ . $ at the 0 \ Star t Shoe ♦ Store. 1 ■ | Our Large and Pretty Line of j? I Winter Footwear { t Is complete. a f I t We make a specialty of <§i j Ladies' Shoes. Here are some f of our offers: £ I ' ( We will sell you Wm. Neely's Luz- p I erne $2 Ladies' Shoe for $1.50 and we f ' guarantee every pair of them. 0 f We will sell you H. Leh &Co.'s Allen- r < f town Ladies' Fine $2.25 Shoe for ;§ j $1.75 and will guarantee every pair. f We carry Twenty-three Different j? | Styles of Ladies' Shoes. f I We will sell yon Men's Fine Dress 0 I Shoes from 95c to $3.25. <7 We have an extensive stock of Men's 0 t Box-Calf and Winter Russet Shoes. f ( We have the Never-Rip School Shoes £ j for Boys and Youths. A We havi Mundell's Solar Tip Shoes 0 f for Children, Youths and Misses-best f, I school shoe in the world. 0 j We carry full lines of the Best Gum f ' Boots. Felt Boots, Overshoes, Rubber jS> I Goods, etc., at very low prices. 4 ) Shoes were never sold before at as 0 jj small a profit as we are selling them. f f STAR - SHOR STORE. % I Nothing But Shoes. '• Above the Postofliue. I £ Opposite Side of the Sti'cct. | Hugh Malloy, Prop. | i If you are looking for a C || good, substantial j? I Christmas - Present, | M one to please the most fas- 0 S tidious friend, call and < *<3 j look over my line of new 0 I FURNITURE | | CARPETS. | k The Finest Stock of M 1 ' Fancy Rockers, 0 'j White and Gold Beds, i Couches, f # i Onyx Tables, < V 0 | Parlor, Dining and \ S Bed-Room Suits, If. Chiffoneers, 0 Down Quilts, Curtains, § If. V jl Blankets, Etc. 0 ft Will bo sold during the holidays iL h>wer than the lowest. | j. p. Mcdonald. | jf. Corner of CENTRE and SOUTH. I GROVER'S J | CITY DRUG STORE I || is where j HOLIDAY PRESENTS J are abundant. p. | PRBTHBST 5 j NOVBtTiBS j I 1 TOWN, j f Our stoek is too numerous to tfive a detailed $ !/i dr-soription of it. However, wo promise that Y we have just what you want in the line of fancy goods. Very complete stoek of erepe < 'Jf and tissue papers, toilet goods and toilet sup- £ plies. Very handsome and useful. K T t | Patent Medicines of Every Kind, : o^* 8 News and Metes. 1 ill • • • € Paragraphs of L-Qcal and General C IH Interest Gathered from All i 1! Parts for Readers ?"!%. o This Paper. 0- to? <. o o o £$T fa Navigation on the Lehigh canal closed xjl! on Thursday until next spring. 00 A fall on tho ice on Thursday fract.ur- 01 ed the skull of Miss Katie Kiolzberger, 7, 1 of Eckley. - 0 A **"" designed and serviceable calen oil® l ' ilr ' ,as lieen sent ont '"J 1 tllß hehlgh 0' Valley Railroad Company. I f0 Mrs. .tacoh Klelin. of Oneida, is re- tfIJH ported to hive been left s7,r>oo by the zSI/ f('tsr death of her father in Germany. 0 t Dlo Wildoner, of West Rlttston. died 0 on Friday at Fortress Monroe of typhoid HL\ fever, lie enlisted a few months ago. 01 Andrew Enos. of town, has leased fSj ga William (>'Donnell's hotel at Jeddo tunnel and will take charge next month. Jfj Afrfl - Charles Harvey, of Eckley. has jPA returned from St. Luke's hospital, lleth- gv leheiii, where she underwent treatment. Sho Is greatly improved. 0, Hazletonlans who fail to number %i their houses correctly will be cut off 0 fLO from the benefits of the free delivery Yd 00 system by the postoffice department. 01 Cdtb Nortl ' American Coal Company, if) 00 °f WHkesbarre, is the title of a ne.v cor- OPj poratlon which has been granted a state charter. Its capital stock is $1,000,000. Jilfb, The farm of Thomas Shortz, near fliy Mountain Grove, has been leased by fa cdbs, Richard Fowler—of Jeddo, who will em fqo? bark in the poultry business on a large scale. sSff charge of gambling of five years' ::-A standing has been revived against Sam- p emu "el Stills, of llloomsburg. because ha re -0M Cently beat his wife, and he now under € X "rest. | > (t 00 Now Is the time to let the people f, 0 cObj, know all about your holiday goods. An zffl advertisement in the TRIBUNK may he Jl/b, the cause of increasing your sales many Ail dollars. ' New county agitation has been started 0 'Ah 5 " again. A bill will probably bo introduc- r <A ? | d in the legislature at the coining ses- 0' W slon. Little, If any, opposition is Si looked for. 0> I'atrick Lenahan, father of the three -ni Lenahan brothers, well known attorneys §.' cVA of Wilkesbarro, had one of his feet am <-iiS putated last week, gangrene having set i" from an injury received some time -ch a K"' The surface over the Ravine mine, 0 ft s l'lttston, is again showing signs of sot- fii tlement. About five acres are affected 0 Sjv and a dozen buildings have been more fd 1% or less damaged by the sinking of the 0' fC& ground. fa pWa, . . . gj). f(& Luzerne coiiimlssloners are unable to (=. select a solicitor to succeed Judge Hal- 00 sey. Corouiissioner Ilay wants Lawyer iL, jTlba "• !•'■ Jones appointed, Commissioner jyy 00 Jones wants Lawyer Ferris and Com §Wj, mlssloner Guiney lias no choice. xsy Shovel tlie snow off your sidewalks. Yll - % A man In Wisconsin died last week 0' while doing U>at work, but don't let S' 0 that deter you. If it should result fa- 0 tally you would die in a good cause and ij % 0 your death would be sincerely mourned 0, as a loss to the community. f(io William Carl, an old and disabled %L Freeland veteran of the civil war, was t?> : faSr at Wilkesbarre last week, where lie was fa examined for an Increase of pension. 0 ftCS Mr. Carl responded to the first call for three months' men, re-enlisted for three 0' in J' oar - s ' a "d again re-enlisted and served 0 to the end of the war. 0 A mooting of the general committee in cliargu of the arrangoiuents for the f a AWn mooting of tho state camp. P. (). s. of A., which will he held ill Wilkesbarre in %a -gabr August, 1899, lias been held, and the <r ( LS' work of preparing to receive the 0 7> L delegates began In earnest. All the 0 <2l!? sub-committees were appointed. The '<i ocouimlttoc expects a big crowd. 0 Liquor-drinking bears evidence of be- If 7fo Ing on the decrease in Schuylkill coun- f ob, ty. In which there were seventy-two less %0 applications for license than were tiled last year. The falling off is ascribed to A| %0 the fact that many of tho saloon men f /( have been barely clearing expenses, rqtyr while others lost money In their bus!- 00* ness. The same conditions are reported 0 fay in this county. The damage suit of Martha Case 0 against the Delaware. Lackawanna and r << ti Wcstorn Railroad Company at lilcouis- 0 burg has ended, Judge Herring direct- fe d ing a verdict for the defendant. Last C February the caso was tried before the 5 fe, late Judge Ikclor, when the plaintiff 0 mj received a verdict of 88,000. A new 0 trial was granted. Mrs. Casa was In rfl/Px j"red in getting off a train. J; %s % fe <<uo f0 f0^(0^0 S' f Have YOU Selected W YOUR I CHRISTMAS HITS? P& // not, don't forget that <J? ive have some good ones at % bottom prices. This is a cat of 1 Our $1.97 Reed Rocker. % w A Sideboard makes a ) Ij} nice present. Yoa can't i i/b, put it in their stocking. i ([& )Vj J A Bed-Room Suite won't j 0 go in either, but it makes a • nice gift all the same. ITbj Wc huvo them und we want to sell r them. Come and see all tho other Rood (Lv things we have. V?x F. H. ALBERT, Centre Street. W, """""" """ """""" uf 1% i 1 REFOWICH, P : vs. P'xeelan.d.'s I A' eiv Mercha nt a& "I C Tailor, 0 Clothier and 1 j?* Gents' Furnisher. as VA 0 First-Class 'lO % Cutter Engaged. w m ■0 Two Doors above the 0 v 'f Wear W ell Shoe House. 0 vn 3 Ladies' Hats Reduced. % 0 Special reduction in Huts and Hat <0 TrhniniiiKs until January 1 in Mrs. Mathers' Millinery Dcpurt mcnt. For the holidays this \\p\ store contains a bewildering* || variety of USEFUL AND FANCY GOODS. 0% (0 Christmas Cards, - - lo up. ( 0 Pretty 1899 Calendars, 15c up. m, • 10 'l'liousiiinlH of neat aud handsome artleles, all very ehe ap when |iiaility is considered. 1 (Iffr Gverytliing is new, seasonable and of tbe very i latest design. Ladies' goods of every descrip- i tiou. Come and spend a pleasant hour or two j viewing tills stock. >l^ K MRS. MATHERS. 10 J % CENTRE STREET. lea? llpx Standard Patterns Reduced. w P'j, ofo f<±S f0 f o r <o r io f0 foHo%o'r % Cf-i \'i ]'i. D"i & "-i c } 'i at D"i isiKj. John || Cheapest Shirts in Town. © Pole agent for olobo Brand. |;j| I hTPFTb I I ' , * y % Laundered Shirts: | | ! t") j | B(j£ Regular Price, |! I I|i■ i i a 1 !' 1 '; ' %3 , i ii ! 1 1 ! ! I £%> 50c, 7oc and sl. Ij,l j| k 'ljjiL %'J Come and Learn My Price. H ;jl ) j jli 1 g"% i^. ! !|,h ,i,i ; |j W V Very large line of Furnishings. : jfj!|| jlj' |j \i)y\ Hats from $ 1 up. j |\\ j jjjVj j, Woolen and Kid Gloves. n lillll i*H~y !1 I i %i§ Comforts, $1 up. v / AT jfW). Shoes for everybody at rock bottom prices. Never-Rips sold for $1.25. Agent for Hay's AT Patent Warm Boot. The greatest idea of the <Z(P j century. Come and see them. Felts. $1.05 up. i Overs, Rubbers. Etc. Special line of Ladies' Shoes. When you want to save money buy at fp^JS John Shigo's, South Centre St. W ~°'T ... ' Only Reliable Groceries It AT SOLID ITST OTXIR STCEE. r <"<o" -?w> %3 This old-established firm invites you to give mP tliein a trial when placing your orders lor groceries, jg\fo provisions, etc., for the holidays. Their reputation %<,>? is a guarantee of the quality of their stock. Every- AA thing kept in a first-class store will he found here. viP S. WENNER & SONS. © ■CWy CORNER of Centre and Luzerne Streets, © LADIES' COATS AT 12. 8 p T Owing to the lateness of the season Jwj, j Ladies' and Misses' Winter Coats, %3 Capes and Cloaks have been largely Iteduced in Price. Woald like to close them out before the new year and will sell at lowest possible Jig ares. / hare |/'|i some excellent bargains in this line. viP HOLIDAY GOODS ! hif Of the newest designs can be seen here in f v> i profusion. The usual low prices of the store continue to prevail this season. Large piles $ jr of pretty and handsome goods 011 every side. Let me quote you figures before you purchase. Mrs. R. Thompson, Centre St. M CV...V V...V fl \3 Watt to Penis. 8 The frugal persons always watch the pennies, the dollars are being credited with Aa taking care of themselves. At any rate they <lo at this store, where the purchasing power is greater than ever before. We have the goods. gwj. They are yours for the asking. Wp OUR STOCK OF STOVES AND RANGES © „ . £% Easily leads all others in quantity, and YA where can the Apolla or the Wyoming Dock £?% j Ash be beat in quality? Our heaters give j comfort to hundreds of families these cold P % wintry days. Buy yourself one of them for Jim i- a Holiday Present and you will never regret it. %,3 [• 3"j, { LET NO ONE PERSUADE YOU l| j VAv jl That tliey sell cheaper than the Original ? f | | Birkbeck Store. We lead in everything we Avh, j- carry. Come and examine our great establish- % t 3 I ment. Our Lamp Display alone is worth a AT | visit from any part of the region. II f" i !i Lis? } William Birkbeck, Birkbeck Brick. Q 1 ' " 'ig f a iY r< <t^ r <(t r <a o? %is $1.50 PER YEAR.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers