Highest of all in Leavening Strength.—Latest I". S. Gov't Report. Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE FREELAND TRIBUNE. S::a:li:hod 1838. PUBLISHED EVEUV MONDAY AND THURSDAY HY THE TRIBUNE PRINTING COMPANY, Limited. OFFICE: MAIN STHEET ABOVE CENTHK. Make it 11 money orders, clucks, etc., jxtyabb to the Tribune Printing Company, Limited. SUBSCRIPTION It AT ICS: One Year $1.50 Six Months 75 Four Months fit) Two Mouths .25 The date which the subscription is paid to is on the address label of each paper, the change of which to a subsequent date becomes a receipt for remittance. For instance: Qrover Cleveland 28JuucM? means that Grover is paid up to June2B, 1807 Keep the figures in advance of the present date. Report promptly to this office whenever paper is not received. Arrearages must In paid when subscription is discontinued. FREBLAND, PA., JANUARY 11. ls7. Persona! Kigbts. The subject of personal rights is one which is more often than not •hamlleil In a self-partial manner and is one upon which the generality of persons are too .apt to think themselves perfectly coin petent to {>oss judgment. In discussing this subject in a gathering of lawyers recently one of the company declared that during his JO years of practice lu had observed that the most persistent and tenacious sticklers for their rigid ■were persons who had been brought iq by themselves, or were only children, who hud, from injudicious training, come to believe that their turn must In served first, and all others must wait their pleasure and suit their con venience. This is a world to give and take. No man, woman or child has a right to any tiling but justice, and il justice were fully meted out. many of w might fare rather badly. The best thai •can l>e made of life is gotten when w< are willing and able to deal fairly and honorably with all creatures. There i a proper regard for seJf that must not l*i lost sight of in nil our doings. In justice to our own interests is as culpa ble as injustice toothers, and the golden frul© never was meant to shield thosi who do nothing and want everything. Asserting one's rights is nil very well when there are clearly defined rights i<> assert, but when there is an evident (lis position to take advantage of the good natured and kind-heartedness of others it" is time to call a halt. A man who ought to know of what be is talking recently told a repre sentative of the New York Times that "Cuba. Is getting a great deal more help from tliis country than one reali/.'s 'who only hears of the Luuradu, Ilermii da and similar expeditions. Members of militia companies from all parts of the country have been induced by em issaries of the insurgents to join the forces of Maceo and dome/.. Dig of fers are made them, paynu nt to he made in the event of rebel success. Th Cubans haven't much money; but the chances look bright for victory for them, and the prospect of get tin;' wealthy quickly has allured many a young militiaman from this conn ley. •Then, too, the trained soldier has a splendid chance in Cuba for fame and speedy promotion." ii.itton, the well-known Lug ■edi newsjwper man and novelist writ ing about "men and women on wheels.' •ays: "Ladies rarely come to grief c\ .opt. when they are tempted to lance it some pedestrian to try and find out from his looks if he admires their tvlc jf riding or their new skirt or i, .midnine on the pavement wit h her nose n the air takes exception to tic; wheel •>!• the pretty wheeler's new hat." Which oeing translated means look where you ire going, or keep both eyes and ears jpen. Here is a part of a North Dakota little girl's essay on physiology: "The bunion body is divided into three parts - the head, the cliist and I he st uimnick. I'he head contains the eyes and brains, If any. The cliist contains the lungs ind a piece of the liver. The stum fciick is devoted to the bowels, which there is five, a, e, i, o, u, and sometimes v and y." Licenses t sell cigarettes in ji t iVayno, IIM!., cost SSOO each, and >me balers have <;iken adiunt j of i h j iti .-a! •:inp.. „to eireiiruNt th ,w. I hey se|! pai 1\ buttons .11 >I i lirov in l.i an Astoria, Ore., resmu: • n t lemeu are lefjuested," In ;i . igu Oil tlic AN nil. according to a local exchange, "to j lease not. swear if Indies an pi. s**nf. ' This i-s a favorable sign in Oregon. 1 npr.rnneo companies claim that cy cling is more dangerous tliar traveling pitber by railway or bv ship. $1.50 a year i* all the Tumi M: cu*ts. WASHINGTON LETTER. Washington. January 8. 1807. I 'res to! Change! Great is the power of public pap. The Republican senators who were expressing their willingness t • have the American blood—not their own. of course—shed, if necessary, to free Cuba from the tyranny of Spain, when emigres-; adjourned fur the recess, came hack to their seats this week as meek as sucking lambs. They have heard from McKinley, and as far as they are concerned suffering Cuba can keep on suffering. Sena tor Call, of Florida, not having the fear of McKinley *s anger to keep hiui iiium. made a speech on his resolution, which was adopted, calling for the offi cial correspondence in the case of Julio Sanguilly. a newspaper correspondent and citizen of the United States, who has been sentenced to prison for life by the Spanish authorities, in which lie did some very plain talking about the attitude of this government towards Cuba, and the delay of the senate in act ing upon the Cameron resolution. Secretary Herbert's investigation of the cost of manufacturing steel armor plates, made by the direction of con gress t<i which his report was this week sent does *not show the Carnegie and Bethlehem Steel Companies in a very complimentary light. They both refus ed 1m give tin- secretary information un til after they found that he had obtained it from European makers of armor: then, according to Secretary Herbert's report, ihey gave him misleading information. Che report says the two establishments have made a com hi nation to force the government to pay fancy prices fir armor, and shows that they can furnish armor for one-t hiui less than the govern ment i> now paying them and then make in the neighborhood of $l5O on each ton. Secretary Herbert's report is being commended for its thoroughness and fearlessness. What effect it. will have upon congress will be seen when the naval appropriation bill is taken up. Andrew Jackson Day could not have been more enthusiastically observed at the annual banquet of the Jackson Democratic Association at Washington had the defeat of last November been a victory, in addition to the large iiuiu ber of prominent Democratic guests of the association an innovation was in troduced this year by inviting a woman Mrs. Mary Donaldson Wilcox, daughter of A. J. Donaldson, who was private secretary to President Jackson. This lady enjoys the distinction of having been the lir-t child born in the White House, and resides in Washington. It is perhaps fortunate that this week is the la>L of the tariff hearings. Last week, those who appeared before the ways and means committee only asked that the new tariff restore the McKinley duties, hut this week a number of them had the cheek to ask that the McKinley rates he raised. After all. it is a grab game and it is human to grab as much The house parsed the Loud bill de priving book> and sample copies of news papers of tile privilege of second class mail, and i> now wrestling with the I'acilie Railroad funding hill, which the Huntington lobby is moving heaven and earth to get passed, as their last chance to prevent the foreclosing of I Helo Sam's mortgage on the Lnioii i'acilie Railroad. Senator Jones, of Arkansas, and other prominent Democrats are now confident that tie senate in the next congress will contain a majority of silver men. not withstanding the extraordinary efforts of Mark Hanna to get a gold majority by the ia\i-h use of money and of promises of patronage under the McKinley ad ministration. s. STATE or Onto, ( ITY OF TOLEDO, ) LUCAS COUNTY, F EB, FUANK J. CIIKNKY makes oath that ho is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Ci i ; v & Co,, doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State afore sid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of CATARRH that cannot he cured by the use of HAI L'S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me aud subscribed in my presence, this Oth day of December, A. D. 1880. w, j 3KAi,i 1 A w- gleason, 1 f T Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, 0. WSold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family IMlls are the best. When Baby was sick, wo K.ire her Castor!*.' When she w as a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Caatori*. When she had Children, she gave them Boston* PLEASURE CALENDAR. January ?5. Annual ball of the Citi zen < Hose Company at Valines'opera house. Admission. 5o cents. Excitement Out West. Editor Dugout City (Colorado) | Boomer—Hello! What's the matter? Assistant (wildly)— Our railroad re porter at Chicago telegraphs that on j eastern man boarded the westbound train there with a ticket for Dugout City, and he heard the man say some thing about buyingalot. Editor (excitedly)— Stop the press and get out an extra! We'll hare the | town wild. Another big beat on tlie ; sickly sheet over the way!— N. Y. Week ■ 'y. " Ills Faith Ho warded. Bacon—l have great confidence in ihnt minister of ours. Egbert—What gave it to you? "Well, you know, 1 wanted five dol lars to pay an installment on my bicy- He. I didn't know where in the world it was coming from. 1 went to church, and the minister recommended us to j search the Scriptures. I went home ! and did. and I found five dollars my : wife had hidden away in the family Ili We."—Yonkers St a tcsmnn. Mother (iouHfl I'p to Ilntc. There was an old woman who lived In a shoe: She had so many children sh~ didn't know what to do: She moved to Chicago and leased a shoe there, And now. with more children, she's still room to spare. —N. Y. Truth. HIS DUTY DONE. Country Doctor—What's wanted? Is ' your uncle worse? Boy—lie he dead. Doctor—Then I have done all I could for him.—N. Y. Tribune. Eclipse. The newly wed see no one else, As they spoon and spoon and spoon, J For tlie world is In eclipse, you know, . Behind a honeymoon. —Detroit Tribune. 1 Its ttedecnilug Feature. "Oh. the terrible pawnshops!" said Ethel to George, who had just rescued her watch; "what tales of misery those \ places could unfold had they tongues!" 1 "Even a pawnshop has its redeeming feature," responded George. "What is it, I'd like to know?" "The ticket."—Tit-Bits. Honest (iood-t. "Do you sell good, honest goods, my | man?" asked the fussy man. "Well," said the baker, "I have an idea that the soda crnckeis are square, but, to tell you the truth, I am almost sure that the pretzels are crooked."— I udianapolis Journal. A Difference. Cholly (handling his friend's revolver gingerly)—"l suppose, now, if this should go off while I'm holding it like this it would blow my hwains out." His Friend—"No, it wouldn't tlo that, but it would bone a hole clear through ' your head."—Chicago Tribune. Cousin crate. Housekeeper—Half the things you wash are torn to pieces. Washerwoman Yes, mum; but : when a thing is torn in two or more pieces, mum, I.count them as only one piece, mum.—N. Y. Tribune. Altered Vision. "So you think Barbara Is in love with i Mr. Fritters?" "No doubt about it: she used to make fun of his bald head, and now she •says it is perfectly beautiful."—Chica go Record. Too Merelful. Manager—l'm afraid that this new conductor will not he a success. S u peri ntend en t— Why? Manager—lie treats the passengers with to much consideration.— Brooklyn Lire. CompariHous. Balderton —Your hair is like a stroke of lightning, old man—such an awful shock, you know. Buzz fuzz—And yours is like a fool and his money—soon parted.— London Answers. He Knew til* RiiKlum. "Ilow do you pronounce the last syl lable of that word 'butterine?'" asked i he customer. "The last syllable is silent," stiffly replied the Irade-stunn. —Til-Bits. 14 tie w When Re Had Y.nough. Mis. Bingo—My dear, I was much surprised that you didn't take any wine at Smith's last night. Mr. Bingo—l've dined there before.— Bay ( ity Chat. The Swell in shape. First Mill'.tier— How do you give your lints thai swell shape? Second Milliner—Oh. when 1 get them all trimmed I run llicin throughn i lothes wringer.—l)rt roit Tribune. IVa* a Clear Case. You say that Jneqiicuot will j lend insanity to 1 iia t breach of proin be charge? How will he prove it? lie—Simply l>\ his love letters.- Kan sas (.'il \ World. At;aiunt ll* I'arent*. "How is that baby of yours, Snig gins?" "He's n horn fighter, Snobhs. Al lays Hp in arms."—N. Y. Ttibuue. Another Twirl. I.lves of wheelmen all remind us We may makeourselvfssublime. And In fci oivhlntf leave behind u* I The policeman every time • N. ¥ Truth. That Mias'.nc Link. J "The niinsing link is found!* 9 i The great scientist paced up and | down his room in great ecstasy, repeat ! ing at intervals the joyful announce- I meat: i "The missing link is found!" lie was very jubilant, and well he might he, for it had been three long weeks since one of his link cuff buttons had rolled nwav into the darkest corner under the bureau.—Pittsburgh Chroti i icle. In Merry England. "Why," asked the visiting American, j "why do you fellows always turn to the | left of the road?" "Because," said the resident Fhiglisb | man, "because it is right." Eight days afterward the true-born Briton suddenly scandalized the con gregation by laughing aloud in the midst of services. It had dawned on him that he had made a pun.—lndian ' apolis Journal. Too Poor. They caught the fellow "dead to rights" And hustled him to Jail, alack! He hadn't cash enough to prove 110 was a kleptomaniac. —Chicago Times-Herald. Palled No Names. Officer —J low i this. Murphy? The . sergeant complains that you cull liiin I names. Private Murphy—Plaz, sir, I never called him ony names nt all. All I said wiis: "Seirgeant," says I, "some of u< ought to be in a menagerie."—N. V. Tribune. Taking a ('linnet*. He—l tvt.ti endure this no long r, my dear; you must choose between Biokey and myself. She—Vou are entirely mistaken, sir. I have u list of 16 from which to choose. lie—All right. Kindly let me know when the raffle cornea off. Detroit Free Press. She Did tlitt licitt. "And you broke oIT the engage ment?" said one young man. "Yes—not brutally, you know. But T managed it." j "Flow?" "Told her what my salary is."- Washington Star. •lust Hit 111* Cane. Employer—l'm afraid I've nothing in the way of work to give you just now. The times are hard and there's little to. i do. Tramp—That's just the kind of work , i I enjoy.—Yale Record. Two View*. She—Miss Highstcp is my warmest friend. He—Warmest? The rest of your friends must he frozen stiff, for she's cold enough to eh ill a refrigerator.— Detroit Free Press. A Oueer Duel. Brown—l saw n novel sort of fight the other clay. Two farmers who wanted to settle a difficulty were pelting each other with apples. Jones—l see; a sort of cider-mill.— i ! Town Topics. A Long Vacation. "How doth the little, busy bee Improve each shining hour. And gather honey all the day From every opening flower!" He does It, for the rascal knows That when the fields are drear He'll then put on his Sunday clothe® And louf for half n year. -L. A. W. Bulletin. END or Till" HONEYMOON* | ")i i'Kr. She--I'm sure you love me no longer, i Now, do not deny it. 1 can see the 1 change in, you. I'm no fool. You should have married somebody stu pider. ITe—l couldn't find one.—Judy. Didn't Need It. She—Once you vowed that 1 was the sunshine of your life. Now you stay out night after night. lie—Kr—why—l don't expect sun shine after dark.— Indianapolis Jour nal. A Bit of Fiction. Professor—How do you think our government ought to be conducted? Student—l haven't the least idea. Professor (astonished) Young man, you are the eighth wonder of the world. - N. Y. Truth. No Doulit About It. She—You are a man of the world. Mr. Kohlspriug; what do you consider the most desperate form of gambling? He Getting married. BulTalo Tiinea. Plcancd wltli It. "How did you like that Utile dog 1 gave your wife?" "I never saw one Ifiat I liked belter !t died the next day."—Bay City Glial Appropriate. LIN- l* short. In fait four letters, Ami we plainly can descry: "If" <o in poses half of It. while Full ihrec-ijuarti'i s Is a "he." Brooklyn Ufa. Done Into Bankruptcy. "She says her face is her fortune." "When did she make an assignment?" ' —Town Topics. Poor Escuflo for a Man. He —May I kiss you for your mother? j She —Is that the best you can do?-- Town Topics. GRAND OPERA HOUSE John J. Welsh, Manager. Monday, January 11. A. Q. SCAMMON'S COMPANY In the big realistic comedy production, "Side Tracked," Illustrating the funny side of life on the rail. Funniest Railroad Scene Ever Presented. Biggest Locomotive. The Greatest Comedy Efiects. And a Company of Specialists, who will pre sent sparkling music, bright specialties and , mirth provoking situations, all ol" which create fun, iastuml furious, from start to finish. PRICES—iiOu, 3So and 250. Seats on sale at >V oodring's three days before date of show. SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE. TRADE DEBICNS, COPYRICHTB Ac. Anyone sending a sketch nnd description may qulclcly ascertain, free, whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communications strictly confidential. Oldest aaency for securing patents in America. We have a Washington office. Patents taken through Muuu A Co. receive special notice in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully Illustrated, largest circulation of any scientific Journal, weekly,termss3.oo a year; J1.50 six months. Specimen copies and LIANO look ON PATENTS sent free. Address MUNN & CO., 301 Broadway, New York. < AAA^A J QUICKLY BECUHED Trnds i.i.ik. .ml <>,,) ri,hl. £' registered nnd patent business of every description tl 1 . promptly and skillfully conducted at lowest rates. P" j J Inventions introduced, companies finned and PAT- K 4 ENTB 80LD ON COMMISSION. 2" years' experience. P ' 2 i®hest references. Send us model. sketch „r Photo. b 4 of invention, with explanation, and wo will report k , 4 whether patentable or nr.t. free of charge. OUR FEE Z -4 PAYABLE WHEN PATENT IS ALLOWED. Whenfc -4 patent is secured vo will conduct its sal* for you with- fry. 4 *tr charge. ; J-PACE HAND-BOOK Mud list oft. 4 2UO inveiitioiis wanted mailed to iuventors free upon s, 4 re<|ucst. This ia the most complete little patent hook G j . published and every inventor should WRITE FOR ONE. f 4 H. B. VJ I LLSO IY A. CO , Patent Solicitors, r <'< B'l I',-. WASHINGTON, D. C. b wvmrvwvwvww v m tmvv Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Uso IJI in time. Hold by druggists. E1 miscellaneous advkiitiskmkntn Dissolution* ok pautnership.-tiu* partnership heretofore existing between Philip Blass, Win. 11. But/, and S. E. Oburrcn der, under the? firm uiime of the Bin®® Overall Co., dissolved this day by mutual consent. All debts owing to said partnership arc receiv able by said Win. 11. Butz and 8. K. Oberren j der, to whom also all claims and demands ' against the same ure to be presented for pay ment. Philip Biass, i Wm. 11. But/, S. E. Oberrendcr. The business will be continued as heretofore j by Win. 11. Butz, S. E. Oberrendcr and W. E. Belles, trading as the Freelund Overall Mfg. Co. Freelund, Pa., January H, 1897. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. JpOlt TAX COLLECTOR- A. A. BACHMAN, of Freelund. Subject to the decision ol the Democratic nominating convention of Frcchiiid borough, j JUSTICE OF TIIE PEACE THOMAS A. BUCKLEY, of Freelund. Subject to the decision of the Democratic nominating convention of Freelund borough. Want to Attend to the Bonds. It is reported that the Lehigh Valley j Coal Company, the Cross Creek Coal ' ; Company, A. S. Van YVickle and the j Lehigh and Wilkesbarre Coal Com- j i pany are circulating a petition to be ! presented at the Carbon county court, j praying the court, to grant them per- 1 mission to take charge of the Banks ; township roads during the year 1807. ! They will have their own men employed to keep the roads in proper repair, and ] pay the supervisor s'J.jo per year for his j services. The coal companies claim j 1 that they pay the hulk of taxes, and | notwithstanding the large sums spent j' annually the roads are in anything but I a passable condition. Overall Factor y Changes. The Blass Overall Company has been j ' dissolved by the withdrawal* of Philip J Blass, one of the three partners who | composed the firm. The business will j be continued by the remaining members, i \V. H. Hut/, and Stanley E. Oberrendor. | It is quite probable that another part- j nor will be taken into the firm soon, i The company is doing a large business, ! hut elillii'iiltios arose in the management which could not he satisfactorily settled 1 except l>v dissolution. The capacity of ! the plant will he increased, fifty more machines having been ordered, and the ( business will l>e pushed harder than j Gangways of a Mint* Shi*|iud. The threatened cave-in under Centre j street. Mahanoy City, has been averted by the Philadelphia and Heading officials hi >lu>hing the gangways underlying the street- In means of coal dirt. The dirt is taken from a culm bank near - the Mahanoy City colliery, and.is carried to tho abandoned workings through troughs by means of water taken from the Mahanoy creek. The dirt forms into a solid mass along the gangways, while the water runs oIT and is removed from the mine by means of pumps. This work has given employment to many idle miners. i Watch the date on your paper. I Hon. W. J. Bryan's Book AH;, who are interested in furthering the sale of Hon. W. J. Bryan's new book should correspond im mediately with the publishers. The work will contain An account of his campaign tour . . . His biography, written by his wife . . \ m st important speeches .. . . The results of the campaign of 1896. A review of the political situation . . ■s> AGENTS WANTED <& Mr. Bryan has announced his intention of devoting one-half of all royalties to furthering the cause of bimetallism. There are already indications of an enor mous sale. Address W. B. CONKEY COMPANY, Publishers, %% W. L, Douglas INst $1* 00 SHOE 135 -- r J BEST 1H THE WORLD. JUL A $5.00 SHOE FOR $3.00. flpH J|lg ; > tffjfc, \ It is stylish, durable and perfect-fitting, qualities * absolutely necessary to make a finished shoe. The V (dfs£\ cost of manufacturing allows a smaller profit to dealers than any shoe sold at $3.00. - \ W. L. Douglas $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 Shoes arc the productions of skilled workmen, from the best mat , er^a l possible to put into shoes sold at these "Belmont" and "Pointed ' " \ Tpe" (shown in cuts) will be rajggSv mj'} \ kaders this season, but any ynfigw we make s - \ other style desired may be wSLy - \ We mo only the bet Calf. Riwslft Ce!f V.UO and $1.75 \ **V ! i'"'k'*",'' ( 'rencli The full line for sale by ' ,f l i*-ai*V supply yuujwrit® W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. JOHN BELLEZZA, Centre Street. Hreelancl RAILROAD TIMETABLES I"*HK DELAWARE, SUFQLKIIANNA AM SCHUYLKILL RAILROAD. Time table in effect, December 15,18JC. Trains leave Drift-on for Jeddu, Eekloy, Ha/.lc brook, Stockton iieaver Meadow Hoad, Uouii ai d lluzlclon Junction ut 5 30, U (JO am,t la p MI. daily except >umhi.\ ; and 7 (Jd a in, 2 38 p in, Sunduy. 'J rains leave Drifton for II arwood. Cranberry, roiiiiiicken and Deringcr ut 530 a ui, pm, daily except Sunday; and , 03 u in, 2 iio p m, bun- Trains leave Drifton for Oneida Junction, ! Mai wood Hoad, Humboldt Uoud, Oneida and Sheppton at (i 00 a in, I 16 p in, daily except Sun day; ami 703 a m,2 38 p in, Sunday. Trains leuveliazletoii Junction for Uanvood, cranberry, Tomhicken and Derlngi r at 035 a :n, dally except Sunday; and 8 53 a in, 4 22 p in, Sunday. Truiiiß leave Hazleton Junction for Oneida Junction, iturwood Hoad, Huiubi.idt ltoud, . Oneida and Sheppton at 0 29, II 1(1 u in, t 4> p in, daily except Sunday; and 737 a ui, 308 pm, Sund: y. Tri ins leave Deringor for Tomhicken, ( run berry, Marwood, lla/.leton Junction. Moan. Heaver iMendow Hoad. Stockton, llazlc Mrook,. bekley, Jedtio and Lirilton at 2 25, 5 Ml p in, daily except Sunday; ami 967 a in, >O7 p in. 'Trains leave Sheppton for Oneida, llumboldi Hoad. Halwood Honil, Oneida Junction, IL.zh-- lou Jiiiietioii a d Roan at 7 11 a in, P m. daily except Sunday; and b (til a 111, 341 !• m, Sunday. Truin* leave Sheppton for Heaver Meadow : ltoud, Stockton, lla/.lc brook, Eckli.y, Jedih. nun Drifton at 5 26 p ni, daily, except Sunday, aiid 8 tr. a in, ah p iu, Sunday. 'J rutin* leave Ha/Jeton Junction for Heave- Meadow ltoud, Stockton, Iluzlc brook, Kckicy, Jeduo and Drifton ut 3 oa, 6 17, 0 20 p m, daily, except Sunduy; and 10 08 a in. 5 3b p m. Sunday. All trains conned ut liazletoii Jum-lio i will, electric ears for Ha/Jeton. Jeaiicßvillc, Audcn ricd and other points on tiic 'iruciiuu Com pany's line. Trains leaving Drifton gt 600 a m, Hnzlctnn j Junction at 629 a ni, and sheppton at 7 11 a in. . connect at Oneida Junction with Lehigh YUIUM trains east und west. Train leaving Drifton at 530 a m makes con nect ion at Deringcr Willi P. H. It. train fin : NViikeblmrre, Suntmry, lluiTiahuig and point; west. For the accommodation of passengers at way (stations between Ha/Jeton Junction and I>er- I iiiMer, an extra train will leave the former point in 360 p m, daily, except Sunday, arriv 1 lug ut Deringor at 6 00 p ni. LUTHEIt C. SMITH, Superintendent. El I Kill V ALLEY RAI LROAI ~ j November 10, 1800. ARRANGEMENT or PASSENGER TRAINS. LEAVE FRBKLAND. 6 a'), 8 45. 9 30 a m, J 40, 328, 420 p m, for Maucli I Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Huston. Philn deiptiU and New York. 00. 845 9:0 a ni, I 40, 2 31,8 28, Jk), 0 15, 057 p iu, lor Drifton, Jcddo, Foundry, II zle iiiook and Lumber Yard. 0 15 p m lor iluzie Creek Junction, 057 pm forMuucil Chunk, Allentown, Eeth lehem and Huston. 930 a in, 2 34, 4 30, 057 p m. for Delano, Mil hanoy City, Shenandoah, Ashland, Mt. i urine I. Shamokin and I'ottsville. 9 30 a in, 1 40, 2 34, 4 30, 0 57 p in, for Stockton ami Ha/Jeton. 7 28, 10 51, 11 54 a m, 520 p in, tor Sands ttiiu. White Haven, \N iikcßbarre, Pittston, Scranton and the west. SUNDAY TRAINS. IP.'IO am and 138 pm for Jcddo, Foundry, iia/.lc brook and Lumber Yard. b3B, 10 50 a m for Sandy Hun, White Haven I and Wilkesharre. 1 38 p ni for Hazleto", Munch Chunk. Allen town, llethlelieui, Euston, i liiiadelpliiu HIM) | New York. IU 50 a in for lIM/.'eton, Delano, Mahano> ; City,Shenandoah, Mr ('urine!, Simuiokui umi • Pottsville. AHHIVE AT FHEELAND. 5 50. 7 28, 9 20, 10 51, 11 54 a in, 12 58, 2 20, 5 20. tiu, 7 0S pm, from Lumber Vaid, Fouiiury, Jcddo and Drifton. 72\ 9 29, 1051, 11 54 a in, 12 58, 2 20, 520 p in. from Stockton and llazieton. 7 28, 9 20,1051 a in, 2 20. 520pm, fi on Delano, I Mahanoy City, Sheiiar.doah, Ashland, .Mi. Car uiel, Shamokin and I'ottsvdle. 9 20, 10 51 a in, 12 58, ttDO, p in, from Phila delphia, New York, Bethlehem, Allentown, , and Maueli chunk. 7 OS p m from Weatlmrly only. 9:w a in, 2 34, 3 28, a57 pm, from Scranton, i Wilkesuarrc and White Haven. SUNDAY TRAINS. 8 "8, in 50 uin and 12 5 pin, from Ha/Jeton, Sio k on. Lumi-er Yard, Ilazle Brook, Foun dry. .leddoand Drifton. in 5( a in, 12 .V pin. from Philadelphia, Ni w \ ork. Tethieluin, Allentown, Munch Chunk, ami Weaiherly. 10 50 a in, from f'o tavillc, Shamokin, Mt. i 1 Caiinel Ashland, Mieiiuiidoaii, Mahanoy City ami Delano. 10 50 a m, froin Wilki-sbarre, White Haven and Sandy Hun. For turther information inquire of Ticket Agents. CHAB. S. LEE, GenU Pass. Agent, Phila., Pa. , HOLLIN 11. WILBUIt, Gen. Supt. East. Div. A. W. N UN N EM AO I EH, Ass't O. P. A., South Bethlehem, Pa. j old nowspapevs for sale. I j ! Peirce j j Scliool | 3'hal Year. j A representative American Busi- O j ness School for both sexes, founded U I I by THOMAS MAY PHI KCK, A. M., M i * Pli. D. Couples systematic bust- o 1 j news training with it practical, © sound and useful English cduca- W ( | tion. Itotrers three full courses:— W JJ i Business, Shorthand und Type- Q i writing, English; the whole con- U i stituting mi ideal combination. U CJ rad nut es ure cheerfully assisted W i * V IJJ A V P I m limit Sc in East Stroudsburg, Pa. V Famous School I In a [■'anions IjOeation. 1 ANIONS 111. mmmluins of the UO(L'<l rc-nrt, | 111.. Dcluwiiif Wain- Cup. A wliool t thri-n | or four hundred pupils, with no over-crowded classes, hut where teachers can become c --•liiainted with i heir pupils ami help tin in imli ; vidually in their work. Modern improvement. A tine new gymna sium, in charge of expert trainers. We teach Sewing, Dressmaking, Clay .Model ing, Freehand ami Mechanical Drawing witli i out extra charge. | Write to us at once for our catalogue mid other informal ion. You gain more in a small I school than in the overcrowded schools. Address GEO. P. EIBLE, Principal. I Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat-j ent business conducted for MODERATE FEES. $ OUR OFFICE IS OPPOSITE U.S. PATENT OFFICE £ and we can sec ure patent in less time than those 2 remote from Washington. S Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip-# tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of t t charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. 2 T A PAMPHLET, "How to Obtain Patents,'' with# Jcost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries £ Stent free. Address, > C.A.SNOW&CO. OPP. PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. S BICYCLES! BilOGiESi High-Grade, fu>]<l direct to users at wholesale. v'n will save you from $lO to SSO. Everything in Hicyclo and Vehicle, lino. Cut log free. Beauti ful .-uhstHUcial bicycles at half price, guarantseil I year. No ndvanee monei reqalred. We sand b.v express and allow a full examination, if not right return atourexpeurc. Now isn't that (nir? Write us. ISccwKter N . hide Co., Holly, Mich. BICYCLISTS ! Lucvclopodia, how to cure for nud repair Tires, Chains, b uiriugH, otc. 150 valuable pointers for ridrs. Price L'oc; sample by mail 10c. It soils on ?iht. Agt. wanted. J. A. Slocum, Holly, Mich n day. Agte. wanted. lOfaetselleP Hig money for Agts. Catalog FKEE V 3? 13. E. Brewster, Holly, Mioh. WANTED-AN IDEA^Spt thing to patent? Protect your ideas ; they mar bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDBK BUItN & CO., Pateut Attorneys, Washington. D. C.. for their SI,BOO prize offer. .. .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers