FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. IX. NO. 55. SELLING OUT! IVly entire stock, which consists of Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits, Overcoats, Pan taloons, Reefers and Storm Coats. Also Furnishings of Every Kind. MUST BE SOLD BY APRIL 1, 1897. No Offer Refused. Everything Ai Your Own Price. 1, HEFOWICH, 37 Centre Street, POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. JpOB TAX COLLECTOR - A. A. BACHMAN, of Freeland. Subject to the decision of the Democratic nominating convention of Freeland borough. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE THOMAS A. BUCKLEY, of Frcchmd. Subject to tho decision of tho Democratic nominating eon vent ion of Frcoluiul borough. USEFUL BLACK AND TAN. Dog l T ndortafie to Uolp a lien Support tier Family. A hen was sitting upon a "clutch" of 13 eggs, and Don, the Llack-and-tan. roon became very curious to know why blic stayed in the burn so closely. The dog, as it appears, had formerly been given to teasing the hen, snatch ing her food away from her, and other wise making himself a torment; but this Intercourse hud gradually turned into fricudship, and the two would sometimes be seen lying and squatting side by side in the sun, on a bit of car pet in the back porch. During the three weeks that the hen sat on her eggs, Don used to pay daily >isits to the barn, and sometimes would stay with her by the half hour. Then the chicks came out of their shells. Don was intensely inter- sted. VII day long Ire scarcely left the barn. The next morning, when the hen stepped off the nest, and with a cluck called her brood after her, Don fol lowed. The hen fell to scratching, and the fluffy chicks darted hither and thither, picking up the titbits which the mother had uncovered. "Good!" said Don to himself; "lean help in this business," and, to tho terror of the chickens, he rail among them and began turning up the .soil at a lively rate. Then he sat down and waited. The mother hen called back the thicks to the newly-scrntched earth. nn<l soon they picked it clean. Then the dog took auother turn, and so the good work proceeded, to the great de light of all the par ties.- -Indianapolis Sentinel. A Bright and Glean Comedy. "Side Tracked," the sensational com edy which will appear at the Grand on Monday evening, is one of the greatest laugh-provokers now before the public, and well merits the unstinted praise bi • stowed upon it by both press and public everywhere it is seen. It has no hair lifting plot, but is a comedy, bright and clean with touches of pathos and a charming love story running through it. The company presenting it is an ex ceptionally good one. and tho special ties introduced by different members of the company during tho action of tho piece add materially to the amusement of the auditors. The story has sufficient interest to appeal to all classes, and there Is not a dull moment from the rise of the curtain until its fall. If you want to enjoy a good hearty laugh, see a pro duction of "Side Tracked. MANY DEATHS REPORTED. SUDDEN WEATHER CHANGES CAUSE CONSIDERABLE ILLNESS. PhyKleiann Ave Overburdened with Work und Kept Rimy Responding; to Gulls. Six Person* Pas* Away Thle Week. Many More Very Low. An unusual large number of deaths have occurred in Freeland and vicinity this week. Physicians claim that llie weather lias been to a large rx'out responsible for the increase. Its sudden changes have affected many people, and serious illness is reported from all quar ters of the town. The doctors have a number of patients who are in a pre carious condition. At 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday Denis Collum. whose illness was noted in Mon day's issue, died at the residence of his sister, Mrs. Thomas McGarvey, on Wal nut street. Death was due to Bright's disease. Mr. Collmn was about 50 years old, and had resided around lower Luzerne for over a quarter of a century. He was a native of Ireland. Besides the sister mentioned above, ho has one brother. James, of town. Tho funeral will take place, this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment at St. Ann's come- 1 tery. On Monday Patrick Gallagher, of South Ileborton, succumbed to an attack of cramps after a short but severe illness, which was superinduced by a cold. He had been a resident of that town for the post few years, having previously resided at Highland. A wife; and five children survive him, also two! brothers, Dominic, of town, and John. ; of Mahanoy City. The funeral took j place yesterday afternoon. Interment at St. Ann's cemetery. An infant son of Angelo Fell in and wife, of Drifton, died on Monday and was buried at St. Ann's cemetery the following day. Clarence, the second victim of diph theria in the family of James Bone, of Centre street, died on Monday. The child was four years old and was buried on Tuesday morning at Freeland ceme tery. Tho funeral of Neil Gallagher, of Hazlo Brook, whose death occurred on Sunday, took place on Tuesday after noon. Tho remains arrived here, via Lehigh Valley train and were interred at St. Ann's cemetery. Tho deceased was a victim of consumption. Ho leaves a wife and family of four sons, Myles, of Philadelphia; James, of Jeanesville, and Patrick and Felix, of Hazle Broilc. James Meohan, of Alden, died on Sun day morning of inflammation of the lungs. Deceased was aged about 60 years and unmarried. He had been em ployed by the Alden Coal Company for about twenty years, and was highly esteemed by his employers and associ ates. The remains were brought to Freeland on Monday evening and taken to the residence of his brother, William, at Rldgo and Carbon streets, from which place tho funeral was held yesterday afternoon. Monthly .Sennlon of Council. The borough council met in regular session on Monday evening with ail members present. The following bills were read and approved: J. 1). Myers, repairs on desks, 31.25; Hugh Boyle, janitor, 318; Electric Light Company, street lights, 3241.66; Boyle & Mc- Monigle, labor, 313.75; Freeland Mercan tile Company, cement, 82.75; Freeland Water Company, rent of plugs for three months, 882.50; It. C. Roth, repairs on tools, 35.95; L. V. It. R. Co., freight, 3218.17. An order was authorized to be drawn on the treasurer in favor of John Danaker for stones at tho rate of 15 cents a ton; amount, 381.50. The treasurer's report was read as fol lows: Received from Collector Malloy, 3400; received from Burgess McLaugh lin, 810; received from T. A. Buckley, seated land, 340 82; received from Frank Fairchild, taxes, 38.G1; total, 3495.43; orders paid and commission, 3491.92; balance, 51 cents. Street Commissioner Moore reported having expended for work on streets in December the sum of §132.38. Attorney John M. Carr, on behalf of the viewers who were appointed to assess damages for the widening of that portion of Centre street (west side) from Chest nut to alley along tho Coll property, re ported that they had agreed to recom mend to the court the sum of 3390 for tho six foot of ground. It was decided that the award of the viewers be approv-' ed. Albert Novak, George Rymsa, Mike Pasternak, Samuel Gross, Andrew (Mir ny, Sr.. Mary Stahl, D. Gross and Jacob Olsho wore exonerated from dog tax, each having mado tho necessary affi davit. The secretar; was authorized to notify tho parties who placed dirt and other refuse on the Public park to appear bo fore the street committee on Tuesday at 7 p. m. The borough surveyor was ordered to make a rr-survey of tho Public park and have the uocessary corner stones put in position. The street committee is to procure the required number of stones needed by the surveyor. The resignation of Councilman 11. M. FREELAND, PA., THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1897. Breslin was read and accepted, and James Mcllugh was selected to fill tho vacancy, subject to the approval of the court. Tho street committee of council met on Tuesday evening in the council room and heard explanations from the parties accused of throwing and hauling refuse on tho Public park ground. No action was taken, except that the committee agreed to recommend to council to have the gutter removed to the west lino of hi park and place a wire fence along its entire length. Hanltariuiu for Gounuuiptivei. Practical steps toward the establish ment of a stato sanitarium for the treat ment of consumption in its incipient stages were takon at Tuesday's meeting of the Pennsylvania Society for the Pre vention of Tuberculosis, held in Phila delphia. The society has secured a mag nificent tract of nearly 600 acres near White Haven, and a committee was ap pointed to raise by subscription 5515,000 for immediate use. With the sum thus secured it is proposed to commence the erection of live pavilions, each accommo dating from fifteen to twenty patients. The society oxpects to receive tho sup port of the state, and a bill appropriat ing 3100,000 for the sanitarium will be introduced during tho present session of the legislature. It Is proposed to make tho institution absolutely free, though a special pavilion may be erected later for "pay patients." It can be main tained partly by charitable contribu tions and partly by lump appropriations every other year from the stute, the in stitution agreeing to maintain one patient for every 37 per week contribut ed by the commonwealth. Zeinitl* Gets a New Trial. Anthony Zemitis, who was convicted j of murder in the first degree last Juno, | has been granted a new trial by Judge Lynch. It will bo remembered that Zemi tis and Anthony Yiestley, his boarding boss, worked in adjoining breasts in the Blackmail mine. Zemitis one evening came to a pump runner and stated that! Yiestley had been killed by a fall of coal | produced by a blast. The dead man was carried to the surface, and on tho fol lowing Sunday while tho body was be ing prepared for burial it was discov ered that tho man had been killed by pistol shots. Zemitis and Mrs. Yiestley, his alleged accomplice, were arrested on the charge of murder by the police and were later released on habeas corpus proceedings. Zemitis, however, was rearrested the same day, and upon trial was convicted of murder in the first degree. Since then it is said he has discovered new evidence which will acquit him. The Arnblnn Murder Cnne Again. Ex-lligh Constable. Charles J. Bauer, of Wilkesbarre, has brought suit against Luzerne county to recover 3500, tho reward offered for the arrest of the murderers of the Arabian, John Mike, at South Wilkesbarre on September 20, 1804. William Bowman, who was ar rested by llauor, is now serving a life sentence for the crime, and George Mctzgar, his accomplice, is serving a twenty-year sentence. It was thought that this case, which worried along from one stage to another for nearly two years, had been heard of for the last time, but since Bauer wants his reward the public will havo to stand it a while longer. Auditor* May Have to Go. The county controller and the board of county auditors have agreod to sub mit their dispute to tho court for the settlement. A case stated will bo sub mitted. The controller says tho law makes no provision for auditors iu coun ties with over 150,000 population; that tho controller takes tho place of audi tors in Luzerne and Schuylkill counties, and that, therefore, the Luzcrue audi tors have no claim whatever upon the taxpayers. The auditors cannot see the law in that light, and propose to hold the office until the court decides. Wesley League Ollicem. The Wesley Loaguo connected with St. Paul's Primitive Methodist church has elected the following officers: President—Wi 111 am Johnson. Vice president—Rev. S. Coopor. Secretary—Miss Sarah Zeisloft. Recording secretary —George Sweet. Treasurer—Miss Zamareih Trantor. STATK OP OHIO, CITY OP TOLKDO, ) LUCAS COUNTY, £ ' FIIANK J. CIIKNUY makes oath that he is the senior partner of Ihe firm of F. J. CHENEY Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State afore said, and that, said firm will r>ay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of CATAHRIC that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. J..., I'L A. W. GI.EASON, J amAl, f - Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acta directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Bend for testimonials, free. P. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. WSold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Church Worker* Arc Active. The churcbos of Freoland are constant ly at work, and as soon as special ser vices and attractions have been con cluded at one the light against sin is taken up by another. During next week the Holiness Christian Association will wago war upon the common enemy at their mission house on North Centre street. The meetings will be held nightly during the entire week, com mencing on Sunday with a convention of the church dignataries, which wili last three days, closing with the services on Tuesday evening. The convention will be attended by Rev. Jonas Trum baucr, presiding elder, Philadelphia: Rev. William P. Austin, Reading; Rev. Isaac Artz, Reading; Rev. C. C. Drown, Weatherly; Rev. Horace Trumbauer, Indiana, and others. On Sunday after noon at 2.30 o'clock the quarterly meet ing will be held and communion will be given here. Rev. 11. P. Jones, pastor of the Freeland church, has all arrange ments completed for the convention. He extends a welcome to all persons who wish to attend any of the services. The visit of Presiding Elder Trum bauer is an important one, and while here he will call at all the Holiness churches of this vicinity. He will arrive tomorrow and In the evening will visit Sandy Valley, on Saturday evening the congregation at Sandy Run will hear him, then he will remain in Freeland until Wednesday morning. On that and the following evenings lie will be with Weatherly friends, and the 10th and 17th Inst, will bo spent at Hazleton. In all the towns mentioned the Holi ness Christian Association is rapidly in creasing in membership, large crowds attend the services and the year 1897 promises to see many new branches or ganized and the present ones strengthen ed. Tho mission house at Hazleton is already too small to serve its purpose. Three from the Went. Rernard C. Gallagher, who had.a hard attack of "leading," has recovered suf ficiently to leave the hospital at Victor, Colorado. "Leading" is a dreaded com plaint among the miners of the Rockies, and Darnoy's friends will be pleased to hoar of ills recovery. James Rogan, a son of Patrick Rogan, of town, has located*ln San Francisco. Two years ago he left hero. Ho writes home that he spent Christmas with Rev. Father McGinty, formerly of Ebervale. Another Freeland boy who lias risen in San Fraucisco is Dernard Gallagher, a graduate of Drifton shops. Nine years ago he went west to seek work at his trade, boilerinaking. but has since be come one of the city's fire fighters at a salary of SIBO per month. IlurglurH* Heavy Sentence*. The South Side burglars, who robbed stores and had planned to kill collectors from Hazleton, were tried at Pottsville this week and found guilty. Judge Dechtnl sentenced them as follows: John McGeo, burglary, pay 850 fine and j costs, restore property and undergo three years and six mouths separate and solitary imprisonment at labor. John Lynch, carrying weapons, 35 fine and costs, six months imprisonment; larceny, 310 fine and costs and four months; j pointing firearms, 310 fine and costs and four months; burglary, SSO fine and costs 1 and undergo three years and six months imprisonment, all of which are in soli tude except four months. James Cull, burglary, 350 fine and costs, three years and six months imprisonment. Third Clerk My C'uuh© Trouble. The question of allowing a now clerk, making three in all, in County Treas urer Robinson's office, is being held un der advisement by the controller and county commissioners. At tho meeting between those officials the question was discussed at length, but no decision was reached. It is understood, however, that there was a decided difference of opinion as to wiiether or not two depu ties are sufficient to perform tho work in the treasurer's offico. It was finally decided to hold the matter over until next Monday. It is alleged that the ad ditional clerkship was created to carry out a promise rnado at tho Republican county convention. Den IMlley's Poor llox. From the Wllkesbarre Record. The poor box at Den Dilley's hotel was opened 011 Friday. Tlio total amount dropped in the box during tho year was $527.52. Tho poor box was instituted by Mr. Dilley in January, 1877. lip to January, 1806. the total amount deposit* ed in it hud been $6,808.07, which, added to its earnings for 1896, make a grand total of $7,733.59. The receipts of this poor box aro used for the benefit of tho poor and the charity is so distributed as to make it as unostentatious as possible. Not one person is refused aid while the monoy lasts. A Card of Thank*. At a meeting of tho St. Patrick's cornet hand on Monday evening a resolu tion was adopted thanking the citizens and organizations of Freeland for their generous and liberal response to the serenades tendered by the band on New Year's Day. John Trimble, president. Martin Droderick, secretary. Don't pay more for shoes than they're worth. Full value at the Wear Well. Working mittens, 15c. At Sippel's. BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. PARAGRAPHS GATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OF THE REGION. Synop.i. or Local and MKneilaneou. Oc onrroncc* That . on lis Read Quickly. Who, the Folk, of Till, and Other Towns ore DoiuK. The Huzlcton 1 mill will resume pub lication 011 Sunday next. Buy your rubbers at the Wear Well. Chestnut's novelty and toy store was closed yesterday by the sheriff. B. F. Davis and Joseph Neuburger wore Harrlsburg visitors this week. Buy a danco and dodge the doctor. Sold at A. Oswald's. Charles Parrish, tho famous coal operator who died last week, has his life insured for 8120,000. Removal sale bargains at Sweeney & llerron's, Hazleton. It is said that sufficient money has been subscribed to keep the Hocking bat factory in Haz'cton. Miss Kate ltogan, one of the teachers of the Coxe Memorial school, is confined to her home with a dangerous attack of pneumonia. Watch the removal sale at Swociiev A Herrou's, Hazleton. The committee of. the Citizens' llosc Company which has charge of tho ball to ho held on the 25th inst. will make the event one to bo remembered. Prof. John R. Wagner, principal of the Mining and Mechanical Institute, has an interesting article on coal briquettes in the current number of Caasler'sMaga zine. Bargains in furniture at Sweeney A Fle.rron's removal sain. Tho Standard this morning says there is a probability of tho Blass overall fac tory removing to Hazleton. The people of Freeland hopu there Is no truth in the rumor. The danco will never let your ears or face got cold. Sold at A. Oswald's. The colored man. Nelson Miller, who is in jail under sentence for the moun- j tain dynamite murder, Is in poor health. Tho close confinement Is tolling on his constitution. Every motorman and driver should wear a danco. Sold at A. Oswald's. J. 11. Daubach and wifo spent this week at the home of the former's parents In Huntington township, where they were called to attend the funeral of Mr. Daubach's mother. The Froeland school board failed to meet last evening, a quorum not being present. Directors Rule, Ferry and Timuny attended anil agreed to meet again on Saturday night. Suits and overcoats and gents' furnish ings of all kinds reduced. LSeo. Sippcl. The Hazleton Ministerial Association has passed resolutions expressing dis approval of Sunday funerals, and the pastors state they prefer not to ho asked to officiate on such occasions. Tho return of Adams and Conrtrlglit. the stars of tho "Sporting Craze," to morrow evening, means that tho Grand will have another large audience. The show is deserving of good patronage. Big blizzards come ift short notice. Buy a danco at A. Oswald's and bo pro pared for them. Yesterday was observed as Christmas by the Greek Catholics. Services began on Tuesday niglit at 12 o'clock at St. Mary's church and were continued at intervals until last evening. There is a large number of this denomination here. Tho second of the series of Sunday evening entertainments at the Grand opera house will ho held on the 17lh Inst. The program Is in charge of tho Upper Lehigh members of the Young Men's Corps, and they arc securing some noted talent for that dato. Shoos that lit the feet at prices to suit your pocketbook can be had at the Wear Well Shoe House, 55 Centre street. Frank McHugti, tho popular Phila delphia drummer who has traveled through these parts for years, has ac cepted a position as city agent for Teet Bros., tea dealers, and will retire from the, road. Mr. Mcllugh was a welcome visitor at the grocery stores of the coal region and merchants will miss him. Madame DcDoon, of Philadelphia, the noted clairvoyant and phrenologist, reads your life at the Cottage hotel on Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. Tho contests to secure places on the Republican ticket of tho borough are developing some Intense struggles. From two to four sets of delegates are running in each voting district, and the candidates are lighting hard for supre macy. The Republicans now have a good majority and are confident of suc cess on election day. PLEASURE CALENDAR. January 25.—Annual hall of the Citi zen's lloso Company at Yanncs'opera house. Admission, 50 cents. 81.50 a year is all the TRIBUNE costs. Read - the - Tribune. Winter Blasts Will be late again this year. Good for the buyer; bad for the merchant. We can't think of profits now. We're glad to our money back. Overcoats at cost. You can buy for $1f.50 the same Coat for which you paid $7 before. Winter Suits undergo the same treatment. Children's Reefers, $1.50 can't be beat. Fine Astraehan or Boucle Reefei s, worth $5, at $3.50. Our 28c II 'ool Knee Rants are going like hot cakes- Winter Caps, every kind,, every style, for comfort a u <1 beauty. Get one for the time of need. Meanwhile 11 'ear a nobby Derby Hat as long as the weather per mits. If you do not wish to pay $3 or $2 or $1.50 nobody will be the wiser if you get a 09c Derby at 01- sho's. Cnapped hands.' Foolish! When you can get such good Gloves for 20c and 25c or as high as you wish to go. Boys' heavy Mitts, 25c ones, 10c. OLSIIO'S Clothing and Hat Store, 57 Centre street, Frcclund. GREAT BARGAINS IN Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions. Notions, Carpet, Boots and Shoes, Flour and Feed, Tobacco, Cigars, Tin and Qucensicare, Wood and Willowware, Table and Floor Oil Cloth, Etc. A celebrated brand of XX flour always in stock. Roll Butter and Eggs a Specialty. My motto Is small protitsand quick sales. 1 always have fresh goods and am turning my stock every month. Every article is guaranteed. AMANDUS OSWALD, N. W. Cor. Centre and Front Sis., Freeland. GEORGE FISHER, dealer in FRESH BEEF, PORK, VEAL. MUTTON, BOLOGNA, SMOKED MEATS, ETC., ETC. Call at, No. 6 Walnut street, Freeland, or wait for the delivery wafcona. VERY LOWEST PRICES. Condy 0. Boyle, dealer in Liquor, Wine, Beer, Porter, Etc. The finest brands of Domestic and Imported Whiskey on sale in one of the handsomest sa loons in town. Fresh Rochester aim Bhonun douh Deer and Ycungliug's Porter on tup. U8 Centre street. COTTAGE HOTEL. Washington and Main Streets. HENRY BAAS, - Proprietor. The best aceommodation for permanent and transient guests. Good table. Fair rates. Dar finely stocked. Stable attached. Dr. N. MALEY, ilium Second Floor, Birkbeck Brick. OVER BI UK DECK'S STORE. T. CAMPBELL, dealer in llry OootlK, CiMceMeii Booti tuul Shoes'* Also PURE WINES & LIQUORS FOIt FAMILY AMI) MEDICINAL PURPOSES. Centre ami Main streets, Frccluud. $1.50 PER YEAR QHAS. ORION STROH, Attorney and Counselor at Law and Notary Public. Office: RoomsiJaud 4, Birkbeck Drick. Freeland. JOHN M. CARR* Attorney-at-Law All legal business promptly attended. Postofflo* Building, *-;.% Frml&nd. Tyj HALPIN, Mann ufacturer of Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, Ac. Walnut and Pine- Streets, Freeland. RS. S. E. lIAYES, Fire insurance Agent. Washington Street. bone but Reliable Companies Rep/resented. Q IX ROHRBACH, General Hardware. Builders' supplies of every kind nlwuys In stock, wall paper, paints and tinware. Bicy cles und repairs ol nil sorts. South Centre street. JAMES QUIGLEY, Confectionery. Fruits, Cigars, and Tobacco. Green truck ol all kinds handled in seuson Opposite Dirk beck Drick, Freeland. LIBOR WINTER, Restaurant and Oyster Saloon. No. 13 Front Street, Freeland. The finest liquors and cigars served at the counter, families supplied with oysters. G. MORACK, Baker & Confectioner. Wholesale and Retail. CENTRE STEEET, FREELAND. CENTBAL : HOTEL LEADING HOTEL IN EKEELAND. M. 11. II UN SICKER, Prop. Rates, $3 per duy. Dar stocxed with fine whiskey, wine, beer ai d cigars. Sule und ex change stable attached. FRANCiS BRENNAN, RESTAURANT 151 Centre street, Freeland. FINEST LIQUOR, DEER, PORTER, ALE, CIGARS AND TEM PERANCE DRINKS. XYYY JRISTIESSI Light Carriage Harness, $0.50, $7, $9 and $lO 50. Heavy Express Harness, $16.50, sl9, s'2o and $22. Heavy Team Harness, double, $25, S2B and S3O. GEO. WISE, Jeddo and Freeland, Pa. VIENNA : BAKERY. J. B. LAUBACH, Prop. Centre Street, Freeland. CHOICE BREAD OF ALL KINDS CAKES, AND PASTRY, DAILY. ' FANCY AND NOVELTY CAKES DAK ED TO ORDER. Confectionery # Ice Cream supplied to balls, parties or picnics, with all necessary adjuncts, at shortest notice and fairest prices. Delivery and supply Wtigons to all parts at *own and surroutidings every day. BePIEREO - BROS. -OA FE.=- Corner of Centre and Front Streets* Freeland, Pa. Finest Whiskies in Stock. Gibson, Dougherty, Kufor Club, Roßeublntil's Velvet, of which we have EXCLUSIVE SALE IX TOWN. Murum's Extra Dry Champagne, Henuessy Brandy, Blackberry, Gins, Wines, Clarets, Cordials, Etc. Imported and Domestic Cigars. OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE. Ham and Schweitzer Cheese Sandwiches Sardines, Etc. MEALS AT - ALL - HOURS Ballentine and Hazloton beor on tap. Baths, Hot or Cold, 25 Cents.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers