PAGE Two. TWP. NOTES PINE TWP. | BEILWOOUD, MENTCLE, ALVERDA, | AND VICINITY, FROM PEN OF Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bash and son, Kenneth, of Dixonville, were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Thornton last week. Mr. Jack Gibson and Lisle Russell of Griesmore, spent a very en- joyable day at the opening of the Eb- ensburg fair Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Powers of Pittsburgh, visited at the H. M. Henry home in Alverda on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Carnathan and family of Revloc were recent social callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs C. M. Thornton. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Straw and fa- mily of Mentcle, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Straw and family of Alverda, attended the Fruit Hill picnic in Clearfield county on Thursday of last week. Misses Leland and Mildred Lydick of DuBois and Hazel and Louise Neely of Clymer were recent social callers tele. | Mr. and Mrs. Harry Russell and fa- | mily, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibson of Griesmore and Mr. and Mrs. D. J. | Joiner of Alverda, visited the Indiana Fair on Thursday. | Mrs. Valley Grumbling of Heilwood spent last Friday visiting at the Pat Henry and Albert Cluroe homes. { Verna Jenkins, a graduate nurse of the Emergency Hospital in Washing- | ton, D. C., is home on a two weeks’ vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lunn and | family visited Mr. Lunn’s sister, Mrs. | Ralph Muffley, who is a patient the Philipsburg hospital. | Mrs. Earl Burkey of Wilkinsburg, was a visitor at the home of Mr. and | Mrs. C. M. Thornton of Mentcle last week. | Hilbert and Elaine Trimble and | eed Mary Bosky were recent callers in | Marstellar. | Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baltsgiver and | son, James, of Glen Campbell spent | Labor Day with Mrs. Saltsgiver’s par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson. | Miss Ruth Straw of Mentcle, re-| turned to her work at the Harry Oak- er residence in Johnstown on Satur- day. | Mr. and Mrs. George Davis’ of | Meadville, were dinner guests at the ANOTHER NEW FLAVOR Es | John Mance home on Sunday. Heilwood and Brush Valley the first game of their five game series on Saturday on the Heilwood diamond. Heilwood’s ace pitcher, Holuta, on the spot in the 7th and 9th innings. In the seventh inning the first man up made a three-base hit off Holuta, who came through with three | not allowing this man to score. In the ninth inning with the bases loaded and no one out, the “King of the sand lots | of Indiana county” knowing he was in played was | a bad spot, looked over at his manager, | George Ganoe, with a broad smile, and | then proceeded to put them down in | | 1-2-3 order, making Heilwood victor | by a score of 5 to 0. The second game | | of this series will be played on the | Brush Valley diamond at 4:30 Tuesday afternoon. | Mr. C. M. Thornton, Wellman Thorn. | ton, Joseph Wyda, Walter McCloskey, | | Jr., and George Corsini, of Mentcle, motored to Pittsburgh on Friday. | Mrs. Sam McNulty and spent last Thursday night and Friday at the home of her parents, Mr. and | Mrs. C. W. Frye in Mentcle. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Straw and family | of Dixonville visited at the home of | at the Wesley Thornton home in Men- | their parents in Mentcle over Labor | Day. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Wetzel and Lou- | ise Litzinger of Carrolltown guests at the Carl Frye home on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buckshaw and family spent a very enjoyable day at Idlewild park Sunday. strike-outs, | { children | THE UNION PRESS-COURIER. Gla cut in a railroad trestle. | cradle could pass. | world. hospitals. School children between the ages of Mr. and Mrs. Link Adams and chil- | 6 and 11 are most often affected. dren of Mentcle were callers in Bel- | sano and Pine Flats on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lasako and | the Ella Lucas home. A baseball game 1s scheduled for tween Patton and Mentcle on the Pat- ton diamond. SOME FACTS CONCERNING RHEUMATISM GIVEN BY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION | Rheumatism is a term loosely used to include all sorts of ailments affect- ing the nerves, muscles and joints. There is a condition which usually has its beginnings during childhood | in which the joint involvement is but one of the several manifestations. | This may be termed “juvenile rheu- matism.” It is an infectious disease which in- vades various tissues of the body. The heart, the points and their sur- rounding structures, and the nervous system are chiefly affected. It is estimated that this condition comprises from 3 to 7 per cent of all medical diseases observed in children’s | ded for The cause of the disease is not | known. A child who is handicapped with dis- [son, Gary, of Seanor, are visiting at | cased tonsils or weakened by pepea- | ted and prolonged respiratory infec- tions is more likely to become a vic- IN| Sunday, September 10th at 2:30 be-| tim of “juvenile rheumatism.” The child complains of vague pains in the region of the joints or muscles | and these complaints are sometimes dismissed as “growing pains.” Or the child may complain of cramp like pain in the legs or legache. The heart is involved in from 60 te 70 per cent of such cases. Long periods of rest, nourishing food and good hygiene are recommen- victims of “juvenile rheu- matism.” A LESSON FROM HOLLAND The American people can learn a valuable lesson from the lifeguards at the beaches of Holland. For, according to an item in the Dai- | rymen’s League News of New York, these guards made a practice of drink- ing a glass of milk every hour to give them greater endurance. Medical men and dieticians often ob- serve that the per capita consumption of milk in this country—by both the i . BANANA-RCON ICE CREAM rhe Seallest..aprroved FLAVOR OF THE MONTH Imagine crisp, almond maca- roons and mellow-ripe bananas blended and frozen with rich dairy cream and other fine ingre- dients. That’s what you get in our new Banana-Roon Ice Cream —a new taste thrill—a new flavor sensation! Don’t miss it if you love fine ice cream. wm! Yum! SHERBET er A brand new treat! A RG Pure citrus fruit - juices frozen with mint. Could you picture anything more delightful and refreshing? DRUMSTICK The niftiest nickel's worth in town! Pure ingredients—cone— ice cream — chocolate —nuts. HOFFMAN'S qr Sealtest, Inc. and its member companies are under one common ownership. BRAND NEW ONLY Big, roomy, you the Same 1939 Wall Paper Sample Book! Contains 60 Different Papers priced from 5c to 25¢ per Single Roll WRITE FOR YOUR FREE BOOK TODAY! We pay the postage on all orders. No charge for trimming. BUCK'S WALL PAPER & PAINT 334 Washington Street { JOHNSTOWN, PENNA. CHARLSON’S STORE GEORGE BROS. - HOGUE HARDWARE Superlotue 6 ; crm $40 full 6 Cubic Ft. size! Gives Mechanism, same Meter-Miser, same one- iece steel construction an etl otors 5-year Protecuon Plan as Frigid aire’s models costing up tO ¥ uality at a Super-Value price: — | J ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF FRIGIDAIRE AIR CONDITIONING — BEER COOLING — MILK COOLING AND HO- SHETTIG HARDWARE _____ Ebensburg N. W. MOORE HARDWARE [ Simplest Refrigerating d same General $100 more. Using house-moving technique, workmen move the original 209-inch | glass disc of a Corning, N. Y., glass works through a gap which was An entire section of trestle and tracks had to were | be removed so that the huge 22-ton telescope eve and ils special steel The disc is the largest single piece of glass in the children and adults—is far lower than it should be, in the interests of heal- th. Few foods contain as much nutri- tive value as milk, few are more pai- atable, and few are less expensive. A national milk consumption double or more that existing today, would result in marked betterment of the average standard of helath, and, incidentally, it would mean a great deal to the d: iry farmer, who has been faced with excessive production over consump- tion. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTILE In the Estate of Onuter Sciranko, late of Elder Township, Cambria Coun- ey, Pennsylvania, deceased. Notice is hereby glven tnat Letters of administration in the estate of the said decedent have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known without delay to RAYMOND D. BUCK, Administrator, Patton, Pa Reuel Somerville, Attorney, Patton, Pa. 6t EXECUTOR’'S NOTICE. In the estate of Sarah Jane Lodge, late of Patton Borough, Cambria coun- Thursday, September 7, 1939. ty, Pennsylvania, deceased. having claims or demands against the Notice is hereby given that Letters | same will make them known without the delay to Testamentary upon the Estate of . JOHN GEORGE wiLSON, Executor, above named decedent have been granted to the undersigned. All per: Patton, Pa. Reuel Somerville, Attorney, Patton, Pa. a sons indebted to said Estate are re- quested to make payment, and those A Sy Ii You're Sure of Refresh- ment If You're Sure You Ask For— OLD NARCH A OR NEW LIF TOA For OLD MONARCH AND NEW LIFE is made with that very idea in mind Carefully watched and checked throughout the entire process of making, it comes to you in all its refreshing excellence. Made of only the best ingredients, you can be positive of its quality. When really thirsty . . chase it quickly with a cold bot- tle of OLD MONARCH or NEW LIFE BEER. BUY OLD MONARCH OR NEW LIFE BEER—THE BEST IN THE LAND—OUR BEER GUARANTEED TO PLEASE OR YOUR MONEY BACK. BEER---A BEVERAGE OF MODERATION UNION MADE AND DELIVERED. CGoenner & Ce JOHASTOWN, PA. A New COLD-WALL Frigidaire with the Meter-Miser! THE WORLD'S FIRST “COLD-WALL” REFRIGERATOR! Built on an entirely New Principle that saves food's vital freshness from drying out For the first time, you can now store even highly perishable foods — and prolong their original freshness, retain their nourishing richness and peak fresh flavor... . days longer than ever before! Come in. Convince ourselfin 5 Minutes. See how this new Frigidaire puts you years ahead in every way—in beauty, usability, economy as well as food-preserva- tion. Yet costs no more than ordinary “first-line” refrigerators! Frigidair CONVENIENT TERMS AS LOW AS 4 ) Js 7, 7, The Super- Freezer NOW, FOR THE FIRST TIME Salant ia d THE NEW “DEW -FRESH SEAL” — A TRARY " SOLID GLASS PARTITION — DIVIDES as woral THE CABINET INTO 2 COMPARTMENTS. and < 2 THE LOWER COMPARTMENT IS RE- * FRIGERATED DIRECTLY THROUGH == THE WALLS BY CONCEALED REFRIGER- ATING COILS. @ This provides all 3 essentials for keeping foods vitally fresh longer than ever before — 1. Uniform Low Temperatures. 2. High Humid- ity. 3. No Moisture-Robbing Air Circulation. All without adding a single moving pare AND ONLY FRIGIDAIRE HAS IT! as TEL, RESTAURANT AND MEAT MARKET COOLING EQUIPMENT. mms BATNESHOTO —— Seuth Ferk ro... Cresson Portage BENDER ELECTRIC C COMMONS’ HARDWARE -..__ Nanty-Glo CARROLLTOWN * & JOHNSTOWN BARNES STORE CO. ——_____ Bakerton BAKERTON SUPPLY CO. Elmora HUGHES STORE CO. Lilly mor BARNES & TUCKER STORE J ane NTU Oalliizin COMPANY Barneshoro STORE Hastings STs = nda —— I tha bri pas for the nol dai “Li ang the kn ref hur not tas Joy any ver beg is | inj ticl son fes: hea aga < DOOONOOHONNONONOONNOON 2O00OOOOOOO g 00OC i a Il 4
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