AN ATTAINMENT OF THE LARGEST GENERAL WEEKLY EWSPAPER CIRCULATION IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANI/ Our Shop Is Equipped to Do Job Printing of All Kinds. Nothing Too Large or Too Small We Cater Especially to Local Union, Printing. CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA AREA. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER M, 1939 SPAT BN SUBSCRIPTION $2. 00 PER YEAR A GENERAL NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF ORGANIZED LABOR IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. eecsradzed and Enfors. ) and Endors- ed by More Than Fifty Local Uniens and Cen- tral Bodies Over Cam bria County and Ad- jacent Mining Areas on Union Press, Established May, 1935. VOL. 45. NO. 49. d GRAY FIRSTAID MINE SECRETARY Primaries Result in Some THOUSANDS RELY TIMMS DISSENTS TEAM COPS THE HOPES FOR COAL Surprises and Some Close ONPUBLICFUNDS IN FINDINGS OF HONORSINMEET INDUSTRYBOOM “= vv +1 Both Parties 'N COUNTY AREA BAKERY BOARD Arcadia Miners Win Second Po- | John Ira Thomas sand Others See Report Shows That One-Tenth Blames Union Activities for the sition in State Wide Contests | Ppgogsible Expansion in Market - of Cambria’s Population Now Let-Out of Haley; Devine and at Ebensburg Fair Grounds. Because of the War, | Some startling surprises a some County Commissioner, Is Receiving Heip. Davis Decide Otherwise. - — rather close contests came out of the Hollern _. - - A first aid team composed of miners A possible boom for Pennsylvania's primary election on Tuesday by both Hoppel 559 Nearly 20 000 pers in Cambria Edward Haley, Carrolltown, quit employed at the Gray (Somerset coun- | long sluggish coal industry was seen parties, in an exceptionally light vote McClc 11,643 -10 per cent of the total pop- his job as a mechanic for the Home ty) operation of Consolidation Coal | t week by the state mine officials jj the county. Eddie McCloskey led F.| Murphy 3,228 | y are dependent on state and Baking Company, Ebensburg on May Company was declared the best team | surveying reacticns to the war in Eu- P. Hollern for Democratic County County Controller. fe elief grants, assording to a re- 6th, and the company “is not obliged among first ai dcrews Penns rope. Commissioner with Hoppel trailing in Westrick 15,732 port made available this week by the to rehire him unless of their own de- vania bituminous coal indu low John Ira Thomas, state secretary of third place; John Thomas, Jr, and Clerk of Courts. Department of Assistance sire,” was the opinion handed down ing an outstanding perfor tur- i viewed the outlook for anthra- John Lloyd Jones are the an 11,958 Board. last week by Sheriff Cyrus W. Davis day at Ebensburg. cite coal and bituminous coal mined | nominees. John Haluska had walk- t 00K 3 al law, making fur- and J. J. Devi of Johnstown, mem- With the record-breaking score of | in Pennsylvania “broghter than it away for the Democratic urship Coroner. r all WPA em- bers of a board of arbitration, which 18 months went heard testimony in the dispute, but number of Bernard Timms, of Moss Creek, the nomination and Dr. Emlyn Jones has McGovern epub- | McDermott a possible 100, the | has been for a long tim npionship He saw the possible expansion of | defeated Tom Kennedy on the i per- *@ ‘Saw lhe DOSS) Bats en | RET ind ite line Workers mber of t IMINOUS | the Pennsylvania foreign markets am- | lican end. Some of the other contests McKinl teadily Unit Vine Marken Me ber of the € nnsylva § : ; t ht definit otherwise i 0 y neutral nations and a greater pro- are close The figures as given below county | 09rd, hougni 0c yherwise in a dissenting opini held that Haley had been * Mr. Devine was the Baking Com Mr. Timms was sel R 1 and Whe Sheriff Davis was member of the B« try atten- | are incomj in the steel determined cause of ou noon, 1t 1s and winners may be tative of represe y on the Board, ted by the United Workers, while as the third the Me SSIs, wward trend. > Pro- bituminous inder existing this con- the bitu- should 4 ned Per ] in west- h : Coke ie r- ver G Sim Devine and Ti sued Virginii over > Ee Sim Fore: ; by the Messrs. noted 14 races : It ra said if 1 ? follows: t pre race for thon 1 men when |. 3 “ry Sy 3 £ A 4 + 3 1 than anthracite. fe the R d Fir. The Board « d en the Home Be pute arising be n , should give . < i if the WPA to v the home DEMOCRAT leave ing Company and Ed- it has lost to bitum- Judge. private Wa : C fie vole (D ave ae re” k cidec a two to one vote avis vo- 10 years District ting for with Devine also voting for gion, persons fa- District Attorney WINS ior Ww 2Y as yng Yor, 1 Bernard ) the con- tention that discharged by pany, but electe expressed be- Hibbs y long war abroad would O'Connor ley was not Baking Com- his own 1€ or tempor- sured that they Prothonotary in increasing coal s d to quit Ithough produc- tig z high of 100,.- rervenak accord after being re: 1 by Frank t world war Domenick that t properly at- ast w 1 var i Be ; i effect on Dietrick , ; ls ct 'nded to his d 6th day of then Hartnett t t. | dowr £ 4.98 n gene M 1919, and that ti Baking . then arinetL nnd 12.998 inat] bet- Qown as I0llows! 4,982 cases on gene « 3 4 hive out Recorder of Deeds ter: C Company is not obliged to rehire him te marl ot Powell ¥ unless of the \ ; te market. rowell Re- “Ep 4 and an- Farrell Z £ From He meet. S eld. Luther produced by ? . convir \ ley moveme?r > r. Haley ir ' n ng tol SV in mines sa County Treasurer. n. mem g told by 119 fatalities Haluska mination for ank Domen d not pro- a ratio of one fata Burns : attended We are vious of protege, In 1909, 268.900 restrictec ined, “Cs to Penr the : Take Nose Div »| ent the fact that he and Frank Dems ily term the supplied n 3.000,000 a 0 ana 1 TE wich so th y Canad World War, the anal-| AIR RACES WILL BE Doost S 1 ihe z g 713 2 : a : :a- COMBINED WITT I REEMPLOYMENT DRIVE ed in : IROUS NE . .r rr . T ; y 3 3 8 2 { ; GETS NEW IMPETUS IN a Ma ERY AQ WAT Q | Bea ¢ =54 AMERICA AS W. AID or . . of Many Fly- cols x : actions Including Stunts, 4 2 Exhibitions, Ete. r t ( pI eed f{ rek C g = n : vey t nga I in demand in | eT C Baltimore #1 industrial A €OStS the Labor} Ne to both the Euro- | conflict ter they domestic demand. 3 = . ¢ 1 i1 the versace somery, Trwin 1 and half 1 rsons wily unt the BY or a gomse YS Ih ~ : . ol emt oyment dur- living costs had doubled région Willis; S$ meeting or 5 said. Fac- The month found f the depre buted ne phy. Second Coke Corporz mine, Arcadi tain; Ben B John Baru Stanley K red Roose- Fimms Dissenting Opinion. DNIONFOR THE WPA 7002 svi of stunt 20 Third 50.000 SOUGHT BY DELEG one : i Taane e Seese has Been eng mon t I concur am ute )s. ? : lived ai 1a! > ies Helping Hand th 2 2 en and the 1 C 1 1ploye FANHOUSE AT MINE Bi IN ELDER TOW : : DESTROY 3 2 b at L < 1 f hs : 1 depression of 1914, a y x hh BiB in business feel is of Europe's orders by five months after hostili- 1s that he } ine conten ricans | December, 1 5 he was the | ties began. It was not until mid-1916 3 4 tivities, Lk ! at our unemployed were 3 I “Consequentls A ie tain: / absorbed by t industrial fact, 1 he Hoy £ Colver, ; % id gi 2 o% af be ous} employment |b wl om. | clock, burned the wooden s re to | ses. I ids i Michnol Das, in emand for consumer In co st, the study points ot the ground and burned oif the roof of | all the evidence . Glenn I fumme " goods is certain to follow, experts de- | many erican industries have been | a small b ¢ buildi n wh I am convinced ihat r : Berkoski and «-<t { clare. They s this would stimulate | expandi under armament orders fan motor was housed. The tar ytor SRW art ex 1 money. 35 at & ime 7 a | whicl g sified ae . : 2 dod rs as n i ere th m Dt Chiitity. Bimhintus Coat irae me Yan v hie us a ually ili He ! was ruined and about fifty feet of tim-| primary cause of his d Co ae, 2.0 Ing 1t 40 n ag 0 se 0 : aoe 4 B12 82 past | ber in the fnway was destroy “Haley organized the Home Balk ng Ninth _L.ovalhanna Coal and Coke p of the Tllinoi Topeans or Ey tart | ombauing he Daze he 3 ls Comp employ vas the prime Compan; brook 99.50. ! sé re. will water in a ail dam in | mov J £ oy m 3 11 and then resorted to chen I e } ning A lift the These two London child : C ot Re n , the i ’ evacuation prepara tic as a 1 the mis P mn he / y . e groati .. Part of the 3,0 ymes had i the bo : of nen v + 2 oxin tay rv fan C ) er don nd opera h
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers