ty Cotnissioners Hw Adopted Keb dite of Valuations. 3 f The Commissioners of hedule of valuations ou trades, oo he receives a rakeoff. it iu time for the : padtong and frcifioamion FER apd arate tha | authorith take a hand and the Coconprbiong, elo pot herein canner. sooner they le it the better. ated will be rated same se like coon The Corrie has no knowledge of the shaw that will visit Patton; neither | does it know whether they do a per © {fectly legitimate business or not. Bat | 4 SEE a ™ {it does kiiow that the majority of the ANT people, whose. intellects big shows depend in a large messure fa yuality Ww enjoy the eon on their system of graft to help pay an Biel elevites and enlight- expenses and declare dividends. mind, fall into the gossiping We sitioerly hope that the Main peo ape DOTe | ble are not in this class, However, a Hittle forethought will not be amiss. If the show ia sll right and condncted oo 5 : £ 2 gne dl # | sny business enterprise should be, | Owe Sropmeton all well and good. If not, then the Clerk... borough officials and the constabalary | Condit | have a daty to perform that they ean ( not fail in and retain the good will of the pablic and the respect of the peo. a ple. : Hpk. ji There Is no doubt but what a large Engines 28 crowd will be in Patton on the date Emer mticmary: | mentioned, and the authorities owe it | Foon '1 to them to see that they are used right irri and not robbed, : rs Of eotirse, any one is a fool who will stack up against another man's game, t but the American people have become | ; #0 thoroughly imbued with the gab. | : that Broter Cowan ln spieit that most of them need a | guardian when the seductive thres shell jo game man pata in an appearance, | The anthorities owe It to the visitors ; Mi | that this temptation be removed, AY O° the first sign of any “monkey bosiness’ | 1 The | On the part of the cirons grafters ar Far | rests should be made and the entire gambling outfit closed out. * dsenntinuet antl all arene pation : ups at the option of the FB basi By i the stone at Patton ax soond: Elise ma tatler. Lagden . pwnd mw Tra ke sus r ¢ vit Bngtyeer ; Psi yeaa cor MUR Teaser § } Hrnngtanem 4 67 Fea § rer Flows § Away Lhe binrnss fe dep Feel inrgement of the heart. be tn revit of a communica p them offering us a Scent E™ ont a in sobange {or adv rtin. If the anthoritiea fall to do this they | pune Hou ut regular rates would fall in thelr duty to themselves, the my i Bx. 16 Is alnost ax Hberal gitizens of the town and the strangers ¥ isostar | fim; proposition recently sent who will be within ORF gates. Miran dd ‘wooden canoer. Patton stands roady to welcome any | i then {legitimate amusement, but it ought vot | jie in . a to stand for faking of any character Hand! Stemi tenes ws whatsoever. Perhaps these remarks Hise, heirs are unnecessary and perbape not. We, | Restanrnant K vepor i will walt and » ee, Soir Foy ai 3 Marti ry s sar dP 1 Caper lr CR lege in Tsui rntey oF vam x yield liberal returns get cask for its advertis. and pays cash for what it 3 | Storia tte f | Rhona ker i Mg i Worker. Ba RES . lin Now York state piust | Bhunrman, PRupl op Masager {Ghai now bo clean, whether they want to I RupL or Matnger (Ass the Sewspuper a accounts of the or not, and all are obliged to register. Tailor. side of a 1 , The barbers there are compelled to [oU*~oit wash the bands thoroughly with soap | Tescher and hot water before attending any | Etre ” person. Nu alum or other astringent Wagin abo {shall be used in stick form; if used at all to stop flow of blood, it must be applied in form of powder. The use of powder puffs is prohibited. No nity and even when the towel shall be used for more than one IE. for the rental of a well equipped nich in iw antroe and not be- Person. without being washed. The | ‘grist mill, driven by water power ami ed by right thinking people it is use of sponges is prohibited. Mugs and gasoline engine, known ss the Sybast to cats pain to innocent per. | shaving brushes shall be thoroughly Lor Dawson Mill at Syberton, Cambria SSE ; jeounty, Pa. The mill wiki na mijority of cases the gossip | {washed after use on each person. for a term of from three to five years, evil natore and uothing more Hones, razors, clippers and scissors | Accompanying the ill proper r than a tid bit of scandal, shall he thoroughly cleansed by dip.’ dwelling bonse in god retailed around from place to | i ping i in boiling water, or othel german. Iarge barn and fess or and with every telling is given cide, after sach separate use thereof. of surfice. : No barber, unless he is nn licensed phy- ican, shall prescribe for any skin dis- se, Floors must be swept or mopped every day and all furnitare and wood | | work kept free from dust. Hot and | cold water most be provided. Why 1g whom it WAY COnUern: Article {'wonkin't this be a good law for this left with the late J. C. Rayder, jeweler, ‘state ? | such ax watches, clocks, jewelry or re. i | pair work of any description has bev placed In the hands of RB. Tose T, 8 person o owns more thas | Pride of Patton Temple No. 68, L | Patton, Pa., where owners can pay re. n as each ely, or if] G. E. adopted the following resolutions: ! pair charges and redeem same. All i l Wermmgas: It haa ol 1 our all wise | Articles not redeemed by October 1st, scparate Jota, ansesn P| providence to ans Dane our Temple 1803, will be otherwise disposed of, give first name in fll with our beloved companion, Miss Lizsic. oo Wa H. HANDEORD, Admr. Estate of J. OC. Sayder. Patton, Pa, August 81 1603, ie Hy “EF GRIST MILL TO LEY, Bealed proposats will be received by pandition, (the andersigned, Eri T. Conxen, Gen'l Sapt., The Webster Coal & Coke Co, Cresson, Cambria county, Peooa. 0 ander the new law of Penn. a Js to be commenced Monday, | oring county the ARSCHNO iven the following positive 8, which embody so much | Sat thay are quoted ver-, Final Netlee, RESOLUTIONS. me court all persons of one oven. | Resolved, That we condole with the | must be assessed uniformi '; de | family of our beloved companion in| : | property as fully as possible; | this hour of bereavement and com- | : | Catarrh of the Stomach When the stomach is overloaded. when food is taken into jt that fails to | digest, it decays and inflames the mu cous membrane, exposing the nerves mend them to Him who doeth all things * « well, Be it further number of each property; : where | Resolved, that we show our heartful | sympathy by draping our charter for : and cates the glands to secret mucin, he | the period of thirty day s and that a | instead of the natural jaives of digo , | copy be spread on the minutes of our. on This is called catarch ‘Temple and pr inted in the Patto " stomach. For years 1 suffered Cou RIER and in the Pennsylvania tiie, catarrh of the slomach, cansed by ing and a copy sent to the family of the | | gestion. Doctors and medic : | Bereaved : ta beaehit me anti I od Kodod Des Mus, Rose ECE wiri, pepsia Unre, J. Ho Rbea, Maps. Lypia Unoweli, Texss. Sold by Patton Phin Mus Maun Ricans, Ciormmitive, cu £5% Lhe: with £4 Aa Tread vonr Ridners fo Bios orariens When yw Haring fron atiam, he atte #8 once s&s that they will eliminate the uric acid from the hood, Foley's Kid Went 14 Misys MI Are su SE the kidneys mush We're tired of answering gaestions | ga “Fewer Gallons) Wears Longer reid that vou don’t have to paint Sb 1 * Loney Care bs the wt effeirtive SH “vour house so often, and vou dow’ | ‘ . . for this parpose, Do Hopking of have to ase so much paint. Costs less xi ; : , ‘ Ts Polar, Wia., says: “After ansnocess. | for the job and you don't have di ay 3 J : i the j bso Stor ’ fully doctoring three year for rheam. ; the job often, i art : i ; ae 3 atism with the best doe fore, 1 trded , like the one that will ap- The new paint is not new at ail. Suen : pa . : Foley’s Kidney Cure and it cored me. e on the 20th inst., & stupend. the biggest selling paint in the United I cannot speak too highly of this great a enterprise. The circus FREY is a. very wll vars. 4, now days, is a business in. to It's ‘States and the firm that makes it ik 140 medicine. | years old. i Devoe Lead and Zine fewer gallons | i than mixed paints, wears twice as Hong | as lead and oll, Sound kidoeys are anfoguards of life. Make the kidneys healthy with Foley's Kidney Cure. , make all of it be can. 8 be confines himeelf to ae | Young Building, an wn pe ie F He He ng 1%; $4 AUNT DI NAS VIRGINIA BH ae op | oe a beauty : : md tersbaen ts Com 38 ; rire igainty Mes C 1 Casvwwres. Hrmtins Sioned 9 Co. . Extn. Prone ih POR BALE BY JOHN A PATTON, GUNN, % y 2 A Patton, Pa. HOURS: 8t0 {24 mw. 1 to 8p. fit, lof pom Reuel Somerville, Attornev-at-Law, T 0 uae jd PATTON, PA. Office in the Good Bailding, the undersigned aol September 8, be rented : Rew In Clon] Building a Ham te 12m, and twanty acme GEO, BOONE, Property may be seen by applying us| DR: A. W. BRILEY, Dentist! P tion. Pa Ho 108 wm JUBTICE OF THE PEACE Offiew in Good Baikding. promptly attended to. wedl and rent Properties to H. A. SEITZ Dentist! Oflee upstairs in Good Building, fee Hours—8 6 mi moh pom, OH. ANTHONY ANNA, THY PEACE. FURTIOE OF Hastings, Pa. 23 i Collections prog Prsaie 3 altended to. ¥* £38 Pens (CITY RESTAURANT | (£1: Ofte Hour Colbectiins 02 mand pod Beech Creek Distrlet. © ‘ondansed Time Table Now, 8, 2 & ¥ ws » 4 2 Faion £4 das. H. Gillige. | THE - ¥ » Steal 1a Dav re lled w piel famed Walisveton Marftedale Misien Monsen Phfnpebang Uo 7354 A REE NE Ei Munson WF inberne Pole Gitiinyiwn Brow Np iy £ ne MEH Han foek Haven oF Canipeinie WY re Funetion ore Nive wi Tin ee pert Phil's & Headisg LB Witenes Philadelphia Is lea iquarters for crus. i taceans of all kinds. Oysters, | |! clams, hard and soft shell i crabs, lobsters, ete. n GOOD LU NOH {OUNTER MEALS AT NL HOYRSE. cresm ih flavors a Fine anton *Sysunsaadeeusianisasypndize ua’ ERY 5 aT gn mn EB REE ernuBadvs X S88 EERE SEUIRUREOYRSANSIEHENNTTANRIIRI HL % 2 HB if ay #" Bay wis $ - a Es? ite WY vin Tansy EY NY oh Fram wr ¢ . Pek dave Bow Sunday, 08 cd pI Le WW in wry fii i 15% iw and Chg, | ‘a mn Jw, fa Fished fr nit 1h . “8 ity. § x pi PY oH FE HE Fon Mivara fhe Fall Brock [derieh: a6 Mil ! { etude d asim of yi Foidprbarg rith Poncay i vnnin mired Prd E spect 1: Re #8 Clearfield with Boe fib Bie ¥ Aart starr 1 ibeay. af Mae |e erat Py Sura At + omrfieded {iE Pen ay froamed he Pevnsy reams nd £ on Michail & MeCornick, Props : ! y FHONE Ranwwawnrs to BH. TT. Pass | FirstNation’ Bak : OF PATTON. Patton, Cambria Co. Pa. CAPITAL PAID UP, $160,000.06. SURPLUS, mu BEA (H0, ath al £ rrp : XM Kenith, Gen a Ser «York Fie nore Pen au ae - Attabary, Yobfstows, Ebens- burg & Eastern 1 hadnt Pome Tobie iy oiihed Tone 8 Tes Laaving Baroey, Ls 25 aw x i Gin bs 53 #53 Lowving Fil patinrg. SM MW 8m Ef ii En 3 i 8 fé A R PATIOS Wa ng Provident SANDFORD, - GE 2% nas pNP seNUEEE Bas BENE ashlar. " 2 on Enosge ? i | Pisin 5 ie aia - Litant edi ‘ Baaomir. #8 CWA Ce . # iB wv wad, w SUNDAY TRAINS To Indi pelbnry. a w¥Ex a guvass NA rR SS Sings AH HATA LOW PRICES. Patronize the New Meat, ‘Market and save money, % Foye 4% » 2 Pm L¥ rivet Hos i F dutavinie. TERY | Bhoniadain ween cl uassan'w gxNEzER we 5 erything in season. “ Nuf Ced.” ANSTATT & WIRTN ER, | Mages Avenue, Patton, Pa. ® 8 wm pd 2 Ramm e Sh¥zE ENE Eide ; Fern. eLewd Rahal es AL pA ra 8 ith Hawwd rok Fi i Ba oF baie. Lows © z | tig Fixit eizn, gre TE wilted LV ngs Watki ep id, Mabatloy ane tien 3 atom & a f Baots, Pons asta ne & Butlin amt Beebe ed Bens ior Cine rion at Cetenla og windy Fouts Saki dnd Faoey 2h RR ein tonving Ed FX A AA 3 REO Repairi ng Repairing is one of onr aiaital band we guarantees all the work wos ptarn out. Bring vour watch or befock in at onee if 1 needs lookinge pater and we will do the rest. var fai Information a wp Phitade i & } Reading Railway. pines Barn Hard Coal No > Smolke. Tin ERFROT NOVEMBER 17. sb Lees W iS hamapert Fea - Foot 3; Fie Mires, Five Nowe York wa Fhilnluiphin 316 Oe a, : fhm =, randay MAA EN A We. % Mn CREE ove > Ih SE Vea ws S and 2 fan {region Rm, Iba we, 15 pm Tondos for W llampirs: wie Now York vin Rates b Jou %E. fea ALS hn. HH Aud § Rs 3 ha. Reali Termined, e, Sal and a in, wad £06 om, wed Age maadare 4 TE ow ow, ORB me ork Pironan vy J. T. SAUTER, Jeweler and Optician, PATTON, PA. yes; Examined FRE: Home Killed Mea No enhalmed business in DRA A EAE AE aE - > ; nit y ect a strictly sla ughter Ev erything i 111 Season, ours. We deal meat killed at our house. 9 whgls erm fies dnd b Lp Pr aliphin aned New i 198 SHRI Semin By aad from Little Bros, sass hn vals be wursil wil IY tiehel and at 1B depot, Bs Butebhers and Deslers in AH Kinda afl’ Frealy and Smoked Meats. for Pio Mig, Hupgnpe rlhecioed foo Bote's and soak Semon PATTON, {ies Tec lami ina tions, | Ewan 1 WEERS, {sorern Pussvngor Agent. py ge Tadeipian, SE FORTE On Sal 0% Paves. Lenin, Parnel L Cowher & Co. Gere Bec «+ INSURANCE + Penssy] Ivania Railroad. 1 ifeet Feb 5 1968, Main Line & Ln romano Bi wend, 4 ¥ i dx ee « WEE Raye FIRE, LIFE A AMIDENT go Lo Go ge YE 5 We pe Bn emt aR I whe 3% a» 5 Bet wrap ek 385 58 Wise They are made of tha best mater fats, En LESH ILES UYU RES BER LY g EVERY HOUSEKEEPER desires to ebtal n tha best Fesails for the least money shoal examine the Naowtivwasd. A ging, wn Ma at Lrlen Chsapbell ad and are designed to mae every want of the house-wifts yo GOO DBAKERR wa is particular about the ap~ dntments of the home. PERFECT ROASTERS. Sola with that understanding, | Patton Courier, Promoter of Publicity. | Advertising Rates made known on i application.
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