PATTON, CAMBRIA CO, PA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1905, Ra eB | NOT EVEN SLEEPING. PERTINENT PARAGRAPHS. Cases That Will Come Hefore | $ yey Word About i Beptomber 29. As this is the fire Hl | i = /3 vd | the Grand Jury. | : A . lia o% pn, m= 1 Hie concerning the present statos of the | cent circts that has had the sapapitv | ul patna rae hs i= 1 Fall ( lothing! x LL a IS OF CAPITAL. organisation affected in Patton during | visit “the porth star” a record | YARIET Y Of CRIMES. : ’ Lolo of 5 ad GEE CL m———_ 3 3 FE b Sn $ > § 3 | wm ¢ $ afin I Chpitatived at Twelve Mil the summer. ; : a w Z ; breaking erowd will probably be in : A Large Nomber of Calprits will be Wealghed ry ; \ dL | I'he Season 1s near at a tL i From coming In frequent co RIEL | own. The show comes here from In. : Fo ec hand and we are Hay Aboat Nirety Million 3 with the citizens, we are ale Lo wy Cinna and will ex hihi at Hollidays ; in the Balas, With Joint ion ne thie Weigh § ; B * ; 1 4 a 3 =a 5 ‘ 2 sre pre- Tonk of Coal to Mine—-Dotaits of the Con: that their intersst In YM 0, A work bury the dav followin 2 The Main! Pomw-Who the Saspects are Sever of en AL nen ll par ed Wild A great Seed oy ALE i we ; £0 Begins 4 cormidieat g XR - ia we i ; 3 ! fop-—% any i toe] i £ Ti tr Pe solidation and Some Figures {Is not Abated, bug rather Intetisifind (circus is one of the Inrgest on the road | From Patton. Cd . LR - stock of Suits nd Ow Si EE : through expectant hope and desire ; ; : : and travels in three Sections of fifteen rier : ercoats ~—ready Li wear chy Appended with be forind the list of of the biggest corporations in gtrong, effective and progressive work | A q Hy Patton Y. M. 0. A Project is not Pes by | a she ne To any Means, | Coal and Coke Co. mone v. M0. A. Patrons: | : : un It seems to the writer that soma statement should be given to the pub. | Pithy, Pointed FPenetlings Pertwiniog to Peotle and Places ~ Walter 1. Main's hig thres.ring cirens will exhibit in Patton Tuesday, AE AE Se tN i i Coal and Coke com- This progressive town demands Bl are outh | Appar be fo : cM or to order. is. eriminal cases which will come before | po Hid Yi hove L or 5 al Pannavivania Kikai ; Babin ; ~The All Btar fool ball eleven has rg : a oN We have bon the > minon ! i Eh SERS. liz thi the § the H ¥ he Ke of 3! FIT no > iy the Central Pen Alia bitaminous among the men. Realizing earvq | been organized with John A. (unt we} ro STa0d jury at the Septem Jor | : PR choicest stock we bave ; and the Peonsylvania Coal and | officers are very careful and conserva manager. The team fs composed of OT COU which will convene at Ebens. ol Choicest stock we bave Coke company consolidated September | tive in selecting roma for the com. MAUAKEr. The team is composid o | burg Monday : : ever had in Patton. 2 SE i ¥ ys hie Des waa : be [some of the best players in town and | { . e he Pennsylvania | mencement of the work, jamal play Suto Thomas: Hokashin | fais] ; 1 and a ee EY . a os yar difficult to | ©*0 be depended apon to uphold Pat. Surety Thomas Heneghan, James {bd Nothing but pure wool I'h Webster Coal oi Coke com- fi d uitable rooms for the Soope of the O18 @0od reputation on the gridiron, | (08h, W. 8. Rager, Arttine Tripet, P| } | in worsteds, cassimeres tt aa rE wt RNO 8 Sn : be hiisinesa on. A dance under the suspioss of the now | NV: Berkey, Mike Morely, Mary Ulao- ; Flaioven {53 and cheviots in the : iy the largest operating | work required here. The business en. I ghier. David Hammel Jose . : te in the Central Panstncivaninl ce i, Juirug Jor wwailable sites, | OTRADIZALOR will be held at Flretnen's KUeT. David Hommel Joseph Jennings, | Fenn HE ery | designs and he Central Pennsylyania terprises are using all available utes, | Saturday night. Raue's orches. | Kent VonMitehen. LU won Rd very latest eSIgus an 5 owning fourteen miles under The coustruction and completion of tra will furnish Hi ale. Assanlt and battery.-Suse Silage, | = | 4 weaves. "Suits will name and ten under the incor: | the new buildings now under ‘way wil J eric RB Fe imi | Ralph Stage, BF. Bortaett, Inadore ; ® Sr || range ui price from : give pew opportunities, which we hope | From September 9 to 12, inclusive, 8 op inten Waa | / » $22. Ove will be to the interest of our work. Ne | the Pennsylvania Radlroad Co. will sell, | K unkle, Mary Kilma, Charles Koser, : " $10 up to $22. Over four collieries at Ehrenfeld, gotiations and plans are now pending, | from all stations in Pennsylvania, spec. | Auna Year Re, ¥. Ww. : Heten, 3% ian | 5 coats trom £3 to #20, in, one at Gallitzin, two at | which, if successful, will give the Y. ial duced rate, rosad-trip ticks to; Setar, ig po ’ ee Rain coats 85, $10, Te “ty : § cr : So 2 ; oa SEO Lei 4 ind gH i 1 I Region. | HALE, } wim A HIE a oRam- 5 A 3 wii Pein Pail yr : w S a at Nant-y-Glo, one At M. 0A 8 most excellent opportunity Atami food tT tues Jini Sages m mel, ‘Joseph Jennitigs, Kent Von | up to $10. : We are speakin £ now of ready to wear goods, e, two at Hastings and WO | to meet the requirements of the men See Bord are co Ra Oe, eeu © Mitchen, Charles Grabb, Luther Geatr. SUits and Overcoats made bs measure from $16 to $40, all in Cambria county, and | of Patton. dw Bocksty of Asserican Veteraos of RTS : or . The Peonsylvania | Quarters will be seenred during the the Philippine and China wary, to be 3 4 Martin, tove Barua, I J. Hhalte, We have not forgotten the clothing for young mon. Have bought « line ¥ : : y § ad She fe TY : § § px ; i DR Eitan Yee. Ant iy Reg Xin «3 ; i ai . Fak iis : x 9 ¥ » Fa ¢ company’s mines are full, however. If they shonbd aot he bold sb Altoona, Boptember 19 16 12, Py Bein Ahem Staak; de i Of suits up to 3B for young fellows who Wppreciats a good suit. All the new TT T TNR Se 4 Trae A) Way : | a a Orang, Mike Makar, Stephen SBIrnak, | othe ced vers asoct wo t Moss Creek, Cambria commensurate with the growth of the Chief Bargess Leary, of (thest | 4 ae Urban th od : “ oi ve cloths and very latest cuts, : ! ; 2 Rl § Fh ] : SE ER cid i ie ol eek 3 . aq. 1PM TREN, FREELY 3 Re PEE Loa 2: . ) : : 3 Bennington and Tunnell- town, however, they will nevertbelnas Bpridgs, is now employed at the Mo.) Cooney, Laura Eliott std William We have not forgotten the lithe boys either snd have Bought about 400 ei (bea neucleas for our work, be the shannon No. 18 mine and EXpooIn 2 orl obal TT Haite and Overcoats of one of the best Philadeiphis specialty honsis, Prices he Webster people means of perfecting the organization Love his family to this play an soon | Coin nen ity Petes Gti 80 from $1.50 np to $8 in Soils ir Overooata. ® light plants, water and giving a start in the work we pro | as be can seca 8 hose. “Sher gr TS Sean ty Peering, We show the latest styles in Tite. Ric i Farnlabing i dred Investments. | pase bo do for the tows. sways there ia great excitement in Cihost beer, Martin My ’ % ‘awrence Kirk. : BRGOW LO0 atest sty ios in nis, S0e8 ANG Fornanings ring, vice president of the To this end we should all work and Bprings over the selection of hig suo RR, a. 2 t= Lemlin, Adody b. Nothing trashy or of cheap oriler bought or sold. Best that cssh will buy and Coke Co., was one of | peay and patiently await the golden cussor as chief burgess, jane, Thoms (a Bavin, ! fonry Larter. snd of latest and best styles of the anthracite strike | onoortunity ; or og RE ( Desertion- George Thels, John Page, | i : yo |upportunity. | olen. MacDonald Flynn, of Al Bartle Yingling, DN. Coleman, ¥, W. We have our old motto: Not hing cheap, but how good. Stil working Yours in the canse of a nobis Bal | toooa, was in town Thursday on his. 0 nt A tary. under it. | hood EK Baron way te ths Carrolite wn fair. Usorea Licmsard, Ubarles Varner, Willinns Begi, | Wer it. ? MAL, : hd Sad a 2 PRAY bo um Uarrolitow Eo. AA0OPRE Lot we. oe Fin vs : : i oy as i Be ; YN 4 : Fleld Beo'y Y. M. C. A. jas been rastiial ig ut Dynart for ol | Yai ua kin, Jacob Tennebaum, OB, Already showing newest shapes of Fall Hats, Neckwear, Collars, Under Ce Br Sry IE ny Harostd : wear. Shoes 7 MORTUARY ceral moons past and stopped olf at ly i tence OB. Bars iH. wear, Shoss. Exe. : 18 : ; : a { Putton to get in touch with city life fs grind Jre a. > M IY ot. : Belling agents for Monarch Sthitie, Sweet Orr & Ca. Trousers asd Overalls, SE rN «0 = 3 ; i a 3 aly CW EMME 3 £51 AAEM EE, i § ¥ 5 : 5 pe : SERRE a ke ; : ) the Penneylvania Coal Co, Lowsd Ones Wha Mavs Crossed to the again and incidentally to witiess the | ay, tamil to MeKs _.. Riow and Hotohins Shoes for Men, “Arrow” Coliary and a dosen other best Diber Shots Leirons parade } Mary } oll), 4. F. MeKenrick, Harry makes. Al Union Made. | Mim Limie Msoual, the daughter! postmaster 1 205, BF. Morton. akon enon Ma coimm Lme manual, the aaughiter postmaster pane ae recelved : Ay i YUALT IY RTE Cg S Y lof Mr and Mrs David Manual, eed | pine from 3 Fo Iklan, of Philutel Firaarma--John Hosic, Charles Ward, : COM KE AND SEE. | Friday evening at 8 o'clock of dropsy, | phia, a specind agent of the free deliv. | rankFarl, T. J. Merriman, Cleorge is SLE ea 3 . ck le ® » after an Hlness 6 about thee month, ery divisiog, that be will visit Patton Hnovieh: Andy IW hsina. Chile Keystone Clothier S and Tailors, Bhe was nineteen yours of age and is uy op aboat Beptomber Tih to investi. Hp 4 8 - he tn Jonevh | P, i P. : survived by Yer parents and a number | gato the petition for the rural fro de | 2m Hittin pure ow jewidosep atton, a. tof brothers and sislers. The tuneral | livory servioe from this office. f Aggravated assault and battery The Bank is Still Opposite 1s. ] fot SA the rossunes Monday 0 | yyy 1, W, alley, of Mansfield, has) Jun ae Wiliam Karl, William | odin Ra jlernoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by opened a dental parlor in the Cloosd Moyers, Hogh Mot wfferty Ales Car: ™ ' jhev. EH. Wiknan. Interment "building, The doctor is a graduate of | michael, Jules Brokown, John Mickey. | Fairview ey | the Univesity of Petinaylvavia, clas of | polonions assault and battery Isaiah | ee : Wand is a dentist of abllity. Hee hin Deeter, George Binovich, Percy Black. | LX 2 i Rig M. Howe, a wel own Lu card in another column. | mor, Frink Madame, Jobe Made PE a i Rs dent of this place for a pumber of ci a Sia i * that hhatra Ris: youre past, died at bis residence at the | GRIST MILL TO LET, Pani me rakes, Lioyd M, i Why IS it that we have built up so large a | Fiat at three o'clock Monday morning. | Hoaled proposals will be received by 84, 4rant, Uscar Nipple, santo: | trade in on Yar: tivel S00 short : Mr. Howe was a victim of dropey snd | the undersigned antl September 30, | Boyie Joseph Linchsavage, Ruby Seott, | : Cc mpai at vi ; y - a i i bad been ill for a long time. For the 1003 for the rental of un well equipped Joseph laoke, Gearge Slalchua, ill : space of ; time ? past ten days he had been confined 16 | print mill, driven by water powe i (Lorrell, Elizabet ompmon, dmlley: pa 3 ATTAIN AP CF 1 13 Jt ih Gas he nd boc by vote, bot | Fe h Srtven 3 xis nd | ager, Patrick Clanin, Milton Catbets, | 'HE ANSWER IS VERY SIMPLE. * | had been unable to work at it for the or Dawson Mill at Syberton, Cambria Peter Bouvrine, Annie Figet LP oy ra 4s es , | past four years, He was a pative of (county, Pa. The nih will be retited | Malicious mischief Jacob Leslie ot W € have the best his everything, When we com Beotland and waa 71 years old at the | for a term of from three to five years, al, Bridget Woods, Mamie Woods, Al menced business we determined to keep the best in every be | ime of his death. He is sarvived by | Accompanying the mill proper is a len Roberts, John Broiley, Sumnel line and results have proved the wisdom of our determination. ~ j his wife and foar sons and four daugh- | dwelling house in good condition, a Kratser, August Meyers, David Wil. : ter. The funeral was held at the large barn and fifteen or twenty wires linms, ‘FOR INSTANCE: | J residence Wednesday afternoon at 3 ‘of surface. ! Riot—Jacob Leslie et ul, Guy fHitrat- | 2 : ; ; Oink We Fenn- | otelock, conducted by Rev. BL. H, Wit Property may be seen by applying to ton ot al { Duguesne Beer, Ale and Porter —without an equal for 3 willbe used for a dis | an, pastor of the M. E. church. The the undersigned, | Violation liquor laws. Albert Thom- | purity and goodness. All connoiseurs proneunce it the best interment was in Fairview cemetery, ! Eri T. Coxxen, Gen'l Supt, as, CB. Walter, J. T. Miller, Mary and it is : ; «u The Webster Conl & Coke Co, Patton, Irene FEF EN sda Allen, £" Hio} Lo le Wi * ki fs Wi ad ahph ad x. reli 1. «3% 51 William Melhorn, division foremnn ’ Cresson, Cambria county, Penna | Thomas Morgan, i 4 ga grade IS KUES, wines aud Core isi 1 Lot the Cambria & Clearfield railroad | 1 Perjury : Baral Clo win, ; ; leading brands. : between Barnesboro and Cherrytree, ; ; | Embezzlement David Watson. | ; Goods delivered promptly and cheerful VY. al | died at the latter place last Friday of: To who it may concern; Arties | Uruelty to animals 18. HH. Hammers. | The best stocked liquer store in Northern Cambria 2 | heart trouble, saperinduced by typhoid | left with the late J, ©. Snyder, jeweler, | Lanveny by bailee— Albert Teoitzel, County is that of fover, Hosuffored two relapses from such as watches, clocks, jewelry or re- | Dayid Melivite, County is that ¢ the latter disease and was on a fair pair work of any description has been Defrandiog boarding house koe per way to recovery when he suoenmbed placed in the hands of IL 8 Teter, John Trocse, James Toms, : Ed A Me : lO NM to heart trouble. He was about 35 Patton, Pa. wher: owners can pay re-i Burglary John Helsel, Willlam No- | = Ch. wi 3 years of age and bs survived by a wife pair charges and redeem same. All an, Cavin O. Brown, Dan B. Miller ot | : aud two ohifdren, He was & brother articles not redeemed by October Tet, | al. Charles Porter. Magee Ave. Patton, Pa. of Howard Melhorn, who is quite ill 1903, will be otherwise disposed of, Forgery Henry Shaffer, John aod 4 4 : : : : B13 » + ! ! . Peter’ Cath of counsimption at Cresson. Mp Mel. : Wa EL Baxnpanan, Harry Waugaman, J. FP, McKenriok, ‘ : wn , eT Ena Sn We SEIOTA LALO: pArn was the son of Mr. And Mrs, Adwmr. Estate of J. C. Snyder, | Robi i Shas Patton, $3,100. Pater Melhor, of Loretto, wheres he | Patton, Pa, Augnst 31, 1003. a I Yura, : oker ei al to M. J. Cole et al, Lwas born. The surviving brothers and : All children becoming 6 years of Ag , Bo gL i sai Er . RT { North Cambirfa Base Ball League, i bet weer Res anid Je sia kipg : (es. Sisters are Jonathan, of Loretto, Mrs. i tween Bept. Int and Jan. lst wishing ou i , Gates ot ux to Michael Fite : €. A. McGuire, of Johnstown, Mrs. R. An effort will be made 1s organise to attend school will be required to re ; eon II i MEA ton, $50. PA Glass, of Cresson, Heury, of John. What will be known sa the North Cam- | port within the first two wonky of . 3 : or A FR ERR SY . 4 : A : £ § 1 : keret ux to John W est | sonburg, Edward, of Allegheny town. bris Base Ball League between now and school or they not be aduitted une uohianna, $8,000. | ship and Charles, of Loretto. The bextspring. The purpose of the or til Jan. 1st. Those bivoming 6 years EE ERS ; i : 2 1 A RY * bX 3 ar i 4 ; ; » - ) 3 i Farabaugh et ux to John Pets p00 was held at Loretto Monday, Benization will be to bave all the large of age b Bn, Ist aad the clo Watch th is S ace gr, $50. Ro i ai i > towns of the North of the sounty ln af the term will In joel Ww regard iG Wa P 1a Deitrich to Lewis Detrich, Advertised Letters. terested and arrange for a series of the first week in Jangary or they will: on ‘ ; The following letters remain unoailed games, the same is any other league pol be adadttesd this Gerry, allowanoen ea Pell et vir to Lion Delmar. | for in the Patton post office for the two games are conducted, Any one inter to be made only in case of shekness. oil, $25. ; { weeks ending Saturday, Aug. 29, 1903: ested in this orgapizition please write By order of the Board, : | : h Stephanoski et ux to Peter Matens © skroski, Mra. B. Gaaley, to this office. ~ Hastings News, W. ©. Husnarn, Secly. for New Ad. , Bar ro. $800. i Mise Bertha Kingston, Will Manney, j Sanestioro. 3600 a 3 FE 2 fori gs \ hony K iW " Dd Fodian Bill Got Them? Rodduved Rates to Centre Hull, Conrad to Ellen A. Conrad, Mrs, F. Fitzpatrick, Anthony Kline, ht } vy, 8. Joe Koozer, John Sikmuant. The Waynesboro Zophyr tells an un- Ty ancommasdate visitors to tha en- i. C. Williams et al to Rt. Rev. Ea-. Persons calling for the above letters: USUAL story. It says Zack Foster, of campment and exhibition of the Pat. Barnesboro, $1,040. will please say that they are “Adver. Ureencastle, went to Waynesboro to rons of Husbandry, to be held at Lene Next ‘Week. 8 of the consolidated com. Finul Noties, a : FY © Grumbling et vir to Andrew | tised.”’ } | Boe Indian Bill's Wild West show and : tre Hall, Pa, Beptomber 13 to 1% the ‘Barnesboro , $66. FE. Wi Greesg, Postmaster, ; while watching thems load after (he Pennsyivania railroad will sell roand. | ; Crown et ux to Stiggl Perggio, | NOTICE TO BIDDERS. hight performance got tired, aid down grip tickets from all stations in Penn. a yO) i. | shoro, $1 - | ~The plans and specifications for the Red ls rr Woon Iu anche be sylvania to Centre ial, Pa., at spicial —— : We BIRTHS ee new hall of the United Mine Workers : FEN 13 Were taken seduced rates, nese MHekots will be i oo BINY off his feet, and his hat. He walked ont sale and good from September 11 6 Soh Ta ! 1 be at Sau Mellon's ¥ Mon. | ’ Ta pi Jn x ON Baie And good from opiate 11 Lo To Mr. and Mrs. Peter Eck- will ¢ Squire Mell office the nine miles home barefooted, 18, inclusive, and good for return jase SPR day, Beptember 7. Bids will be re- ! : 2 3 FE TCYNT YY | ceived anti September 14th at 8o’clock Lost -A twoand a five-doliar bill, Sage until 8a ptember 19, B. K U S N k R, ip. m. Al bids must be sealed and ad- isomowhere in Patton. Finder will. CaMsria county is becoming famous (dressed to BE. A. Miles, chairman baild- | please leave at this ofMce and secure {for injunctions, not a very enviable ing committee. v | reward, © | reputation. ] Good Building, Nex t Door to Ban K, -
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