iar I tired thou 1 hstitation Sd by stor | ed | ing have perpetuated the poor judg. | ment of those who bave introduced i. association to Yon. ! : jos ies est : sdministeator, ro, $50. Mrs Brita Miller, 8. Klein ct ax to Elizabeth 2 . Bo gher ef ux to Stephen for, $130. ement Sompany to ag to Peter Yoo a ef ux to Peter Klein, Others that still ; thoughtful people to wonder why they The long funeral {sermon; the rude shoveiful of dirt upon sous : cuavas FURERAL custous. sine Acquainted With ihe Ha hjert. Wammunisansl wnt wn They Were Yours a haps among the s slowest ba {have lasted so long. The old order of things passoth AWAY, pnd the new, if po siways the hotter. i i fakes fiw Fri i: ; linger and cause PERTINENT PARAGRAPHS A A Dissertation by ane whe = ¥ roughly puny, Pointed Vosetliegs Perfiaining | Feople und Fiacos morning at 11 o'elock at he home HEAL Oho = a d by five tors, | i as, Mrs. pe Sar, McEibaney and | Chest Springs, and Mm RH MoCoy, lof Altoona. She was a member of st EL Bat these are changing and thors is | sporici obupch, The faneral was held | ihope of anearly departure of SOME wp qay 41 9 o'clock am. ~{m the day that the Walter Li { Main circos is bere, which will be Toes | (day, the 29th inst. i io Miss Sasia Walters died Friday | A of THE BIG MAIN falters, both det ng | x Strawmire, all of wear | Matters of Inter rest to People | in this Section. CIRCUS. we Balen Saoens REatistios Thai ive Migoiitde Aghntion Tieims for sn Agr “il tarat Fair in Patton Ground Opdoned fot’ Phat Pavrposs : Tis form an idea of the magnitude of ther Walter 1. Main'z snormots shows, | ; which will exhibit in Patton on Toes | day, September 20th, the following | ; Larrsy of figures iaken from the show’ , tickets will be jedjur may aid in arriving at a definite | r the lowered coffin the lingering friends | placed on sale at Gunn's Pharmacy. | contiasion, Thin will be a great accommodation to Hieava'of thabudy before Jonving ¢ a palnfally waiting at the grave of their parted until the lsst shovelful of j earth has filled the grave; the foneral among some of the departed customs der of things. There is quite enough ab out the death of our friends to make | Pus and without adding any ceremonies which augment oar grief or deepen our LL BOFPOEE It is to be hoped that other customs r or publicly parade them, ; 1 give way to cwsloms more in Harmony Jwith feason snd a popssbtent hops. | The oid custom of the friends taking a farewell look at the face of thelr de p | parted before a faneral company is : happily vanishing. - That farewell is. sacred. Hers the idle spectators have’ Bo place. This is pow being done in the quiet and seclusion of the home be. | fore the hour for the foneral services {has strock. Friends who some in to ¥ | ge Lhe fase of the depaned doso tedore the services begin. The casket is closed, | ted banter an ovderiy ik, fuil of comfort ol £9 be dissip sod or de i wiswing of tb quickened Nope: is Ko to the place Church funerals are nore pare thao | were years ago. Bame changes in | customs here wold make Shem Joss Time is given at the church for | i who wish to view the face of the. dead. All this ls done before the re - Lliglous services begin. Thes all are a tly seated. The casket is doally closed and the religions service follows. | quiet, the organ playing softly, until the casket and mourners are out of the | suditoriom. All this tends to make the service a reverent, appropriate and | comforting ceremony, ministering to It Is not proper to introdoce the cere. | e | monies of any order or society into the | 1oharch. Those should be held ole where. If Christian barial is donired. | times to see that all such services are impressively and correctly rendered. sulted as to the time for such services, have other engagements at Ldisired. This ia puriicnlariy the Babbath day. One Pew kuow into what awkward, dis pressing sitaations pastors are Yoroed iby the anthinking action of those who have charge of the arrangements. Be | cnase of an pRyieidise party y whom we pirtaned with | ! He may Lhe Leas ; oceasioning po AnnOYyanoe WW any Upelative or friend, we were roguired to (ravel in the coldest danuary night 180 Smiles, the last 9 miles i | neorssitating ROO nilay of $ were not consplted Cards of thanks through the ne paps for serviess rendered at tines are not io good laste, If mins ‘ter and friends served you al such a trying time their Fervics wm oworth a ) personal “thank you.” et Excursion Lo Phils pebirs. On Sunday, Sept. 2uth, the New | York Central will run ove of its low Leute excursions to Philipsburg, selling tickets au Patton, Arcadia, Clearfield, Hawk Run ana all intermediate points. | Special train will leave Patton T:#da, m,, rate $1.30; Arcadia 5:00 a m., rate | i $1.3; Mahaffey 8:45 a. m., rate §1; 1d 10:10 a. m., rate 75 cents. fy in Patton, where he resided for a ate rates from other sta. Sea dodgers for time of train! 8 from all pe ints. s toward a better or- Ee eae in the right way by ; | Ree Avenue. then any ceremonies of other sort al-| ways follow those of the church. Too munch care can not be exsreisnd at such Ministers are often mkoed to officiate : 4 at funerals without having been con- . + No time should be announced antl the time 35% minister wags: adios and ohildren particainrly who | will not be compiled to stand in line {on the ground. Admisdon tinkets and | actualy numbered reserved chairs can ‘be had for the same price as charged sade Bale will aimnenos | at #1 to Polo Ka wUhateman J, W. Lesoh, of the F | pabtican SOY sommities, has 80. cnompeed the appiiatment of Antorpey | Ho W. Bearey, of Johnstown, as his sr the southern end of the! wel of the Haus Jobin MM Bowe Stlomey MB Brand Srl He 850 A Tol gs wrorotas Ph int £. hg pRtgeaen iE On snitalde oo th ion. Rerestor A.B Methodist fo miday seh ville a plenic ali at hia expense the | other day, providisg the refrishments, mos of Lrapsportstion sod every thing. There were five bund teed people primed. ~The eviigelntic meslings at the Baptist chor Hh under the divest on of Dr. Feitwell and Bev. Williamson eon. Jtinne with onabaied lnteriwt. “one hundrel people ba To profess COOnVersion. Bose until xr Fd W. Deitrich, of H. & Buck & 1 ion. Hix cases of any one kind of | eniped goods are required for a mead, {00 i» taking a a conve in an embalmin {school in | arg. He will open a | big farnisare and uodertaking estab ment in Carroiitown iv the near fatare. Johnson's Bargain Store com planting an advertisement in the ‘Ootmaer. The one in this Imes con aing pnomerous bargains fir fragal i bayers. Mr. anil Mes. Jom. Taylor, Me. and IM HS. Lingle and Mr. and Mrs. A. 1 C. Fisher are among the Patton people listening to the sad sea waves al Atlan. tle City this week. ~Hon, J. J. Thomas, the ‘master of the Cambria County Pomona Grange, | delivered xo address before the Salem | comfort and hope rather than to grief grange, near Lathersbarg, yesterday and distress. jswsncon. i o-ndom Flick, the painter, has pure | chased _— Walter Weankland store “land residence property on Bast Mae Consideration $2000, Wm E barter shop ints the Yeager bhwk, {Good Buliding, «Editor Reed, of the Houtadale Oi. 1 wis in tows Monday and & caller ‘at this office, apposite public schouls. (larence A. Bopebor was ia Pills. brirg this woelt on basiness, There was quite a frost In Loh early this morning. his wa : NERY» PATTON sar. Phe Gkave w Urowd ot Post pds ail Conaing to Thi. John Fedor; a son of Jos Pador, of this place, wha has boas Ww ek ping at Anita, Jefferson county, fiw saf, wis aeaauited st that jiace Sub. might by several Himparians sa hieoway bo his Bosal ing hotise, Lins ¥ asd One of them kuocked him dows and wha preparing to give him a lerrible beating when Fedor drew a revolver and abot him a the mouth, the coming oat at the back of Apotier he shot bowels and stl another tu The tast one shot was about knife on Fedor. He droppand it Hike ‘proverbial hot eske, however, when the eold lead strack his paw. Fedor was arrested and 8 now in te Jefferson county jail awaiting the (eome of their injuries. In any event | is thought he will soon be released from [enstody , as the shooting was purely in fall defence. He bears a good reputa- bandl ane LE ‘number of years. His father went Wo | Brookville to see him this week. : wold, aries will Twelve special ded re tendanos to protect fifty nniformed uslers are prose Patton avo th i of Carwens. Over pl 2 my gy every department, thal charmer. Probert has moved his prom the Nolan balding thier -»5ix hundred and seventy-three | papils are now enrolled in the Patton p ga ; of the Hoest aprionitoral territory to a far : wah 4 hey : Si bar 5 86 The Main shows are owned solely by Waiter 1. Main ana ooliectively is the argiest piece of show property in the Three trains of cars equal in! Bi(th 80 cos onilinary trala of peighty. | four curs are needed to transport B® fron town to town, The assessed val nation of the show is $6,000,000 and thes daily roasing espeosss are $4,200. Ow 1,000 names are carried on the | Ry oll. apn teavta Saves Aeon sont in wl hich the ores is given ix 12,000, but 15, 00: can comfortably ves are inate its patrons and weil to : care for the women and children, Chver one hundred mond snd bay sal ; % 4 in round numbers 500 head of bores | (are in is stables. The daily requis tan for supplies 8 sa Bllows: Hay, ; Poi straw, ir the; pate, 140 Basigheiss corn 1480 bushels bran, J, S| ihe: bresad, ¥ iafewm BO Baie This don aed nt PE. ent, 100 pounds whe that served In Threw inde of mest wd ly the cool hones AY each mami and at jeast three kinds o af vege Forir cases of ages are consarond every I ing animals are in the menagerie and town, : milk, 56 gallons; po complete stocks of of He 3 oo & ‘til you Ie Seen our stock up: to-date He Gh spay | iB era b Ses 4 We have made a special effort this time and you know that means something here because we are * The Cloth. ters’ in Patton. # is there another Concern who ean sell the goods we 10? he cared for. We think at. Men's fine worsteds in colors and blacks, fancy chev and cassiniers in all the latest weaves, $13.50 to $22.00. We nim to sell the best $10.00 and $12.00 Suits iw A full stock of Young Men' Suits, long Tronsess, $5.00 ti $13.00. of ittle Mons Fall Fu riishings :. Fine assortment Sits. $1.5 oto $7. 50. d Shoes tow ready. Most 4 Cone : and Rar the goods. VE 5 PRIC EB. Hats ana any line. Yon wiil surely buy. a ox VE oy Pa ton, Fa. morning for breakfast. Tea, coffee [The Bank 1s sill Opposite Us. | and milk ars served ab every meal, The show tarries its own physician | Land veterinary doctor. The clerical fone consists of a treasurer and anal. 3 (tant, three bookkeepers, Mr. Mav's , private seorelary snd six stenogra- i pers. The executive “afl consists of manager, superintendent assistants and a superintendent over The entire show in ander the parsonal direction of Mr. | - Main. : AN SGRICUL TURAL FAR. Atation Begus for ane in Hota Every Year. There has been considerable wo tion the past few days relative no an agpeicnitaral far to be held at Patton eich vear, with horse racing and all’ the other coseoniitanis of an affair of” - el The agitation ss vet has not ached | wach farther than the alk stage, ab though an option has been secured by Pathan te be interested fete for grognds that are whed and suited for that range of | 4, veep, that Patton will | rand why pot! “The North Star is the center of some admirably is 5 exhibits ion to than sn would un | the wt art. ; i A¥E customary in SRT WRN 5 toa big orowd Pas 34, atart, while fedily Cas Elgg trials ghd Bt Eioagh ooking ak The proesoters of toe ikea with big vleas that HE ROPE BE THR won hi be doy i I ont will go ahead with work. One thing bs certain, an attraction of thts character, skied scared by progressive business mod, would be of Imealicalable Bane efit § : town Wr more wy than means Jet as have the fair. 3 Xi Fighitsy 3. ¥ be A pew telegraph office is to be built by the Postal company Wo take. (the place of the one now in ose at the depot. Ed. A. © just arrived In Ladies’ Extra See {Good Building and their § RE Is a common phrise and is given importance by costomert who secure their tiirst quenchers ¢f tn, We keep the best of everything in the line of Bear, Ale and Porter, Whiskey, Wine or Cordials. Duquesne is an historic name and when applied to Bese, Ale or Porter is recognised as meaning the best. It is Union Made andl as popular with the Workingman as with the Aristocrat. Our own Botting iperessed ita popularity with all classi. Other Beverages in our woe ari of high character. io we Ea ERgEy Magee Ave, Patton. Pa. " Cnene er Ana AOL w the Opening of AUTUM! For Men and Boys, WEAR $y : . wi auld Tu 3 CX 3 Ak Valig have you % season's $i ben Les leased for the x , BLY 1e% al na £ LL Hew UE Men's Suits oi Top Coats. Pont grades, including Sack, Double Bireasted | spill Cutaway and sprightly Short and Long Louse Top Coats Fall Conti ls a variety of shades ranging E 7 elie : frost £5.) to Bey a Our Boys’ and Youths’ Suits. The nobbiest ia town. Oue vast array of pretty styles and cloths Your Fall and Winter Shoes 4% wlore a sonaller oistiay thus apy other store in town. 1 rovint to buy the highest grade and sell them ab the lowest i. Douglas and King Quatizy 1 have wm equal for neatbess uss Rud as § se it 3% 1: The W. and wear A Large Assortment Of Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Coats mind Capes. Ladies’ Suits and Skirts Call and see thew. ESPECIALLY Skirts. PATTON CLOTHING STORE, | , Next Door to Bank, PATTON, PA.
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