ET eA a recommendation many people have IW sia, CATARRH, Go to tha Koch Lung Care for She nocesfal, scientific treatment of Con {HH ¥ "Fever, 1 the wonderfal Ke ine | | nalations H those who kre wofferiing i from chronic ailments of the ira Jungs. throat or nose can have strong (hope of a rapdd and permanent cane tion and chronle asthma need got | Tha direct application of the | : vapars ah given : {ment iit trofunes the te hh wots op, Kodol A : enables the stomach snd | avd protects, = ol oe , : She W's for the standard fine line Leather apo iden with ng fa 5 Sark i Hinssgen fered rapidly ad. dat, hi | vases the patie towns KC pete fo agi peed ey n | vtgar, stro nh ok | Our resident. physician Ft g indie will ehesrfully sxamine and ses trial treatment free to ail who ap i Restaurant in the Yeager ‘nue and am now prepared to I have opened a Building on East Magee ave Lcater to the wants of the pub. © lic mn that line, 3 simp sth 11. Ashthina, Bronehitie Ox trek, | ; [tory organs of serions diseases © the | Swen the most mien canes of gon | pat aporized lymph. discpyered | ri by Pr of Reis Kaoh, of Berlin, be ag ives fou xt u ; tatwren- : {| py bo the inetitote, Booms 8, 10,1112, foonx 1 Trust { Lo build ng, fe worn : BERG A : ‘A t 3 pg it u a certain preventive o of | phlet ent free of Erie it to any hh will ole Bildrens. Low Rares 19 WASHINGTON Ao BALTIMORE, Last Sowing Teriday Eveardon vin Fioe AF Evanin Banlroad. The last Pennsylvania railroad low: HS asington for the preseqt season will "i train No. 4, leaving Pittsburg at 9 pm. | rate ten-day excursion from Pittsburg and points fn Westerns FPerinayivanin to be run May 21. Round Arp tekets will be sold ab rates quoted below, good go {ing on special train tndicated, or on ce cream with pas and carrying throogh sleeping cars to ot Ww Whooping ¢ onl. Washington. Special train of through parlor cars and cosches will be ron from Pittsburg on the following soho. ! PHONE Wagreewmirk 3 HLT Oysters, Clams, Hard and. Saft Shell Crabs and, Lobsters an SEARO, MEALS AT ALL HOURS. leader's Cel lebrated Jee Cream fadied. The 4108 ee dizated u of Patent EN’S. 5 The White Shoe Store. : Shoes. CITY RESTAURANT Is head iquarters for crus taceans of all kinds. clams, hard and soft she crabs, lobsters. ete GOOD LUNC H COUNTER MEALS AT FE HOURS crushed fruit flavors a specialty. “ine confections, tobsoso and cigar Mitchell & Moormick, Prop'es, {yest £Tx, v ES 4 "id E Firstiation’ [Bank Foley's. ov _—- Lifton 1 wt] 2 as 30, ite : With es first dose they | jclusive, and to stop off ut Haltimore within Hmic i. | Bhould the number of passengers r | not be sufficient to warsint the run ining of & special train, the oompisyy OF PATTON. Patton, Cambria Co, Pa Fade pn CAPITAL PALD U > py wn 8 sU RPLU = | reserves the right to carry partisipants periments, by practical ' OB regular train y with the aid or Tickeis on sale in Pittsburg at anion» sulablins fi 2s 3 fact that ; Hoket allen, BG Han avenues and ® resulta from | Hoed abate. Por fait infora tion B Jusigwsion “How | Lapply 0 agents or Thooas EB Want, | passenger agent Western <istriog, Fifth | jas enue and Bmithficld street, Pitts. or eure ostarrh o of . g Foonmeabs x Woblagd oof iv Tore au do) lignin what you: 0 2 op Sol di By Foley's Honey and Tar. fo stops (the racking cough and heals sad ; Goteyos so rand | sireng gthens the Jungs 0 taken is Chranie Bronchitis Cured, : Came 1 will proven: or ten ear | had ehronic Seats | fie a Hef os Coffman. 5 of Montmorenct ed : 0 feel all remedies available, but no, Johar «fob eck Fortunately my employe pl the | VOURIER © d that I try Foley's Honey and TR55 effect was almost miracnlous aw now cured of the disease. On ¢ thamberindn's stomach a babiots, the best phiveic. For sale by Hodgkins, ey Honey and Tar and always ; sstisfaction. Gonn's Pharmacy. This pflce makes a spocialty of hatianocgs Dinggist's Sajemont, workmanship are all right, too i : Mi Her, oT opristar of te! fem ail The onlin for it) ~The tew advertisnment ssf the ¢ and we sell viore | | Keystone | yderful Clothing Co. in His fxsite : an al other cough syrups com. da worth : iy of a earefnd Jerns Subsoribe for and adi in thik, The £ Trent Fi amily Moral BE duoator, 1 “| | Foley's ‘4 E PATTON. Wi, H Sasxnroen, President Ulsshior, Home Killed Mea Lif le PATTON, PA CHARTER XOT10) eommuareial job printing. Prices and | s Haney Deals 1uags ans sup: ORE The « surest and safest remedy for kid. Re | Subscribe for and Advertise in the | iney and bladder diseases is Foley's 1 {Patton Counter. : + Kidney Care, Gunn! 's Pharmacy. hratclass Ne bave the best line of Ranges made-——ail kinds. The | American Standard for excel mited. If nat satisfactory we will take back and ask no questions. You have everything to gain lence, guarantee unl and nothing to loose, We have everything in the varnish, stains. av need in this line at > right price” Jar H: Ard wise Stock | 18 handle - y Hi ardware. » WOMEN —— ar k i #1 Es x ris r H 2X. TR J ATE Fl a bottle or commen glass with water god er i imped atiy Pas BE i an toa} 'y often ox svad, that Sum ! pant line. Lead, oil, ready 4 Gr. Kumar's mp mixed paints, ‘enamels and anything Root, ths great kidney remedy fulfills ovmry | : wish in cain Eth in pais i the | back, | Vindeier and every part of the Srsary tases. H.corseens inabbiry tn hold wear ged Mia Ww, or Dad efisciy ordell 0S. A IA That's what we make of SAXITARY PLUMBING, ad mw aver Br den aT LAH are pea PE ares 0 G0 Zi “ iE a 1° ~ i aki aE oR rk in that ine expedionsiy and well. Advertising Rates appikoation, | Indigestion Causes Catarr h of the Stomach. Por many ve 1 has been supposed that Catarty of ay Sea midch Caused indigestion Hos or the Wide : | oeys. # i stews | El he *% SRE RsHeRNENES WE a i : Toumamaapepssbapine bones sss Sul sEENSAIRNTEONR Ea HEIR i% EW eg BE in Mandy 7 akiet Nem ¥. ai tolinstown, Ehens astern ws wa SEERA 2 * Fla offi Jaw Let Tha Kasey, » wy 5 CAR ER BstrsEe ann san? SrucER® « st ow 23 Fake Ea ~%5 3 seve ’ proamt sean aston wim Mills with Heals ROE als hatag aap fh Supercond, adeiphia & Reading Railway. Engines Burn Hand Coal—No Smoke : REPRE ROY NGY REMEBER IT, a. | Termite Lame WY empuet Frods Tepe, Poot del pita ThE Whe we Snpiky Se BE oa Bs. gE te Ta om ie Wm = Reading. Tooaaan, Mae it Indie saat ald Peis in Se Te 3 Hof and 10 ES Poot s fay Wi ae pert: £5 via Bamion 4, hing n, ya oR A Be add 1 i i EW aud TAS WL ade" ha Heat =p wa. soba, Hewding Termin, ot a ue, wad BSE pos. weed Man rte ee A TEE a mh, FON Boo. dyspepsia, bur the roth i exactly the ® a causes catarsh. Ra. on iuflames the saposes the © nerves — Sn somach, thos Eh ing the glands to merets my instead of the Julces of satura) Sgestios. This ia g- ed ature of the Slamgeh, Kodo) Dysp epsia Cure Eas He shaves wo thes oh pv us CR heen £ fess . Huptimed: 2 C The dh Gy SAY Io effect Bopt td , verted te Reucel Somerville, Attornev-at-Law, — Parrox. Pa, oid papers for silos at this offive, "| Off i: the Good Buikiing
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