OANA a API i ey mas fish tanto fa ¢ nada, mbus, ORES, tight and Rips anid without ¢ an ache 4 or pat. iid medining, 9 : of Sekitan, i). writes: Fo ie tan, 0, 30 Voruns ave had great refief | in my stomarh, +3 but re 1p pearls say { comrnot fa Sthoreh Ee. us Where are no ah ree Fridays Bb of the mouth which fall Line of eowmlinntions hap ig ry ani third followiag la aiidlioe awaits ahs last year only ig — tay sll on a 312th, anil » a in Sune, i ant i whe ene liinoss tad the i ronan What en the infin. ih inai fon of Fridays i kuow yom In me v have on the yaar of Brace 8 Iron one of the oddest hod best 5s a reosnt Wkter to The Perata Ma Peruna a - roe fastory results from the ume of Peruns, write ad ones We Dro Hariman, giving » Full stavemont of your case and he will ih Flsaned to give you hw valdable advs abv dress Dr. Haste an, Prerifont of The Martman Sesstiriasm, Columba his, Bald Bhe Knew Him, Howdvar the "muabor” may antey | women {n other cities it fsn't in a bine moo that ho ventures Wo be lmuvertd nent lu Washington However. he Sou 0TDp. Gp odetsionally, And be crapped Gp noe day, or evesisq rei Gr, ast wok mon CeoMol HU oe. When my eres Brat fell upon him he WAY HAGE oposite A YOY yaad Ease ng youmy woman aod sunoviog ber | panel as ha dx Bold wiare He was tow ntl sual Lr Wok like 8 poniiosan, SHAAN EH SR Tr sult of clnthon front of the yong worms, nading Chie presen perfectly ntoiscabie The Cyoung wosnas fusbed palnfaily, soe! endured In silence for & meornent Then she Henkes) straight up 8! him bast > it Eaow me he ssked oun dir his fire wth, The glel locdind Bip | of hare ¥” aver tor BR frasties of a misute Then | B tones oud enouih to be | : ghioy Bolded herd sl over the car U1 Adu those ekthee™ who sald slincily SASTEN AGE MA RKS. Kidneys make penple lock older then they are: hasten the sveniog of life; fasten the marks of premature old arc, : Doan’ 8 Kidooy Pills is the reco Hip, buck The world over gnlzed Kid ey Speciik. AA SS So PSH 5 4 rt ABS een { AMES Ia, Bwoliing of i tropey signs » Tanish, : Ye a in So bel we s fend palpite secpisisaens, headache, BOs HusaeEs. i Caanteis | ! 3 ¥ Fills, md » it i : 9 my drugs i i cured of a very das YELaw, Saroiu 1 x back rims Ww ix. Marsh a 103 The sare | ] Ki ; & Gl hand 10 Laoaay the Daly sores this ¥ bark Hod feb Ah Dosu's Fir FEI our irnagist, A SS rH I WR PERE To RRR bp X tpi by atl, witless charge, Lends “ Kindy BRBIOS os incisions oni Pout offion..o. A natural, rock base gr any nuther of beautiful tints, in powder form, to be mixed with cold y making a dursble, sanitary and cleanly home. Any one can brush it on. SOMINES ARE wHAT? gle a ing decompositions for walls and ceilings that DY Sxpre Sea) Jrcays, 4 when they rub and scale of aly until the g walls andr et nines Sting gon is that are composition re merit while the a only f merlt hot or cold water yout dealer can tm " 3 18 WHAT? for walls apd ceilings to he vad in and the rooms almost uninhat- * fond ro 38 wall paper Bh. packages only and "¥eiar're the man whi | takes cur gsrthage RYAY, arcu’ you?” No Arbitration. “I think T've parned 5 bis The lights bars ad Tow, the hour Wis | Inte. Rhe wiienersd aith averted head, “ “Tis pot worth w ws Flontirn Padget, AI wm td RETENTIY Wanisnte - "Whas & memors ven i Bave! VHA yon ever forget apyshl | In [gil your jife?™ ) Not that 1 ean remember azn (alter | American, ; bard? THAT FETCHED HIM, “Was the brigonometry “Yer indeed. 1 had to shad tears be | fore the professor would lot me pass.” —Noew York Journal TOO GBEAT A STRAIN What Is the mattah with Weggle whe Godlor says it is brain fag” “Just as 1 expected. 1 tal the dead 4 fellow he had betiah lot Bis man plek out his epring neckties for him.” —By- ' penile sey you only married me for my - ] nl et ARG rs Ap A Ge A YA SG on S11 Modi Advice Fros Bivictty Confidentinh | not take ONLY HALF THE TROT Wife (during the guyrrel-“Yes, and Husband — “People are wrong, my They overlook the fact that you | Gear, also Bad considerable reg! estate” Cliomgo News HOW COULD HE? Teachar-~Johnuy, can you spel ‘Gate Johnny Xe’ tn” Teacher" Weil, then, ity uy to toy Gesk and look 1 up in the Aietionary” PREVENTING HOG Farmers Lives nen Baw stool DISEARE. ing the Yrs wy LeRigt or peciont] Proform thonghty- - Paltiiore Brea nh DRAIN : mass fraporiant treans of | age of all mols. | so The drainage the gall en that § the Sawn throngh tha { wr washed of the ft tonile ta) enmplex soll grains | corEnon in sivas rats sn that the water holding snpnoity of x % Che soll §3 incrensed By ander disins {ge Sp AAS WATER FOR THE COW, | erifents Abe that a cow when | Tow of milk drinks from 15080 of water per month, | ! Tee dgaarta ol w ator ar ADVANTAGE OF EREED fF af the advantages of Hireed ep of Inieidos! meine As a prow srl the exeetl | Berg 4 Spey : vay be mentioned examination | that sll attempts fo changes the gual Pity of the milk of a caw hy the gee of partieaiar fosds have fafiod, The | | guantity may be ine Johnny --“1t 1 Aut preld it bow gual : 180d RP —-Noew Sark Times NEW 18MpOs} TIOX, Harris" Walte®d Lina preity sad ence his da er £ Hy du | ried, hasn't he ¥' Yaa be olviemenly : fapeind Lined trepandons! Tigh ’ auciod himasl pe pol, ol pnis | mooter got Lis daughter off his hande he ft his seat and stood directly In : y x ber husband on his feel Town sm Correii-"Y ey, you pir, Die had mo than he found Le woot Sinve to put Country, THE COUK STAY Mra Newbride — “Tlow Henry Yo £R mia Bigs 15 Mra, Oka Wave, Lut Mr Peck recogioendn without one born." —Judpe, —— BAVED! "What 8 Iueky thing reduce my welg these movntaing GROWN BOOKS “Josh writes that he hirap of time with his books,” sald Mra deiier, wep tin” a { Corntoessel, “Yeu,” answerad her hnshand, “he ras Kind of barterad in fhe Jast foot ball gue, an’ 1 reckon they's nothin fur him to do fur a few days excep to stay In his rovin an’ study.” Wash ington Star, ily THE MUSEUM METHOD, Muse Agent-—-"What's wrong with our new midget? Ie doesn’t seem to draw.” Manager—"0Of course not. See what a mess you've made of the advertise , ments. You've put his height at three feet. Make It thirty six Inches and the people will come with a rush.”—New Xork Weskis,, SM PH SEAN A nd -- “Bhs threatened to the alvten of my Ny Aw nod & rain ” wn 8 araing tg Leds are monly grads Jevsige wl Amine! fray an ar kind af fond, fi Le differs it | x, spl with the may yield | butter with BUTTER PROM A BMALL HERD Our milk Is separated 2% s0on 68 possible after mid : eoaled ax aniskly as possible, and Kept tg temperatures of about Afty dee! grees nnttl about tesnty fone hours he. | fore churning Thes I warm KK tn seventy degrees, and Keep Ht ae penr that as poss hie nth shortly before | churning, when 1 rool #4 ta atont sixty | degrees. We are making at prosent abwnt forty two ponnds butfer per woek, and pack 1! In poond lomps. At present time we are miRing six cows, |! but nsaally milk more than that and kell naain in the nesr foture Omr | Th wy are fed silage twier a day, with bay at noan, and corn meal and eottonsend toriee a day.-Mre EV. Wi Orange Judd Fan EE, TUR Nisa Pe —— & ON PARTE ETF od Boron welrtnen the £ i i fivoe sehen the poisal ean he trnid : out th hn, (of poly a the labor A tater fod BREST OOW HAL Five ise S 1) EF tur ipa} too pies No baat senpita of i the Pome when of grose. In changing Yoo grave, 3 bao well oth owiy 1 the | oA giulis fa It Berves for ident coh Py E SEE WR YR oy Fiawk to Barve are three shanna batton of thw ward as high made so that he put en. Ey feeding them times frog a bore, which $8 convenient to fteseh Te at Siw, they | guises learn to De on Band for the milk when (hey see yon orig with the pail. Give them all they will take of this Jersey milk every morning and evening. By feeding in this way they got no setback. bint grow equal to the best ones. ~R. E Roberts, vator, ig. The cream In “A prominent club woman, Mrs. Dan- | forth, of St. Joseph, Mich, tells how she was cured of falling of the womb and its accompanying pains and misery by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable “Duar Mas Prewngs:— Life bes # fea indead when a woman foals that her strength ia {nding away and she has no hopes of ever dng restored, Such was my re a few months sao when [ was advised that my poor health was caus d by prolapaus or falling of the womb. The words seanded lke a knell to wie, T feit that my sun had sat ; but Lydia E, Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound come 10 pe a8 an elixir o life; it restored the kat forces and built me up my good heaith returned to ma. For foue months 1 took the aily and each dose added health and strength. | am se thankfel for the help I obtained thro Lea vse.” Mus, Fromgvew Daxrowrsy 1007 Milos Ave, St. Joseph, | A medicine thas has ih. a so many women to health can produce proof of the fact must be regarded with respeet. is the record of Lydia EB. Pinkham's Vegeotalile Compound, ‘whieh cannot be squalied by any other medieine the world has STE JG. duced. Here is another ease: — * Drax Mas. Prexnaw:— For years [ we troubled with falling of the wom 3 and painful eckache, headache, diy : down pains, backache, headache, sud fainting spells, and stomach ¢ “I doctored for about five _- but did [ Dot sess to improve. I began the use of your medicine, and have taken sever bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta sropeund, three of Blood Purifier, and als osed the cujoving Wi ah od ih Hila, and om Do now enjo ng goed hea wl have gained I thank you very much for whet you have done for me, and heartily menme wend your medicine to all women. -— Mss Euxxx Sxyoen, 218 Center Bt, Marion, Ohio. “FRET MEDICAL ADVICE TO WOMEN" Women would save time and much sickness if they would write to Mrs. Plakham for advice as soon as any distressing Sy toms appear. It ls free, and has put thousands of women on right road to recovery. Mes. Pinkham never violates the confidence thus entrusted te her, and although she publishes thousands of testimonials from women who have been benefited by her advice and medicine, never in all her expericuce has she published such a letter without the full consent, and often by special request of the writer, $5000 ** FORFEIT iim wn sanhod forthwith produes the orfginal letters and signatares of Sah will prove Theis absainte Jendinenos. Lydin EK. Fini hia Sadletin Co Dn, Man, oa = Sieve Be reser; SRR BR CAR Bromo-Sel Promptly cures all ars in the Bank “1 would hoo # ¥ thm Lal it ey feet dgners have of tattooing the etalior of soe of the pir Hans for the fom IOATRS Red sr LEEW arrival : aatvad of re Wey gE TE % ww a w¥eie ¥ # Rig 2 AT VEY DROPS) at tha Feet in gt NEW DMADOYERY: awe gore meet and snows wore one. Book of best inusone ant £0 din yu treatming wy Are Bure thal s Free, Pr BON. GRELNS S0NE Sox B Adiasts, G6 POTRONS, A Blt fg oa poms 3 «i. i pe » v Lut it 18 scarcely in the | P.N. UU. twice, 20 {I Causes Go | weak « a Tompsca’ sEye Water LA Ao Jam the saree 58 aver in The Cult
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