RAB DR NS iv i RE SR for in the Patton post office for the two | Rudy n Piay Games. the Outholie cemetery at that piace. ost, were in attou last seek on a tour i Rape h the romalt of which may Cm i ¢ Emma, the Wite of Thom: RAvsinger- 5 ny the best you an Funersis Crust ot Town. (see for that. mab aa Jude Taber Weakland, refict of W ouldn't you be hie late A sakland, died at the Hea { v sme of her danghter, Mrs M. J Ryan, : nily exed if Jou vere, came ‘here afterward ge, onday night of & ae uplication nf dive and saw he same : _ Mrs Weakiand wax § member of: marked $15? a in this vicinity inuide | ¥0€ of the oldest Tamities of Cumbria | Not reduced, but the : : county, tha duaghter of Mr and Me Lori inal lain a ked a « John Luther, respected residents gina. P an oe Carrell rows, long since gone . price. a : heir reward, She spent her entire ifs. That's why you'd wo Hh the neighborhood io which she was better come. here first. 5 Dorn. Hon wim one of nine elaldren Save th $5 bill € by the Honey Me ” was born on September 5, 1854, be- ’e ye. je #5 i Ye Tk oalais. Another tract gearer ME 58 Years, | montin sad 4 days old, That's about the ation that the Websior people have a} Ihe time o her demise, SLR way this store's pric 2 pf 41 eye o8 has wie we sat spiesed by aner fees wat a compare all the way rough Nu store here comple er Sor, drs he a Sayre momar 95 (07 Quality, Dursley and Price. ; atbor Lace ot oataide of he newly. marred couple moved to the. We alw ays win out on price. : by y ber husband io Bl -n : a rosah paring ww made Pa _ der township, shout two miles from W kon a lot 3 : tisfaction, also, ; mn ue a 40 be logion! trading point oe { Patton, whets they lived until the lat. right price. Not $20 to ove, $16 to another and poration and no pew town will be er's desth on September #4, 100% another, all for the same suit. HE built,eo that 10 all intents sid purposes About thires months Ago she disposed the new operations wii be & new is cof the fart: sod onme to Patton with i | dustry for this place. The pay affine son Edward aud ts dangle fF his Store only as will nudoubtedis be loented her {f. Bhbe was taken ii soon after and al- wo the plana of the Webster people ma | ough at times abe grew better, the | | Wire, numerous coke ovens will also be Improvement was only temporary and | built. both at Eokenrode Milin and the gave op the paogual struggle Mom : : day night. any. it is ssid Bow Bh is survived by two brothers Ex. ; of anhing soul land #eriff D. A. Lather, of Carroll town: mbricing something hip, and Henry Lather, of Gallitzin '. The late Juha Lather and Chrystom Lather, of Carroll township, Wars 4 brothers. Mrs Michael Sayder, a | DuBois, Mrs, Henry Bender, of por the Lord's da it i New mt toe re one Sine roll township, Mrs. Jos. Leib, of Nick town, and Mra John Latener, of Man Thee fullen, who since 1586 han wer township, are sisters Another | menger eondactor on the lates Wan the fase, Mra J. Waakiand, | , which property } he The Aber are Water. tmber of time ago. the firm of Weakiand & Ryan, of this | : i in the employ of the place; Aaron, & liveryman of PS k Coutral and Beech Creek Bawsrd, of Patton; Samo, the livery Li and enjoys the proud dis- man, of Patton; Hennett, who operates of neve haviog a mark agaiost | 5 country coal bapk in Carroll town. | rd, notwithstanding he con. ship; Amanda, the wife of M. J. Ryan, | the Beech Creek from it of Patton; Eilea, the wife of Harry | : Mavis of Paton. a vod otter’ with force. ‘We: have ¢very thing | und faithful friend and leaves a mem | nytbing to be found in an 1 establishment {ory of many good deeds done se» ber. : € itage to ber children and intimates. { 5. The funeral was held Thursday ; ; "morning ak 8 o'clock in Bt. Benedict's | ten year ad pure to thet Geil | RC. church at Carrolltown, at which | : : especially for thi sducated be thus Sime Sa odin ith the i he prior. The remain Jere laid his employers and aor! lic cemetery at that place beside her : { husband and danghier. : en RA x ¥ § 2 i & 2 5 pa to make . oo hoist} Emma, the wife or Thes. eigen house ought ohie OF died at the family residence on Mellon Lavenue Friday sferncon at 8 o'clock, rien is Fesceyivaal Ex i bo | M0 thirty years. She was the daogh- iq = . a % a ab tor of Mr. and Mrs. Jos McMullen, of B it success Chest Springs, and besides hor parcats stor, And here's + hoping is survived by a husband snd five children, the youngest but eight weeks | = Led Tim “ ha. ‘old. The children are John, Samuel, mn Chinf-of Police Gil had a sprinting Berths, Joseph and the baby. The fol- | ant match with a Hengarian with an une {lowing Brothers and sisters also sar © og = rT yodu rueuncoable name who ws wanted, vive: Mrs Martha Burkbart, of Oak, | B. KUSN ER : N waburg, Mans aud e Grove, Prask MeMolen, of Chest ———————— sn ——— other points fiers and desire to oder night. There wag ppraigt Bprings, Mrs Mary Smithmyer, Mrs. TL eiteoine i id 5 it in rn a avoid neh in 54% e Up Mag Ws AXGREG, with thie Huu Filia Sm ithmyer and Airs, Regina ; 3 CR ¢ Patton Clothing Store. ey are S BOW compe to gaining at every lap, until the chief Pry, all of Altoona pulled out kis revolver pd Bred two The futreral was held in St Mon | ey shots In the sir Then he stopped Loan chaich at Ubest Springs Mooday | ** He that judg ges without int orming himself to the u 2 quick and Gill wan declared the winner. morning at § ocloek, condocled by that he 18 cnpable cannot acquit himsell of } : Rey. Father McKenna. Interment in amiss.’ tnd > Jou: 3 Tonite Sue hall & am have, Une Hinton tor Kepistitienn Navid bata : Be ¢ areful how. you judge in the matter of ¢ SRO 15 0 organized 3 fine Buen B10 DAYS Opal | » he ¥ og ; The dates for ARY goad boar abhor ab Span Thee Be pliblican primaries for Cam : Pao not be hasty in saying that yo cannot wear ready ole, Charley. Samohi. Yoha| | or abroad. They would like to hear Bria county will be held the 2rd ined. C cot hes. Our sunny clothing looks, fits and Wears , John Safol, John Kogo, Pifu- from Patton, Westover, Hastings, Car and the vointy coavention the Mon pade-to-measure, for which you have pad twice asm g | lara uja anf. wii | rolltown, Coalport, Glen Campbell, | day following. U oder the rules of i am asking. Persons calling for the abovy letters Ebensburg, Loretto or any other ame the party Mouday evening was the ; : will plonse say that they are “Adver- tour olab, Address Thomas Dixon, expiration of the period within which tHaed” : | manager, ar Mike Endler, eaptain, Bt. candidates may file their names with : Boys’ Clot ing. i EB. Ww) LL GREENE, Poatraster. B he shat irants KK : ; aniface, Pa. ibe county chairman aa dEpivan or | wa es | pomination. The following were filed: I have a cow plete line of Boys’ and Children's Suits, 0. W. Hodgkins has just putin his Sheriff, A. B. Clark, Hastings, and rough wear or dress up, whitever he needs or what you thu Born To Mr and Mrs, Jos M. Gil | gore an attractive © .. . x stive dgn printed in sev john Lo ‘Sechler, South Fork. ‘hey eeds from $1.30 to. $6. £0. et ss | eral colors and representing the origh Jury Commissioner, John G. Hassin: : : Br.s . and Mrs. Henry Jolly nal “Vino! Girl" taking her dose of Vi. : x Arisa ger, Johnstown. Rear in mind our elegant line of Shoes Oxfords for Men, W ‘nol. Evidently she is pleased with the Poorbouse Director, W. D. Mitkr, + Boys and Girls. Styles sever ound in the oo shoe store. 15 will be taste of jt. Me Hodgkin says he be- | "Dale. you to pay ow 8 visit and soe them, loves most people would look just - Manager Disamo ro “work ol out” | irthis, nd was broken far the new y — —— lady if they, his ball club Saturdsy afternoon and’ B. r LU SN JER . the Patton Brewing Co. this | 5 ie incidentally defeated the Carrolltown | ns i ea ; la this your paper? nine by a score of fol | Good Building, Next Door to Bank, PATTON, PA
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