PARE A RARE ARR Ray Ia rt EF ES PATTON, CAMBRIA co, A, FRIDAY, MAY ; 1, , 1903. or, the death angel its Own, r despite all Suyder was a native , Butler county, the sol or and the late Mrs | +. While an Infant the to Bandy Lake, Mercer | the subject of this his boyhood days and re- he rudiments of ‘his education lic school. This schooling od by a course in Clark's pire at Erle, from which | n f college: he went to Butler, | the trade of a jeweler (leeland, remaining there i bout “oighteen months i a and opened a | Young building o He soon bait} of Loom hos ey will be given all they 0) - ardar ning they had a an pr for He was manager of the | § the Commercial | around and | is duty as late as Friday. j r 8 wife and one y bout five years old, his nd four brothers and one sis- funeral was held at Hastings afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, con- Rev. Frank W. Leidy, the Hastings M. E. church. the Hastings cemetery. | Pinbs Mr. and Mrs. Lenas De- To Mr. and Mrs Chas Drass Me. aod Mrs. Jas. Hunter | : and Mrs, JH. Hub- aya son. a igoation and detailed the werk that Wm. Dukes, of Nant.y-Glo, Hogh Me. The flames started in a dwelling new grounds of the association, last of Barnesbore was presnt, “iyear. He stated that about $500 bad The wages the (bevkweighmon fletivefy ue in supposed to have been "i been invested and that shares of stock should receive under the now souls was the canse, A strong wind was blow. | ap as soon as possibile 3 a cordial reception at the hands of 8 the differences that have existed in : ous pommittes bas no desire to fotos sides. y tion of sentiment before commencing faking the tine for she noon eal {ably be beld in a short time, when muncration to be received by the men | 1. . ways and means will probably be de-' forcatting aud scraping after machines. The rock struck him on the bead at {vised and an interchange of views This was settled on the following sh. hase of the brain, smashiog his’ po cellent thing for Patton, and it is to be bund or plece, the advance is 12 PET hig side. hoped thal the present effort to estab cent. Where coal is cut by the day lived at the mine with his mother and ! {lish one will be crowned with BUOCERR. | the advance is 12 per cent on the task | | step-father, Jobin Phillcovi (eveniny ab eight o'clock, when their wad Pardee No. 6 mines, a short dis. NTIBG FE IT LORETTD bao in Patton. Finish Work. Worth of f Property. | agg va | BALL CLUB ORGANIZED MITCHELL HAS QUIT.|MICHAEI PFOFF DEAD. Bein cas] - Manager and Onplati “Mlected st Meatlog Sax Tenderwd His Hisiguation us Secretary Wan Barsed (6 Death While Assisting in Monday Night Fis Fhdd Seerstary of ¥, 300, Fronstror of the Sub Disiriel iweb Creek Queiting thi Canflageation Others Wess A Bitaminoas Hegion Here Twa Papa. foul & Cooks Cu 10 Ope Anidionr Mine te Irgjured Rulldings Ge aed by DW. Lite ue Young People Marri, | Dovalog the 2P° Vel, Inger Were Compditely Dostrayed. An enthiisiastic meting of the Pat. A meeting of the exvcutive bosrd of Loretto was visited by a dissstrons ton Athletic Association was held in subdistrict 1, of district 2, UM. W. of | fire vesterday afternoon, which efor the borough council rooms Monday A., wus hieid in the parior of the Min. it bad spent ite fury snaffed out one life night witli President Yerger in the ery’ Rest hotel Wednesday morolng at and destroyed aboot $20,000 worth of chair. Plans were made for what lex. 10 o'clock. President McTaggart, of | property. The victim of the fatality { pected to be a successful base bull sea. Barnesbhoro, called the weeting to was} Michael Pfofl, 8 man shout forty- son and a good club under sompelon rder and pvary member of the hoard five years of age and unmarried. A h management will be placed in the Held (Jas. Mitchell, of Patton, John Hogan, tunmber of others who assisted in gael Manager Donnelly presented his res. of Bpangler, Frank Kelly of Arcadia, | ing the bilan: were barned severely. had been done to Athletic Park, the Cnty, of Arcadia, and BE. Revuniboro, houses swoed by D. W, Litsinger and tweupied by MJ. Farabaogh, A de. to the amount of $130 still remained definitely fixed by a resolution prop ng and ithe flames wore communicated | aopail It was decided to dispose of erly moved, seconded sud carried that 10 the residence of Mr. Litsioger across more stock. as well as oullect the the cheokwelghmen reosive the same in alley. A nomber of men went in. amount due for stoek lssued Tash year, wages for sight bours they received the sto of the Litginger house with and the old sulleiting committes, tome Mor ton and that any chedkweigtiman water and axes. Michael Pfoff and | posed of BE. Will Greene, Ed A. Mullion working more than eight hours charge Jos, Malloy stayed after the others tand Dan M. Harper, was countinoed, for the extra hours worked hy the had left : % with instriictions to Ghose the mab jer bone I owas sho decided that all | Suddenly the exit from the attic was : hosed members working for the sub. closed up by the flatees, which filled Howard ©. Dinsmore was elected district pay the three per cent check the attic with dense smoke. Malloy mADAger Wo sogceed J. J. Donoelly and | off, and that all bank committes bills Maggered and fell to the floor, while nd John A. Gunn waa chosen sesistant be sent to the sub disteiet president for | PIofl, half suffocated, stbeanpled to out | manager. | Treasurer Prindible also hi approval, | a bois through the roof. Malloy stam. | + tendered hin resignation snd Harry A. Hereafter, according to the action bled to his feet and totlered to the * | Leiden wan selected as his successor, taken by the board, all checkwelgh- stairs. He sipped and fell through the | {Will Anders no was elected captain of hen must give 8 monthly report to flames in the dogeway and dropped to the club and the other officers were their locals as to the condition of the the second floor unconscious. He was continu. csondes, taring of the cars snd all bank auable to warn anyone that Prof] was The mas ager was instracted to pur committees work. still in the attic and he was uncon chase suits for the players as soon as The board met again al 1480 o'clock sciously left to his fale. i he deemed it advisable and he was also p.m. with Vice President Sinclair in. From the Litsinger residence the instrocted to have the grounds pot in the chair It was moved, seconded and Hames were communicated to Litsdn. | condition at once. The mestlng wil carried that thie section of the district ger’ s generid store. It was consumed journed to meet again at the call of the sonstitution relating to strikes be with nll ts contents. The harnews shop president. strictly adbered to, The free click of Walter Litsioger was next in the Sites li pe Layslem was condemned and it was path of the Qhmes and was quickly FAVORABLY IMPRESSED. ordered that no headings not specifi. burned to the ground. A baggy shed I Prospects gore Goad for 5 Yeoueg Mea's eslly stated work on idle days. in the rear lasted but a short time, the Chistian Assoeiation. I" The resignation of Fred Mitchell, an buggies and wagons, however, being C. E. Smith, of Johnstown, the fluld secretary tressarer of the subdistrict, Temoved. Several stables and out. secretary of the Ctunbria Somerset div | was read and accepted. balidings also furnished food for the trict of the bituminous region ¥. AML flames. The properties were insured C. A., was In town again Wednesday The Joint subscale committee for only $00). interviewlog business men and others reached a settlement Saturday at Clear. STANLY KALED. and gauging the sentiment relative to Bald afer several fruithess sod at tiroes | a opening & bratich bere. serimonious sessions, This insires the | Grek Miner at Asherott rack by = Fait | He was very [favorably impressed {mipossibility of a strike before April 1, of Rock. with the prospects here and met with 1904. Both sides made concessions and | ; this the Ashoroll No HM mine of the Beach i number of people who are deeply In. region since the Altoons CORTOTeNce | (1ropy Coal & Coke Uo., was struck by | {terested In the project. The bitumin. have been adjusted agreeably to both | a fall of coal yesterday morning and | Instantly killed. The fatalit occurred | anything Bipot | the people Shey da not The prineipal gricva ano, which Was | | about half past eight retook with Bachelor at the time The rock! work. | three. fourths « of sn hoor. The men | which weighed about a wn and a half, could finish | the lirenk went to Took atit. The roof | assistance the committe is eapable of their day's work earlier and the opera. ‘is low at No. 14 and Bachelor was extending. Every cent spent in mem- | tors a full hour, claiming that half (compelled to stoop. It is supposed | bership fees, ote., will be spent in the an hour did not afford enough time to | pul P | town, the current expenses of the com- ford the mules. . | mittee being met in other ways. A Another thing over which there has that he heard the rock falling and at. | tempted to get out of the way while in | ra stooping posture. The position of was a8 to the re- | pig body when found would seem to in- | i eliente this, meeting of those interested will prob. been much dispute i given. | vera: ‘bead and ribs in a horrible manner. AY. MC A room would be an ex-| “That where coal is ent by the ton, He waa dead when Mr Callahan reached | -Hachelor was sumarried and eo Ag tw. He was | L ril 1." ORANGE sLossous basis existing ore prii 1 wii i | The funeral was held this afternoon are making preparations to open a oanducted by Rev. : i pew mine at this place, which it is ex. | A quiet home wedding oeenered at Cpeoted will employ a larg Ei pamber of the residence of Mr and Mex BW. new men. The new opening will be lo- | Cowher on Palmer avenue Wednisday cated between the Flanoagan No, 8. anit Mae Phoebe Cowher, Cinterment in the ‘asuidy cemetery. INDIAN BILL'S singer PARADE. Next Tivminy + eldest danychter, Miss May Phosbe, was jance from the Flannagan No. 8 mine, % united in the boly bonds of matrimony which was worked out some firme BRO. This will be one of the most striking , 3 § ; ! 1d dramatic pageants ever wilnessed to Thomas Johnston Graham, of Al Te will be a development of the ups B i dramatic pageants ever in : toona, : vein, the same as Pardee No. 4. There will be Todians in ail thelr na £ a 4 i ETE W 5 RIGS BO Ri jg re Only the immediate family and a few . ; Sale th Au vie intimate friends of the couple wit NOTICE TO LOCAL UNTONS, | Dessed the ceremony, which was per wo tary-tressurer will be received at this | tribes represented will marred theouph | CAML i. church, the Bride B pastor. The ee” - by bids : : 3 * Chris ; represctilea w ill marsh 4} rog office until May 15, 1902, at which time the streets just as they do on the plains. attendants were Meade B. Cowher, a they will close in order to give time for. Trappe wi vader 3 \ . oy hey will close Fr Lo give time for TAPPES, CoWwDOYR, Vaqueros, souls brother of the bride, and Mise Mande ’ 3 ; pps, ¥u, vaq : Fink, of Matatley. EL May 31, 1903. outfits and appurtenances will pass in | Both of the hgh contracting parties FRED MITCHELL, | review before the people. are well-known to the readers of the guy Preas. Subdistrict 1, District 2. | This show, though picturesque as it | COURIER, the groom being a successful . | san bo. becides oF te almost kateid civil engineer who has been employed pacid frei thas wh {Van D6, beatae of. 18 Almost Kaieies. inl fs a ope, David Irvine, of Hastings, who was | oonio changes of costumes, is wholly | in this vicinity for somabime past, but. recently appointed a National organ- ike » circus. It is, in fact, as differ. lately having a position witha raliroad Azer by Presid nt John Mitchell, at- ent froin a sirons as sould be Imagined, Sompany in Kentucky. His bride has tended the board meeting Wednesday. | ou its parade, which will begin daily at ‘been until lately day operator in the 2 | 10:30, will show moat eloguently. {local exchange of the Bell telephone. patrick Gilday, president of district! 'Tndian Bill's grand parade Is 8 show | and both are held in the highest esteem 9, U. M. W. of A., was in town Thurs. in iteelf, furnished gratuitously to the | by all who know them. ‘day on his way to Hastings. | public, The CoURIER joins a host of friends x * i * iWin exhibiv at Patton Tuesday. lin extending congratulations aud best pepor Mellon, of Arcadia, district’ | wishes. ne : board member, was in town Wednes- Subscribe for and advertise in this, i —1a this your paper? ' day. | “The Great Family Moral Educator.” f price. doha Bachelor, a (reek employed at nineteen years of age. { The Naptiale: of Thomas dotmston Grabs : The Bee he Creek Coal & Coke Co. at 3 o'clock at St. Marys R. C. church, { Father Plerron, | [he One Finished he thie Wild Weat oi) (tive piotoresquesness and grandeur: Lh | | Bucks, chiefs, pappooses, ponies in {formed by ‘Rev. E. H. Witman, of the Nominations for the office of secre. | fuct, everything belonging to the great a ¥ § * i balloting, wy resignation taking effect | ranchmen, pioneers and their asimals, | 1 am asking | | I am asking. n|{ Wit a ns Been Transpiring Joint Sub-Scale Committee | Flames Consume $20,000] 4 : make t up their ‘mind they'll pay a cer ‘tain sum for a suit of clothes, Supposing it's ‘$20 and you go and buy the best you can see for that, Wouldn't you be fearfully vexed if you came here afterward and saw the same marked $15? Not reduced, but the original plain marked Lapsed hE mar i { : Stems Roa { INR PNR. EA IY Hm A SA That's why you'd ‘better come here first. Save the $35 bills. That's about the way this store's prices compare all the way through. No store here conipares with ‘us for Quality, Durability and Price. We always win out on price. What a lot of satisfaction, also, in knowing you pay the right price. Not $20 to one, $16 to another, and $12 to ‘another, all for the same suit. This store only has One Price Six days a week only. We don't Keep open’ on Sunday. That's" the Lord's day-—a day of rest. Keystone Clothiers and Tailors, Directly Opposite the Bank, It Is’ ts who can tell good liquor from bad, but to those who can—the fastidious, discriminating counoiseur—our immense stock will appeal with peculiar force. We have everything and anything to be found in an establishment of this character. Whiskeys of all grades and prices from the ten year old pure to the delicate blends made especially for the educated palate. Dozens of grades to select from. Wines, gins and cordials in endless profusion. : Duquesne Beer, Ale and Porter—the best in the market—challenges comparison and comes out a winner every time. if you haven't tried it you don't know what liquid perfection is, WHOLESALE LIQUORS, mn T= KUSNER. The Patton Clothing Store] 4 He that indpes without informing himself to the utmos by the public in the slredts of any town, H AL GR 5 izlost that he 1s capable canndat acquit himsell of judging aniiss,” Be careful how you judge in the matter of clothing. Do not be hasty in saying that vou cannot wear ready-made clothes. Our summer clothing looks, fits and wears like made-to-measure, for which vou have paid twice as much as Boys’ Clothing. I have a complete line of Boys’ and Children’s Suits, for rough wear or dress up, whatever he needs or what you think he needs, from $1.50 to $6.00. Bear in mind our elogant line of Shoes and Oxfords for Men, Women, Boys and Girle. Biyles sever found in the ordinary shoe store. It will benefit you to pay me a visit and see them. | B. KUSNER, Good Building, Next Door to Bank, ‘PATTON, PA.
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