the town, shouting In a vole Fhich years of seafaring life had F capacity of a foghorn, 6 made use of only three words, » ted again and again, and fure was enough to cause a 5. He hadn't seen a an | fleet. Of far more fm. iagansett was the mes a bore. Hig | three words were: Hoo was great. The Flag the Liberty pole: bells | ig until It seemed as if a na. convention of towa eriers had illed, and even the housewives the street beating dishpans, i to arms Jvars stirs the p bench looking out to where the was spouting. The Amagan- liermen always havo boats or such sn emergency, and In minates three of thess wire ped, those who could not pet rd prowling thelr disappoiniment luekier ones pulled away. In the first Toat to start were Cap Gabe Edwards and his brother inhe was to handle the har 8 and Jodh the tance. It was 2 it day for the Edwardses, for the fd boi was In command of Bert it family. while Captain Josws, Edwards, waa in the third Ponts sped to the sonthwest, the whale, unconscious of bis ron ea A tow mindtes ater, however. the whale Be, 2 point to the loewnrd of Cap Thiba'zs boat and almost within Bistance, “her, boya™ shouted Captain pew yanked ar the oars with ied energy. It seowedl an If the didn't have a ghost of a show, Captain Josh's son Everett oot ints Fame with unfortunate results. He In another boat. Ie nnd bis crew oung and Aldn’t know much t whale nature. Re they shouted iy rowed, and that was enough # whale. He sounded and re below for ten minutes. When ime up he wos a quarter of a sway. Then he roshied off at high s plain that afl posetbility of re was ended, but the Edwardyes ! e up. and they rowed about da ikbore not a bent was rung. be was 20 feet Toug,” groaned | Tookont will To maintahod beach to-morrow morning. In that the whale will be kind x back and be killed. Om Nat's statement about nd Bis victim securing the 2 member of a sherifCs ! Ears ask of tin to his execution. Etmpts resulted In fatlure, and efore the date set for the he calied on the murderer | him that nothing more rth ng tor wa the dd, “Xo.” what about a priest? asked sala the condemned man, add- Moment later: “But there's a dist preacher In town who's been Lh I'd Hke to tell him good- 1 hour before the time set for the Bherif went to the cell. He had been a model and the Bheriff wanted to appreciation in some way, so | + 18 there anything 1 can A you for a good clgar” the procession to the gal ted the prisoner was calmly : Arrived under the moved his elgar fréfin his mouth and placed It on the seaffold’s yall, Then he crossed his bands behind his back, ott together, A PLUCKY POLICEMAN, Fifteen years ago there was a polloes | Ils had a glide partner na extraovdinag- fly big as Le was little The bg man one day interfered with | the doings of a notorious Bast Side | gang known ns Bhort Tails, and be was murdered in broad daylight on | his post for his pains. When the cap | tain of the precinct heard of the mur- der he diclared that the Short Talls would be broken up and imprisoned. poilce to take Into the haunts of the murdered man's chum, Hitle Bhetidaa strolled in. “They murdered him, 414 they" he yelled, “And they've got bricka plied on the roofs of the tenements to \arow at us when we march Into thelr street, have they? And they're standing on the sires corners looking for n fight, Are they? Well, they'll pot all they want—-anil I'll give it to ‘em™ Without club or firearm of any kind, Sheridan dashed out of the station house and ran into the heart of the Short Tall’ stamping ground. Reoog. street corner, ho walked up to them, kpocked down every one of then, their coat collars and, turning his back on the erowd, marched them foward She station house, made a dlsparaging remark about the murdered polloeman, Quick sa a Hash Hitle Sheridan ordered Lis two prisons ers to halt, kesekad the third Bhert Tall down, dragged him over to where the other tes were meekly standing, stood the {5d prisoner in Hoe and withaut further ado, drove them nts the station hone Shurldan reached there Just ms Ow piatoon won Issued forth. He qmiickty handed his prisoners over to the Quon Short Tails, A TTORESTER'S NERVE. Fritz Werner was a Gernian ‘foros ter, Om day a stag gored him Trighe fully In the abdomen. As the Infurinted animal {riled out his antlers, barked away and prepared for a seco] charge, the intured man propped himself on an elbow and fired Just ax the stag was closing in ait Kim. “The animal fell doa and the wan fainted away. When he rocoversd couscionsnias be found that he could not sttract atien. tion by shouting. He reallzed that be was out of the beaten paths and that unless he dragged Biosel? wo ou free qoemrted ince he would sardly dle. Bo he began dmgging himself through tae forest tn the direction of his eniploy- er's house, three miles away. He started on his journey at noon; at 3 o'clock the pext morning the oo capenty of the house wers aronsed by the explision of a gun neerdy. Ine vestipatitiz they found the forester, in a deni] faint and pearly dead from loss of blood, lying on the lawn. By his slo was a smoking gon. When the injured man got so that ha evuld speak and tell BW story, his master asked Bl: “But why did vou drag that heavy gun all the way ¥' %1 knew that [ coolin't shout when I did yeach an Inbabitabls place” was | the reply, “so I brought NM along to attraer attention. 1 didn't think of it until 1 had crawled for Balt a mila then 1 crawled back and got 1H. Marks of the Comlogoes. A mumber of persons who roeoeire books from the pulille ¥braris are puzzied at the mysterions marks on the title page. Bome books howe only one or two marks others Dave a dozen. } Oucnstonmtiy it Is a letter of the alpha. bet with two smazll figures close to It Bometimes ts a letter nndemicored nader the name of the book, er nuder frovinentiy it fs an ontliine Hi hort hand, which many readers can do cipher, but are in entire Ignorance as to {ts meaning. These are the marks of the chief cataloguer of the Hirary, and are intended only as guideposts to her assistants. They convey informa- tion ax to classification, other books in the library on the same subject, Amn. ber of times the book is called for and various items that are useful when the time comes to make out an annual re. port. Most chief eataloguers are wom Len, asd pearly every one has a system bave grown tb be a busloess In thems solves, fust as much as stenography and trpewriting. It f= mostly in the hands of women, and the pay 1s about the same. New York Times The Driest Spot on Ear.h. The reputation of being the driest spot on earth iz claimed hy many suols In many climes. The latest claimant is Payta, in Peru, a place about five de grees south of the equator on the coast that has risen forty feet In historio times. Professor David G. Fairfield, a recent visitor, reports having soached there in February just after a rain of more than twenty-four hours, the first for eight years. The average interval between two showers ix seven years | Ben fogs are common. Of about nine species of plants noticed seven were annoals and thelr seeds must hive re maloed dormant In the ground for eight years. In spite of the laek of rain tHe long rooted Peruvian edtton is grown in the dried-up river bel, fur i niabing crops that yield subsistence to rou, , | ine natives—Liverpool Post, The cigar and the man's life weut | man In New York named Bbhetldan, | Eo be set about forming a platoon of gang. As be was about this duty the nizing a group of thelr leaders on a | grabbed two of the more notorious hy | Om the way there another Short Tan man, johied the platoon, nnd Mn the | goneral wound-up that followed took | a leading part and arrested a dogen the name of the anthor, or both. Very {of her own, Cataloguing and indexing | ay then the arderet calmly Toe | PROTECTING TREES Tt ts estimated that the cost of pro 'tecting trees to prevent disease, by the use of epras ng mixtures, Is loss than one-0fth of a cent per tree, and the | spraying may also increase the profit ton fruft, by duck dng bottor auality. PRUNING VINES, The winter is the time to prurs {grape vinez, and it should not be & layed, ar they cannot be cut beck will gafety after spring openx. Vines put | out Ingt spring roay be out back to three eyes apd older vines may have Libel pew wood out back to six or elglit buds, THE HEDGE PLANTS The hedge planta along the roadeide should receive an application of fer. tilizer in the spring and be also neatly trimmed. Hodges see frequently mach neglected and die oul, no attempts be og wade to prevent them from insect attacks of mmely them with plant mous grow made every season TORING FRUIT. In storing fruit or vegetables In the {esdinr, the better plan ia to have boxes or Ling, and arrange theo sa that they will be ralsed two or three Inches above the bottom apd the same dis tarsen from the wall This gives a enld materially in keeping then al 8 more even tewmperatare, while at the sama siderasldy lessened. PRUNING THREES, In pruning trees all stems half an tneh or more in dipmeler should be stances, like grafting wax or shailac, of the consistency of cream. The bok and onter woos will thes be preserved, be covered with tew bark. If thls preeantian be not taken the end of Lis branch wil decay from «posure 10 I svind, min, heat snd colds GROWING BLACKBERRIES. Tt 4 mow contended that 3 fe a mis take 8 cut blackberry oes Lak Ro low. as they will give better ¢repe IY allowed 1acre canes. They should si if the 61d canes have pet been cat oul and burned there will be dange Toon | borers. Blackberries wil thrive an all kinds of soll, but to secure goed orp forgilzor sbonld be wupnled early In the rows where Cwyg see So clo SPRAYING APPLE TREES When to spray eppee tro depend ppon the parposes desired. Use Boge desuzx mixture whem the tuds are swelling, and 17 canker Wworing ane gre nhoul to open After the Blossoms fall ¢pray again with Bordenux riix. ture, also Paris green, repeating both applications a week or ten days later. fn about ten days or twe weeks ale other application may be mallee of Boe. desux mizteve These wenwdies of preventives are for scabs, Lud math, calling moth, tent esterpiliar, cusenlby and canker wort. EVERGREEN HEDGES. Eroergrevn hedges nie qenagrental and nseful The desire te secure quick hedge huduces close weiting of the gdants, which causes ther to cnowil In after yours, os well as strupste for plait ‘fool Give plenty of room at first allowing not less than a yand of the space na they advance In growth. worm, aml the “Daskets™ should be Spray the hedge with Pars green $89 ar thoes thoes during the saason, A PORTABLE IRDIGATOR, A portuble irrbrator cepeciaily adapted for treating the roots of a plant with cut telng taken from the Sclentite Amerivan. The general shape of the treigator fs similar to that of a pitch: fork, the tines and haodle of which am boliow. A piston Is adapted ww bao operated within the hollow handle; serving as a pump to draw the fertilis. Ing liquid from a supply pipe entering at the top of the fork head and to foron tt out through the opentigs in the tines, In operation the tines are buried into the ground with their lower ends in proximity to the roots 16 be treated. The auld cah then be forced out In a fine spray at tho point where i will do the most goad ian arc lamp the words pro fo] mu a compensation for the enor | air space all arcumd them, asd will aid | ioe the risk of Wnjury by froat ls oon | eovered with some waterproof! sub | and the wound will In a soon or Go | given Brtter cnitivation than ie waually bestows, One point to observe 3s that | the spring apd the cnues thined out In shatidant spray alse when the blossoms | spacer botween plants ss they wif oH The enemy of hedges Is the boaket plekadl off and burned, They are really | opens and ean be easily found fertiiiniog liquid is here shown, Ihe The principles al the base of wire Jess telaphoning are well known. It fs sufficient to recall that if the varia- tions of current produced by a tele | phonic transmitter are suitably trans. mitted to & dirsct current feeding nounced into the transmitter are heard as if they originated fn the arc, This phenomenon ia due to changes In the volume of the are consequent upon changes of tempera- tura caused by tha variations of the density of the surrent. . Tha changes of temperature of the are a0 Calle | | SRanies iti the emission of Heht from | toand thess Jatter changes are giilizged (in the transmission of wireless tele- | ¢ ‘ phonic messages. The fluctuations in | the emisnion of the light are very rapid and cannot be seen Ly the eye Mr. | Hahmer has Jately sent such midssages by day and by sight time the appartus must be screened from the direct rays of the sun, nat. rally). To direct the beam Mr. Ruh- mer uses a 12-inch parabolic mirror, The are lamp employed requires 4 to § amperes of current. for a distance of 1 to 2 kilometres, B to 10 amperes for 3 5 to 7 kilomstres. The receiver con. gets of a parabolle mirror like the transmitter, in whose optical axis there is a cylindrical selenium element in | gories with two talephones and a bat- tery. The selenigm varies in resist atce under tha action of the varying Hght Ths luminous beam from the transmitter determines these varia tions of resistance corresponding to the microphonic currests of the transmits C ter. Bimilar variations ars produced fn the receiver anil the spoken sounds are thus reproduced. The process here dexeribngd was trisd by Dr, Graham Hell in Wasbingion, who was not sud- ceselul over such long distance The Day of influenza. To sneites or nod to saesse? That is the guestion, Thea we sneeszs and it i changes to an exclamation. Everyone is doing 1 Headaches, bones ache, coughs, ooids and the pestilence of grip is upon the face of the Jand. In Brookizn Hills thie worthy Dburgher sneezes an early curfew from his front : poreh and the sound Is mistaken for biastixy 'n the tutinel And when the shades of aight dimw down, he gnowies acrams the fiald to Bis seighbor; "Come | over this evening: we're having a litte snake befors golag te bad. Got some hot mustard and guinine, and some thing in & bottle” “Then far into the night the rich meliiBnuous sneeze chorus | rises from that hemes. This is x hard who assert that grip is a serious ooai- tar, and Bot to be wnsezed aL Lawmakers Want Pasees. Members of the Montana Legisiature are protesting becagse a raiirosd In sion, when each {or the most part Sees itis traveling. over a distance of more than four miles | { iin the day . to 4 kilometres, 11 to 18 amperes for 3 rise trom that boves.. Thin is 8 bard | { mp iets ries! power ants es fostailed fs t of Osake military arsenil of Japan. ms ee : Sh ened A powder to siake ints youl sliioes; reptathe | fast. Cures Covas, Bunfons, Bwooilen. Roars, | Hot, Onlious, Aching, Sweating Feet and In: growing Nails. Allea’s Foot. Ease makes naw of tight shoes easy. At all droggists sod stice storas, 3 canta. B pot I maiind Fars, Address Alien #. Omatad, ahoy, NY nM ES RBA ut i have been discovered thus far by thi goientists, Couns oy Orin, Cree oF YT OLED, ! - Locan Covmerr. Frawx 3. Ongwxy, maka cathihat hele the | senior partner of tha Seen of ¥. J. Unxxzt & Co. doing asia in the DHy of Toledo, Connty and State aforesaid, sad that said | firs wild pay tha sam nf 652 REYERRD DOL ans for sash and every case of caTakam that | LCaranng Coan Frawx §. Cxanzy, fwaorn to before me and selsor{ted in my acta PrtBeries, this Sth day af Besser, | § oman. | A, 1. 1508, + I, aging . Hali'sCatarrh Cara le tae internally, : sats draetly an the blood and masons sar. i faces of the system, Send tor teatimoninig, froe, ¥. J. Cuzz & Co, Toledo, O. Foul by Dragigints Tie. Hall's amily Pills are the bast. A RE A HP AREA RIA NE OB oan back in his own aan. Ask Your Desler For Allen's Foot-Ense, Abongt 1%0, 0 different kinds of beetle | sannot ba sured by tha use of Hare's | | “1 had a most stubborn for Ma many Jen ips depri of » lecp and | then % Cherry and was TRY riared 8 : RN. Mann, Fail Mills, Tes rd 8 ey will do. We know it’s the gr est cough remedy ever made. And you will say so, too, after you There's cureineveryc The chronie borrower idon pays i Men, Women, and Children. A sample of Doan's Kidney Pla, and never through the use of Doan’s Pilla I am free snd easy now, Geo WW. Buren, Veter Cilida, great coeifort for declining yeas weakness pecuiiar to children ee For Give years | have had such pain In say | back, which physicians said arose from the | kidneys Four boxes of Dosn's Pills have! etively cured the troghls. think Iowe know R Bags Davia, Baxter Speings. |, Mr. Prrasawy, Owo-~1 recsived the | loin paine GYEronme. kasd any medicine do me 80 touch good ba | sc little time. I had Congestion of the 0 : i Kidoeys ard Bladder so severs It caused s | feat high gnlored, sxeemive; : io pau pressures on the Jungs Hie Asthaa, bit! Baxren Senrvos, Kavias— I received | the free samples of Doan’s Kidoey Pilla | Tite ta tae wim oa 1 wast shasta] DOAN’'S DEAL GENTLY. Its the gentle and effective action of Doan’s Kidney Pils in Kidney, Bladder, and Urinary troubles that make them famous with Aching barks are ¢ Back, ad 2 o gmeilng the Habs snd dropay signs van “They v rorveet urine wih brick dost sedl Sug, dribbling, frequency. Doas's Kidoey Jin disscive snd remiove palpite i talealt and gravel. elleve heart © tion, sleeplessness, headache, DervotMuess nary Surgeon, P.O. Box 41, Mu Pleasany, [1 ot AN . Aged people find Dean's Kidoey Phils a | They eure fnecntinents asd urisary | Poses izanas To. Dallale Plan end me ve mail without chargm [1 triad box Deas’s Kaley Pills, ih § that State ped passes to them good | only for 68 days, the term of the ses DROPSY = mami oul 08 Seetimpsie » sed 10 da ye’ trnstimiin, | Svwe. Or BE. MULE § SOUK, Net B Atiasen. Gio rive far pace BRANT MINING AND mung - 18 SNOROWAY new YORK. WANTER,. Miss tors failed to help her. “Lydia E. Pinkbam’s Vege table Compound cured me afte doctors failed, and Eh want other girls to knew about it. Dur. ing menstruation I suffered most intense pain Jow in the abdomen and in my limls. At other times vy, depressed feeling ich made my work seem twice as hard, and 1 nd | grew pale and thin The med doctor gave me did not toe me one bit of ol and 1 was thoroughly discouraged. The doctor wanted me to stop work, bu al course, I could not do that finally began ty take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound hoki, aa afer king Hx bots 1 ties ly cured, and am now in perfect th, and I am so grate- for it.” — Miss Georare Mexarn, 837 E. 152nd St, New York City. — Sso0e en Jarier if » i Lydia EP Pinkham’s Yegetable Comp d earos female! s when all means have { Vienna ls threatened with a strike of chimpey swegps. raise Ross fret days usw of Dr. Kijoe's Great sh ii $3 trial bottioand treatise tree Di. BH. Kraws, Ls Lad, + #81 Are dred Bt, Phila, a A reformer i is generally & a mas who tries $0 convert others 1 his way of thicking Mrs. Winslow's SoothingSyrap for ehiidrea teething soften the pums, i ndnnme HE SA “as gh cure, J. W. O' Buizx of abwee tier proving proves. A Strange Bequest made an original will the following maaner: be separated [nfo seven parts, this bee ing the number of parishes In Bruges. Each of these portions must be agnin gubdivided into sums of $e for which society are to draw Jot The amoust boa sisal] business or trade, New Mil Device Tested, A new device in the pv preswnce of officials of tha Americhn Steel Haop © 4 Fits permanently sured No Ata or nervous. Fa tion, aliays pain, sures wind evils, de. abostle | You can't measure & genias by the length his hair. goa ang x5 Piso’s Cre cannot be too Bighly span of Ren ot i Avenue, Ks ; Minneapolis, X Mino, Jan. 8, Ta i very y else 1s wrong. He A Hn Wool and Cotton at one boiling. The man who agrees with % nobody thinks ‘| Prrxan Faveiiss Dyes color sik, | wie Ra dows cur care what at happens °»0 1 aovgs wire rod mill Hy Ha awe the Yabor of two men is dlupeused with at! i sach train of rolls | weak | DE Taompions s i A Bruges philanthropist has just He has jeft the town $0 oly. which 18 to be divided tn The sur 8 10) tha poor on the hooks of the charitable is to be spent in setting the winders up ng of Boup frog was tested at Monessen, Pa, in the . It ts eal edd oa repeater” and Automatica ¥ bamdben the hot fren from ode set of rolls to P gnather on the principle of the contin-V NEneoaE =i bch ar iti TE Is Be greatest meds in the world for all soy for which an external remedy may be used. Price, 25¢. and S0¢. CHB IL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers