1 | tion of the state and the visit of the | PERTINENT PARAGRAPHS, bio Pointed Peneilings Pertaining Poole and Fiaces ql CL Fay, of Greensburg, the gon: j eral secretary of the Bitaminons Re: | «| gion Committe, Pennsylvania state Y. ws MO. A, and C. E. Smith, of Johns: town, field secretary of the Cambria: Somerset district, were in town yester- day, looking over the field with a view to opening rooms here. The gentle men pamed will retars again next! week and should be given every en. | | couragement, as the object is a most worthy one. Patton needs a ¥. M e A. W. L Thompson and J. BR Gon! nelins attended the sale of the farnisb- | 2 | Inge and equipment of the Mountain + | House at Cresson Wednesday. In all | about 275 lots of articles were sold and | the watimated amount realized was be 4 | tween $7,000 and $8,000. The bidding | ua | WSS Spirited and in many osses high | _; | prices were paid. The silverware ow | pecially brought fancy prices Ak though the total for the day’s sale wis | nigh, 60 bill exceeded $900, : sented to Conneil, Proceedings of the Remi Monthly Mecting hk Faibers, ih sd: day night with President Donnelly, ary Moore and Councilmen | Gould, Laosherry, McCormick, Lingle and Prindible presint. The question of wn alley between the | Good building and the proposed new | business block of eo, O. Brady came tip and a mbscription lat was prese tigned by interested parties showing | the purchase of 8 or Gould made & | motion that the borough contribate & remsonable amount to complete the : | purchase, but the motion was $00 fn- Francis Bernard, aged five years definite and lacked a second. t win be Sly feet and two days, the son of Mr and Mrs, v in the rear of the brew A. K. Huber, died Sunday after an ilk e anothir five [st but two days. The remisine were | feet to be ome] for | taken to Bt Boniface Sunday afternoon sole ; for Interment. This makes three childreb ] of the family that have died within | 6 eleven munths, the hast two basdde of a week. 1 | bar wan lid on the table antll the next Hilda, the ropes tage of | roguiar meeting. : RT Spas or ST se ea as that. Chief Borges cn burg Friday evening of typhoid fover. I oy agaiost Nouns Wd Oty when abe wae taken i, abouts | nabes ; d y ug » frame stable within | month Seo; 1nd wa removed to 1 the tire Hint on West Mages aveane. hospital ot The bond of Boroagh Tr ui aie Sut 8 Pee oe or Asad ited it] auspioes of the young ladies society of the Swedish Ev, Lothera: gh | mounting to $104.25, of which $85.50 4 sewer on Lang nvenoe, had failed to. wos pet. ; “} John M. Dinsmore was sworn in #0. © lass school director from the second ward to savceed Daniel M. Harper st ae the school board Mon. He had made an assignment of the contract and the sgboontractor was highest bidder,bat Mr. Prin is that Mr. God did not want it, as it Ea ; be advertised for Aan Sabacsle Commition fa in Seton | Again at Clearfield. The joint sob-scals committes of dis- | | taiet No.2 UM W.of A, met at eld again to-day after sn ad | Jonrnment of one week. The commit i raed last Friday night afier *" | being in session three days and were as * {far apart as they were wheo they first “eonvensd. 11 is conceded by both op | { erators and miners that some decision "| must bo reached soon. } One of the principal matters in dis pute is the half-hour st dinner rule, which the miners urge, and which the { operators oppose on the ground that the time does not allow the mules a suf ficient rest. The men say that since | '{ the 8-bour rale went into effect the op ‘erators should place no restriction on | The find named is chairman is each in- the hours they should work, so long as stance: ithey put in their eight hours. The difficulty over the price for cutting is panother serions problem. ni AA i that was not the contract price, waa indalged in With the usual result. - The following bills were ordered 96100, AJ. cups FOURTH OF JULY CONMITIEES. SaT—— appointed for the observance of the Nation's natal diy in Patton this year. Rene! Somerville, Wm. Yeckley. - Floame -W, C Shop Roig. Greens, Bd. A. Mellon, W. H. Sand- | The machine abop owned and oper- ford. | ated by Ricker, Gould & Co. on Fourth Fireworks Gio. O. ia; avenue for several years past, has been . Hodgkins, Jos. licker. : | purchased by the sons of Wm. C Cite, | Printing and Advertisin and they took possession of the same | kead, Bd Hunter. | Tuesday. The new firm will be known | , | as Cole Bros. and they intend to make | Myers, M. B. Cowher, numer us improvements to the plant, | Soporte John A. Gann, Wm including the installation of a first- class John Dinsmore, Dan Harper, Chas. planing mill. The membendof the Wilters J. M. Gillisce. firm are young men of probity sod ex- | { perienos and will undoubtedly merit land, Jae Comune, BE P. McCormick, | and receive a large patrovage. Jos. | Jack Scheid, W. T. Robinson, F. B. wit ven cue CLEARFIELD. I Patton Sehool Tenchers aint Directors to Observe the Wark Thera. » | The Patton public schools will be 2 closed all day Friday to enable the en- | | tire porpe of teachers to vieit the Clear: | the concern, will remain in the employ | field. schools and obwerve the work | {of the new firm. there, especially in the scientific, man uel training and domestic department. | : {They will be accompanied by the Reportof the examination for grad sei J.T. Mullen, school directors. uation in the common schools of Cam- | Pars do 1. 8. Bell, Geo. Boone, Fred All will go as the guests of WwW. H | Denlinger, the school director from the | Springs boroughs and Clearfield and Al- 8 DE, ite first ward, who assumes all the ex- legheny township schools, held at ipenses. Clearfield has the reputation Chest Springs April 18, 1903: Diplomas | % | of having the best schools in this sec- | Will be given to Charles Hurd, first honor, and Ella Urban and Blanche Moran for second hopor, Walter Lum- adue, Grace Adams, Ferdinand Nagle, | i Hattie Pruner, Lynne Callaban, Olive | McConnell, May Moran, Kathiene Keamey, Bertha Cox, Emma Pruner. ‘WaureR F RRBY, HUon SLATER, Sterta M. Naoik, Decortion—Abe Goldatein, D | Warren, Ed Mellow, Fd Litthe, Wm Li Thompson. Examinaios oe Gradw VL m. Campbell, Matt Kohler, George Tempo, Jos. H. Hubbard, Clark Loomis, | (QO L. Forsberg, John Jacobs, George r. Faotastios—Clhas. Lehman, Denais| | Nolan, Harry Leiden, Joe Lebmas, L. | t- | teacher and directors is in line with the policy of the Patton boatd to see and jrofit by all that is best in sahool | Settings takes a deep interest So peo ty of fine Prices and | Subscription Paper Was Pre- i Ts Having Papers Fropured in Aring Sait] for Violation of Fire Lim# Ordimenee. | Council met in rigular seaion Mon- | towards of spring shades at $12.00 and Lingle was opposed 10 any appropei- | ation, whatever, and contended that ‘the finances of the borough precluded | tak ing any action of that character. In, — the abwenos of any definite informa- | By ‘tion ss lo what price Owo. B. Good _saked for the ground needed, the mat- | Yeager for violathag the ballding ordi- | or hosel Bog LL onl Bingen) A floancial succes, the proceeds was awsrded the sontract to constroct {lie & bond and would be uashie to do | | aino unable to give the necwsary bood. | MoCormick moved that the contract be awarded to Go. 8. Good, the Bext | og tated] I ais 10 waret the emmy | labor at this time. Bide for the con- steuction of the sewer were ordered to, Aguin. An oriler gives to C. W. Hodgkins for $2.50 for formaldehyde was returned | land refirred back to ihe board of bealth, Mr. Hodgkins claiming that | Prindible called attention to the dis | graceful condition of some of the side- : H. J. Bckemrode $98, W. J. Gill | Names of Those Wika Will Have Charge of The fullowiog sommitions have been Executive Committes—W. H. Den: linger, H. 8. Lingle, W. J. Donnelly, | Hubbard, E wii! Brady, C. W.| Musio— Howard Dinsmore, Prof Bo . Mellon, Industrial Parade — Walter Weak- artation 1. 8. Bell, W. W. MJ. Ryan, Fod ‘Mellon, Geo, Law, | Frank Farabaugh, Garfield Wilkins, | ig rod 20 4 0 2 with us and we are full | you ever ‘put Mr eyes on. We have an al wool, French hair cloth fronts, fine Cheviot, Thibet or Serge for $10.00 that can’t be beat in the state. We have also 6 or 7 patterns $12.50 that are certainly and servicable suits. We also have Men's Suits ‘at $13, 14, 15, 16 to $18. All our suits are wool, snd good fitters. * with our stock or BOYS AND CHILDREN'S. We have some 350 styles, sizes {rom 3 years to the tallest young ‘man, size 35. The prices range from the cheap affair at $1.50 to the : nobbiest i in style, fp to 3 2. We have gathered ether the choicest styles in Neckwear, Hosiery, Shirts—" Monarch and G ¢ wear, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Etc., in fat anything you “al iin this line of merchandise. | asenred to all or money refunded. Impossit Te to do 2 e-Priced Store in Patton. ¥ Yas term our Eo of High Grade Wore and Liquors. We cater to the man who wants something “Smooth as Velvet” Heis the fellow we are after as we know we can satisfy the most fastidious. We have Liquors of all prices and kinds, but make a specialty of the bet- ter grades. It's the same way with Beer, Ale and Porter. The name “ Du- ‘guesne " vounches for its su- periority. Delivered to any part of town. Zd. A. —Roy Eee the well-known lomberman of Alburn, Decker, BE. Will Greene, Frank H, Kin- | He that judges without luforming raat to the utmost that he 1s capable cannot acquit himsell of judging amiss,” = 1S H. Ricker, who has been manager of | Morey, Wm. McCormick, Ralph Tower. | DHC Be careful bow you judge in the matter of clot Do not be hasty in saying that vou cannot wear on ‘clothes. Our summer clothing looks, fits and wears like made-to-measare, for which you have paid twice as much as I am asking. Boys’ Clothing. I have a complete line of Boys’ and Children’s Suits, for ‘rough wear or dress up, whatever he needs or what you think he needs, from $1.50 to $6.00. Bear ia inind our . Boys and Girls. you to pay me a elegant line of Shoes and Oxfords tor Mom, W ee fund 8. Whe Seuss shoe ors. It will t and see them ER, B. KUS! | Good Building, N Next D to Bank, AR SA PATTON, PA.
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