with April delight, as they geatly went hie a tale o of the spring, the clouds in Abe apie blue de of the teacher at 4 oul with the win. s bac k to the il the Treson was done. ; me some questions,” the teacher chasce fo aienr > ingens — wn and be wemnly der MoKensgio in one of eis 2 Brey anecdote ro ! had 8 younger brother, and wo lade started to cross - fromes. and the fee : perhaps | nl : a eonld not call heart fatled her wheel, which we hive to Take the top of & cigar d raw # citels with the help of o compazs. T tke a rule and daw a Hae through the centre of the clreid Hit from side to side; eroes It with oiler Hoe perpendicniar to it Divide the four right angles and draw the lines tlirouzh the contre of the circle, | Connect the points with sira'glit Hoes +1 and the octagon is ready to be cut aut with the bow-savw. {ng through the conire of the octagon Cot a round open: ot and Insert a cork through which you Paro arect pleces of wire are luserted ina a block ot wood and : provides with . that are tracking the fox. crept over him to the en Lenis got vp and the ilfe and i {1000 at thelr ends to hold the axle of Fasten with the belp of the wieel little taeks an each side of the eight oa of the wosden wheel a fornucopia i | made of cardboant, wiih thelr openings uk Bk all to che side, shown in one Hlastre. tan. The wheel is set tn motion with the Bein of water, which we either pour down npon the cornucopia ont of a glass or pitcher, or, if we Wail 4 cons stant motion, by conpecting a rubiberi | tube with the Ritvhen water fanedt aud fastening the itnbe gomehow aver one | | of the cornucopias. ~New York World DIOGEXNES, THE CYNIC, Following is a half auinute story of york of thls great man, fle was born In Bipope, fn Poutus, came to Athens, was sitracied to An : 4 disciple and a | gans-cullote of the first water; dressed tisthenes and Lecame himself in the coarsest, lived on the platnest, siept fn the porches of the | temples, and finally took up his dwell. {ing In a tub; went through the high. ways and bywars of the cliy at poon- | tide with a it lastern in quest of a ‘Iman: a man himself not to be laughed at or despised; visiting Corinth lie was } accosted by Alexander the Great ny | am Alexander,” sald the king. And "1 am Diogenes.” was the prompt reply. “Can 1 do anything to serve you?” cons tinued the king. “Yes, stand out of the sunlight” relolned the cyniel upon which Alexander turned away, saying, “If 1 wore not Alexander 1 would be Diogenes” D'Alembert declared Dio- genes the greatest man of antiquity, only that he wanted decency. : An Old Barber Talks. “In wy experience, which covers Wo 1 { many years,” said an old barbir ino a P down town shop, “I have nbtleed that ia man with a heavy growth of beard grows bald op top of his head sooner 8 : than the man whose beard does not grow so heavily. With the heavy r{ beard I find also that the lair on the | sides and back of the head Wn thick : and grows quickly, while the man an win. nineteen | resisting qrange. { the market, i wot with marked suooess fo the schools of Indiana. A button is given | to a pupil at the beginning of the { school month, and he wears it antl] he is absent or tardy, when he forfeits ft until the beginning of the nsxt school month. I a book is weil kept & stamp fs placed on the inside of the front cover. The children take pride in Loth Button and stamp acd slrive to earn them. i pa HARDY ORANGES. Experiments to Secure Frost.Resi=tant Variety Seems to Be Success... Florida oreuge grovers, who atieords ing to presa dispalinies are Dow pro- tecting thelr groves from tha dlsas- troms effects of the threalening cold | suey, will be gisd to isarn that the | bardy Grauge EN aati of the dn of Immediate success, It will be re membered that investigation was start. ed somes years ago to develop a frosts Traring the pat soa son the first Trolls of the hybrids were | obtalnad. They ure sald to be inter | mediate in character between the Flo vila sweat orange and the hardy iri foliate end have good, though few gaede. 1 im from the seeds Of thise prongee thet it Is hoped to oblain a ¥adety that will poses the peces- gary commercial charnrieristics as wall as the physical one most valuable to the Fiorida growers, namely, the abil ity to reslet, low temperatures Tia hybrids referred to are the resuit of crossing the hardy Japanese form with the Florida sweet vrange. They are prosouncad the hardiest omangss kpown in the workl They promise to be of great value as hedge plants apart from thelr frult-beariog | value The vonmission of United S8istes Senators in Hawall accepted an invi tation 16 a native banguet. The pri cipal dish was cooked dow, which Hawafane have long corisidered one of the greatest dellvacies. The Bena tore thought they were eating rossi 1 have stuck a kuitting upeedle ps axle. Ea ; i 1 Meche Oray'stwent Powders Forondres * Suocasfully used by 4 Mather iasy. bursa ia ¥. the Chikdesa's U. in New 3 Care Feversham rE r———————— There 1s more Catarrd in (his sention of the country than all other dlesssas pul Saget ber, and until the last few yours was supposed to be insurable. Fura great many years I 15 8 local disses ymadies and by SUASHLY Ct oe | 28 1, 1 Toleds, 0. fhthe aly renstitetic nal eure on Tt in taken interna liy 1 doses from 10drop to a tems ponatyl Tt avta direct bio aud ponaous rurfaces of the or rine Bundred dollars for Eid hone Whea a waa bas 4 ood opinion of him | ih with the rest pei hie » anxiow a FTTH perreanently cared. Xa ate or pervons- ress kiter Sret day's wes of Dir. Kilne's Great Herve Ladv-rer §31cini bottivand treatise fron Dr BB Eris, iad W wi drab. Phila, Ps. It kes + a man with & stron & strong face to travel oa his cheek. Mov. Winslow's Soothingfyrup for ehiidren teething soften the rams ron Hoan Un nilays pain, nou es wind eclle. 250. abottie When « man's tem BEE Sein e the better of him he Ws naturally a WOTES. 14a not bellows Piso’s Cure tor Consampe thom hag an ead Tor ooughs and phirent pe ¥, bores, Truity Hy Hpringy, In Isd., Feb, 15, 1, The man with & 1 & rlear conscience Coesi't mind XA pecirie se through him, No mins or failures male with Prrzax Faveteas Dyzs. Omar troubles Ie jose hall their bitterness ui we can but tell thew to other peo : tensed "into the Stats ant of sgriculture give promise 1 Shoulda he experiments | progress in the neighborhood of Berne prove as | 1 | succeestal as is anticipated, travelers | Rothechi to Switzerland In the summer of this | 8 yioar will be able to trees the moun tains by wntomobile instead of the wifual post diligence. The sclual trials will be made in the ryring. and the result, if successful, will be to allow travelers tO Inake the differ ent journeys in hall the time but to oper to tutomobilista the chance of driving over the mousiain which ard st present closed to them ih socount of the horses Hunters in Maine. It 15 estimated that R600 or 10000 hunters of whom paid $2 or 30 a day to the {i roiden. The nw compels pers song from without the State to sf these galiter, 0 obleit being the pro Ltpetion of mame from reckless slacgh- tar, and, Ingid toy bring money | Including ihe guide ! fees. Bote] bills camp rentals and rails | peiaily. road fares, the hunters left probably $i. RX, 0 there, erergraem Aoetore dirisas snd proesribed | ORY core, Bead for cireciay | 4 irs ¥ J. Conus & | THE PINKHAM CURES GREAT BT ATTEN 0% i othe Sosy Srpwed hus their curative Lut as after year has by nL the little group of women who had been cured by the new discovery bua since grown into a vaat army o hundreds of thousands, doubts and skepticisms have teen swe i mighty Bexdl, until today the prestl go that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and ber other medicines are doing among the women of America is attracting the attention of many of | BY 3 wuding scientists, physicians | BR People such fame; and thinking Meri! alone wise, therefore, is the woman who ts ww a cure relies upon Lydia E. Pinkham sVegetabiaCompund. it be not oniy roads, | from other Bales visited Maine during the hunting season, tach Hoy : away : itsul ids of Japan” ial As compared “with other business firms in tht country. The line comes from the thirttenth cefi- tury, but it was not until threes hup- dred yours Iater that they bicame mer chants Since thst time the Miteuis have been pre-sminently the leading | business family, connected with evary large commercial enterprise ln the country, and conducting nanny under takings a8 maeh for public bopefit as for private gain. A Treacherous Foe, The Jatost depatchos from Mexico Cabowt tha butensie plague are far from resssuring to those who have watched the progreas of the disease since i [waa frst reported in that country. To many people the {act that it is in Mex foo and that Mexico is far away tauses them ttle sondern. The same spaihy | wae apparent in this country when the gooaree anand in Honoltla, but ia- Liar when if regchsd across he Pacific and gained a foothold in Han Fran sigen there wine & gener ory {or mean ures to prevent 1s spread. In crossing striking ‘evidence that it is a danger sae, {regohernpas (oe, therelore exiraor- dinary precastions shonid be taken to prevent Ms passing he bovder between thin eoumtey and Mexico tha boundary no one ean predict what may happsn. While there Is he sion for any great alarm in the North arn Rtaten yet the health ¢Mclals, bath abn mx condi Sdixastrouns resgits to apy tha remedy of prevention, is which in the etd is rhaRps; metiiod. titted ashen nd wi Elsctric Headlights. tint of affairs with A mora important factor fn operating that & strong ray of light (atmost sqaal in power to (hat of a pealchiizghts can i be throws & thousand yards ahead of pASASTIES ston Troon the bollsr. the passenger trains on the Santa Fe main Hoe frais. A large sumber of | with this simple device for turning night into day. Oinee guar § Btate and Federal, cansol be too care § fal, for it has been proves more than | anes that fancied security has brought | + 50 Bow ix the time § trains. Grent strides have lately been made in perfecting tha npparatne so the Pacific ccomn the disease gave 8) the better anuj the engine. All this means more som. | (3 tort for the engineers and firemen 08 sight runs And greatsr safety for the | rv. A pall dinamo is fixed on top of the etigine and operated by | It 1s under In | slant control from the cad. Eleetric | hestiights am now used on most of | engines on the New Mexico division of | that lime Dave recently Deen sguipped : if } jo g am i Tite treated with the utmost ears riieed in a garden surrounded BY 8 wall, so that peither man nor DE san get anywhere near the plants. At the times of the harvest thoss t- ig these leaves must sbetain from esting Sah, that their breath may Bot spoil the aroma of the ten; they mast bathe three times a day, 20d. In addi tion, must wear gloves whils pleking the tea for the Chinese court : A ee " 1 bad a erriite . cold and could hardly breathe. | thon tried Ayer’ Cherry Pecioral, sad it gave me ime mediste relict.’ Ww. C. Lavion, Sidell, | How will yeur be tonight? Vorse, ably. For it’s fist 4 then a cough, then bre chitis on pneumonia, and at last consumption Coughs always te downward. Stop th downward tendency k taking Ayer’s Cherry toral. Fires alin: The, B81 AS dewppieln. Cammy vine doelar. 1” No. has S06 We he 1 he fo take Gi Chery Lomes it wh his. Year by year elontricity is becoming | {I 11. PUT UP IN COLLAPSIBLE A Satwtinte for and Sugerier iboer ¥ HE 1 Se . a img a ouention this awl de eu tarbar wsdd : : nase relieve b i. ; LE oe ea sad nll aime 15 the howe “at Fimack Es ali The wal Brera ani grate ria Price, ho ete, st ® Ath i Ma peg ak by the Sabie a a suse wpeten war Gabel 3% Aleerwies I tae Sie ror It is pure, It is gentle. It is pleasant. It is efficacious, It is not expensive, It is good for children. It is excellent for ladies. ht is convenient for business men. Yt is perfectly safe under all circumstances. It is used by millions of families the world over, It stands highest, as a laxative, with physicians. If you use it you have the best laxative the world All are pure. All are delicately blended. Louisville, Ky. New York. N Y. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DETUGGIATS. Its component parts are all whailesor It acts gently without nies nt after-effects. It is wholly free from objectionable substinces. It contains the laxative principles of plants. It contains tle carminative principles of plants. It contains wholesome aromatic liquids which are agreeable und refreshing to the taste, All are skillfully sad scientifically componnded. Its value is due to our method of manufacture aod to the orginality and simplicity of the combination. To get its beneficial effects — buy the geouin
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