PATTON, CAM Mons A CO, PA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1903. He Frat commences. Euiered nis he Wontons Cow wi Reasans Why Cambria onnty} Blu Bosh fhe Hividod, 5. the wile ofl Northern Cambria county has taken! a forsal potion aguiont the propo | =e BiL7 mi provide for the rection ane | organiz bon of new Counties in - Lr this bill berause we believe the purpose of ite iotroduction into the with the City of Johnstown as ita county. seat. mon ago rs » tired tol 3 We oor, a args majority of the | 1 And have resided Bore since. electors of Cambria Canty are op- , ey and F 4x Lhe enactin tof the proposed © srry srieon bill for the iollowing rasons: Ee = by in) Toe area of the County will not Bachanss. of Juetify ita division as al present it eon. | : tains only 666 sqonre miles. : “Mey aa ibi The population will sot Juatity ite division, the minimum somber re. | quired for a division by the Conmtitg. tion and this act being barely reached in Cambria County. : 4 1b iw éxcensive and dangerous gt isiation and should be defeatid. {a} The taxes inpossd upon the ofl. tens of the new county by reason of ‘ the erection and constraction of pals WAL woo x x owonen. hie buildings, antl the payinest of sab mriod officers, woald become & brirdert. ib; The tax rate in the City of } Johnstown is now bigh and there mre ; aod etmber ‘of the Disciples chareh i sdelptin. Bhe was & good wife other and leaves x host of warm who sincerely mourn ber oo. Like Doren of old, “she : he Eptucopatians of ¥ Patton Will Yroet a SRE _Houw of Worl p. xl opun which will make thelr Jocal taxes bur i clergemin, who payers of Johnstown for this reason. x will at once secre plans snd specifica (0: The taxes of the citizens remains” tions and advert for Ids for the ing in Cambria County wood be sunle erection of the house of worship. © bhurdemsome by reason of the carrent Work on the same in expected to EX pe tien incident 10 the cure and peo menos as soon as the westher will lection of the priblie baildings and Vise ot secured is the one ad. payment of salaried officers, RO Shurel, which. {dy There are at priest. 7 ) applies. the new Methodist parsosiage and an the « County Come nissic pore’ offics and fall these are to oY | bat fn the county ; time had a society ly dt have held ing Northern Cambria ©» entirely 5 every week in Good's Hall, dependent dpot tbe omi flald and His 4 society has been growing rapidly & question of bul a fow years uotll the itl and oy are angions 1o have i churob | coal will be exthinusted ani the popais ‘home of their own. ; tion reduced below the minimum te The new structure will pot be an qn sirvment of Ue proposed bil. Lelsbarate affair, but will be neat and & Ebensboarg, the County sost of eommodious and 8 oredit to the tows Usmbria County, has 8 population of | i and its members. The Uovmizs will 20400, is ventrally located, easy of See {have more to say of the proper io a cess sod bas ample scootmodation for 3 fatare insue. ail who have business at the County i ee ia; It has five fiest-clans Losnsed ho a | A Fine New One With = Bewliog Atiey ro tei three excellent temperance boli, = : be Opened S08. ‘a oumber of private boarding hoes; ew SILLIARD MALL os perfected arrangeowints whereby _mant, conducted by T. H. Heist, the £ the best, appointed billiari] balis in | 100% for five hiindred popte. {will occupy the room ow owed by Peonsylyania, there being four daily : Frank Kinkead and the one formerly ‘trains from the south of the county, ia. | ocenpled b 1. C. Harpur & Oc cluding the city of Johnstown and 1n pind a o eC renter Ion | three daily tralas from the porth of the JRF § panty RB Hubbard is at work with a foros of Le pe ting an extension tothe build. © A trolley line, conpesting (he | ing, which will also be utidised by Mr sity of Johnstown with the covnty : Fi oe. He will pub in a billiard est, hy an overtand runte of 15 mim, table yg wo pool tables and a bowl { has hoes eharieged and sbhrveyed, and in sey of the regulation Jevgth and (ICES BF Ue Shr Sone) wn EA RS cs THe be will fil the building up in first ols t : ‘this pro Jock, whic b will aft seid til tat. style. He will have groand roots 164 tor faciiitios. by which to ht tise) jas long and » fret wi idle, roa county seat fram Johastown, Observed Gory . Xtal Day. ; 8. We believe that the prosent new i Washi ngton Camp, No. 48, P. 0, & county movement originated with and - of A., observed Washinglon's birthday has received ita support from a very _ by holding an extra session Monday few persons who are directly intersted night at which a very interesting musi: in the movenwnt foancigily and podit- district Leal and literary progrien wis given. JesiY while the great mam of taxpay. | presen The S apeing a address wi delivered by ers elacted are pulirely satisthed with - the present situation, "Including ¥ropd ris i be Saki ie “The Gore Gherift Davis will dispose of te fol ‘man Band Iosiranianty by a yuin. Jowing at the Coart house Monday: snl, : & tette under the leadership of Wm. Nel- i All the right, ticle and iutervet of i of district, relieve son, was oti of the best things on the Council No. 887, Junior Order of Ula-. ood. Will « the The closing address was Atarioar Mochanks, of Bland ot and hes made by Geo, 1, Uurfrian. Refresh. Lbarg, in a lot of ground in Blandborg, bri g the organ- ments were served and the meeting having erected thereon & hall. Taken : standard. closed by all present winglig “Hail ‘absuit of J. M. Bnresst Hi as see Columbia” Fok : Of Nettia Sharbangh Riy in thie ¥ geabity i Delegates tv Alcona Conveyitan, | piocos of land In Carroll township, hav. ing ei fend thereon Lwo deel 5 nnd putbailidipgs. Taken xt suit of Bharbaugh. Geo. Binclair, Thos Powell, John! ‘Flick and leonard laConte wern lected delagates to the Altoons con : : vention of the United Mine Workers | Episcopal wervioos will be bel it the meet g of the Patton local Good's Hall Wednesday evening at! union Monday night. | 7:30 o'clock. A lepilatore is to form & new county | Presiminary pe wee Ee wen : Te fi Attended Mecting Wold In the Commetl § new Shape Soft Hats @ $2.50 Chamber Monday Nigha-Fermanmnt or . . % i Sid mo Se. ] Ape y sh : Seif Hat at $300. Very swellest A permanent organization for _ tabtor men for spring. fartheratios of a big Fourth of July = celebration ln Patton this year was effected at a wall attended meetingin, 10 dozen Farly Spring Neckwear, 23 and soc. | the conndil chamber Wednesday night 2 and it wan decided to ahead with fant ww msds 35 sted wn 30 doen Men's and } Boys’ Shirts at Soc. Look in west rangemouts for what in wxjucted fo be window to appreci fe this line of goods. SER RR A ebimied | " the. early spring | additions municipal improvements or Lhe REPRDEE- | densome snd the new county bill i op: “the hands of Rev. 8. A. post by a large number of the tak. : methid there will be a longer time in) Stamps Give ¥ - Robe Pan ning, of Plymouth, Pi., ‘Maple Pack Springs Hotel aad Bel hs be will open here one of th best, if latter two ahune having asoomiuoda- 1] id ib Railroad accommodations exoel 5. } Ambre Soupey. He du. bua ok he thee of anv other inland town in old report of scluusia {one of the largest snd best celebrations | Li UA (ewer bald in this section. oi i The meeting was merely a prelimi. 30 doren Men's Spring Style Shoes. Prices, $3 00, ¢ | ney one for the parpose of making $350 and 14.00. | plana, talkin over det i» and getting ye styles les of Women’ . “a Mode” and “La Bik> D ate - : bat she on latest toe and heel. Wearers of thetie Shoes are our bu) that jy advertisers, Prices $2.50 and $3. 50. : om SP hd pe The folowing officers were Mott \ ers, Read This! President, J.J. Donnelly. ~~ We have just received « fine assortment of Children's View President Dr. H. A. Seltx & et Dot | Suits, ‘Best by far we ever had. Prices £1. 50 to $5.50— Tressarer, Geo, F. Prindible. hep and best. | The president was empowered to ap- ECR : point the different commiitens oy Por U poDate, Good Wearing and. Right Priced Goods i they will be pabiished in & futore moe Come Here : ‘of the Cotnigr. While i is not posal. | > ble to place all of the citimos in town | T—— £15 : on the few committees, it is expected Our sale wai a big success, thanks to people who ap- that every one will lend a beiping preciate bargains in honest merchandise. hand ind do everyting in lio r ber power to make the celebration the suo We are still offering all heavy Suits and Overcoatss (cums it demerven Lo ba, Trousers and Shirts at about 35 per vent off. Come and get The last celebration in Palton was a | sucoets in every particnlar, aithough the arrangements were not completed patil ihe day eel. This year it is the | intention to take tine by the forelock Trading and make all the necessary arrange ments as soon a8 posible. By this them even if you must carry them over. “which to advertise and serve: notice on | thi : (lothie aq: other towns that Patios will celebrate. on. AAI wd ly i will also expedite the work of seeur- | Hi Eo fo fog tunics, mie and other attractions 1 Sales and soable the different commitives to All Sales. get their pick of veerything. ; Armaagesents will be made for ex 0 cursing on both railroads and with the suostiont program that will be pre paredt one of the largest, if sot the largest crowds that ever visited Patton | TT apne oles gibt : Lilt he in attendanos. The work will: er Ranch a 5 be pasted vigorously every day or. Would not have much rouble in making the next fur montis and the success ea 2 of the ewlebration is beyond persdven. 4 selection i in our establis hi mc nt. ture. The president will cali a pesos meeting of the several potmmitiens The fabled a rentliman, scholar and good judg o i ia lew daa E E i Ya mediately after the slisarnment whiskey," would be right at home here. The Line sele + o thie Fourth of July meeting, & ses Of Blends in Good Liquors would certainly niake his i on of the Patton Athletic Association water. We are headquarters for all this section for | was freld with President Yerger in the hair, A report from Treasurer Prindic Le hn : Th ble disclosed the foot that there was ; G 00D about $150 tack ox stock that, Bad not | Liquorsi—the fellow who wants “nu little something better bese oud Gar aml Postoaster Uireens eo 3 a % x Chie! Burgesssicct Harper and Bd A. than usual.” always comes here for it. Mellon were appoisted a committes to : eo collet this EE io secure. Du nse Beer is the best on the market, as well as the the 1I0BeY Ka ¥oOn 5s possible. Ale and Porter hearing that brand. We are agents for this | The plana of the association for the | | section. coming sthilelic seaman were discussed jit at some leagth, bat no definite action : Po dl. A. M iH taken, OF course, 8 good base bail — e or l, club will be put in the Held and the : sesociation promises something Best 1 WHOLESALE LIQUORS. class in the athletic line for the Fourth | Lia a of July. Magee Ave. Patton, Pa. nis AE 8 5 Seren! . Camniy Aad ites Fiad Errors Amsamping te yer Revs Those Dailare F. E. Parsbaugh retoeved from Eb t A ensbirg Thursday oon, where be bad been doce Monday with the other two The Big Di issotu tion Sale! county auditors investigating the : errors in the auditors’ report. They | in onder to cut (ar stock down on account of the recent found the total amount of errors to dissolution of the hrm of Mirkin & Kusner, 1 have reac the sum of $7,020 87. The errors ; found to exist are io amounts pxeived : : : from nseated sod seated (ands asd in MarKed Down Ri | Goods the neoounts with the constables for A A ERY MM A : the Year IRL and for some tine pres vias and consist of visions from the and will continue to keep them down until the greater part Jie of the big stock 1s disposed of. I must do this to make room Of this amount $41.51 in the ac ¥ Ly x a a in 1 . * conte with the constablen the oli ro. [OT 1h new goods | intend to put in in the early spring. port making Bh Suton pod vad from BE LE of ryt! hing Ht mst Tima} 1 TERE vations W ‘hatey or. Patwh sonpien BT KG0 90 his the new ; repel makes it FTIILTE 1 the ae] OVERCOATS, SUITS, BOYS AND WOUTHS CLOTHING, sont of jhe mosey ail from the 8 pl Ls i a ad nts ed ands. the ohl report stood | LADIES (COATS CAPES. FURS. CHILDREN'S COATS 819 070.71, while the new report shows | SHOES. DRY (x3 ETL. ETC J ANA, that 8, $00.58 was received from this FAULT fa the spans reosived trom Co Don't wm sited faring the ouigina showed 86 CMAN, while the pow report shows | ante | BERNARD KUSNER, ~Both the old ami dew borough | (couticils witl meet Monday night. i Good B ilding, } Next Door to Bank, PATTON, PA.
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