or the Cues Mine. orven " Hastings o Yearly Mestiogs Heratier, Dristond or . Sem A mally The New Seale Adopted | wend What i Demnided. hl basinom of Smportance vas transacted at the sabedistrict con. eo In Hastings after She raport of the Younis closed last & The resolution aofarred from last b at | convention that He sub-district oon: i | ventions be beld sanuslly instead of i 3 s|One 1 to be Erected on Lot Ad | joining Good Building IBY GEORGE 0. BRADY SRR Say Fit fhe Upper Story up for an Open Homme if Mindrs do ord Taks np the Pro | joct—The Bama will Ovenpy tise Coron ree Heopaiabin Cities oa WHT Seth Peon) sad Sumer Wi be Retuimed WW Far | § new shape Soft Hats @ $2.50 shinies at Fir Totimailos or Hin of Anyihing Erooked, ; oor of Kruetury : | A varied program | b 1a been prepared for the lovers of “lim manly ary’ at Firemen's Hall Sstarday sight. Four, bouts are to be “pulied of” on that | i date and the fentivitien will commence | at 230 o’elock. The preliminaries will be partici. pated in by several Pation boys who srk As new shag Stiff Hat at fis00. Very swellest Geo. 0. Hrady. tive well.knows pro; for men for spring. : A prietor of the Ramsar, has parchased one of the lots between the Good Bailding and the Palmer Hons of Geo. | 8 Good and will erect a handsome | brick building block thereon in the pearly spring. Excavations for the cel. Har will be commenced an Boon as the 0 > doren Early Spring Neckwear, 23 25 and soe 30 dozen Men's and Boys Shirts at soc. Look i in west window to appreciate t this ine of gods. semi-annually and that the officers bes are handy with the mitts and some ¥ elected for one yesr wis oarried, bot good sport is anticipated. Dan Reinpe | ihe Bras Be me Mr. 5 Sabina i era 30 dozen Men’ s Spring Style Shoes Prices, $3 hon ow rw ! commitoes, a » nt STS pu Sharir & exoc- | i ® report of the scale committes . waa taken SP avrlat i. Toe convention | Sad thst car bo ptt a ros th ound | | places where possi. Jo bie and ask thros cents per ton exten e ir. tm the resolution to ike tu office of sec and Jas. Rennie will enter the squared | | aeranged between Fuck ©’ Brien, of be for rent, | vino thal three responsible men sell the | first sign or intimation of a take’! the and needs it | ts wd the boas stopped The sport- by Mr. Jog fraternity of Patton will not stand from the ters of thin character, in view of plat Hons jo town for any basin, ‘ termined that the promoters will Ret Morwek by a Train al x Jonsstawn and Deen | the worst of it. alr and an admission fee of $1.35 will | F be charged. The procesds will not be Brady $3.50 and $4.00. getting more commodions quarters sod the entire ground floor of the new block 10 styles of Women's “La Mode” and pled by his store. The latest toe and heel. will be occu [riding wont be outed hy Stearns ar, |Advertisers. Prices $2. 50 and $3- so Mott ‘ers, Read This! We have just received a fine nt of Ch has been The present location of the Basaar wil t Suits. Best by far we ever bad, Prices ro a Cheapest and best. | ehrela Sirele. $ret and they will be followed by | Frank Sponski and Dan Reinne, The fat bout before the main event will be between Joe MoHogh and James j Reinne. and “La Belle, » Wearers of these Shoes are our | Norristown, Pa, and Jas MeAvoy, | formerly of DaBols | wbentific boxer of Mr. Brady bas not an yet decided O'Brien is » what be will do with the upstairs por | note and bis oppo tion of the new building, bat it is considerable local within the range of probabil Hes nots professional | pugitiat, like O'Brien. and is sil present they will be utilized for 3 frelon Opera house. Plans had alrendy been employed ae a machine runver in 1bé prepared with that object in view, but: For Up-to-Date, (Pardes No. 5 ming of the Beech Creek | | when he learned that the looal anion of | | Conl & Coke Co. His sdmirers are con- | the United Mine workers were consid. | : | fident of bis ability to best the man ering the advisability of erecting a LE Tou (from the emstern part of fhe sabe place of amusement he graciously gave people who ap- | Their gett wiil be 32 patch weights for way and abandoned the project. | preciate bargains i in honest merchandise. RT cision of Gfteen rounds. However, if the miners do not build | " Cbilef Burgess Harper has issued. &. in the wear. fatars Mr. Brady may take We are still offering all heavy Suits and | Toons for the afair, but with the pro. (3p the matter again. That it would Trousers and Shirts at about 25 per cent off. Come and prove a good paying Ss voysest fare srr AE the so te ithem even if you must carry them over. badly, there i= alep no no argument. The lot purchased Brady commences twenty-feet Tradin Good Building and bas fifty t. [tis coe of the best toon | Good Wea earing and Right Priced Goods Came Here jh ie er a Our sale was a : big. success, thanks to tickets and collet the coin. SETAE Sl a ass ee a Sah § room for g for anything bat a square deal in mal feet fro Stasis Given and if any “monkey busi- 0 ew a Smid Ts Don "PAOOY" waLowow KiLLED on Was Dratastmmens wi. ‘ All Sales. “Paddy” Waldron, a former well, kno kasws resident of Patton, whe has been living in Jobrstown for some | J. H. Morphy Is manager of the at | devoted 10 the furtherance of the new 4: bod son me pie} | * Phe next convention wilt be held a¢ {Carrolitown fn toy. Seitied the Te, : The tie in the vole for borough anditor ‘between DH C. Warren and | Ed Hunter was settled secording to Hoyle Tuesday morning In the pres jence of Chief Barges Harper, who ‘who should one the office. * Heads! won and Warren Jost and another great can victory was recorded. wes | Hunter will be a borough anditor until | 3 after the next presidential election. Death of 4 Child, James Patrick Colon, the infant ; 1 son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Quinn, of "| West Magee avenue, died Wednesday evening at 8:30 o'clock of diphtherts, _ after an ilness of wbout two weeks | The little one would have been two iyears oid had be Hyd until the oth inst. The funeral waa bald this morn. . Ing at 9 o'clock, with interment in the o tneidly cemetery. | A tig Hate. A ig March sale is on af the Ba. saar and the asual low prices prevail. ing at this popular store have been slashed an additions! five per end The prices quoted ar certainly record * breakers and some fine bargains ? joffered. The big page ar mans in this issue will teil you all about it. Patton the Metropoli ia If that new coguty project is w winner, which Is not at all likely, Pat. | ton will be the metropolis of Cambrin L county in addition to belug the best own in it. ] ~=The small p Pox ey demic in Johns | town has cost that ily, inelading the = 1 ; and equipment of the Munioipal Hospital $94,300.13 Coven ada pay. { Lt county scheme. a he Bend of he Combria Cavaty | in ihe eleventh ward near the Swank = different conti of the Knights of the . sowing. Champion Castle, No. 414, Van Ormer. | Executive Commition pennies’ to mee tw. viek, who will take pe time pant, was strock by a train Ds the | | Flood Uity Saturday night and instant | Patron wax PRESIDENT ly killed. The scene of the fatality was | Sy, Hebden Eagles, | | h trouble i - Aba menting of delegates from the | mu; Would not have a selection in our establishment. He made his home with is brother. inlaw, Philly Crook, und both worked | im the Cady mines. Saturday, after ving work, they went gp town aud thal not start for bowme until aflery Wrlock. : Ofloers. Werf Mr Crook in some manner became. | separated frome Waldron and did pet No. 302. know what became of him antil San- | x ; da » Wimn he heard that 4n had | vi joe Premdent-J. B. McNanamy, | ¥ ® Be Am Todilen Engle in Cambria econnty held | Crean Monday for the parpose of did ming 8 eonnily organization, permanent The fabled “ gentleman. scholar and good judge of ' whiskey,” would be right at home here, The fine selection of Blends in Good Liquors wonli certainly make his mouth water. We are headquirters for all this section for been killed on the rallroad and eailed ‘at Undertaker Henderson's morgus, = Secretary W, _— a Pride of where he identified the remains as Liquors—the fellow who wants “a Oumbaia Castie No. 52. Johawtaws. | | Hows of ble brother-in-law. The body than usual,” always comes here for : Treasure -Leorge Meese, Castile No. | was badly mangled, the bead and face 7, Barneshoro. WH, H_ Bell, | being erushed beyond eeogaition, tH. Bell, | waldron was married is Patton Pric | Miss Nancy Cullen, the duaghter Bs : y ohoatous; i John Hutcheson, Mr. and Mes. Larry Callen, of oo p w. C 3 hia S ¥Ri avenue, about five years ago sod is oper, Johastown, da, pois, (survived by his wife and two children. | { Conemangh; Geargs J.(iradewsll, Van | | Another child died some time ago. He | Orme 4D. I. ae Pe Jam ut ND de 4ls0 leaves the following brothers and | o & af ers: Matt Waldron, f Phils | son House and D. D. Blauch, of Johns. "20ers: Matthew Waldron, of Phila delphia, James Waldron, of Bakerton, {town officiated as chairman and Major Mrs Jacob Crack, of Patton, whose | Bell, of Patton, secretary, The 5 iil be kn husband was & victim in the Cambria Rew organisation wil be known Rolling Mill mine disaster last July, | a8 the Cambria County Golden Eagles. | {One of the features will be the holding yr. ans Billy Crouk, of Jonmewn. | of a rengion each Year, The rst will: "po ning were brought to Patton | Se held Tuesday, May a anee Tuesday and the funeral was bold in ! Ht Marys R ©, chareh at 2 olebock po rand Castle of the order in Johustown th. Interment in the ¢ Cassidy cemetery. | the week beginoiug May 1128. Another reunion or piende will probably be held in the fall, aod therealler one meeting | gach summer will be the program, tat to 1% ™ Bedi, Patton Castle, | little something better Dugusne Beer is the best on the market, as well as the . to} ‘Ale and Porter bearing that brand. We are agents for this section. | WHOLESALE | LIQUORS. Magee Ave., Patton, Pa. « You need not wait until spring to Patton Clothing pT Pw RRS On AAP SA AA a SL TA At ee PR, Patton Clothing | Store. = Spring Arrivals. It will interest all buyers to call and see our new Men’ S, Youths’, Boys’ and Children’s s Spring Suits. see what the styles will be, we have i 3 3 5 i them for your immediate inspection, Public My bs, i There will be expowed to poblic sale (at the residence of Martin Falte, on the road leading from Chest Springs to Moch Pore, Lite Sanahe, | Patton, on March $4, 1903, atl v'elock A wash bouse owasl by Johan Lantz on the old Henry property on Palmer avenoe caught Bre and was buried to the ground Wednesday evening. An alarm was turned in and (the fre depariowat turasd out (promptly, bat the blaze had mide such rapid headway that any effort to save the ot rectare would have hoog futile Noakland Boao The Weankland hevnamtond i CSowashin Has bess sold tn Fr oil two pigs, four fresh cows, two sets of 11€ of Gents Furnishings. Come and see for yourself for grain drill, one open buggy, one sprig | We have Just received our first lot of Spring Suits, Wing box, chains, iver iE when 4 rodeotabls credit will be goven. other new sty les, The material and making are the Jory ‘bo beld by Ed Weaklang WW dnenday, have formed a partuership and wiil tes all in the buying. We bought these Suits right and vou get the benefit. | grain, thoroughbred poultry, etc., otc. market in the room now occupied by - =m, ths Gellowing Pamonal puperty: We are ready to show you New Spring Shoes, also a full Two work horses, ane 4 year-old colt, | work harness, one Champion mowing | See Ig IS helieving. tpachine, one Bay raze, ons broadcast WARE, oHe ror wagon, Caen Hix mE shed, : SPECIA LTY IN LADIES’ SUITS. me pang, « one suitivaton, one wind | and bousshild furniture | WHICH We know are night in every sense of the word. Made aE ow saa ho on day of sele, with blouse front, puff sleeves Jpostillion back effects and 5 New Meat Market, best that can be had amd the prices in these Suits are ex- property May 1st A poblic sale Wire and A, © Fisher {ren uly Tow. the 25th inst, ab the homestead and all engage in the meat business after the PEIN EATS the live sfock, furm machinery, hay, frst of April They will have their B. KU SIN ER, will be soli} to the highest bidder. | J. C. Harper Co. on Magee avenue. Next Door to Bank, | Good Building, PATTON, PA.
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