Tost, 84 polite “Pardon me, sir.” : heavy machine on wheels to hook £ .: - Falk compaty and obiulned judg. | , | ment that was affirmed by the Court 1 of Appeals, which says: y whose treacherous and vicious natore | may take notice of it. | mot know of the treacherous and ure. { Hable qualities of this animal, _ | Here Is a story that has never seen Bn was pot light: with a con. i? and ralls, biard—tho sound in the general |’ among the #8 an 1 usual at the sound Ee ! intuition, however, 1 , but with an in h gesture, of which I : med in the day: 'w both my hans pers and pressed | Then, felt something move Ie, lke an animal in a Sueup by twisting, turn h all my might. 1 | When called upon for a post prandial papers the story of a fellow-divine who went ol | gentleman became excited when a big {fish took his bait, and (n his efforts to | Twitched, for the Argonaut, | Mute Judtelatly Desiared Treacherous. of Pete Borden against the Falk Con- | struction Company. Bem. | poneath it the driver of fhe mules was. . OFdeTed Ly the superinten it to go De 1 | Euilty of grossest negligence in order: : _ | ing the teamster to assist Burden. Any | + | man of ordinary prudence, under such | fircumstances, would have not only but he would with his hands have: ; | Leader, | how well he liked a witticlsm, even if One duy be was i and Iald the book down, Raltimore Sun, jhe passing : strong. at iL 1 felt it slipping along, little ty! le, under wily papers 1 mpradentiy = ere, the Pte ‘toe slightly below ‘the hem of 2 I ¥ and with Li tty com. | in stupid and duped, 1 ut out! Fotos on I he wag ow as Moe ax the sky and’ timpid and Desutiful in expression. They gazed at me with s5 much or : candor that | was disarmed | it not been for the rumpled, th on the seat heside me 1 Bave been tempted to Believes ihat the mute but fierce duel in the dark was merely a hallucination or » bad dream —Transisted from he French of Charles Foley by HH. The Western Missouri Court of Ape Is bas decided that a mule Is a acherous and vicious wnnimal, snd 2 30 well known is this fret thst its ris : psition in the mle the empieyer canis plead Ignorance of the ‘Ss nature ax a defense. was made in the care | Borden worked or the company. He went beneath a Rin. A span of mules was hitched the machine and while Borden was | ign 5 one aes crushed it He od “The mule is a domestic animal Is #0 generally known that Yen courte The company cannot be beard to claim that ix did It seems to us that the defesidant was placed himself in front of the minles, | firmly grappled and held the lridle bits of each of them." Cleveland WE at wr. Reeds Expense. - Sarcastic himself, Thomas B. Reed appreciated 4 joke at his own expense, the daylight of print, and it {llustrates {he was its target Druwaing in Guild's dingy bookshop at he foot of the Capitol. He took up a number of books and analy the povel “Seruples” “What is the price of this? ssked Mr. Reed. - *A dollar, sir.” replied the old man rather tartly. “Too much,” said Reed, lacouliaity, | “Well, sir,” retorted Gul 14, who bas a sharp tongue of Lix own “1 Bent know of any law you hare passed that compels you to buy it it you dent want to. Besides, I don't see wliat a member of Congress wants with a book with that title, anyway.” Reed broke Into a hearty laugh, and as he rolled down the avenue he was still smiling at ths old man's reply. — oe He Came to Flah, The Rev. E. A. Horton was one of the guests at the recent dinner given by the Wollaston Unitarian Club ‘Address he prefaced his remarks with fAshing last summer. Not being fami- ‘Har with rod and reel the reverend land ft fell into the stream. He was Jilisq cus 9 8 farmer who chaucid 1 | clear shreting of { young fellows employed on the shore (of Deer Lake secured two pairs of | ANY. { taking tothe two sturdy Los» i or four wolves. ths wore ol without defensive weapons of any i they bad seen pasa, and ther made al « first sight of the men they were track. thelr fest experience with walves “oo A dventure. RACE Fon LIFE WITH WOLVER * NTELLIGEXCE has just been fo ceived of one of those sturtiing | tragedies which pow snd thes direct attention to a class of men | Who spend more than half the months ee of each year in the solitude of the Canadian heir log shanties from esrly In Sep | pine woods Becinded in tember, with, as a rule, so conneethn |. with the civilized world until the frost permits teamstors to bring thelr horses along the buh roads and over the Iskes, these men are glad to seize eyery «| opportunity for a change. When the lakes were covered with: 8 lee recently two skates which chabee! to be In the | Place and set out at night to visi: an other band of men about nine miles two lakes, the whole jorrney wae by ice and was no very formida le nuder- With the exception of a litle | portage of about half 8 mile hive had been skating band in hand when Frank suggested going further ont in| the joe looked where It proved to be new leew the river stonither. Just a skins made the night before | over 8 spot which the tide had hither fo Ript open. : At they skimmed along over the tee} it ereeked and snapped under them, | The pider boy suggested that it wasn't safe and that they would better go back to the crowd. Hardly had be Spoken when the ice hroke poder his eompanion and young Gagan mak | ints the water. louis Hof let go bis hand snd. waking a sharp tar to the right; sksted sway 10 a distance of twenty feet, where he stretched bim- self on the jee and began fo work his way hack. “The moment 1 felt myself going down I began to pedal with both | feet” maid Frank Gazan, describing bis adventure “It worked fine, keeping me from going down and coming up under the ow, I then cnnght hold of the ice at the ade of the bole, hot it broke each As they were hobliir- portage oa thelr skates, startled by the sudden breaking sere their path of & red deer followed § bu Ho (upon the heels of their prey. Being kind, they realized their danger i an other pack of wolves should, ; often the case, follow aftsr the Beaste ped to the Jake before them, Just as they were breaking throngh { the thin jee at the lake side, they beard ia whining behind them and then the low howl whick told them that thei r track bad been digcovered and that they would certainly be followed. Bat | by the time the wolves resched the waterside, where ther caught thelr {ing the two sbanty men Bad resched the firm lee ad were skating in ear. nest, . Fortunately for them there were #t few hundred yards of this lee to he rosesd, which slmost, but not quite held up the wolves, and by its xhary edzes wounded and hindered them greatly. Otherwise they would hase { caught op with the mes, and probably have overpowered them before tl tet Bsa gone half a nile. i As it was they bad almost overtaken them before they had civered the frnt Balt of thelr fouranile race Neither | 1 of the men was 8 hunter and this was! But by mutual] agreement, they adopt ted the very best faction possible, and when thelr pursuers came 160 near wi tiem, whecled sharply to one side Ay the smooth low afforded no grip to thelr claws, the wolves could not furs os i Aap Hef, stop wadidenly. but generally shot for | ward and made severs] stumbles fi} i sometines somersaults before petting on to the fresh tock. In this manner the skaters avoided the brutes for some time and would | probably bave resched their deating ton but for an unfortnnate suggestion | of the younger wisn, that they wold be more Hkely to tire out the wolvss I they separated. In aconvilance with this plan they wheeled in different o rections at the end of an sland they | Were appranseling As the elder man reached the fiber Eo end of this wooded hdasd be sso, before him the sparks which leew from the buge chimney of the shan be was searching for. Putting of his remaining strength he spite on to where the cook's path lad from) : the shanty to the water hole, There the two big gray timber wolves which | had ehevind to follow hin 2s. Toreed § and with 3 parting yelp turned in thelr | i tracks. By some curious aceldent the fellow sinmbled as Be was ana Ing the low door of the shanty and breaking hiy right ond bet blow the | knee, ertion The pain and the previ Were too mister for his aver. stratned nerves, and it was gpward of | an hour before the shantrroes could | recover him from the swoon ints whieh hie Toll as hie was carcied trside When consclossness returaed first ques ton was tor I pomipan #round ae Witle tntand in the | ik As soon 8% the men could he pode understand ihe situation a diaen them started ont to see what bad be 1 Dallen the othos veaviter Within 2 winter hom stained Pit Young fellow front by ihe eh chased his friend. In the Heb dng snow cof Le sitry of his deste sete and skates and un few clothing were sll 1h the tragedy left by the wolves Happily for the intured shanty missionary on his reached the sland where be gape night and being a med also was able ta set BY degrees of satis Sih ot enue, ss 1 hapne butideed wards of then thaw found Ife hi Wise the te an uncle at ‘the naan Seventy) on the loco, who was greatly atfae lied | to bis nephew and was conveving to] a him substantial token of his regard | in bard cash Now York Sun. DARING RESCU E. A erowd of 200 people were skating an the Hudson landing in Poughkeepsie, N. Y. when | the ory was raised that somebody had | broken through the foe. Looking to the | southward the skaters saw, far Away from the field of safe Ice. a boy slowly | working his way on his stomach to-| ward a hole through which the head of I Sasthen Noy could dust be seen, | and saw | [Ter witnessed hinder ning mael in the Gmprie Ww nye mined CEs Tie wm 3 fall 3 BEEF g § ree opposite the lower | , Ty enlled to Touls to take oft his | overdbat and throw it to me, but in- stead of doing that Be ny down on bs slowieh and worked his way toward me. 1 saw that many of the skaters Bw hs and were skating toward ne” "Yes, and 1 saw them, fon” spoke drowned. The lve was very thin. and even though | was stretched out full Jengte<1 @dn't dare get ou my knoes ar | would hive gone through sure it cracked ander my weight, snd ser eral times my heart wan io my mouth” “Yeu, and it seemed hours before be reached me” said Gazan Finally Lomiin was close enough to pot out one hand, which 1 granted. Sticking the erin iif his skates tn the Jeo he pulled bimmelf back. while { at the same time raised] my ives and kicked cut behing an if 1 was sinning. “in thar way 1 was able ta work my hady oul upon the lee and to gether we crawled along for nine or tenn fist, when we both got up and skate for dear life to the shore. climbed up the tank ™ JRE AROS SP IN AN AVALANCHE The sepse of Beipleweness is sald to | be one of the most terrilde parts of the | experidnee of falling In xn avslsnche of snow, i the Alpe in the Pall Mall Magatine, | {Mr Harold Spender recounts the ade venture of Mr. Gossett, who was ae Ltoally covered up hy 8 wate of snow In writing of the dangers of which coms from bebiod him and hosed over Ble bend He minnpd to fork Heel? ta the wirlace. where ke was so borne slong that be could wateh BR alt that took place, alilisuzh unable at Fike tine to free or oven to beip him. if viel This ix Bis awn sary: “Ff was on the wave of the avalanche t befors me as 1 was carried | tow Ft was the most Thus awial sight 1 soil trade nur Bb alone wag now 8 z EEN ane Eon wo gent of the avalanche s 1 heard the horeid his. ar aud for belore mi the of The fonrvmane? Sart of the slanche, To prevent mywlf from Sk mgr agin I nade gee of 9 Sas a ang Wa standing sositiol “At la “ I notlond that T wes moving | Be 1 osaw the plecvs of snow 2. in fro out Bie Aton 81 some yards dis ance: then the sri wirgipht tefore ; éard on & larpe dn winter 1 od, nad Haan rs bee ony versd up” and ‘ 2 The otier tan were by the Gvalnnche, Sliver, member of the Hint Regiment, lt, aired twelve, on laostewn iN. Yo Lake where eT skating rt. When the bey & We Mr. Silver 1, But the bor sapk | ferences I ARV OF sox, i that there are two distin : [of this species not depetident sn of the Jake, and he nearly lost his | 1 3 Phe feseuer add ta dive to the Bate be besas to ascend with his sintes cnught in ¢ bottom of the lake to Ried Br Loose ing the surface Mr. Silver ified ge doy pnt boy to stronger ive, but they # When they exe Up Then to regeh foe thay would ofr wade t and ware bugle ent Nitver apd hi # boarden were Baelind and athe Nelson boy wis revived £3 fr TINS, SWan a MILE AMID BARKS A boat's crew from the United Stata Tuizer Don Joan de Austria made the first susevssinl attack on the mine | fields near Sabiz Bay, Manila Bay, in pavil mwanceavres, The lwat eapsiznd as It was ap | proaching the mines. and part of the crew, with Eusien John PF. Babeodk Irading, swam a mile, though the wWalee was Infested with sharks, towing conn. | ter-mine buoys, which were ERUCE San fully pliced. The searchlights of the warships did not discover the pe tion. tite Hat I tried to Jit myself spon | the cage. card between two Sngers and place it) 3 edgrwize yet pendieulurly on the pager § “and I calied to them to go | lek bevunse 1 was afraid they'd all go throngh and a jot of nx would be 1 3 eotld hear the peants cheering as we Lead of the seal. sole wae zirendy a x 3 : nat where | ry arms | AY Bs wi Ben swim. | three of Bie ene rescued Wi. | warning we should probed from drowns | 4 GUL Be fur as ba eon’ and | two be: 1% Went out “to haul the unoon. does pol suctesd they w dol » Ao 3 het very effect manage to get voongh to eat on thoie Tory te these | unacquainted with the woods, but as na | that not a squeak SCBpes them, and Woman's Home Companion, der an assumed mame. 0 mi them ba of cts wih whch | ne. THE BIRD IN IN Tur CAGE. : Draw on a sheet of paper a bird cage and at a little distance 8 bird. Yon ean Dow make the bird pase over and enter | Take sn ordinary visiting | between the ge and the bird. Then | place the end of your nese on the upguir edge of the card and Jock at the twa objects. The bird will insmedintely | ke Sight ard you will sen It in thie | cage. The figure cn the right wifl save the trouble of misking the drawing. al though it is too small to £41 the hen resnite. The line indicates the position of the card. Ie careful (bat the card |» eed th squirrels that find toeir there. As ibe called there was 8 fash of sppeated before her a lively little Moe dent with Liv tiny band raised dvs matically fo bis breast. A doll, white eyeball told the story of 10 one eve. Yon wee.” sald the woman. furs i to an intevested onlooker. an the squir- thelr Twnefactar that a : "Well," she explained throwing the squtirred another put #elons that they are near a friend, and fer stray doge or other semen ™ spoke, one of the many dogs that take their dally airing up and down the squeak of femr as the crenture with the ove aye darted sway and fAniah his pean in satery. “Are there mane of these hing sonirrels ouionker of the wamas versed in squirre] lore “There are & good many Fo atrasd You see. it ix the work of mischievous hays Who come here to Ihe park with siingahots, Slabelies! Yirtle introments of wont and robber. and delib shoot ont the eves of these harmiess ceeatunm. However, the policemen Two men have given fad thems? 5 Way ounterfeil cia Usa you help him 0 placed with references to the light that it does tint cast a shadow on either | {wide. This simple experiment Ohi | trates what Is ¢alled Sinveular vislop —~ OWLS IN WINTER. Owls are really wach commoner in| i winter than ond is led to belies by the | occasional specimens which are seen | abroad fn the duytime. If we searched | thi hollow trees systessationdly this | ¥ disdaver | several screech owls, and perhaps wme | of the larger wpeaies. We mlighnr be sur prised to Sod some of the soreerl owls red and others gray, and like (he carly sruithologists, we might sonetude tat the difference by color wis dae to « It ls now kppwsn tela phases din either age of ®eX, though just what (Bey are dit. { dependent on fy pot yet known, . When taken from thelr retreats in ——— I keep a sharp hckent for such boys Lund their ml demeanor are becoming fewer, an they Have rammed that park an swings bis stick with such Toe Now York Tribune { A ; A SIMPLE TOOL CHEST The Lop whe works with wols should | fewt ol ll bave a place where these | tools may be sslely Rept. It seems to | ba a mater of Pride with most carpen bf il to buy a vel cheur but te ! make oon, and many “ery handsomely faint Ea are 3 be seen IB conse. ques. In the case of the youthiul § / Tigh omer i ¥ iniar winter these birds frequently feign | death-shutting their eyes, perfectly stil] in the hand {i susp theis biils and bite sl serated in a saloms He maar How they dark. cold nights is a wy matter of fact there abroad on winter nie ally supposed. more prey ts than is gegvr. Wild moieow are vary gu mewly catchers. Thelr bearing fw so acute they themselves ire so soft on the wing that they do mit alarm the game A BLIND SQU SQUIRREL. “Here, Bunny, Bunny. Bunoy™ 1 was the day of the first ssowfall and the woinan who called was one of the jmany women who find pleasure in ing to Central Park daily, fallen | aud Iviag By and by. | when they Sod rhat thelr little rose | ! roa #3 will be best at first to | be conten with a plata but neat ttle Later an. Wilh move experienes, ag mere eldborals can be at. This cut shows sach a boy sabes in Boots and shoes aly poinds for shipment. i These Boke 5 are slways made of excels Cela. wisi ne lent material and all very nextly pot merous—-a fact which is attested hy | their footperiuis In the | snow-—al owls Are most expert mouse | togethier Reeuve such a box with fits cover snd put the fatter securely in place with round beaded screws or kids oy draw a lize around the box Just three inches below the top, and saw the tap off on this line. Put hingey upent the back and catches upon the front, sod the chest is complete, It in desirable, however, to bave a tray thas can be get inside to rest spon cleats at. tached to the inside of the ends in this tray (un be kept all the smaller and more delicate tools, while the saws, { planes, ete, can be placed below it in the bottom of the chest.— Washington FTay. a whisk of x bushy tail. and thew rel began feeding. “von see. when these Bitle sne-eved pefs are enfing hay slwarsi sit with the bling side toward while devouring the daiaty given them. Do you know why True enough. Even ax the woman “they are con i { eed dint watch Ber closely. se they Bop a sharp iookons of the other side walk by the West Drive escaped from is young mistrowe, and with fis jender danglitig made a dash for the squiryel, Theo was apather Sash of gay. 8 whisk of a bushy tail and a sharp wary little to sa safe bough to bilnk and chatter in Central Park? asked the SEO
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