A ial Fe BA MAI NIA il of " Ortinance No. 87. Beptem- | tie : borough, and ve exiber | on the 4th day of November, 902, at which 8 mujority of » wail votes cant were for sai increase of He farther Fescived | in © said ae itd : Deseary municipal im: : issues A new bonded in. thousand doll r centum of wi valuation of borough, farther rescaved: btedness of rr. ot and the Clerk of ; Boteash of Patton, are | of tex pat ne bonds, Herod of the mad borough of fod from aie; to fone: at four er cent in interest payable seau-snuuslly, day of Novembar, A ng the 15th day of No 922. but redeemable any ears from date at op : Said bonds to be sverslly become doe state, county and wi : 8 or other taxes as may hereaher : on sald isos of any of hem, hl chal he hedders | by the Baroogh of as to tiinber, the from one to Bive, shall be of the tol. 3° oF BOND. $00 os ; the Soroush ff ; a of Cambria std ania, ackoowiedges promises to pay 1o ee TET the sam of five hundred dol. of the United Staten « 16th day of Nov. but redeemable an ears from the date of the borough of | r with interest thereon t per anngm, nterest We wirren anor eT . payatie. by the Borough of Pat. Pennsylvania, | pance to an Act of Assembly | aoa! corporations approved aD Sima to an ord of Patton dated th day of November, the purpose of paying ding th home of necessary maicipal im- | tons appear we ‘dreaded croup is cured before it gets settled.” There is no danger in giviog ‘ this remedy for it contains ny opium i} Burgess of the said of Patton and © hereunto af. J. 3 : DONNELLY, President of Council. ALEX MONTEITH, 'L M GILLIBUR, Clerk of Council. “COUPO | tabletscure biliousness, constipation ; 4 : M1 wish to report that Foley! 8 kidney : That | hi follow: | ~ Burgess of Patton. In the at of Quarter Besstonis of Uambris County. In re issue of Seven Thousand Dol per oebl interest nied bonds of the Borough of Patton, date the 15th day of November, A Statement made by the principal 4 wh vision of Act. of Assembly proved April 20, 1874, entitied * An Act 10 reg Boreasing the ine : WO prov t fits the manner Geblednens J ion of She same of man redemp First. The actus indebtedness of the % Borongs of Patton, awertained in the manner provided by section five of said Art of April 20th, 1574, is as fal “Boode dels, $14,800, g debt, gonsbsting of oatstand. opie $4.3115. 20. al, $2705. shicabile thereto within i valuation of the tay able property of bw Borough was Set dy Third The amount of the debi to be incurred b §7 600.00, Fourth. Toe firm, namber sod date ‘of matarity of the obligation to be issued therefore is fourteen, coupon jo: terest bearing bonds, of five bundred dolinrs each, with interest at ihe rule of four per cent per annum, interest paysite semi-annually. Back bond | dated the 15th day of November, 1 vumbersd from one to fourteen incles ive Bald bends to be form as wt forth in copy of ordinance berelo an. ; Bexed ard marked axhitat YAY Kiln, The amount of the annual tax levied and assessed Lo pay suid in- dest is xix hundred and thirty dollars per year, 0 conlinte anti sakd bonds are paid, being equal to ab least sight per peat of said indeldedoess cand which is to wm aphid Sxeiaaivety [to the payment of the principal waned the liguidation of the prineipal of wand niebtednes as ix provided by law, Sixth. The above statement i hed and made in parstaice (oan ordisanos | of the Borough of Patton, a copy of which Is berets alta hed and marked extibit “ALY and made a part thereat, and in complies of the aad Act of Assembly of April 2th, 1874 We, Alexander Montieth, Burgess of | the sid Boroagh of Patton, ava J. NM. iitieow, Clerk of Council, being each cof is = me VEraily sworn, do each of as depose and say; that the facts asset forth in the foregoing sSEAemEnt are eorrect and true Bworn and sulmoritesd before me this the 2ist day of November A.D, 1904, Give. Booxe, J. F. Bedtion 5. Be it farther enacted and ordained: That fur the porpese of « complying with the conditions of the 10 Art of Assembly nf Apri Kinki, i874, al di its several supple ments thers is eid fd assessed Bpon ail the prope erty, real sod personal, in sail bar. ough of Patton sobject th taxation for Plirawes, an annus! fag af Land thirty dollars, ba Sab east sight per centam wf th amount of said inoreas) tino autil said beads are fully paid wll interes Bection 5 That the Ciark of (Stine) in hereby anibhorized to aaivertise fur Bat receive bits for the sale of the above mentioned bouds, and to sell the same to the person offering the highest and heat bid. Enacted and ordained this, the 12h (day of November A. DD. 1002 sia in to enrtify that the foregoing ordinance No 88 of the Borough af was adopted at & regular meet. ing of the Borges and Town Couneil of the Borough of Patton held on the 33th day of November A. DD. 1902 In testimony whereof we have bere. unto sel one bands and cased the sexi Lof the Boroagh of Patten to be affixed the gay and year aforesaid, J. DosNpLLy, President of Connell Attest: J. M. Gruuscr, Clerk of Council, Approved by the Burgess of Patton noe the 14th day of November A ALEX MoNTEirH, Burgess of Pation Borough. A Vijlage Sinekamith Saved Hi Little i Mom's fife Mr. H. H. Black, the well-knowa vil- 7 vec lage biscksamith at Grahamaviile, Sol Hivan Co, N. Y., says: “Our little son, five years old, has always bean subject to croup, and so bud have the attacks we have feared many tices that he would die. We have bad they doctor and used many medicines, but Chamberlain's cough remedy is now outstanding interest our sole reliance. It seems to dissolve the tough mocus and by giving fre. quent doses when the croupy symp- we have found that the given ae 8 confidently to a babe a8 t an adult. For sale by OC. W. Hodgkins, Physicins Preveribe it soribe Foley's honey and tar, as they ‘ have never found so safe and reliable a remedy for throat and lung troubles as this great adicizie, All druggists. Chamberlain’ 8 stoniach and liver land headache. They are easy to take ‘and pleasant in effect. For sale by C, Ww. Hodgkins, Patton, Pa WA. Herren of Finch, Ark, writes care has cured a terrible case of blad- re. der trouble that two doctors had given up All Stugginis. Thess mieage Docks are on sale at § e 2 or x anthdrized, whoob levy and sswssment in our judgmes st will be sufficient for and applied exciosively to the pay.’ ment of the interest and principal as fast a4 the same eoomes doe and sap plicable thereto, which tax shall cons Many broad minded physicians pre. enueyivants Raiirosd « Winter Excwrsion Boasts Boos, In parsonncs of Aa annus custom, the passenger department of the Pent 5 Sylvania Railroad Co. bas just aged An artractive and comprebensive book desoriptive of the bading wint r ne sorts of the Fast and Booth, and giv. jug the rates and varioas routes aod combrinations of routes of travel Like ail the publications of the Penneyl vania Raitroad Co. this “Winter excar. - wion Book’ in a model of typographic eal and cleriesl work. It ss bound ina handsome snd artislic cover in colors and sontaing mh v abable informa. fon for winter toursls ann Iravelers in general. It can be bad free of charge &t the principal ticket offices of the Pennsylvania Ralirosd Co or will be (sent sostoand npon application to Geo. CW. Bovd, assistant general poessenger agent, Broad sree station, Philedel phta. Fier biowd Wimp Bewd & With the Wow Yar Ceortril intey. Cehangeable thoasssd mile ticker pas. SREnEarR PR Travel BL ten eile per mike cn any portion of the New York Central, incloding leased and operated Hines, and several conpecting Hoes ag. Rregaticg over 6,00 milks of track LRtations at rate of FO are good for one or any number of persons stu] good antl gesd, Apply to tioket agen Aor detailed information Five hundred mile books, good only on New York Upnteal leased laes and branches in the wate of New York, are aod for 10.00 There = as much taste in job printing ax anything else The COURIER makes a hit with tasty peoples svery lime, That is, wih prope who Koow 8 good job of printing when they see it. The prices are consistent with good work. roansbip and stook. Foley's honey and tar always stops the songh and heals the naps. Refnes subatitates All dragiets This office makes a spesdaily ommercial job printing Fries opm WT id workmanship are all ri chit, too. Foley's hoaey and tar for coughs and colds: refiable, tried and tested, safe and sure. All druggists. Exsentire’ Notices, Wd RR fs Liab of ait 2 4 : * tii + Shh anit Row foci Pntiats Pug seen weed Ake bi a SE Epainet Lhe owinte od wie Tousen Will SORES Rinaven the RE Waairve Wy Adan Wa Parse, Pa, Now, 38 ag hm oted ean he safely given. Lei dy Wang av dozen adver Lima Seagh : 5 bed Physician with ut petting any betas reacrmemen des § : Birney 2 tar : es Mah Box pees Phila Soi piis 5 and taro thirds of a bottle carod me J dn FE sa n fhe greatent magh And ong ried rerely and fod i 1G be A reat edicine. Cmmye Mr BE ps, of Pe rhea, Ark = sured “rd 3 Bight t¥ of He Pre peso opinion, of Bot Prise, of thom wivo sme i The goiek cores whic) it eflects sven in the most severs canny make it oa favorile svervahers For aie By CW. Hodgkins, Pstion, Pa He Domid Bardiy Get up = wt wr * - arriving a Fe WE CLIRBL ES Shae at ES ap¥ : Fra: = Sor Tr Bm | Hunt ingdon & Broad Top Railr risa, 5 0 : v ¥ sithe BE wmerlnew EL have amen sof Folens gidaey sors and it Bas hed ms moore than any other Ha ANY Vertes rors eins Bast wore of thers Fave oye My Grog recommended Foley's kidaey cure and it hos cored aly Te Beforé rommenoing Ce poh shape Lad § ould hardly get $2 ip whan oes down.” AL druggists To remove 5 roablosormes sors or hardin: Pirst sonk the corn or bans: in warm water to soften i, then pare as shosely as possible wiibont | lrmwing Bood snd apply Chamber. ixin's pain balm twie daily: robbing Vigatomy for Bye : Ein trien av i ap : it down pardon wivehl Boar a Boy fhe bem, Aw a goseral tol mpent prune, Drgbees, nweess wid hans Lawn, i Baio be arated For soiw by Ul Hadgcion Patton, Pa Avr iomis Wont Have Lhe orang i wo offerte ko : ; i i# un Dossmedusbd fave. te fig throat snd Tug trontibek, and we it crn ilaiis Do ohaabe or odBer polo iT Ai draggisia. Wen son feel that life ia hardly | worth the candle take a dose of Cham: ': bers in K Samah nd irver Sabie up oar Hyer ang | regulate yor bo re els miaking you feel lke 8 mew men. For sale by UW. Hodgkins, Patton, LER There is so ough medio oe wo Po tar sa Foley's ix ney avd tar. 13 cone fairs no © Pits o or e poinct and never file tay cure and Soft Shell Crabs all the Delicacies SCARON” Fine | Sno h Coun Meals at all Hoos : Whoiesale and ai: deal x. 4 x 7% 5 ers an lee Cream. CITY RESTAURANT, Mitchell & MoCormiok, Prop'rs, NE Leva Bed. EL Bade FirstNation'| Bank Patton, Cambria rio + Pa. CAPITAL PAID UP, $100,000.00. SURPLUS, $1308.00 Aneonnis of ok Prt, § aad CD aiE av BS fade Tee TR tanking i gig +i e berp kh the fea 10g 15 Thee BEigud 4 i] pirreapmstei ¥ erat Renta Interest pabd vox tinge Seposits, A. E Parrox, Wu H Saxpronn, Preuident 3 Save omar prorat and Unshier, GEO. BOONE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Offiow in Good Botiding, Collections | prompily attended 10 soil and rent Dr. V. A. Murray, PHYSICIAN & SLRGEON. Cleon in ATE Th tors Blawek, sexy € CPatton. Ya 1 snght enlls ini § sae aE TR sap Sy PEAR ne FLERE R. F. B. EVANS, DEXTIST, HastiNaGs, P “At Commercial Hotel, Barn esboro, every Thursday ANTHONY ANNA, JUSTIUE OF THE PEA i Jolisctions promptly attended to Dealer in real estate, ete. Folsy’s s Honey ne Tar § beais : IRAE 49% MOP arn i | MeeBeart disease, pn or apoplexy ars regu of ki : by mw ail &30 A The Dlacwvirer of Swamy at Work 1a His Ladaratory. There is a diseage prevailing ZounTy Most danger ons bade » degen. the. Many 3a & x paused by Samana, as jatiurs disease, Mi xidna ; : owed pe we vance the ido nelsonnd Sings d Rack tha vii ora ; 3 Son An SVRTY is the tr weg its for kidney. and rary | it has Suted a af a paren br hopeless cases, ahr ail Fo Leff Ro AL druggists i in Bh in bottle sent free milig about Swamp- Root and is woraen fis! guren, Address Te, Lid STE os Binghamisn fy Be. ¥ - and mean ion his bei at ilar 3 sis «ASA Properties to ‘Famous at home for Generations past; Famous now atl over the W orld. FO Rade hoy I+ thas your paper? . fi A mpteit nt Haroerhrons ai TN je RRR Re oi ae De onl med went us Hams Philadelphi ia & TE wl pron 3 Fin Tamaqua wr 1% = NE vie Fitin wr Wl Pittshurg & Eastern Branch, Tobin Hib Bavafey he Mew 8 fe Eifion Emig’ a1 a, bE is £8 ¥ ¥aee TE. Daniels *. i Sirthrug. ian, Paes Raa Ewa & ¥ New York PO ops Pox Beatie, soem Sup 6 i a A HR Rs Reading Railway. Engloes Barn Hard Coal No Smoke IN EPVECE NOVERMRER I oe. Traion Tae Willis sagan F Prom Even, Pou uf § Panes Sear ; Loom i uy : [Hastings Pharm acy, H. Schuster, Proj: Tomes Up the Whale System and CURES LONE TIPATION, 1 AED. co.. La Roy, N 1% Y. Hodghine' Patton Pharmacy YRRNEE % FRY, HEUTE HERS Hastie vA PE Take of Freel sitll Sogeiiad Meads oon Elaine uy amid Poultry sad Shave SRE, A portion wr Yous patronags LGHTAING HOT SHOT, * The Hottest Thing in Town ” for rheumatiom, tearsigis, kid | ney and Hyer Croubie amd al aroumi : : Prepaged hy LL. ou Oppelt, Kase, Pa, soid by Co-opern- tore, Patto i oy BE § eran hi Bet Wa oupeet LIVERY AND FR ED ST STABLE, ving and Hauling done on ht notice. Parnell, Cowher & Co. = RA genie ya IR), 1IFE AND INSU 1 ~ AWCIDENT {HIIGUI REAL BNTATE AGENTS Ged Hailing. Paton, Pao Prone Sah LC Avaeenwid Tine Table Us offer doves 5 S00 ) 7 hy mp TO, Nw i ise. thw fore Susetay OR HMA a WRG fouls ord Fork vik Faston Ta 0 ny oy Hog me Sundays a Kur gg Hila, Renting, beings sms 130, yd ange BL Ba wm. EM § and p Bus Suds SOR, KON. me, 1506 ph mA. Pruine Sor Saamupart gi Bom Ranta Ve Rpg see NX vi Pon rei ah Mme = Rap ALE & = Madi. boone ke del Go RR $k HE laspent i Shee and af Me dpe, Tots Fo Ein J WiEERN Fann Prange Ane Pittsburg, Johnstown, Rens: Ge burg & Eastern Lawving Ramey, BHR % * ‘i sian ne VY BEEBE SaNEERE © Lescviag Pall ng. nmr Feoowowud. 38 ml NTAY TRAINS Tor Pliiipndiney Amana se EBEEE ERNE 4 iw ~ www Wilts vale. Fippmannl { omnre ions A} Priipebaeg Union Satin) : Bewrlt Ce Re lioed Tenney Br and # sy, Wilk onmegpeors, Thi Phiitmolye 4s and New York, Lawns - Lasrnieg. Wath nk, Gagan aad Lad sotioiil, Madu iter and Pation; Duoweneviile; Diobwibn, Puassaiawaey, Rlwss, Hediong, Hafhie and Boebesar, Cogsevzione al Dweecia Mills with Hoste : Raney with FF RR Gwin leaving pr AL TON omy fh Inder Sn i $B CREED, Superintendent | Reuel Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, Parrox, PA. Office in the Good Building. H. A, SEITZ. ite pombil mod fice upretaiia in. Good Building or floe Hours—Sa m to 12 m, andi p - ta a pm. BSR nh rg Patton Courier. Promoter of Publicity. Advertising Rates made known on application. Subscribe for and advertise in this, “Phe Groat Family Moral Edueator.™
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