| loa: to sell the Interost of sid id mince in certain real estate at private sale to | 7 Guy C. Douglass; granted, bond fled : , and approved. Betarn of Joseph A Gray, adminis. trator of Caleb A. Gray, late of Hast. | property. a Retarn of Barbara Volk, atiministras "trix of Henry Weakland, inate of Car. roll township, 10 an order to sell real ‘estate in Patton, showing property e sold to Chas. Anna; sale confirmed nisi. { Retorn of Lewis J Bearer, adminis trator, to an order of sale in the estate | soins of John B. Baum: confirmed nisl. granted. Bwebert Himmel, Carrolltown. . township, for an order to weil real es tate for the payment of debts. ranted, bond filed and approved. GW. Krise appointed gunrdian of of I8te of Read township. Jobn C. Gates appointed gosrdinag of Oshall, late of F sade township, man who strock Verbooks could not be : brought by Valentine Borituninand the {jary again aoquitted him, but placed 15-12 of the costs on him, Peguiding Sor. Jane Hanis fo pay 4 the balance. aL National Convention to 1 be aa ‘at Todinn. apolis Ianeary 1980. “The ‘executive committee of the ee napolis the 19th inst. at which time at the president will make reports on all {business that has been transacted since | the beginning of the great strike, Wilson has issaed the Jan. 19. The individoal few days. ‘The basis of representa. | . | tion is the same as has been followed in | x8 | the past, which means that there will : {ben the neighborhood of 800 to 1000 about 1,700, i : Coo evening under the soaslocs of the choir uggs, to an order of sale of rial estate, °YPIPR ander the acapioes of th or 20) showing sale of a portion of the real | estate: confirmed nisi and an alias or | der of sale awarded for the remalniog Petition of A. G. Neff, gurrdian of { Aaron Rammell, deceasnd, late of Sus. .: quehanna Sownahip, for hin discharge; Wied appointed j gaardisn of Vincent Himmel, minor the | ¢hild of John Himmel, decossd, fate of Petition of o. E. Frosell, adminis trator of William Seott, late of Reade May Baer, minor child of Mattie Basie, : Viel shin 0 | Margaret Oshisll, minor child of Matilia Andy Sodak was soquitted of the Lo d charge of assaolt sod battery brought by Rolas Verbooks. The case grow out... of arow ata wedding celebration at Hastings. The defense was that in the darkness which marked the fight the Josaied, but that Bodak was not the aiak was tried on the same charge, | | United Mine Workers will moet at In. | eer anoual convention, which | wis apprenticed to learn the barnes s tio to each Tocal will be sont out fn! | career be entervd the Barker store at with a v oting strength of twenty five years of his life, AN EXCELLENT PROGRAM. 1 Wil be Rendiord at Firemen 's Newt Thuredsy Night, seb ; x i a pr = 2 Congress Discusses Some Matters Privately. A musiosde of exceptional merit will 1 Leal “be held in Fireren’s Hall Thursday of 8t. Marys B.C. church. The gram is appended: of Sivan Le A REGULAR MEETING coh devbaardts iH the Bonsagh Cnurcit Ke the Baninoms : fostraseentas... {oR hand i na i Transmetad Borges Ordered 15 Eofirie #1 mibemiog Mong” Five Limit Omifinaoes by & Unadmoan Voge Hy Past. ¥iomen! Serio : “Heivghone to Hoan, her Magy (rranrindte: Mr ¥ freer, ms hse We oouncil was held Monday night with President Donnelly, Secretary Gilliecs and Coonvilmen Gonld, MeCormick, Prindible and Probert pressot. On motion of Gonld, seconded by MeCor. Cormick, it wan decided to go into ex. i eontive session and all exospt the hon MATE ATT orate board and the press representa Liven were requested to leave the room. Lo A pport was read from ges Alex Monteith showing amotint of Ane and leenses collected by ldm from April to November 30, 19 to be $162. The list of fines cole lect ad by the burgess and Jostice of-the Paite Boose was not itemized and it devsioped that Boroogh Treasarer Mellon bad refused to receive the cash Con that secotunt. MeCormilel had ss const the law on the subject and it was rel for the benefit of the members of cag acid, I provides that a report be submitted fo council at each regolar meeting Twling forth an itembmed statement of sil foes, fines and costs received since the last regular meeting of council with the date at which and the name of the : perdon from whom they were received ‘and to pay them prior to or on the aforesaid date into the borough treas ary. Ty MeCormick moved that this be done before the report of the chief barges be socepted. Probert moved to amend . the motion by demanding that former : bargesses Prindible and Donnelly be also compelled to furnish an itemized statement of their accounts. Prindible ‘stated that he bad always done so while burgess. An animated discussion followed and 10 bring matters to a focus Gould i moved that the report be accepted, but | that in the future reports be furnished acoirding to law. MeCormick objected i bo receiving the present report, but the motion was ssconded by Probert and carried, MoCormick voting “no.” inher Verw oo Pople edingd Perr Vdaips Misade 400 5 Varad Messer J AR $i : ; : Fin For BF RD Res itatiag . Tamsin ¥. Yeni That Aros aby A “ent Madey Pris ibis “of hewrtiviaess fia Fhotiy Hiatiie Binet Hosting Rese grad Tank Puapintd Booward Maio cpmrintie Howard | fat EE Babariad EV Jax a La Fmeatin PB Selietod Blow madd the Miran on Fieger ih tenrtyada N COE : : Marte ited Piiealbael Foes ei Sa hain 660 s Kinxeao DEAD. Frowmisen Citinen ar Foemsburg Passed | Away io Phdadelplon, Geo. A. Kinkead, of Ebensburg, one | of the best known oitizens of the connty, died Monday at a hospital fn Philadelphia, following an operation. (As Mr. Kinkead's beside when the end | came were his sou, George A. Kinkead, | Sr, and Dr, F. C. Jones, of Ebensburg, ‘both of whom bad accompanied the (dying man to the Quaker City nnd | L were present when the operation was | performed. : (reorge Alexander Kinkead was born | at Ebensburg Aagost 1, 1837, and ‘was in his sixty-sixth year. His father was "Squire D. H. Kinkead, a loading ofti- | zen of that time. Ax a boy Alex. Kin. kead, as be was known to his intimates, | making trade, ng but at the outeet. of his : semaion be called off and the motion was nshurg, in which place be rendered faithful service for twenty years. He | then took up the (nearance business, at ‘which he had been employed the last | genaral pablic was again admitted, bibiting the erection of frame buildings within the fire limite was disctssed and | Mr. Kinkead had the honor of hav. ® PioUon by Probert, sconded by, 0 : nominations hax been received, but has mit Lodge a i! The convention Jost January charged ing been elected a member of Sammi mn | the constitution of the organization so Lodge, No 312. F. & A. M., of Ebuns 0 | that the officers are elected ty the ref- burg, while under agy, the grand lodge 2 erendum plan. The locals rake the gracling permission. He became a { nominations and every member hive a Master Mason Fe ehriary 19, 1858. In & vote of the candidates. A list of the 1568 be was elected secretary of Sum. % position to which he had not been given out yet. It is not likely been regularly re-clected ever since, so lie | that President Mitchell, Secrvtary Wil- that his tenure of the one office was lo son or Vice President lewis will over thirty-three years. He was alo $ bave any serions opposition, although an earoest and faithfal member of the it has been rumored for some tire that Presbyterian charch. He served as { W. D. Ryan, secretary of the [iingis county auditor several terms. 4 Tine and J. P. night be broagis of Mr. Kingesd was married forty. | wa miners, might POURLE OUL years ago to Miss Deborah Evans, b - for Mr. Lewis’ place. whom he is survived, with these a] s W.T. Rovindan $8.75; Js. Mellon The coming convention will be one Oscar, George A, and Stewart, all of of. the most important and most inter- Ebensbarg. DD. H. Kinkead, of Joins esting ever held by the organization, in town, is a brother; four sisters also sur. | view of, the great struggle through vive two at Renov 0, the others being ‘which the miners have gone in the last Mrs Fergus C. Lloyd and Miss Susie year. The officers will make fall re Kinkead, both of Ebensburg. : ports to the men as to the inside work: The funeral was held at the Ebens- | ings of the great strike in the anthrs- burg Presbyterian church yesterday cite field. : afternoon at 2 o'clock. The services imoualy carried. The following pai: J RR Cordell & Co Warmer $4138 WW, J Gill Giltece 80.30, Geo. KS Light Co., $84 86, Vietor Laner §99, Martin Thomas 00, Jos. Karlheim, 90, TT. N. Nagle $1530, Wm. Pyles 30, Howard Woomer X38 15, Samson Hew. | lett $20.12, Fd Thomas $4.50, Abe Hut. | olin won $4.05, Peter Herrington $17.7 Wo five 5g Prank Bruno $150, Wm. Lummdue of Jacob | $60. J MI RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT. [Those Sdopted by the Epwarth Lea the Denik of Jucabh Sandford WHEREAS, God in His all wise provi. (dence has been pleased to call from his loss deeply, therefore be it : Farewell Past ¥, A farewell party was held at the ‘home of Charles Anna on Monday ‘evening in honor of bis son, Otto Anna, | at the grave were in charge of the Masons. ! BONDS FOR SALE. | doeth all things well, it is with pro-. Bealed proposals will be received by found sorrow that we record his death, | i who left on Tuesday morning for Pg. J M. Gilliece, secretary of the Patton and may we be forcibly reminded by eblo, Colorado, for the benefit of hig Porough council, on or before Monday, this visitation that we are but mortal | | health. The evening was spent very December 15, 1902, for the sale of Pat- and subject at any time to the cail of | : pleasantly with games and various ton borough municipal improvement the Master. Amusem: ata after ‘which refreshments ‘and funding bonds to the amount of Resolved, That the Epworth Longe. rved. Besides the menbers of | ¥7,000.dated the 15th day of November, | tender ita heartfelt sympathy to the mily th nt were Mr. and 1902, to run twenty years, redeemable | fumily of the deceased, and that God | ri M ohn Urich, the Misses Ida and | ID ten years at the option of the bor- | may sustain them in their time of be- Emma Jahner, Helen and Mary Leh- | reavement. Long 38 snd Tike Yeager and These bonds are tax free and draw Basolved, That the Charter of the g, Wan. Oswald, Peter | payable semi-annually. Each bidder | ing for a period of thirty days, that a | will be required to forward a certified copy of these minutes be sent to the i check for $100 as an evidence of good bereaved family, : faith. ‘upon the minutes of the Epworth! ' League and be published in the Patton | CouRiER. slag a8 DOF he Bt ! Mgrs. ERNEST FRYCKLUND, ) . ats AsBE. Tiopiraco of J. R Shields —The ladies of the Baptist church will Fine Moctons. { Som : i ion of the same as serve supper in the charch Monday ! . be trunsferred. evening. Ice cream and other good Who does your printing ? Ir : popula err: You are cordi- other fellow does it, it may be right. | doubt mak sucoess- ally invited to come and see bs and | (IF the COURIER does it, you know itis: a! bs'oue ger : right. J. M. GILLIECE, Secretary Borough Council, Patton, Pa. : The reygniar meeting of the borough Prindible moved that the executive ‘seconded by Gould and carried. The Tie violation of the ordinance pro- i Giould, that the chief burgess be in- ll structed to enforee the same was anan- Rais bills were ordered | Bry {rood Eloe: trie 2 . Lions $1.20, A. T. Cornelius so. «i Re on among us our beloved brother Epwor. | thian, Jacob Stiner Sandford, we feel Resolved, That while we bow in hom: | ble submission to the will of Him who that they be entered |. ds on account of the backward season. sacrifice prices. | ih Dona RSE ap too PER YEAR le NA eR FA RY 5 A With the size of our stock of Suits and Overcouts you'll take the time Jo come 1m, We have arranged our Suits and Coats on racks 4 | hangers 2 and we did it to make more room first] ly secondly to keep the garments free from wrinkles & reases so you can look hke a tailor-made man w you buy of us. dn Our 3 50 nd 328 10 Business Suits in colored chew jots are ALL WOOL. They are really a $1000 s ut our system of selling at One Prine makes clo prices. Our $16.00 black finished diagonal can't be duplicated in town than $1250. It's 4 fact. Go sew others then One And sof ne Oar $12.00 colored and black Sait are hummer. We sell Buits here up to Bei 61. Who else could even think of it have the trade, that's the reason. Ready -to-wear or tellor- made. - yy We want to talk about Ow rercoats, starting with th wee fellows, age 3 to 10, at $1.98, € Then the long ones or Httle fellows, ages 4 to 12 years, start a : a ran op to 8398 84 9% and $8.74, m Then the Boy's Overconts, ages 14 to 20 years, start at $6.00 and r ng np to $14 00. Plenty of styles and all prices, most, Now We Are Up to Men's. Take cur $10 Overcout in des black or Oxford grey, long or short Anather » nove st $12.00 ix » benaty, nother one, two styles, $14.30, jong with belted back or n back. J Bostiones, $15.00, $16.50, $15.00, $18 50. pik | Rain Coats, long nnd waterproof, $3.00, $7.00, $10.00. BEST STOCK IN THIS TOWN. 3 Agente in Korthun Cambria for all of the following well-koo brands of wearable AN stoek: Swee t, Orr & Co. and Bag” Trousers. John Rich & Son, Flannel Shirts. La Mode $3.50 Shoes, La Belle $50, Shoe for Women. a Arthur Rosloffs Co.. Fine Peit Hate. “Monarch'® Shirte. “Arrow! Collars. Stetson Hats, Miller's Caps. Lilly Bracketds Shoes for Men, $3.50 to $5.00. Sweet, Or ao Co's Beat Overalls and Jackets. Src LL When's you want reliable Coin, Slices or « Porsabings will Sure Yo gut tem |f Jou come ta the you : MOVE MENT in a watch is more to be de sired than a handsome case, but when both can be had for a moderate price, why, get ‘both. We can sell you a Watch in which beauty of exterior and acenracy of movement are combined but the cost of which is quite reasonable. such a number and variety of Timepieces that it Buy here and be on time, We have | (18 impossible to describe them. Holiday Goods Coming Every Day. WE HAVE A FINE LINE oF SPECTACLES. Eyes tested by this celebrated *' Retinoscopic Test” and glasses correctly | fitted. Lenses changid, free of charge, at any time, in spectacles sold by me that; cost $2.00 and over. Jeweler and Optician, Patton, Pa. ‘Worth of Ladies’, Misses Coats and Cz: 2 and Children n's Must be disposed of before our Anmaal Inventory Sale in January. These goods are of the latest pattern and are left on our Somebody is go. ing to get some bargains. ’ DON'T MISS IT! Also a large line of Furs will be disposed of at the same Overcoats, Underwear and Winter Suits are included i in this sale.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers