Te ing iy electric Tight will be fried ] avgse (N.Y fair. this yea 9 4 £ Club in the. olils - is od” Sloane hae beet Tetused a key license by ithe English Jockey o1t- Canada football team will itney's £40.000 filly Endur- ght has narrowly escaped | Om praninonla, ehn Gavsel has signed a contract to ay first base anid captain the Logie | team in the American Assos tation, Ls P M. Ittel, of Pittrhore, Pa, with 2 of 2408, established 3 new rer. he 100 shot rifie championship. Taylor, ths dea’ mute pitcher, bas signed with Cleveland for the Kanu of 1902. He he National to coms to the League y. of Boston, hag won the in the three ays golf tour at Palm Beae 3 Fig: The eon wen won by C. Lo} Anos Rosie. the famous pitcher, win : has been dolbz sone reining in the | ¥ Bear Muncie, Indl, Is dows ta : ad thinks be will make 3 a chan odd fact, which has not been noted, is that the two Degorans now in he Naticual Leagne—Patsey. of St, nd Bil of Broolvn-althousl oil, wite both | bore in the phen town, Lawrence, Mass, Miss Bessle Crolkishani, ears old, kad no compositor in the fiye +d competition for girls ar the 's Show, in Yadison Banure un, New York Ci iy. Bhe did some Ule work for a girl HAA SS PROMINENT PEQPLE, bie hard Temple, the former Gove | emmor of Bombay, is den l ward's propos visit to the viern Las been abandoned, Dr. W. Beward Webb las withdrawn from Verinont's gubernsiorial race. ‘ole has returned to D.C. fron the South, roved in health. to an insurance Cot | iy income of $10.000 a Alexander Mavroyen! Bey, formerly er of Turkey at Washington, has appointed Governor of the Island Commissionar Feans 1a to announced In Washing. y higher office will be given to the Presidant. of the last things Prince Henry | did before sailing for Ger ar to purchase two chainless if American make, ro esxor Alexander Kore, of the Greek department of the University of : inn, has tanght the Greek Jan. e in that institution fur thirty Og ert Booth, third son of Genera) Who was in command of the “Army in Australia, has with drawn from the army. Hi-bealth ts tie “Tenney. the artist of Ports mouth, N iL, bas received an order he Navy Department to paint a if portra 2 of all the Becretaries al ¥y. morated Ly the lssue of thirteen ds of postage stamps, cach of the head of one of the | At one end ing land as po thiviery urge truckopa tables for tamily wse with possibly Alfonso coronation = to he + hoe or plow, Erowing well and up a few of heat or drouth, 1 of the zy prevents damage from heavy beating | Paha i : : | not there, x | 1ate date. Pouttrymen generatiy admit not enly the value of it, but the necessity of its usa to secure the greatest profit | ip the production of meat or eges. It contains a large amount of protein, the most costly element to hay and the one go necessary to maka growia or eggs. Chicks snd fowls of all RN Hke it. but it is a concentrated food and must be fed carefully, Fetitnr (tnseng Neon, Make a dibble of a pleco of fork bands about ore foot long sharpened Mark the beds in rows both ways six inches apart, With the sharp stick make a hole where the manrks cross sack okey and put in the root two inehics below (he surfaces, Hold ft againes tha he of tha hole with the forefinger of ths left han} and crowd the slick into the ground, preseing the dirt agsinet the root, By this metiiod the plaster ran £61 roo rapidly dnd the work is well done. Farming Clay Land, eiay farm eof 160 or should first be A acres fenced 54 88 to save ns much farm. ible, One fold of sol should be plowed ench your for corn, putting on it all the manure made Jur ing the winter, plowing the coarse un- der, and putting the fine on top of the plowed ground before harrowing The greater part should be seeded to wheat | in the fall by harrowing and drilling &8 BGOG 83 the torn i8 in shock #nl using some fertilizer From two to four acres should be kept for oats in | the spring, tae best of all feed for poultry and horxes, The following year the entire fleld should he seedad to wheat, putting at icast 200 pounis of same good fertilizer to each acre, sowing one peek of timothy per mere, and resowing in the spring with tim. { othy and one gallon of red clover per acre. This field should be kept for meadow two years, possibly longer. This plan of farming should bs con- tinued In rotation from year (Oo year. From one-half to one sere of potatoes should be raise} Thare should be a el of all kinds of veges. some to sell. A farm of this site should have an archard of three or four acres, of apples, peaches, pears, pints and cherries with all the small. | ing the prodoctive expacity of the soil | { will be the correct one ferops of cereals, ba this country are very jow, vit the | Américan Tarmmer has more opportuni Him er frults In abundance for home use. . The stock that shoul i be kept on this ize and kind of farm should Eood work horses, three or four good be hres cows, several head of growing cate. about forty good brood ewes, several heads of hogs, and poultry of all kin ts Ewes are specially profitable on a small farm, since they may ralse lub for early market, quickly enrich | i the land. and keep down bLriarm and As far as possible good shel ter should be provided for all stock. shrubs, as protection savey feeding. thme and labor. Maleh for Small Carden, As warly in spring as possible or better still in the fall, put the garden plot fn good condition by deep plow. ing lengthwise and crosswise and fol low by harrowing. When planting time comes lay off in rows two feat cow pens. Hill up the manure, mak ing sharp, high ridges which will in sure good germination and guick growth; plant {on the usual way. ‘When the plants are up, stir ground once a week or ofiener with inches from the ground, give a thorough final {| working with the plow and harrow, leveling the ground all o i ® Hght covering of straw, and loaves | aver. Apply from the woods over the entire plot, i taking care not to cover the young vegetables. In a few days they will grow enough to allow ancther coat put on as before #e the plants grow agbove ft, until ipches deep, when you can eansides your garden work done for the sea son, Vegetables will grow to perfection in a garden treated this way in spite The mulch bolls moisture and keeps the burning raye from the tender roots and raing. There is nothing go cheap and Yet so valnable to the deen covering of pine nesdles leaves. Potsioes should be and four Inches of malsa at once, “They will come np thro With this trearn tables of all kinds ETOW, chance at all Btraw in between the rows and the earth aver it fet will flourish pnd et i ferntohing Sheds, Seratching sheds were brought to | the notice of poultrymen rome years 1 ago, | houses that are not provided with this convenience or necessity even at this | There has been an errone ‘ous idea about the scratching shed that should be brought to view. “scratching shed ‘a Minnesota should | ‘mot be tae same kind of a shed as thar In use In Missouri or Kansas, and thére are many pouitry Condi. ons of temporature and climate should govern the method of construe: tion largely, ghould be should be made with & grest desl of | i Keep it comlortable. {we mexn that it should be hsil whatever plan that will make them | comfortable i may be necessiry to make the serateh. {land than in any other country. Our gas works there is gavel a large L proportion. and the éottonesed {ONE needs, and i tioned are thos for providing nitrogsn Lit Is absalutely | plant foods on the farm In or ler tak | recompense the farmer for ha : of fertility thraagl the removal of the | jo The fact remalne, however | thls country haz made but ress in the matter of increasing the | i average Keep adding more | Pinvestizators the ground Is covered three or four | farm | Bs garden £5 a the amount of on large, | high beds, and covered with threo or { zhi sn if It wern Vege. : Al i though the rates are rela ! fEnees Beratehing sheds in a vel sold elimate will have i De more | a portion of 7 to evcry ap i york, With a population of onstructed wo as to be comfor | ing © Bla for the hens. A scratching shed made light and roomy; it floor space, and taat space should be | covered with Hiter in which an indus | { trionus hen dalights to reraten. Rhoaves | Of oats will make a very good litter | | Beratch for this purpose The hens will the straw about for the oats and gain R great deal of healthful exercige in obtaining the same Ripe millet hay will also be found & good litter for the scratehing shed. and it wil prising how thes hens will scratch for tained in this way they wii} do no harm, but a great deal of good. The scratching shed may not only hut ii A A Heng | be termed the dining room, may te named the living room. ares fod some good mess once a day, in the morning or the svening and | what grain they get mhouli he fad through the seratehing shed becauss thelr appetites are sharp and they wish a grain to appesss it. Toe mare they scratch the better the ap petite and the beter the food Is senin fate 1 eges and become profitabla Wea are of the opinlon hat sorated. in soape manner Tha south sides may be made of a combination for the bout resulta. Pouliry netting ghenld eon poss the south side of the shad, tain of musiin Gr some other goods may be let down to Been oul’ the snow. This will admit of lght an} the room will be found airy. No roosting places should be provide) in this room for lazy hens to occupy, Keep up the temptation to soratels an By comfortable In some localities 1 ing shed very warm, and the sonth should be for the most part construct ed of glass Even then it most ba mada roomy and airy ro ag to not in : paler the heaith of the hen.-~FPoultry FP Parmer, Fartitizors and Manure. The mansgement of the farm shonid | ba with the view of maintaining ftw fertility. The foundation of farmisg In the riches in the soil snd any sve i tem of agriculture that {neresses the | wealth of the farmer without redo. The average ties for securing fertilizers for in amount of sulphate of ammocia. nl trate of soda lx imported in great ship loads, packing the ammoniates of the houses apiount to a large in almost ¥er the minters Euppiv gione sulficient for % E heh only. This country also bas large | phosphate mines and but for the fact | that the required potash must be ime { ported thers would be i plant CArierican farmers for their nse. | the past the farmer has not aselsted | apart, manure well with scrapiogs | from the barnyard, poultry house snd : tha Bo jack of 1h foods right at the doors Ini himself in the employment of ferul izers ag he should, which aecounts for | the low crop averages : i There has been a war between those | ! who favor manure and theses who ad. | yoeate the use of fertil tha | class claiming barnyard manures to | | be a’ “ecompiste” When everything is | ration for plants, while the other class RECHIRAry products of the farm that are rearkets iittle prog the matier en tha One srror that vei boen o verthrawn is that of snp ing barmyard manure to pinnt food" There is net that varies xo mek in mannm, for, while yields ana entixideration it Cd serve Fs gn foie farms are It is not in thn mang af the ts vain forrls from vwiileh It In § retain kd 08: Ghitained fr Its oir EET but weeds end grass have no oF In the fall rake the | ridge In the spring you | will find plenty of good fertilizes — | 6 | Agricultural Epftomist. the plans bulky ‘manure the same and the fare fre therefrom more than exisisg materials peed Philndeinlia Hoe ard Beat Helin © LN San Francisen seems oo bs tha best | telephoned oily in the world Wak a population of 242.782 there are 21.824 telephones, or 62 per 1008 In Eurnpe, Copenhagen is probably the Lest tela phoned city, with 15.311 telephones to {ts R12.859 of population, equal to 49 per 1080. In Copenhagen, too, the best conditions {or the pubue § tively as ki th as those In Ameeican cities. London ampares very nafaverably with these At the beginning: of this voenr there were 41,111 telephn 6 lating of move than 50 LOT A prgs 4 Penie, New ef AT 1 be sur. | rout | The hens are kept busy obtaining it The better the assimilation | of the fond the more healthy the hens | i &nd the greater thelr aptitude to lay 120 divided | ing sheds should be entirely inciosed | foto felds of elght or ten acres, and | anil | during stormy weather a large cur When ever the sun shines thers shold be | some way Gif admitting it to the shal. | in : patators and grasa a xg i meal turn of | izory, the one ronténds than | to bring | Inver | that | ‘pare of as not hing en the t aanlity IARNTER | Lmay be ar nearly complete ag may hed I destred, yet the large majority of the | i mecamulated Renps on | not | | at all comp i a Ya os wand Ben i SIlogeitierd mannre p § $ Poh in the ani} Er eannot real iA Knowledge of Maman Nature More Ensnntinl Than Nerve. “It requires soxéthing more tasn nerva to be a successial beggar. * Amid the oll crippled man for alms is the least part of the pro fession, People think becanse we ask every passerby fof somathing tant we | expect each to contribute. This is the [reverse of the story, We know pretty | well 8% BOOr A485 & MAR OF & Woman | heaves In sight whether wo can look far a ft or not. We study hamanity, | We got 80 wo can tell from the face the small seeds of millet, When ob | ' what the inclinaiiin of the person in | As not every cynle looks sour, so ev | Bry Lenoficient person docs not Bis ur her heart on the sleeve. In fact, we get more from the sourlook. Ling people than from those who are i gay. Those wha are gay are gsusily | broke, and if they are not they are top ; busy figuring on having a gool time with thelr money to help a boganr ! out, | marks bocauss they would rath eye wag lost nog {terrible wreck. Grab era when ha is faa hurry, and Be wil part wita a coin nite times ont of ten, (Fatoor than miss ithe engagement, even (Af IL be wk lunch appointment. Chil Fdren, contrary to general belle! ars poor givers, In the first piace. thelr . nickels are few and far Setween as a rule, and in the next place they ars c usually in a rush ty ged to the nearast candy store and tpend 1. Women, chewy pass us hy. Whether they expect the men to do all fia giving nr whoths Er thay dread contact with suffering, 1 | know not, hat | 40 Koow that few wom en eomtfiigte, “But hy which is given to beggars comes from | the niddle classes from the men who are working for ealarion, and tds, perkaps, ig to taeir koowl Pode of and poquainiancs with suffer Ing themeeives Me of them have {had more of tw ups ani downs thay [tome to the very rel, and a fellow fesling for us EXN3 ct Aid ther Y {we have fixed up, [| once. and very rarely LUBY the way, I Brtist at | game, begring ie pot sued an aaprof i table business after all. Aw a means of earning a living it bea 4 several of the trades all Rollow. Toe Sree sEd i do aot seem large to the casual ob _ serber, bat when you figure up at the i end at A JaY & beggar who eayaot Caverage from $7 to $10 a day is rot a hand at the busivess - made ax much as $50 a day for nfmntha BL x time. My family Hved well ang | i managed to do ro at the same timna $ fail tn i the man is & good i BOG (During gala days and carnival fim we sometimes plan CR oday. it haa row higher than that. We Ble crowds now In the city hava ; Beige 1 things considerably. All of the Yinitor here to spend It and i Toes not gn one way it will another and so they man cannot but he 3° pris be proud and be x begrar, can samoetines aft ne to put his in kik Pe far migking money lien Be has the mon. :¢¥ he will fing hd pride {a all right” } ——New Orleans Times FPemoeras. Mary Wivslen Wathads, That wireless telography ia nelther ‘the exclusive tnventvion of any one in | divid ual por protected by fundamen flal basic patents ALDOArsS ev { from a siudy of the several aysicing usad by the differen: naval powers of the world. For instance, in the Maval “Annual ft is reported thar Italy and | Marconl system, and ars L practically on their war vessels British admiralty. Rowey rer, has sy jPod Ear 312 veusels with the spsten Vived by Captain Jeekson, Frapes fy pinned ber faith on the Popa Ducretet apparatus, and has inst allied i Chile The Wipe Psguadrons. Liegtenant Tissot and M. } Rochefon BL are resorted to have made CHR nroYeme nie in the ap in (ype, Popofta thee, Leonaldembiy § a alin of th adopted M i and shore for Int antry fis Borin ude While svecen Fil kiEL, Germany gut the & FIRES ted 3 tort eff ent it ty also 2h to altenition ¢ Cray Do on the moitm—— Med: teine of the Brine, At fhe Shanzghal police UTE % fa eUlly a curious object was handed up bench fou x ¢ the peantained ina square ve Ts abe Presembied nothing hisck Rex CUDCRR, ATL Ean a plece bag the policeman in for a number of yerrs. It had giolen from a native asothe ary's shon fn Nanking road, Monkeys toen ably. It appears, are a well known remedy among tha Chinese for stomach trou Genial Camdoet, Jones—Arent yo: and Jenkyns iy? yen rion Brown Friendly ? Of course: time he cores in my store he buys a little something on Te asking | wear : Business men are genermlly cary | ST give | {up than be detained with the harrow. | details of bow the arm or leg of | | nErot as pat ¥ far the Mulk of the moter | ° ; i arma, Calnrads and other hae ol Thay are the | 1 NEE who RIG and Heten to tha uf Lary i Ha We regol thers at | and them. | his story and kpows the | 1 havo | | War i813 Gp as much as $54 have money, ther have crime loose witht a strugels A a wide of eo big | ay To : | and wis a lent & England have adopted the | nang. it ft on her Med ditervanean and northern Russia has glo! yelom for ship i - ) and has gone a step | | further to experfiient with a system svtinterbadanced hy i rive It was | © box and Gt} It aridhod about two | charge | i of the case expla ned to the canurt thay | it was a Clilnesa meietne ism rong fdas : of moakiys' toe nails boiled dows and | hardened by being buried under ground | bean i ayory | credit Detroit Wels 0) 8x, Bow eet gold coin sow fn i Intion Is i ty Annam, a French colony In Eastern! Asia. It Is & flat, Younded gold place, | and on it is written In Indian Ink ita vaios, which fu abant $3325. The pest sized coin to this valuable dat wx. treonely awkwurd one is the "obang of Japan, which fa teorth abou $50 and the pext comes ths “henda™ of Asbantes whieh represents a valus of about $45. Tent For the Rewsis, No matt sr whist alle you, headnsha ts conn. eer, you wil saver get wall until ronr owas ard put right. Cancanesn Belp Nature, sure you without a gripe or sain. produce sasy patural maeRmanty coe yon awe Hi rante ta start getting vinr hashth hick. Candy Cathmrtia the geanine, pt up in etal » BVATY tales Bax ©, © Ocean Steamuty dun awend ie 5: Taw rence River 8 Miles Many Sehnet Children Are w Siakiy, Mother Gray's Rweet Prowders far OF fidleen, In Cascinpry | « ¥EhIn ped 0B need by Mothor Cray, a nurse fa Obfidren's | Tome, Nww Tork, brask up Colds in 3 hous | Stomach 3 curs Favericimons, Ress sdarha Troubles, Testhing Disorders ard Dastroy Worms. &% ail dr guise’ ib. Rempia malind Fron, Add iross All . Olnistad, Le For. NY. A La Bas buen. Rnown fo remaia Swen fyfive ming es an der whee en Eales 6: Gano OS A Denfaem Cannot Be Cured Ey bosal ansiicatiioms se thay sannst roanh the | Gimsamed portional the ear, There bs saly sie j way! : Frtiaei nl Po Lo ae, ta mies desires and that in Ww sonst Dantas 14 farand tor An inflamond sondillon of Sie munsray ning of tha Fostanhian Tube, When this tube fa Ine Ramed you havi a rambifog sound or inner. font hanrinp I »n It Bb eatiedy ale { Ee ren and in: Wenk and Sickly Who, perhaps, Bare inherited a wealt : digestion, continnally sebisct to stomach tronbiss, joss of desk and general weaknem, | can be made healthy and strong by the wee of Vogeler's Carative Ce Ew doctor who in at all ap to date will 3 i Vogeler's Carative Compound will © hosed ¢ cheek mands it | and sickly since birth should be treated | | small doses of Vogeler's Curative Co from two to five daily, most | sathdsctory results will follow, ts he Dems i of all medicines, because it is made from the Dion loves is the pega? and Salons (he 28am. {mation san ba taken out and thin fuhe tn groped to ta nermal sanditian, Nearing will | ba destroyad forever, Mine sasns out of ten | are canged by satareh whish k nothing bat an inflamed aonditian 4f the mom scus rurfass, We will glvn ar Pian fred Dollars for any (snused by satarrh) that tha osrad be Pails Catareh Cure. Ole pent from B03 Omrxar & Co. Toledo, J, Rodd by Draegiste, 5c Br y : ie are thie Deut. The andy 1 pes! laimed | by irrigation in Cab ‘eatern iat SR, Enrilest Rassias Milles Wi you be sheet of bay? Ifso, plant a ghenty of this Pn aaiy prolife Ait r Sced § Co, La Crosse, Wm, i cy abr i i oem Canvas sede en's nearly os + ENON IT ae ands, Huston misses tin HEA FITS peranentiy pared, No fits or nevvous. Lens after frst dt's me of De. Kilne's Great NervaBestorar $3 rial hottie and Ur LK. Kuiza. lid, i Are St, Phila, § Hy Southern Calt fornia haa evolved . the fruit Is | prac tically the Same Aa that of the | tomata roe of which prant, PR Shi bag NE ie BSS Faal patings s ot over Fapstaws Dyn } colors mors goods than aay other dvs sad B i eblory them Batten ton. Scie by all draawtete. EE VB orm en NR SE Out of 1.008 000 gnidisres of the Clvll ; whose Brights ware recorded 2. | he in} 4 wares over 8 feet 3 height. inches Sa WHE WG a SE A BA Pee’ » Cure for Conmmption sa ad fa tailibie madizine for coughs soide. —~N, and Ww. Hamoer, Ocean Grove. uve N.J., Feb. 17, 1000. py ht Bw vu wafers aeseruly bends 354 It deprived me ; EY very thin. | | ou Pectoral, eared 3 R. N. Monn, Fall Mills, Tenn. Sixty years of cures J and such testimony as the | above have taught us what § Ayer’'s Cherry Pectoral will do. i We know it’s the great- | est cough remedy ever made. And you will say so, too, zlter you it. There’s cureineverydrop. Thess aleas ; ic, Mc, $1. All dvmpriets. Consult your dostor. If he sare tate on than da 8 Es says J! Re taide ron taka 2, then Aunt take it a we 15 with Mm, We sre willing ! JU AYERR CO, Lewail, Muss. BE Gad by Poy Divagias Stes, maul the Beal wove denim PEPE es CUMION MADE ater ime ae oF pins vn Sadie Sei } Tak, ii Pode a ina Ba hel 3 ==1,566.7 Pairs. Hore Tian RR Four Years KS r | ata an fries wind alin mors men’s SLi and $1 Si eboss tha Gams ntlier LWo mine Rlaeturers a Pre word, Dringlas $300 and 830 akow placed sick = aida with BL00 and $00 shoes of Gther makes, Moa fond te be nat ae gonad They will curesdr two pairs of diary F300 nnd 83.50 8 Lupes, Pan Bf tha bend eit fat tuging Patent Cran Kot Curang D8? md Nod ined Kanoaron, Taunt Eptur Exwivan ak &° aay Bie Haake Fond WL Thess A BD Guy Bdge ioe” 3 CRETaE Toe ae tn lleil AX AWRY Siren Bhan hy sail dar exir +. 4° tain fewe, Rrogk TiaMiveed with | fry genre. hag are unknown fo any one bet the mn | facturses and thelr trasted | pain killin, ; Sto | Prios, 50 tw, | ; low tretghes John A. | . snd nibh for the pn 4 ventriloquil sounds on the stage b 2 means of a te The { ix placed in the ‘mouth of the figura and the voice beard jo ack vat of the jerformer fn son hah od the soonee. Ventrih have varied their performances of ae by the introduction of stuffed Migs horses, dogs sad other anirials, wh Appear to join in the “conversation these luatances the talophosie method greatly assists io producing good ¢fecta. Princeton University Is to receive Pris rofessor D. Wilson, a collection of Prot mannscripts, sald to be the rg and most valuable ever made by a private individual. Many of doruments date from the reign of the Emperor 2 Jonstantine. ————— Peculiar © Itasll. This es to St. Jacobs Off used for ae It contains ingredients tonsifind te Chuman beings now made well and free pun By ite tee, of cares preater than ail other fre sales are bieger than those of my o proprietary medicine and ten Himes grester {than all other smbdroc ations, oils snd Hele ments combined, simply because it bas been ; St. Jacobs Ol has an proved 10 be the best, that the urs and rich, being colour to the and put on flesh where Leulth do Childesn who have been wealt Tee {formula of a great living physician. Sample bortle free on fo te propia 8. jeats OG, | 1a, 8 i Md. Pram, 15 conn, ob oi! drains, tee | or by mniting the snsvant te a ta rosters umm. www send pou x tobe by mail. : Fi article should he wespeed Dy the pukibic ies he. sume curries our label, as otherwise i i ned 1 gwnnine, . CHEESEBROUGH MANUFACTURING _ 1 Bute Strat, How York Gays SN 1 had heen troubled a year, off} and on, with constipation, bilous-§ ness and sick headaches. One day a friend asked me what the trouble was. When [ wid him be recome} mended Ripans Tabules That evening | got a box, and after the | second box 1 began to feel zo much) relief that | kept on with them. | have Ripars Tabules always in thel house now and carry a package of them in my po ket, Al drnogiets, tw i The Fles.Cont paeltst to snough for an sraary eovaston. The fans buttie, 60 sunts, sontalns 3 supply foe a FRar, 150 Hinds for 1Ge. yogriatie atl Mowep . = re SHEER de = os im papchhas 3 hos, cd SRE bo Bigbuad g ri Pg ri Wh Geen gua tadey then Ji ARs thie Ba HE LE GARR | nto ait: 3 For 15 Conts Postpaid Bi Mhisdy SF runout Pastis sw elie PHmerniBoont shrfleul solani 3 apres baad ives, A freeride Sey ate Thrietiom, H wpdendid hawt sory m > j= Wiode Toit vely Taubes of Chang ! lots and Hom Gf ots exh er Wh one rend 158 0 | hn Ath atewmty Teomints ad 1 nd art Dovid aid Sit | eee LL Wows] ar wwe a penned, ve, Abn tor Lie. Wi oWanpe | Write Wi iA CALZE SEED CO. La Crome. Wie. f wr w Discovery: ’ S15 J SY SEE wt etiam vil tH days’ oul n IS a HAA rt ae pr i Ee ed Yin tt nie Ay 3A di RATA a. Thempsxn’s Ep Wate | b
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers