Contin fom Puge Ty Wa WEA ore S first in ordnr in activities | Len disposition lot this kind cores cloanliness, says a | jana fald down, His Kesey breathing : writer in 8 recent issue of the ( entury. excited suspicion and a girl employed Clean streets and public places, clean | in the honse called to him a pomber of 4. SR 5 private premises with these secure, th mea, but did not receive any response, ‘ ¢ n | His son was absent at % jibe fest: gros Sramformation. in the , his return he went to call hin 10 ip ; community takes place. per and discovered that he was dee #ance breeding, rubbish heaps are and had been from appearances for Jeared away and vacant lots covered several hours, cleaned up, | | Mr. Bennett was 86 years of age and g ¢ and |? ative of Warrington lowhsbip, York : 3 / everybody nates the improvement an Ceounty, Pa, the son of the fate Mr. and | ] 8 interested in secing it maintained. ‘and Mrs Saviuel Bennett, Hin wits Orderliness, of course, goes hand in died 8 mamber of vears ag Heo is didate wr County Commissioner, sub: ‘hand with cleanliness. The Intter can. survived by two brothers, | { Christian to Be Primaries and Convention (not be secured without good order. | Bennett, of Patton, and PL Benne, : mn 3 “of Danlo, and one sister, Mra Maury | And with good order there is an aspect Brown, of Madera, and the following : ; of teatness that commands popular 2 Guiideen: Mes Rebecca Horn, spect. it pleases the public eve erado; Seatt, of Dunio; Joseph and : faces reflect nothing but | Nenriy everybody will desist from Prank ort up And Ashivy, | WED resides in The oH Rome women's reflect throwing rubbish Thier fotiaral tan Bad at bis tate ves Pp face, and from scattering dence this afternoon at 30 ainil, paper or other litter in & clean street. | aandueted by Rev. E. H. Witman, of Pablic sentiment ix easily caitivated the ME charch, with interment in Jn faver of public chanliness and or. : Faliview cemetery. walked win ope otis year. in advance, = Bw averting mies made Known apon ap the Vives, Hat on pers Siscontined antit all Arrear | When nui . antes a the option of ih at he Postrffos #t Patton a8 second eiase n mai tuatier, { with ail sorts of Btter sre JOHN L. EVANS Bf tol inte a welh kept; toroup | of men have fool first names sof a novel their mother hap | he reading. oi 5% der. A notable instance of Hs growth | Mes Emma Jones the wife of Sta. cart Jones, died on Saturday morning # HIRO 4 we Yao ane ep LF Sal C i Johnamaker during all ihm larry in: spitting in piblie prada, sind at was at eleven oolock of a mptiation he thw? Fi» is missing another (detérmined that the practice was a diseases, after an ines extending portunity 10 get a little froe danger to pubiic health, The posting : over a period of Sve weeka She was : regulsth twenty. wight yours of age. Wet) * bos Seco of the Hon. Wan is to be found in the agitation against x “of notices with SOE Rrainst i, fh for county superintendent is is now on in the different of the state. Jones and Bon. cosnty and was born at Sandy Rude, a strong the daoghter of Me and Mee Sandford Ampression upon pablie sentiment, 40d | Pippery, both of whom died while the ject in the press, have made Re ai oy ; (in consequence the offense ie nol prac. sabject of this sketeh was & child. She soem to be the leading candidate | i tioad to anything like the same extent has resided in this place off and on be sine years aud abot mix irs lin communities where there fins been Df Past nine yoars and abont six y ‘ago she was united in marriage to Mr, | dosen't need to be sach agitation. : Jones, who is an indosteious workman na; ® needs to be cruthfal and THE Snpreme 0 net. attacked the employed by the Patton Clay Mig « the point. As a French writer says: : & AI railroads for giving illegal rebates to Besides her hostand she leaves th wel among old things is | packing houses, and the packing hot children to mourn the loss of a loving | mother. Thess incinde a baby not yet get even with the people by raising the cpamed, Sve weeks old, and World, BR on school matters says P price of meat. The consumer has to ood four years, and Victor, two yetirs sited States leads the world pay for the misdeosanors of the old of women employed as rasta. ‘as follows: Mrs. W, im me pomeisiecm ‘Sapdy Ridge, and his country sls leads the ] BLACK DIAMOKRD NOTES. : Woomer, Bertha, Ett Com tinned from Page |. ‘Patton. | The faneral was held contin, Besides the main area, the dence on Sunday ight of Breanest exhibition of Broad Top basin in Huntingdon and conducted] the: Rev, | In the young man Bedford counties has an area of 50 Witman, the pastor of dx the highest and purest square miles, and is about 30 miles churel:, nthe young woman be east of the Allegheny front. Philipsburg marry snd never stops to ask | “Ihe lower Kittanning coal, mined Interment. ¢ eandition of his own charac. | ion Seat Er a Pa iriad TO STONE CONTRACTORS, _ coking conl In northern and eestern Sealed proposals wili be received by | ea | Clearfield! county, in eastern Cainbria the county commissioners at their Shi re to the effect | (comity, and in Blair county. In the ofce in Ebensburg, ry until 2 o'clock bein coonty delegates to eastern region it is also locally impor- Pm. Monday, May 5, 1903, for the n state convention witli | tant as a smithing coal, snd is a vala. erection of sone abutments for two id for John 2. Fikin for | able heavy steam coal in the Broag bridges; one of which is to be seectid Wink or swith!’ Jesse E Top fiuld The upper Kittanning, of sores the North Branch of ¢ onemangh Minor vaine for steam and gs pur River, near residence of Wm Howell, this place, is being urged to women Cambria townsiip, and the stlier elegate fight and he would poses in the wedtern distriots, be one and oli easy to elect. Pes M. Jaarland, of airs Howard gad Grong, of a1 Von weak, dwn HH. ths M. EB. Uy ROTH K ries oF ode wm parts of Ulsaefald, mangh River, near and makes a Jamestown in Portage township, Flans and specifiontioes domentio fui fF : | Cambria amd Sonera; has continanily urged | good coke in the Spow Shoe basin of of “the town to sappor: Usater county. yet ai the yaad cond, mined in seat rn Bik, eastern Mler Monday, April 8, 1902 there are some deflurson, northern Indians, in the Bidders who are nukoows ou the | i ome “home hawmat - Rey noldsvilie - Panxsutaw. Sounty I lr wii : who do pot patronize the ney basin, snd In northern Cambrix Q0ived to furnish with thelr bids 5 sist t shop. Verily, some men and in enstern Clearfield county to the IsTaetory bond or ce es uheck in the if po small that it would find Moshannon ¢ ren, in’ the Philipsburg an of $400. J 5 fe in 8 pig y of ( the. foutadale basis, be espectaliy yulaable The right to roject say or ull 4 for bigh.grade steam, gan and ooking reserved. s—— purposes and also for smithing and | good time to fix ap the paddling. a pe Freeport Saal Huned cuelly in the lower All n i that have been disturbed | Land ih iii valleys to rs | level them. Driveina (and near the Allegheny slopes on the p and there. Put in a new (east, in Armstrong, Westmoreland, : It wil fm. Indiana and Cambria counties, is Seed looks 18 a steam coking coal, of Jour property and “The rapid exploitation of the coals! : io Suis oust} Jor drusiony | oid established store of (eo, & Good, j the State Portage and the Pennayl. | intend to consolidate my two stores and will move to the commodions Phe dhbatote wf : .. Tooma in the Good building in a few EL |The dine 34 of srw; rapid Soveiap- ude days. The goods purchased of Mr Good | | Cambria and 8 counties, north. | Nave determined to dispose of ata * { westarn Indiana county, the Pitta price that cannot bat be satisfactory to - coal x jon of southern Alleg! ¥ and | purchasers, in order to give ne | northwestern Fayette and the Cop. TP0M for a new stock. This will in. | {nelly file ba : of We reland and | Sl0de everything in every line sow in: e Payette counties. In 1892 the number the Good store. The latter will be | of mi was 88 in Alle heny, 85 in completely renovated and made as Fayette, 92 in West el d 122 in. convenient and tasty as possibile : Clearfield, 8 in © ib ‘and 19 in When this is completed all my ald Se preet—a total of 482 In 1901 and new customers will be given a cor. there were 9 in Allegheay, 117 in Pay- dial welcome in the new quarters In CC ett, 158 in West i pnd. 1% in the meantime we will be pleased to ape 3 ; Clearfield, $1.30 in Cambria and 52in ‘anybady in Sither Wore. Fs a aml of I of pemtion Patton, Pa, April 15, 1902 : to do is to pot ioe daring the year for the entire region oh \ the country, hel was 219 days. The cost of mining in x P the bituminous fields varies greatly in says an exchange, The pros. different areas, the rates being gov- Olle is the prosperity of sll erned primarily by the thickness and ar neighbor and you hart structure of the bed, though they are iro across the path also affected by the general geographic A you'll break our | 25U0n, and by the relations of the ye an you mine tothe wage-scale districts, The 0 press the poor and Fou oe Bids iw Bey. Joes, Agganm Hosrermer, T. M. Bueiax, County Commission Aesto- JOoRN C. Gares, Clerk, Ehensburg, Pa, April 22. 1902 Ames Two Soren Canmolidatet Having purchased the goods in the Campi a Dowadfol Dahl Marion Kooke, munager for T. M Thompson, a large imgporier of Bie mitlinery at 838 Miwasukes AVS, Chicago, says: weather 1 caoght a dreadfai which kept me awake at nigh made me unfit to attend my during the day. One of b. cars au takin ng Chamber | cents ito $1. 30 per ton. whieh Sere do not seem 0 be reliably suggestive. The number of men engaged in and aboot the mines in 1900 was 190.018, each of eyed, whom produted an average of TS eid Le &in's congh renee dy for a severe oobl at that ioe ; seemed to relieve hee so quick! bought some for myself I: magic and I began to improve a I am now entirely well and pleased to acknowledye ite merits,” For sale by CCW, Hodgkins, Paiton, Do yun want fine peinting at the | and Hastings Pharmacy. minimum Oleost? Then let the Pat-| Mail orders for Job printing receive ton Covrign do your job work. Best ; oarefl and | and cheapest. the cont of production of coal L a. wi Y 0 TRL AE | COURIER office. Send in vour orders, re fel was a aative of Oeics and the frequent Aisossion of the sub- | Mra Jo 5 Brothers and sisters alae sorvive tite penis The remains wore taken to g on Tuesday morning for 3 AE Parton, of nome fen prior tancn as & steam and ross the Mountain branch of Cone : the village of or Ale at The Tavweer Freeport County Commissioners ofbe on and AY Wen prompt attention at the Bakery, Aud get FRESH Bread, Cakes, Pies, Rolls Satisfaction (iaaranteed. fry our macaro t ( yd, ARE ri PATTON %, th Avenue, pos . PA. AUXILIARY TO tHE "FOUR-TRACK SERIES” FRE Fa sEO0ts BORE OF TRAVEL AES RETATION NaS iis Suit O silky Biwgrmogor Ira rimvnnst of “ ST ET I the TEBWER a NN BE fo digo Seve Ua i Fi ros 218 OF FPATTON. Cambria Co, Pa. CAPITAL PAID © > 2100, 000, 00, SURPLLS, $19,500.00. iad Patton, RE ee Cond ou pety Uive Tee Sawin feb bere re wih le ® (han iing CC Blemnssbin Uekets for mde br wit le Howe, Porelwn Pan §& Sih i Bg Ww remaling pagal (nthe prin A 5 cneresnonidernos pevernnl atlen Uion, interest paid on Line Deposit Wu H Saxnwonon, President. Cashier. Eggs for Hatching 13 FOR $1.00. + Folowing Thora hbreds: ‘Light Bramah, Rinck fangumug. 1 am Wy andotia beh Movireh, Be 3 Leghorn Bi) WEAKLAND, Highland Ponliry Farm. Parvos, Pa "Reus! Somerville, A + Bs en Gr ag § % “wig RAFU SNOT NR Sand NE » # ) FP in thee Goo! Building. HYNES PAX & RRIF ye 4 Arita ORL uw 3 3 Fyne bie $eifine Tove * Parnell. , Cowher & Co Agents ip FIRE. LIFE AND HAURACE AiR i i ig gi BEAL BRT ATH Sant Good Rudiding, Papo, Pap ‘Miss Susie Wentz, TEACHER oF nyse 3 Sud iw Ey Malia ron Tos j panied oo 3 ESET ine Basse Pla nn atiediirirs Ets Idling, Toa as #0 Bh Feu fiw £3 Petting ® given ta ane stadia GEO. BOONE, JUHTIOR OF THE PRACE Offho §a Crone promiptlie arronde self and rns FX ha Wong roo LS ee ne Ciinertien bo During the late severe ° an Ap rid : fuss 1 the h N— orientate Sa Tadivitn. | St Almost everybody who reads the ews. | Papers is sure to know of the wonderful | cures made by Dw Kilmer's Svar Rost, | the great idney, liver i> and bladder remedy It isthe great mad cal triumph of the nine woversd aller Mienitific research 3 Dr. Kilmer, the sm nent doey and Sieg. | der specislie and lg frees back, Kidney Radda. 4 rip aid Trot. ¥ teenth century: dig. | FOB IY of | xm 18 an ’ { pens in in ly siacenssly Broaptly seriey | in : Anmaze wich is the worst | for of kidney trovghie 5 Swamp=Root = not ren. | 712 rytiing but ivan have id. |) trout it will be found ys somal ft hag ten tented | inn many wre, in stall wnrk prasiioe, among the bk reinedy ye 5 y An prtvine ; 1 sha ts POG 18 pur. | chase relief and has proved so successful in | every cace that 4 special arrangement has bern trade by whish all readers of this pape | who es cad tried i may ha. : e by mail aise a fosy | Ee alien iat Swamps Bot and hover ta i ney ar Bladder srmdin, : nesting this generous I ¥ fo % £5 5 Pam rig 2 and Riri of Sapetinot gollar res are sold by ahi good druggists inningand using 1 io our ‘isher Block P prepared work in| LORE 5 Jehu 3 Si 1 IE wha * n Poth i mi the cel hem Rw COA es te 1 Brooks Oil Co.'s Gutta Percha asd false aiive : Roofing Paint. ii Be a nit : oS Eatin “ies cheerinlly x {for all work in our line. ( HRarranfa Bh a Re the Haws, dieticacine of the sen HOARY promplay. fy ‘Duniap, Praiopns SSE 5 ; ear, o ES hy 12 Dentist! UfBee upstairs tn Good Building, Woot Jom, and lop HOA =i ul vas Vy He * dan ge a: Kailro ad. In ¥en 14 Nags 0, 2hansed Tai rwaed, fuel Hai nano ME, i HEV : Linda org oy Pog A ta ohn Hunting. | : arriving al ML A Ait bas fap ir Haase G3, the, Nori ws, Shbagh sik Cm berianed, Mad. wma ME. Dallas fae serving wt Hunting: <b Y ira ve a AY arrivis Tmibas Hw! ig a Hanting. nites Filiy 2 on Mr Twa WARE SRE KR RR, Plesk PoE § a Hen with wr Huntingdon. aE -, iq AEE, i SLR Ein eae Lae iAE rei FOI AEs Wie Bote a Baadie, Jyspeps a A powerful engine cant be run can texpect tok ip op a weak Stomac Ih. replaced, and we eanugt 3 i fod to keep the body strong, Kaodol Dyspepsia Cuore, It et all all the g Ani fond vv y of 8 mfen i in Cure Anglo the weir an h 4 Jur boilers, or rather Sur stifnacha, : 'P the human machinery wi ng repairs, But when the stomae We can use such digests what you es or want, without an fromm tad igation, a fuw Ns Fah a Pa iih 8 weak hotlar: ung rain of anactive lite h is unable to digest enough A preparition as &, #0 that you ean y distriss aftereating. alien ot Renal ys. lication for piles, sores and skin | Flt pubs | Pittsburs pettway, UW | Penney vietit radio: at a. Northomwontirn 3 made! Cpe wt i ry Ais TEAAL Cd ap HEEL Pi tts im TOE ita wd Mi. Tad. { CA enki Nitig at at this eT C Woaktevade, 2 1 SL Sry tvania DF “inhe Beech Creek District. Condensed Time Table, Now. Flewnd 31 Exp Mul NaI Nags pm a 3 md 3 Sardine sasEEuss Wet 3 a $i8y Wmv Mitmttey Hermnoay Gaeeain Keres New Mi: Spay Crbiiva Mitehilis tharietd Wow wt In hel Willaston Mon Suda 2 Mis Philip ¢ Munson Wh atiare Peo £2 wm Z 3r Tak; a od 1 0 : { in 4 id 48 SAR ENE Ee sl sd mad be Eviilintow Misia Mie heeds pew Mik Hall Lewis Faves Vominigedale Waves Joraey Kham Janetion * ee pore WitHammewsrt Pills 2 fositing BB Witten spent Phd laatetadrin ‘ Pn oa < vis Tathagun ar 48 iS ja Hise 1% J i ns FRXEE = 5% Sd HEL i oF: x Sin mn pin - NY via Pia “rele pe Po *Tmiiy FW nekitmyn Wp - Aundaye Hrsiw in Seri HEE . Pittsburg & Eastern Branch. Frain lve Mohatfiy for Clan pilot wii Heoverhsmd wt Tm : — h on: ira £3¥ 1 ass fresinig, Igoe rut ms “ BE rel ERS Pom dug xen Lay oy Ponies AL He nd : a arsl Beading rin i with the Fail Beak Hy curity Cental Fadioaed | with Penta Aftoonn F iting : kg parfteid with 1h Fahy, > wt Mabn re dren with Cambria and ii Penneyivanis amd Pasiels Ww. oH Nolin, Gen. Put A ssi. Ce, 5 New Yio Willan, PR Bitgutt, syen't Rupr. Pennsylvania Railroad: cGven. HL ents fo 1 affect Nov. 95, 1001. Fe Main Line, Love Cronin. oi ten Share Erne, week dave A towing Aawsion iesttiens, wow 1] Mam ped Fox peas, chasis. Aton Aesvmraodation, Baily J ape go, Suily re ea i Phitacte phi Ape, Erie Crossing Ya atwnen. | finan ro diy owl darn. peifte Express Way Pass er, duily.. Pitter Papen... : CMs | Fastiine, Aatiy : _dnkmstown Aeris, week Any "i ona. Nor 0 at 13 un. arte WAS me envy Patton North ward Train No. Nat 108 & i areivi ny at Ma Batter al (60. me snd wt len Cup at 2s a wm Train Nov 706 ut 4a p. "i. actall rant Philadelphia & Reading Railway. Bogie Burn Hard Coal No Smoke. IN BFP ECT NOVEMBER 11. 1 Prins Lonve Ww a From Dept, Foot Se ny 0 astonty phin Ba. Me i ", 00, iw fm, Sonny Au, A a. me, HI on For New York via Bastion 78 ABE. WL. IRM pv Roda Hoe a Far Philadephia, Hewat Franomgom Mas er EAT 7. Ashbs wet all Juin 2% mehr Rit ard Xe Wawom, TRL 4 and JO thE Mess ye ss $i, i as Bon Prati Be WH Erasers: Nor Yore vie Exston & ia om, ui Lh mowil 1B 2 {is ti Yi mabe dni TRE | hh f= Haring Ww pia Renading Tortpionl, 490 Midi Ww. ., asl LIN noe Mundas 4 TN ow HE » we. HIRD Pema rer ion curs Sood frome ARNE at Now York Through 4 hehit Uradine to and from Philadephia, Gt tei pag adadly. Some faiadnd. seats Tw pried in WH a ike office and ab a The deg of Prey WEE et cle lced fren hotes sad resides sa ba destination, _ FIMON J WERKS froparnl Psengor Agent. WT Intendent, fave iz a rp. fo £3 HE] ER Hvmoting Terminal, Priindtetniie, P, Arr 0 all ax pron thats, ”er re, Jol 1nstown, Eben burg & Eastern R. R. : Uomidennad Those Table iy offet June wim Leaving Ramey, & 15% an 8 Le KS Forawood Hiatadate wi estpge d MEE a mY | Phitipsoung. ) Sui patmry. a Hontadaw, Baw. Woiltevade | Fwrniwonnd. SUNDAY TRAINS To Philipsburg, wwe Pes pm 1408 i=i3 isin ZW Rago Hounlpiate. evn aig Cp Hid Ipwtsing ASS aw ERG EE BE Tas Batis. $m Hipage, FEAR Houtmbais Huravy Wiltevaiv og i242 #0 ih SEEE ER «Vinh Maton wid 135 for mist fren 0 Willi aspuars, Bewad- ound New Yok, Taam Teta atiins, Gatien and Lvonw vid Batons Charente Savex TEN, Riduway, Hemet food, weehiestad, oe ai Omeerdls MUS with Hout Bamay oith P 2 BR tin teving WE sab TIA pe Mall baad Tn lug Es 3 Huperintendent. Beware of counterfeits. | mabe HI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers