a ¥ your watch repaired at Prinditie was in Altoona | am Byers, of Gazzaris, was a visitor on Saturday. Miss Ella Evans was visiting her : , Hooad mails from those joss offices are fumigated before Sy RG fa raappossd to KR the germ with relatives in Philipsburg Inst week. | — r cand Mrs. i. O Hartshorne, of y were in town on Monday. 1 A full} line of Haylers chocolates brother Will in Gomam last week. Mrs MM. Crain was on a visit and other candies st the City Restaur- 3. Priudibie, chief burgess of wag in town Tuseday on bos sal four years and was an (Hipant in many severd engage a HOW TO SAVE SAME ek AAR AE ohn Gould and bis corps of assist- in the new M. E. church. E. 8. Hippey has moved his family nto the residence on Palmer avenue recently vacated by John Asberoft. p guest of his brother, George rey, several days last week Frank B. Markle of Westover, and s Curry, of Mill Hall, wore pleas. callers at this office on Maniay. sters in every style, fresh every , at the City Bestanrant. Families by the pint, gaart or gaiion, Beech Grove grange will bald » ’ in their hall, shina f fiileg bof Patton, on Saterday evening. HH you are in need of 5 good shave, Fil ohs : F ent or shampoo Garfield Wilkins, ; Fifth avenas barber, will su you. Miss Ids Mofwasiand, of Philips. in teaching in the Patton public ; uring thor Hilo : A. R Gray, of Spangler, and Mise ps Sharbangh, of Uarrilitown, hnraday at Comber. At the solicitation of his friends Doll, Esq. has withdrawn from contest for bigh constable in the aed. Ly will be the last day to file : license applications in this ¥. The aumber will be unnsually Shia year. t- Postmaster Ed. A. Mellon was : after Uncle Sam's business at Moe this week Quring the sb. Ef Mr. Greene. : Ed Blackwell killed two possums Inst week and bis intimate on the Heoon’ # luxury |2 : or Greene. was called to : o] » TL Hie on Tuesday to Bttend £ of his brother Josephs, w nas hospitai at Pittsburg. retary Gilliece was the only ry who showed ap at the ma- ilding on Monday evening, 0 une! meeting was held. who Knights of Pythias will ban. Palmer House on Friday An bteriating music] and fr yon want fine Tnandry work, your laundry with W_E Pro. the , Magee avenue, the the Empire Steam Laundry. ria count; will have five del. e Republican stite conven- atton is entitled to at least one, | the vote of the last meeting as a Metropolitan hotel at Ebens. i # been purchased by Wm, Kim- : landlord of the Central place, for $1,550. It was by Capt. Thos. Davis and J. O. Herman Kinga oarpenter living at 1S, Was admitted to the Johns. hospital on Friday, soffering an injury to his right knee sos ‘by falling from a aiding at «arn with sincere regret that atton, of Patwenasille, will not for gz along nicely. at the Palmer 3 taken ill, but Was re- bh of John | ik Whose Covmuma ar you roading?) gil : of the directors of the 1 held ast week fnstrooted [those towas, © are placing the hesting appar. Edward Humphrey, of Hontzdale, LW, H Denlinger wis sheeted one | I snag h Val | ley Street Railrond Co ar the elec tion The pres dept in 8. W Davis, Secretary and iressionr, 4 G : { Lloyd; and the other dirertars Geo, 8 [You can 3 do better a at at MILLER'S Wentz, F. H. Barker. M.D. Kittel and id. 6G Lisyd. From a financial point of view, at least, the visit of Wiliam Jennings | (Bryan to Johnstown Inst week would | [neem to have bean a paying one It is stated that as his share of the pro. ceeds he received one-half of the gross receipts, which were BIS making the New Si 10es. for nice sam of $284 to add to the Nebras. kxn's bank scoount. - Johnstown Tribe Lane Md Dollars i 3 burg a and Eilntan: Bye 1. 8B. railway mail wer DOL LO ree Ee Nis baag a precantion asinst the spread of the disease, The ‘ Felts ler, Balog seal ons 5 ’ > ¥ wiidoly Gf hime WESTOVER. : Through the direct inBosnoe of Cod, M, 5 Quay, Goi gn Ww. fans begpmnt, of wildy 0 Baving his : Bara pinmon rabead four dollars por month, - Ap Mr. Lalbbnmont tramped southern alive ‘the small rajse was eertainiy & de- BREE id one, LR McKee, oar venseablie oid med. + dine salesman, makes his ososi round ‘selling medicine that be positively | guarantees to cure any disease except : laryngitis or Bryanittis. : ‘Bquire Michaels, of Wankenha, was Jn town Saturday. TSqgaoire was visited HARRINGTON'S h for the second time in Wo Years by a wiry destructive fire al Jersey Shore, The Democrats through sympathy (gave the Republicans the treasurer | Thanks, geotienton, thane Billy Thompson, Patton's eos cloth. her, was shaking hands w th friepds in wn last week. Call again. Mende Cowher, Patton's progres and popalar insurance agent, town Satarday. Ross Corry, of Mill Hail, a lew days at this place with his sisters, as good, Bird ang Lally. MONEY! 30 TO whep per cont more; ual 3 sending Lins, 5 ¥ * ” Thursday last nlite oa kins, Han 40 the bom of Keys Boyland Pash of the t Risk Spgs Hur 5 few wees. Ee Le CR Noveitles, Sacks and Frere Pronminia, Fi eat candy a ok, Pabiog, 7 “ have tae Foley's honey wri tite in Hires ery savers cases of pneumonia wid pewiie ty oo Vary Cake BC Mee wire of rubwtitntes. All druggists. * Clits $id THE per DOLE with ge The prepertin of “i'w Snow Linitent pose pss i range of usefiiness greater thao any other remedy. A day sidom passes 16 every bouselidd, AL FE 1 HENC { especially where there ars i tiust it is not needed Price Nand 50 eoite. CW, Heodgkine, Patton, and | : Hastings Pharmacy. ¥ Merbine should be ped to enrich Wi and purify the blood; it cores all forms of blood disorders, is especially useful Hn fevers, skiu eruptions, boils, pim- pls, blackheads, sorofula, suit ream amd every form of blood impurity; ft is a safe and effectual cure Price 50 cette. £©. WW. Hadgkine, Patton, and [Hagtings Pharmacy, enumerate here. Whosoever hae suffered from plies knows bow painful and troublesome they are. Tabler's Backe ye pie gint. meant 8 guaranteed to cor piles, Price 50 penta in bottles. Taubes 73 ponte. C. |W Hodgking, Patton, and Hastings Pharmacy. GO. BRADY, ¥ La grippe cough often eontinges for | months and sometimes leads to fatal re- suits after the patient is supposed to have passed the danger point. Foley's hotey snd tar affords positive protec tio and security from thes conghs, | Al druggists. | Cut this oat and take it wm OW. | Hodgkins, Patton, or Hastings Pharm. FRESH Bread, nagy and get a free sample of Cham- berlain’s stomach and liver tablets, the Cakes, Pies, Rolls. {beat physic. They also cure disorders of the stomach, bilionsness and bead. Kf troubled with a weak digestion, belshing, sour stomanh, or If yor feed dul alter antiog, PY {han hirigint gC In ry stomach and Hver tablets Prices, 95 cents Samples free at OW Heed. kins, Patton, and Hastings Pharosaey Patronize the Baker y, And get Satisfaction -akes To Order. Hild a3 The fengiie babe snd the growing o A lregetbaned bee RH vermifagze. It destrove digestion at work, sud wo rebuilds the botly. Price 25 conta, ©. W. Hoop king, Patton, and Hastings Pharmacy, LIRR wore, pis Fifth PATT and Bard room A Doing ~-For anda “Pe ci th ge wy hsinese ¥ ha “ain 4) a¥i AEE ® right maa, Other business takex gwaers time. Call on middiees . Fewet op Miss Susie Wentz, PEACHER oF MUS The Shoe Man. Big Cut on Rub! ber Goods and P A IND 10 CENT STORE, and make purchses that «iy formerly cost from 50 to roo 1S just | ice Nap kerchiefs, Ribbons, Stock. wii Ftc. » it Guaranteed. GUr Macaroons. - Fancy and wedding J.C. HAMER, PELARY Witutes D. Hules, Patton Pa. Many of the biotches, ploiples and other affections of the skin are cansed by the failure of the liver and Kidney's Or. [to cast off impurities. Price 50 conta. 10 W. Hodgkins, Patton, and Hustings Pharmacy. V. A. Murray, Offee in Ariingdon Blok, : Patton, SCprmneiiy. Disses of $56 ar Cartes speelal attention, Ahr Pay eg 4 Bi PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. next Lov Postafios, | All night calls responded to : Beme Nivel Tyros © town at 10 Too many things to. “Why Pay More ?"" Proprietor. Ho ome Avenue, POR Bars Gd me LEE a) be fore. spring. 5 and 1o-cent counters, h a bigger and bet- of Gy Laver ter stock than ever. jAvenue SA Ph SRA TAS bb A SAAD , : Work or Dress That is so far as Winter! Clothing 1s concerned and we are going to sell out stk of these goods record bre aking ire roo for our spring stock. Overcoats, Hats, Caps, Suits, Etc. Our en- at’ prices to make | all go at the Reduced below We bousht tos in the fall and of the Our Veur gam 3 x Lo 7 a 2 alla wih ALL 1s sold. ort] This 1s your o tunity. Call Early. Wolf & Thompson, TON, TA ia PA. surplus. misfors continue I Por - | ¥ Having purchased the store ohn Gantz on with new partment, Canned (Goods, Gr {rroceries. I.ome, x Flour, on Feed. rain, Ete. Ete Quick Sales, LOW PRICES, Come and Se: Me. Ernest Frycklund. inningand lumbing! Having 1 location in We gre r moved to onr "the now better than ever to do all this line. work 1m We are Cambria for wi mye agents the cointy boy ON. PA brated Brooks Oil Co.'s Gutta Percha Roofing Paint. Estimates cheerfully for all work in our line. d.C. Harper Co. Fourth I am stocking the same | goods in every De wa “That's : and we hive Small Profits new Fisher Black! TYP EE gpd prepared 4 a Cele made WwW aists that we We still have on hand a few fashionable Coats, Skirts and are going to close out at prices that will br the answer, providing you are in need of any of these C mrs #5 00 Taffetta Silk Wain gO at $4 00 3 on 78 Satin 50 Meroerizad 25 ; 3 Al wont fannal : {6 i" Hi Flanneletis 3% 2 Price in all cases about cost « ¥ i s is a stock worth seeing at prices worth knowing. WAISTS. COATS, 4 50 Coats go at 3 0 2 50 17 135 112 i% res 2 00 # i i i$ Ld ie " Li SKIRTS $7 00 Skirts go at $8 00 8 50 £98 5 00 3 88 4 50 3 4% 3” © ur 3 28 58 Thanking you une and all for your patronage in the Eh ok 4% &" el FE REISE & 4 £3 3 COATS $10 80 Coats yo at 87 30 LL i 4 ‘past and hoping that our dealings this year may be one of profit to both, we are : Respectfully yours, Patton Supply 7 mm” | L! $1800 and $20.00 #4 rare bargain for the quality. Call before they are all gone. Just received a large ship- Black Worsteds— hnished and unfinished in med- A fine Suitings. line of ment of i um weights, DINSMORE BROS. Merchant Tailors, Patton, Pa. Fabbiibsbbiibaiis LR Th Estimates freely given Re J. B. CORDELL & GO, . AWY size lanter 3 at the Headquarters For Hardware and Furniture, Wire and cut pails, Barb and plain wire, Leads tor , otis and paint, * Chass and glass doors, rg T ack Axes and rivets, Tin and galvanized ware ‘Sash weights, saws, a Our Motto er EY xd Lie blocks. up to a. Wood or lag screws, Scythes or shot, Screen doors and window Screens, tacks, brad, ‘Sad irons and planes, Pumps, twist or mining drills, Lawn mowers, horse-shoes, Building or sand paper, Files, picks or shoveld or anything else imcluded in the stock of a first-class hardware store, gigs Desks, tables, office farni- ture, dir stands, lounges, tarps, lanterns, and We have one of the lagest stocks in the county and aim to please. The price is If are not acquainted right, too. you with us in a business be on way, we will pleased to se v guarantee that ner 1 lor same, . PLATT, sideboards, Morris chairs. fanoy or 3 } DGArds, ioniecs, ! EN ox Va. Yin ae kitchen tables on all tin work. and paring a Spectalty. Everything 1a Furniture oH J. E. KIRK'S HDW. & FURT. STORE. Magee Ave, PATTON, PA. Fatth Ave Wi! PATTON, PA.
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