i BE Arian wan samen on oid A Feast of Beason asa Flaw of Soal wt the | } ine aud FX. Baaman were then plsced Patter Hume, : aa = hn the Knighte of Pythias, theit wives, | For I Aquor License in AK Haber was named for inspec. dsaghters and sweethearts to the nom- tor without opposition. ‘ber of Gfty participated in so enjoy. North of the County. For councilman for three years J. J. 8bie banquet at the Palmer House on | Donnelly was named and for the two. Friday evening ander the anspices of BIG INCREASE HERE. year term J. E. Ardell was presented Mountain Lodge, Noo 84, K. of P ss : Donnelly made several ineflectasl of Previous ter 2 the ® ances the Sotiowieg | Fons Applicatioes for Wikesssie Livenue bo Patton and Twa Additiceni Revel Oties | : Wanted Hastings Likewise Wil nol go { Weaneady Brentngs A | the chair took refage behind an peli prom: tarts. Mons Bob. Home. precedent and refosed to accept any Vooul Quar crs oore, : declinations. Pan! Biller mn sins Habbar | and Radcliffe. Pry # the Coun, Grits Theo uit, were held in named P. J. Deitrick, Wm Pyles and Vooai Solo, “The Harbor Lights,” E| Satorday was the Ia day for fling : = Booch Short wanted to decline, but the J. Radcliffe. a liquor license applications In this was polied the decision of the chair stood and the Vocal Solo “Far Away,” L. 8. Bell, coanty and they footed ap 381. This | : ; A Es 3 rol - : Vora! Solo, “The ‘Betle of Charcot | is 1 more than amt year, when 211 We > advertised D0 the: voting W. P. Jackson and Louis Doll, Jr, Alley. H. H. Hobbard. | ware asked for, 190 being Sranied and | t Somerville was made a close race for the nomination | ocal Duet, Mess. Moore and Beil | 22 refused. a 1 nip : pair Bell was tosstmaster at License Court will CORVEn on Feb | SO) well 1S a ean. “The ballot is appended: the banquet and the following were re | uary 17th and the decisions will be ia the fin ward, L. School Divestor-- Harper 88, Cordell $PORded to: handed down & month later. Of the ra | "Our Order,” H. E. Barton. | spplications Sie 138 are from parsns| ‘Oar Poor,” District Deputy, J. H. | | who do not already hold license. oo isbery. The new spphestions in Paliton, in } addition to Thomas & Walter for the Contest Hotel, which Hoense iv now | Se was Siemet: | ‘held by Wm. Yeekiey, are: Frank I Ae — | Quinn, Edward Glass, retail; Thomas Cri Botied Ha #4 Roast Tarkey | Quitn and Bart Young, M. J. Kysn DN rl Ae ban co Na : . Lines for cor | | areas. Prmemit lea WJ Weakiuod, Chan & fame Come as s00n as you can e vote in o | Pioky, Pointed Fencttings Pertainings "' Pana A Bot a | badn, Ed A. Mellon, j s 1t wont last lono Sete 10 sen oy rrr] eit ecm [SEL AX Slesels, Ne as it wont last long. i ~ There are too many icy pavements | Colfer. Ten. foon Grew, Romine, rot = : fv pa ey In Patton. The town can’t afford “ LOCAL mSTITVTE. ok ® Btitts, Hastings, retail See large bills for prices. Recitation, Miss Annie V, Earley. Recitation, Dr. B. F. Shires. vig damage Suit at press. | Interontivg Program | 10 be Rendered ul Edward A. Mecomvile, Crt Seta. : | LT. J. Grabam will leave Friday for Ea » Son arrolitown, - tf ne | Kentucky, where he has ooepted an. rt Tt be ot bend Piatt and T. A. Delogie, § Too busy selling goods 6, | excetient n at civil engineering al institate will be held in the . an a a arate I b a La in the 1 pe with John Prindible. Nicktown school, Barr towuship, on Ings, wholessie. to write ads, ut vou want rp {Batorday, Febraary 8. The afternoon Fraok J Powers, Oresson sownabip, eel ap Looe ® Col, JL Spangler, of Beliefonte, | session will begin at 1 o'clock and the retail. to get in the feast. | who hes been in ill health for some evening session at 7 30. The program: Philip Bender, Barnesbors, whole- | time, salied for Cuba last week Heo APTERNGON. sale S coal l 2 J | wae socompanied by his wife. | Address of welcome, J. 8. Lather. Louis Martbaidi, Hastings, retail. Save a lot of money. . | An invitation sssembly under the Response, O. E Cox. Boucher and Bearer, Barneshora, : : : | anspices of the Patton dancing class “The Teachers’ Astitage Toward the | | wholesale. : if ae, will be held in Golditein's Hall om Commanity,’ Cecelia Korech, Edsth’ NC Weakland, Barnesbore, retail. Ke ysto Bla Taesday. Decilio’s orchestes ‘will fur | Litsinger and M. J. Shuok. i Francs J. Thomas, Carroll Sownship, sg . : nish the music. | “Progress of the Profession, C. E. [retas v Sick, Pe i Di 1. The eighth anual report of the Cox and W, P. Ba SHO, t ries Span: : 7 Patton Bailing and Loan Amsociation “Carrest lo F. Poley. Adam Sess, Carmolitown, wholmaie rectly Opp. Bank. ._ will be found un the eighth pege snd Address, Prof T 1. Gibson. John Wingsen, Barsssterc, whole. | » |. Shows a gratifying growth of a safe and | “Literature in School work,” Willi sale. conservative bosiness. : Hertsog and J. M. Davis. . Wm Price, Cresson township; retail, | | doh A. Schwab, of Loretto, vasa. Debate, “Resolved that Artis More RJ. McNally, Cresson township, re- Patton visitor on Monday. | Pleasing to the Eye than Natare™ Af tail. Sbhwah a the father of Charies 3, Sirmative, A. W. Engle, Mettie Meisel, Francis J. Byrne, Sosgpehanos b, the president of the United A M. Burnett and W. F. Bargoon. township, retal pe | Negative, ¥. J. Kitiedl, Marge Bor- Charies J. MoAaliff, and Hwary 3 . £00B, George Leib and M. Farbaagh. | Bloom, tow : a General Debate. i Samael A. Luts, Reade townabip, re : EVENING, tall, | Recitation, W. F. Burgoon. C. ©. McCombine, Carroll township | Lecture, “Method of Teachiog His | retail. Boe pd J. 8 lather. | Briah Throsten, Barneaboro, retail. | ‘Teachers’ Perplexition’ J. F. Davis. | Gries Hite, Hantings, towtl, 1" Essay, Margi Barg William J. waderer, Cresson : “Vaine of an Education,” C. E. Cox. | township, wholesale brewery. | fashioned daintily and set, | “The Conducting of & Reeitation,” Elmer H. Kubo, Reads towaship, re-| With a diame , opal, ruby er 980ted of especial fntarac 5 the eco- (P. J. Kittell and M. J. Farbaogh. J tall, ‘emerald, ace ding to ch 4 cw.ii H. Bell has had bin. Referred Question, A. W. Engle and George and Harry Marder, Barnes that we ean sell you for $3.50 . pension increased from. $10 16 $17 per | Will Hevtaog. : oh Whalessle. a will be a revelation. : (he month, the increase to date from July, Impromptu Clam, | J G0 RH: on or So oh . _ retail , Quality alone means noth- =m. x the nerease . ured 10 attend snd participate in pra Jesse L. Butterbaugh, Sosquehanna | ng, ign, pension age cy of George wiota. Bring sioog Exceirs song book township, retail. tworkmanship, or price means | x te . a iNad J. J McCann, Reade township, re- nothing. But a combination of all these means a great deal 1 ld that ten (Seton 404 ies wont. tall rai ‘and we will give them with quality at the high point and a coatations on the Beech (reek snare. Beit 57 Jers Omura! TRANSACTIONS IN REALTY. | price at the low point of ratio. St ow Yo Oentead rit: Enenaharg on Mewnday, | Properties in This End of the County That], . Anda A h thin —— npplies to rings in particular, it also applies iy on re ow a A short session of argument Court’ Changes Mands Kecondly, mv x i: Sagal crews was held at Ebensburg on Monday V. J. Stoits to Prank Donsbue, Car ‘WE HAVE \ FINE LINE OF SPECTACLES. CG Ide ein’s De wnt Store bai wi Judge O'Connor on the bench. clltows $850, { Byes tested by the celeb § Retin Tost” and : de od 5 10 ln Febraar y sain | The following business was transacted: | Harto Garman to John D. Garman, fitted. o free of & at pe me, in sold by ot ateh Re Letwes banged, barge, Spectsiug ; port of Philip N, Shettig, anditor Susquebanna township, $1,800. : and tell you all about it in an adver. that ent 12.00 ind aver. : tisement fall of good things on the 8th in the estate of Valentine Damm, ate RB 1. Lemon estate, by treasurer, to Sy : A page. Am excsilent opportanity is af jo Swrsolt township, deceased; con- | Cumbeia county, Cresson township, ad Dr fo io a ola Sard raed nist. : 15.02 : by to pur a goods “ Petition of beirs of Willium Mills, Samuel Lemon estate, by treasurer, | ate of the borough of Ebensburg, de to Cambria county, Cresson hownship, ceased, to sell real estate; granted, and $62.72 Bdward J. Lather appointed trustee to Haugh Tomlinson to Hugh Driskell, | " bed and boi _— = x seversl, sell said real estate; bond find aud ap- Allegheny township, $40. i proved. Francis Tomlinson to Hugh Driskell, : of danger snd will sursly recover. Ho | Report of soditor in the estate of Allegheny township, $20. } ah : SE : James Sharbaogh, late of Carroll town. John Rooney to Calwell Neoling. 19, Kane? body. —Clearfleid Republican. | ship, deceased; confirmed nisi. Reade township, $50. Lown eflon 91 | —Thos Whithead, of this place, and | Return to order of sale in the estate Sara Westover et vir to Joba Fouk, | AT MIRKIN ; & KUSNER'S. * Miss Sarah Radcliffe, of Houtsdale, of Amanda J. Driskell, deceased, late Spangler, $500. hr FrENERN NII EN ET Y ; | were married Wednesday noon at the of Cresson township, showing sale of M. M. Adums, by treasurer, 56 Cam bome of the bride. The attendants certain real estate at Cresson to Hugh bria county, Crewon township, §T%.25. There i 18 go guessing here and you do not need any [were E. J. Radcliffe, of this place, % Driskell, for $2,400; sale confirmed nisi. Helen J. Davia ot al to Walter R | ticket, you only need to see our stock and learn our prices to cousin of the bride, and Miss Victoria A Petition of F. A. Sharbaugh, guar- Thompson, Ebensburg, $875. joen we he os Radcliffe, the bride's sister. The dian of Annie Sharbaugh, minor child | RL Lemon estate, by treasurer, to see how deep We have ent newly married came to Patton the of James Sharbaagh, deceased, late of Cambria county, Cresson township, : i | sams evening and were tendered 8 re. Carroll township, for an order anther. $4067, CLOTHING. 4 ception at the residence of A. G. ging au expenditure of $150 for cloth- Excelsior B. & L Association to Felix : : Abbott. ling and schooling, granted. Goegnen, Hastings, $375, Men's Suits that sold for $10 are now being rapidly carries ~Chns. M. Schwab is preparing to i i bi g rpa.y : erecta magnificent dairy barn on his | Tom Never “Saw Thing” in Patios : NOTIUE away at Be. a3 and $7. 48. farm at Loretto. The building will be Thomas kok Ihe Mahaffey House harehy gives that § sues par-| Men's Extra Fine Dress Suits that were readily admired of colonial architectire with band. porter, says ha and some other parties chased all the property o m. | ’ re now the victims for those who wan ‘somely enriched elevations and will be ' saw an air ship passing over town one Probert in barber shop located on Ma. jat him $15, 2 the victims for those wh to pay (i finishedt throughont with bard wood night last week. He described it as gee avenue, Patton borough, consisting ‘only $10 and provided with all the modern rivaling the stars in brillaney and of barber chairs, mirrors straps rasoes, | : Ey : y | 8ppliances for scientific drainage, Aute- moving at a probable rate of 90 or 100 stove and shop fixtures, and that 1 UNDERWEAR matic feeding and watering, ventila- miles an hour. He assured us that left the same on the premise subject : ting, ete. It will be one of the finest of his mental faculties were perfectly to my order snd enntrol. That x von alwavs pay soc to 3c for, is pow ‘being carried | its character in the country, and will | ‘clear and his vision unobscared by any T. N. NaGie awa at 3 36, 39¢ to 1ac ‘bea model of nulity, convenience snd | influence of an iliosory character. - Patton, Pa January ., 1808. y 39 br Whose coun ae you nado? eold beg | : ae Zentmyer, who was burned at the powder mill disaster, is yet in
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