WESTOVER. : Burp Kitchen Init this place Satar. day lsat on the evening train with the (intention of getting ofl! st Walshilala, v ha : Offoers’ Term Expive. Who Ther 4 Are Ee Land Their Politics, Although the barongh election will iba held in about a month, interest is at very low ebb in Patton, but things may warm ap in afew days when the Ha got off, not likely ni anyone will ever Kapow fist Bisw, sud made his way on tn what is known asi Kitehen's Hill, a distaniy of mors than | foot And in Some Cases in a Very gaa Fe : : We still Have on > Hand a few fashionable Coats. Skies Waists that we are going to close out at prices that will bring the answer, providing you are in need of any of these NV ioent Forni. MOST VICTIMS LADIES : Although the tremor | Key Sonseilmes Sos. primaries and eonventipns are hed. Owing to the fact that officers must | acted for the first Hes i the differ half a mile, On areiviog there his | frinnds saw uf 4 jlanos that be was ser jously injured divi smmediate-y tele phoned to Ladose for Dr. Hard, who tes will not Ter a BE aey a : matter as Laprived oa snort time and on exami Judges ; any rapes aleve of nation found it pecotdsary lo remove From ALL Walks of Life, : es | Fram above the right eve a piven of So Li : gare Thun an inch Ong, win du © Thete are peapte in Paton as wall as cumbia tien WHR RierRied BITEHOST boy cand pose DP 10 tate ma ooe has tried fo name, Hs part of Bos ; Lia snipbelis teri Bxpie And a we Segwnr mbist be elected) th § 0) Harts fi. Phere, why mows bo he Lome me sgo. Iu the achos Soard is g De V. A Marray and fa A I ai ] er the : Fotising | mh, Comstable nse year when tha nat Caan sae frnt th suecumb to the malady, dk 14 the sioner sex offi have a bE Wie Ty Hon a Anfections Ll FoRtoaan yeni a frpekat ain ed i i mith frat ward. seo 6 the serond Radolitfe. now svier: x : pre In one’s torn town len In opat Bie don ie a number : sah with Had paetionlar forms © ¢ dean There is no sartienlar sensol of the iv becomes malig: pant, bat Be owiheeaks are frequent Ths lnadhion are usually the yk She Maludy 00 In Boil Feteee toms spd Contagious Takes (8 Vietims other towne, who from time 16 time become affficied sith the disease which | foanen which prompts hens to bay CEveryiRing of an much as possibile, oot of town. Th She murphy , Ba Hare goat habit, and awa mide i bas ronson in it 1 by degre Wer i stighie | Cen Boonie desperate, Fisally the toady have oa ihe iires of Chest Yiolm becomes convinoed Wut to get a - in ihe Se Leds a Jonnstows, a uw take wea hat trimmed, miection in the vive an n ap Sy LSBIY 1) ee o Baki fe ae sido an grows Until the 8 pleos of Fribbens or Hai bution U8 ners to New York, Philadel I phis, Pittsburg, Altoona or Johnstown, ‘of wny one el slonsly, oHNioally or ohm wise of cause Bi¥anjoat reflec tion, wa wish fo aay that references was made to the Bvangelinal, and not the pad BE places for everything, ay of perchanes th pasient feels it leer tmmAry BO gu in person to one of Shee In the first place the sulsotion Wen trated Lo some one eles, and the cost ; oRnRilY as much or more than if por | ‘ohasmnl throughs bone merchant in As we write men wre ah work jo the the dri on the Westover farm mining Bo wee gam clay or the Prose of Cshimaent to Johosk te worked ‘ap - Ba ples. what fa desi sel blile and and supposing it bea gown fi the materia snd the making, e second place thers is railroad fire, inekdential expenses, tha latter, with the expenses, wwell the Ceost to fully twion what it wold be as home, uid alter hii the gargusnt is no goof a ck by one of the per nothing | in hoy Detter, hut it ma Honestly, dear lady | excitement al His pogder, ju not that alk thers sto it. As piss wow can Natarday evening strain eavsed guite an "pease, a litkhs telegripbing wih BANE y pnle, we mean. \ ogerenring, osnsiderabi cussing and foe Solty. gown "ters ight W. RB Metinlly Pittsburg, that isin a way disloyal te do thin left Saturday for Thai ber husband or futher perhaps ; ; ] [boes the womnn with the sania for 2, passenger paying hig fave lo sel mal fueeign purifies ever stop to think You Should See wikere he Bake sovhidedd 8 posal Gepende on ho patronage of bis peigh. a 3 : ¥ thon is pattern maker in a foundry, boes, and this it bs bardiy fn to sod Car Tot tow iy : Cmmonth iF be kes the place and poste al home. I there were any good thon. reasons for It, it would be diffrent bus Mise Hail gave up the school near Vera are few towns not. supplied with rim med neonpted a postion in Phil good stares and good stosks of goods, | : pare There a a ohance for sume And angthing special can be ordered as , upemplaysl school marm, Doa’t ali Well or beltar through the home mer Brian A By; 4 will move Bis family th aboot a elsewhere fp parchuses as well made ¥ i VRrWare. past anf i Treping that our dealin profit LG tH pot die Sipe off Gunga senses Ours § is a stock worth seeing at prices worth knowing. WAIST. $5 00 Taffeta Silk Wailsts go at $4 00 3m M “4 2.00 76 Satin 2 1 B06 Meroerisod % i 25 i 4 35 AH wool flannel a »% gi a0 Flanndelie 15 “4 : COATS. 4 50 Contes go at 3 90 2 50 176 1388 112 ik “4k = a +4 SKIRTS. § 00 Rikirta ipo at #8 00 8 50 : 4% ho 38 450 3 475 a8 4% 15a patronage in the this year may be one of LZ 3 5% *h REIRESS COATS, Bio 0 O ORLA 2 Bt & 2 T hanki wi ing you one and all {for your 1 185 th, aE og Tw Al > Respectfully yours tm mmm of £100 and 30.00 A rare barguin for the quality. ane Call before they «2 all gone, fas received a large ship- Black Worsteds— finished and unfinished mn me ment of um ChE wi Merchant Tai lors, Patton, Pa. TRAY, ALS Our superb stock of Sil- It's the greatest sight in town. Toe examine it is an artistic treat. The de. signs are unique, effective, and most adm rable. Youcan get ey be A Kinnkvad. ot UE ot a to aM Rhody, Ashville borough, Siu. Bilzaboth Gray ot al to Margaret Gray, Sosquebansis township, $10 Joseph A. Gray ol al to Joseph Taki BpeRk at once. Mrs AF Fry, of whom mention Doran made last week as Delng sorictisly © ill, is at prisent improving very nicely - land will be arouod ss Getal ina few days ‘an idea of some things only by actually seeing them. That is the case with our Silver ware. You must inspect the Ee ‘exhibit carefully, and in detail, before you can properly ap preciate its superior merit and valme. ohaat, If it cannot, then you have reason of your side, but sexy toe the Gifation comes ap ad to sending oot of Bown, Jost make a self-diagnosis and wea if yon have enotiracted Lhe disease | or are laboring under the hallucination abiive mentioned. We cannot lod cur Ureek dictionary or we would give it a long, hard, harsh-sounding name. Jf the money for purchases made! mier, Spangier, $50 Elisabuth Gray to Simon ¥. Gray, quebanns township, $1. Garduer Bhingle company 1 dossph | Gray, Spangler, $00. PeaTNLNT PARAGRAPHS pind : i George W. Lalleguint a short time + ago bought & meat market in Tyrone Caith all the fxtures and will move his. family there in the pear future. i during the past ten dsm, the ice being x would be a great help. The shop! ‘of a fle qoality and euzty ten inches pine woman ls on power and no mis in thickens. Wr F. Moser arrived home Sator- rite, but when thin disease becomes | (day, after spending several days in epidemic she works much damage. | | Boston and other Eaalern cities. Think this little article over. Maybe Pithy, Fitted Peneiiings Pectainings to Peale. ne Pines, { _ —Baxl the Hastings | letter on the | Hon Alvin Evans haa sniounoed | that he is & candidate to suposed Bim | bucteria. | the absence of Merril Counly. Stow fell at this place Saturday hes : unday at night and Sunday to hu depts of ix: 0:30 o'clock & mm. : nal 740 p.m. inches. Head in te News. While the CouRiEn makes every ef: fort possible to Sire the news thal : w the ar. | LaJoun Saturday en a pape i of poroasi mentions can be! ot oes are got tks proverb buggy. | greatly increased it our readers will hot cakes, which is not surprising side ing the low + prices that are ing to this offive notes regarding them- | : re get selves or their friends. If you have | visitors or are guing to, or have made | Cn visit anywhere, let as know and we {the civil war, moved lato town last | weak. | Bon. John K. Thompson, of Philips | : ~The annual election of the stock- | ! holders of the Firat. National Bank of TF *™ In town tat week. will be glad to publish it. Items of The Drinion oF » Sage. aews of any character are always Patton was beld on Tuesday. The bos | ines shywed a gratifying gain, with | The PATTON COURIER was a year old thankfully received. R riy bright prospects for the under its present management lust Compitent Aatbority. i fitare. Officers for the ensuing year week. Aside from ise or two infantile 0 p AYTON Cousin bas Just fa were elected as follows: President, A. exhibitions it has mide, excusable ono Le year under the manage. | . E. Paton; View President, A. G. Pal. sovount of its age, the masagenient of Roy E. Decker. The Courleris a, 04 mer; Cashier, W. 1. Sandford; Direc- | has been good and the COURIER & toms, A E Patt A {3 Palmer, Geo. good “country weekly. We wish it rightly appreciated by the peopls of 8. Good, Jas. Kerr, & (. Brown, W. years, wisdom and prompartyy. A Jame ‘the town. -Bangert’s Falis H Ba ord. | bria Tribune. Heed ~~ | Ohapped hands, oracked lips and: New Ly pe, Dew sock nod superior: You should know that Foley's honey | roughness of tie skin cured quickly by | workmanship. With this trio the | land tar is abssdiutely the best for ail salve, the mosh healing Ghhit- | OURIER cin do ss good and us cheap | Siena of the throat aud lungs. Deals 3 i {lob printing as any office extant, | (ers are authorized to guarantee it | | Give usa trial order, give Aut istaction. An druggists. «1s this your paper? thoroughly up-to-date paper and is | guiteide, which could as weil ov better elry always | in stock. All our ls are new and un RKeveral joe houses have been filed be made at bome, were kept at home | Roc P Jus. Hunter, of LaJose, had charge it will serve as an antidote, or us al | of the barber shop st this place daring Wrmicide to the foreign , purchase ; 3 Ia Thos. K. Mahood, an oid veteran of show their interest by sending or bring: Urenk A FULL LINE of watches, clocks, rings and all kinds of j jew i. Eyes tested by the celubrated © Retinoscopic Test" and glasses correctly fitted. Lenses changed, fren of charge, it any tme, in spactucies sold by me ; take. She can do mach good to home that cost $1.00 und over. DER, Jeweler and Optician, Patton, Pa. 5 C. The rush of fall and holdiday trade is over. The next thing on the program is the closing out of odds and ends to make room for next season's goods, which will soon began to arrive In order to do this we shall place very low figures ou goods which we only have 2 limited Men's s Suits, Hats, Caps, Ladies’ Coats and number of Overcoats, Heavy Suits, Children’s Capes and other articles too numerous to men- tion. A Happy New Year to All | MIRKIN & KUSNER,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers