xX N the 10, an W. of A. wellknown in this section, oy was defeated for resin Both Pittabarg esis vemtion, ; ERATORS : National expsgtive hoard to a teres @7 Joe Hath, : and ane eh if bis Fis rigise £ NT broken by a fall oN REPRESEN ED Smornicg st 1035 6° Mune No. 8 aw mide married iE PR had Fours, at Tn iambia oe Bo i Mitahuers and tom Powichi Ere Atte yi3 i Te A i a 5% hj Compre auniHer bis Tie averars be re a £ 28 ve FL Was over 1, - Fotemon wisd Hire Braves POL CAL Pow FESHE Be Standing ¢ the Suvional I Bath Fartics Mave Fomad 1 TRAVERSE nisl union. hie Patton will hoki the vention on Toesiay ng Lod the second WEG Whi tw messin y night The following bave been apsousnced | 0 sonvened on Mon. | : Lon delegates pra iv expected by Sucestory Wilson the meeting the argent conven. nisis. Dele , FEpresent soous and aulbraciie subject to the Reps First wart OC Soebont Teresita 1 Fen men, J. FE. Paraell, T J Sid of. election, £5 AL Betsher, tack Xx Se hied. : of vi op son Bohooi oe 2 Fi ini ar 8 : Oni ¢ » ming Gounielimas, Po F. Young: Judge of BAS is Bdiana Wil ga. | Bleation, As G. Abbott. ; Hepublican primary + : orstindion tint iw & dle inate the fofiow we bes Fae to sae fir an wa wil be Saturday, dann wed the boss of Sa follgWa: At the j “Hate F; ‘ RE LW Ard and BE She Forvanen’s ying or tw sevond Ward, primaries bey Cranes § : bi x oul. vent 1 will continue antl g Gat LE Fs §or of at Teast 10 por con ‘ thie pupoce, Lowe ver, is an the effort that mary of the have determined to take a ! wm of 10 per cont Borough ticket. rand that they have Fad an hi Ward: 1 year and that the pros RED BODNDE year are Bot fhe 0 i Warrant ev ven A COU oie and laspe ¥ Hood cond Ward: «1 soboot [hirsctor, ounciimen, 1 Unestatie, 1 Swipe sand 2 Lispwtors of sloction Parties desiring 3 dias will band they tor {adrge i 53 des 3 to de tray K- : | pense of prioting Uekels oto, Lhe ful lowing depimith BEG 3g ACO AT ; the O8CH name: Candidates for School She irestor 50 cents each, cavdidates Tur * Coancil 50 cents each, candidates for ‘Judge of Election 50 cents each, can. didates for Constable $1.00 each, candi datesfor Inspector of Election 5 cents 0 ETE sot or thet wioers dues 1s the local unions By order of Commities, A. Movin, Chaleman, MORIUARY, | Mm George lomire, of Chest E Bprings, died at ber home in that ‘i place on the 11th Inst. afler an iliness of but a few hours. She was 49 years of age and was a native of Hollidays | i burg, Blair county. She leaves a large cnumiber of relatives to moarn ber loss, | * pciading a hosband and eleven child. | fren. Two sons, Joseph and Romete, reside at Coalport, Albert, Edward, | Harry and Walter, at bome. Mm | "Frank Ivory, of Patton, is a daughter, (As well as Mrs. Margaret Dodson, of ~ | Chost Springs; Misses Alice, Barbara "| and Pauline, the other daughiers reside | at home. Mickinel, Joseph and John Drass, of Bil. Lawrence, and Charies Dram, of Pstion, are brothers, Mrs Albright and Mrs. H. B. Allison, of Bt. Lawrence are surviving sisters Her futher resides at Gallitzin, was held at Chest Springs on the 1ith The Nutant Tadnsrs. t C town; John Gromme, | Youger on on Weds lay Sf ROT, Morgan, Spangler; Born To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gibbous, | Gutwaid on Monday a son, ung, wri Born-To Mr. and Mrs. H 8B Cooney Joseph on Wednesday —a son. i Bora —'To Mr. and Mrs A Yahoer on Bunday i “Hh od] fri. Born — To Mr. and Drs Prank! Yinghieg el Tuesday “Twin gris. ihert Advertised Letters. . i ; 0 The following letters remain uncalled an, of B nesboro; TE wing letters remain Sasailed id Watkins, of Vinton- | weeks ending Saturday, Jan. 18, 1902: Prof. Geo. E. Butler, Miss Emily John. son, Miss Rose Phillipe. Persons calling | for the above letters will please say , & Cambria county | that they are “Advertised.” : well known among oi E Wi, GREENE, Postmaster. Coming. to investige charges Bye specialist for Chicago Optical Co. i ddent Mitchell and | will be at Chas. W. Hodgkin's drug son in the National Con- | stove Patton, Pa, on Thursday and Mine Workers. | Friday, Jan. 30 and 31 only. Call for aE | new circular free. : : Hastings and Col. J. | ve sold to eastern cap- | 3 Sain Bde A Man Shut Lo A string of thirty at the shooting 1- | gallery of I). E. Postlethwaite, opposite B= the post office, upstairs in the Cornelins ol. | building. Beat it if you ean. : : =Mail orden for Job printing receive | ; | careful and Tro Attention at the | ; Litter bone of coni on Toesday - Uhariow Davis, “Martain Dietrich, vier, Hastings, i Thos Stevenson, Fates Wailey, bartender, Bariebors. John Dillon. fa Al Speen CATpERLET, Hastings so far as candidatea for Borough offices : Peter Gutwail, . | Harry Lion, merchant, 3 VV. “John i 1 Wan Beli}, thin, TBAVESSE Angin F. J Paresh Ll aby Varad Jan. A. Edmiston, lwborer, Reade. dohn Bassett, miner, Barnesboro i Daniel MoAnuity, clerk, Barnestoro. { Jones, Cambria, $300. : Brock, Gadlitzio borough, $100, The faveral Barr townahip, $1,545.28, McClain, Barr township, $1,700 2 Gray, Barr township, $1. | Cambria township, ‘ Evarard, ceravd, Elder township, $1,200, : The LE £0 PReriye GE Tu +¥ Yeon hs Wars Tries Yewwrrdy Yevem, nerd have drawn | irons The wheel | : rik ismtend | JURGHES FiHeT TEEN. clerk, Uresson twp. GRAND WEE MARCH | mine foreman, Baro preslans, Jahn Cann, fariser, aren tap La 8 Hayden, gentieman, Fheosborg Rict ord Younkins, iahorer, Reade twp. | Heiney Cooper, farmer, Allegheny twp. | JURORS, MARCH TERM FIRST | WEAR. RES, pa, top. wp, Sabre ry ’ aiegheny tap Brgrest Weak! cand, Sarer.t AETGLL TW 4. Hogue, Cresson PWD. er, Salt Hain boro, merchant, Fonyd Ras Bmithbower, Beanie Wi opened, Y, tare, i ambi Ag, Mollesrn, bardonder. Bene 3. ta. arer, gent Spangler, PF. Sanker. firmer, Crests | LW ashe ite fa DERG minister, Patton, Caalutmn twp. SU RGRR, FER TAL TERM THIRD WEEK. Frank J. Cooper, HMABOCH agent, reson (wp, tine Farabaugh, farmer, Alegh- eny wp, Arthar Jonen, botendr, By James Warr, mnie, Beanie. ied ote Fi ivgsiigia Horo. Uarrolitown. White Lp. Shere, yz 5 me hrata, patter, Ww. x Wwe laborer, SARI a Won La FEY fase, Clanrtieid twp. Anthony Tosky, miner, Spangler Jab Noon, wioer, Spangler. ; Assen Zoiner,carpeater, Carrolitown, | Win. FF. Murphy, faroer, Uamibria twp. John Haniliton, sapervisor, Reade, Geo. Means, biackuasith, Barnesboro. SA yo BS TRANRACTIONS w RIALTY. oe TS i Propartiss In This Ed of ile County That hanged Mands Recemity. Ed. A. Mellon et ux to Helena Mel. lon, Patton, $1,500. . Mary Sopba Dietrick et vir to Annie, E. Noel, Hastings, $50. Mary J. Millor ot ux to Mary M. | Beringer, Spangler, $145. Webster Griffith ot al to Mm. Jane 7 William Goortzki et ux to Charletie John T. Storm, Administrator, to Philip Pritechi ot ux to Daniel Cain, Cresson, $90. Margaret Adams et vir to Joseph D. Freidhotl, Cresson, §1, 008, Pred Bisa et ux to NC Gearhart, Hart Commons et ux to James Com. mons & Sous, Bartesboro, $L Porter Kinporta to Charles J. Lang- | (don, Susgnehanna, §i Mary J. Hill et vir et al to Porter Kinporis, Susquehanna township, §L Catherine Kirsch to Thomas B. Mo- | Clain, Barr township, $5,516 58. ; Willian Davis ot ox to Thomas B. | Moilaln, Barr township, §L W. Wo lngraw to Addie J. Ingram, Charles H. Partridge et ux to Thos B. McClain, Barr township, $3,656 58, Addie J. Ingram et vir et al to Thos iB. MeClaia, Barr township, $3,686 36. Equi tabie Trust company, trustee, to { Thomas I. MoUlaln, Barr township, §i. Joseph A. Gray ot ux to To B Thomas B. MeClaln to — ph A Cresson Cemetery sssociation fo (George J. Sehwaderer, Cresson town. ship, $15 George W. Sehwaderer to Ernestine ‘Schwaderer, Uallitain borough, $L James OC. Fisher ot al to Ellis Boland, | $202 Zachariah Massett of ux io Charley Sider tow uship, ®ouk Broest Labdolie ef 0x to Char? ey Be. SN. Haouperér et ux to (Cat E. Hiscox, Reade township, $500. Maz Frick ot ux to Otto Frank, | Sri i | What the Principal's { Naess oF Thaan Prams Forry Day, Wh § 86 Banman®, Willis © berg? Stephen Fedor”, Jobin Hu lock, Joseph Lacava, Janes Orvis Shankwiler, Stephen Stasen®, Joseph | Bunseri, Leo Thomas, Harriet Astbory, | Abie Bixler, Hattie Boyer, Ploebe Ohapran®, Ruby Cowher Mary Elliot, | Nalide Kalden, | Fanos Ledech, Co tendinee. £45: Ren Vi Friomns, Alex Wi * Mualaren, Lice Ban | Fives, A May lat Manan, Sry MeMuldrone, Alles Mar Bath Noonan, Gladys Splodier, Geraidine Yerger, : day since erm To wy, | pened. : Luous?, low®, tetdance, 32: per cent Te ramer, William Gaypn, Thomas Eddy Edwin : Grenninger® Harris Gould, Isasc Lioyd, Wm. MeMuaidron, “Iva Lansbe ery”, ay guerite Morey, Allee Noonan, Maggie Powells, Benniah Peters, Neille Mary Wil Report for the Mouth Shows. eA Hn A GOOD ATTENDANCE. 2 Hesemrent © Fray thw Teaoker aged the Naasber Enel ad. FURST PRIMARY. Number enrolled, tendance, 82; per sent of aitendabos, - ES John Hage”, Monteith, Andrew FPotrisky, Rose Hades, Millie Kobniey?, Maggie Kaden, Bara Law”, Rachel Naloon®, Stall Quinn, Alva Hadeliffe, Addn”, Present avery day since ELIZA BR TH SROEMARER, Teacher, BROOSTY PRIMARY. Number enroled, 78; per cent of stzendsnos, #1, Those prewant every day: araw, Charley Lie hard Morgan”, Keddie ie Radeiift™, Waiter imei, Inirres Mus fedid, Agnes Crooks, May Emw, Kiuy firey”, Ty Ey, Fagpate®, Lizzie Monteith, Jannet Annie Novick, *Fresent every ANNIE V, Eauiey, Teacher, THIRD PRIMARY. Number enrolbed, 84: Biller, Mary Wibon, Zelma Swanson, - of Kash ; Foden Averages Par Cent 88 Auendunce | TPTTON PRL SERS! Average at- Those present every day: Philip | aliaban® Knut Fors | Catherine | ters IVErAge ale Harry Anatattt, Blaser Code”, suoves Lindsay, Thomas M anel, Covie ¥ Flinn, Listie Herizog, AVON 1 tendance, 80; per cent of attendance, WI. Thove present every day: Maud lovenia Willisms", Marselia Sophia DeFrost, Hilda Conery, James orawford Nelsons, Anthony Choby®, David Nelsoos, Joho Whites, Bert Witt Jiaemes, Willis Elmes, Rassell Barton, {Earl Woomers, Francin MeCormicks, Milton Shankwiine, Wellwood Wins Ralph Miles, Asthury®, John Bell, Harry Chapman, | Jobin Litsingers, George Miteheils, | 0, ad$ertised C OIE as 500n as it wont last long » al - See large hills prices. Too busy selling write ads, but you want in the feast. OH lg get £) { Keystone Clothing (o. Opp. Bank. Save a lot money. Directly The Circle UCharies [ddings, Fred Thompson, Cyril L : Fisher”, Present every day since (erm : | opened. Erra WW. HiLLm0 88, Teacher. FOURTH PRIMARY. Number enrolled, 83; average “ tendance, 55. per cent of attendisnos, | #3. Those present every day: Frunces Brunean®, Deloziers, Harold Eddy, Cedil Martin Goods, Andrew Haute, Fred Lloyd, John Lewis’, Jui Morgan, Gus : Chariotte Stock, Gallitzin borough $61. | MeConnel, Robert Willis, Jas Whit. Patrick Caillagen®, Gall, | ford, James White®, Harold Welcher, Joseph of Gold John Carley, | fashioned daintily and set. with a diamond, opal, ruby or ‘emerald, ac cording to choice, that we ean sell you for $3. so will be a revelation. ing, Quality alone means noth- workmanship, nothing, beanty of design, fine — = OF price means 1] But a combination of all these means a great deal and we will give them with quality at the high point and price at the low point of ratio. And although this statement applies to rings in particular, it also applive to our entire stock of Jewelry. Howard Yerger, Joo YWensling, Haiph Winslows, Gay Black, Violet Ucgrnel _ios*, Rena Chapman, May Eddy, Annie i Goode, Aunle Hadock, Agnes Harper, Delia Folens, Lettie Laosbery, Htells Watkins, Agnes Williamson», Quinn. "Present opened. every day Dororay Scrrer, Teacher. FIRST INTEEMEDIATE Nomber enrciled, AM of attendaiice, #7. Those present every day: Fine Jabn Boyer, Johan Juba Notuagei®, £3 POOLS JRadeliffe, Lilly Anstead®, Erie Nolan, Zabursky, Tillie Bovie, Alice Boyle, Campbei®, Maggie Commovs®, Annie (herckye, Mary Gore, Ester Johnson, Niaey MeUnlley, Mar. Annis Fiossy Will. every day since eos, Haurriat Short, Thonsas, filimaneT, *Prosent opens : Lorgrro B. Paaxpisie, Tealor SECOND INTERMEDIATE Number ad 50; average 90. stedrs, James Hodghios®, Wil Hn | | Leisch, Eari Mitchell, Frank Jacobs, | . MIRKIN & KUSNER, | Wiliam Flatt, John Powell, Andrew | CONTINUED oN PAGE i Stey- | fitted, wee term . WE HAVE A FINE LINP OF SPECTACLES. Eyes tested by the ewlebrated © Retinoseopic Tost and glasses correctly Lonses changed, free of charge, at any time, in spectacies sold by me : that cost $2.00 and over. (irace J. C. SNYDER, Jeweler and Optician, Patton, Pa. 14 average abe John ; , Margwret Anderson, Irene Bortmean, Helen Dell, Margaret “1-2 enly ate. | tendance, #9; per cent of attendance, Those present every day: Augus (tus Dales, Clark Brown, Natban Gob away at 313¢, Xe i 'S oN AWAY term Men's Ex at B12 AT MIRKIN & KUSNER'S. * Ie ners ™ fo gee There 1s no pe S811 od & and you do our stock not need any ang jearn our prices to # ee deep we on cil CLOTHING. sls fur fri are now being rapidly carried da 3; Duits at $4.0 ra Fine Dress Putte ti were readily 2 to $13, are now the victims for those who wa admired nt to pay a Ta UNDERWEAR : 3€ finr # a¥y La AIWAYS pay 300 to is now b carried JgcC to gaa. i Good Building.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers