49 w pelea nk (8 ever reisaned ens When pashind aside fer dows reotion. : ba ncte 4) oolation hss been Al i graveyard. folloars: “In : pa ae for - Jed a novel vay of 1: ¥ of bize atone Z mab resting his 3 he | Bhe Tecomn rede { the words, liese Statnse fo each Jet. risnuséript fn the aria] hi : 7 sat tinaestheties for : a Fonth of Hen: Anions to wis ing if Bosband as soeretiry. in anetal older: Be really and frais with same charitable work Ahe was from time to time r hiE services with the Nita a Axed salary of $20 as the gentleman ju ques. ey | Bo means of his own, ; ie ac cept 3 the Sealy that hen you a ren which is to be wound | will ind that it is vow HE is shout 8 : dead Lerman dente Can. ; THE MO ; side with the official slam; fe fore Yon eel inten) Rag A HOR Ps Lo te { eouree { more fires SE Any mote Adseptianr WAS . ; : dig Pn 38 fees pin “A tory Whe © sane of the decide a apa, Eh yrs ¥ ie PREY ER {ANLE Ad ro very % se Erie bg ve Fre n Feat 1 dard the im : §1 Soden & fires VE Yours 5 a hi gntnnons ied 2 back seat ¥ Jags HE, sh ¥ srt ta ¥ Weasille Rr toba ARiiientie nt ol LEY HN N Lr TER ARY MAR. ins BK wert RE 1A, Patient's aad Wen has ® oon ig oi totals & SP et “That's very plea. my tees any fun , oor ty Gi on Bn to date 3a eh 0 fear nx ep $e BLE EXAMPLE EF Eike AT HHME. | Eh in TF han : . “a et be eat fhrash foi fe 3. 30 * AR Fou. ne : : THE MIRSION OF. Dt BOT 10 TER- There are ne Chines farms of pie $oaon 4 CRE Ter Yaar paren in olfertid : Renn oa think much of B ma Bok dow ntredd fant Wha will ee roy “Perhaps we” Tr reay eve Heb sR mer 7 ro Dorrd ary man in Ameria 0 eA RIN Si NET Rn S55, $0 BOA SNA SS of Thern wre 4,000 musclad in the body | iB moth. Saisie se SEA SB A SHRONTY Hen It is gentle, It is pleasant, It is effencions, Its not expensive. It is good for children. It is excellent for ladies, It is convenient for business men. It is perfectly safe under all circumstances, Ir is used by millions of families the world over, It stands highest, as a laxative, with physicians. It you use it you have the best laxative the world produces, oof SET wore.” ia as tae the RIT : Paaporwder, L Jeragdniem Catundant rroviak Laon : wter, iy by ally wants te hareow sw Cary mes of Prostrate With Bhenmaite Peeve Fiz Fassen Within Twenty Years. Thin sess tiie cone of Mr I Wilk Er, of Dandedosn Terrwm, Caine Wis wha dumiey this the, enllemsd the mia intone spony, He writes! bmaridile atantiiisrs $2 at i Fred iis at His spent times during the lust twenty years. I have been aid prostrate with a fever fix tomes duro thet pe | ig shout riwamoatiems. Daring all of these twenty yours | have tried variom sds | hn | : None of them | LEpave me maekh relief hak when I tried Re pont reniit, : » I eared the pain almost inunediately, and | bea done far me What al other resnedion ttle towt, rhsimatis remedies wile ver timed ments and emboeosatiune Jucobs OF 1 found gaits : whitch have come under my | | Boden and throngh my recommendation; | miso one of teothache, one of faceashe cad cae of more throat, LT here recommended Be. Jucobs OKI - ond shall snntinee to do 9» by avery means | in my power. as I conesder you deserving 7 mop A ain me prnifioad in A bare ol pam : id wore foros of a herrel of URE SARIN He si He SARI. Bla HAAS wisn Al - Fapwy Xe Yaar, oom with pod Ranlih ty sriald Toa, stain the Lb — B Z - 180 2 , BRE To PRR ik PPE Pai £1088 DT {34 wattage in Ku Mow delve. HR MEA ARE Sa I, MSH AR Jorusalen's Anclent Water Supply The anpeducts #how that othe ancient eft, Wikis the jas few wonks They have brought 13 Lhe service of the eity, whi BAY Sentupies Ran bean hi I omresnintions af TF has waler be pipet from Dd mila addy ar from Lhe ol drawin g BRI aknnel to 8 distriinting chamber. a POE A me CE Sl CA Ohvtatuaas [Minser Yh Was Not Baten fool of digas ol id rodiaed nd dhe Siew 5% he wes of Metores ready {ag * | Thie wonderin Hers seddieing mureand forme of stomach liver and bowel dersngements ocho the spies, suvifer the blood and bo Cine the foundation for tong de aml son. : tinued Rood Besdih gh sd BAO ne 5 Adm wring health and | amspinees Lo the New Teor 2 Car nnine a2 a] eG at, ag A Good Way th Resin 190%, Cleanse thy system purify ha toad ert tery fate hs fiver, wis r A ith the Hark tse divine fold Tea is, he FTI ys ry Xo fa oF eT. : sims after rw dary an of Ie line's Great Nerves Bewtorer. $4 tial botibe nad tron tiie from Cr UR. Kuve, Lad , | Arch x, Pils Py. There sre three Hi hee ne cirewits be tween New York City and Atlssia, Mow, Winsiow »oting wyrap for ehiddren that new ftething, solfien the giims, recaces inlaws. ten, silayy pain, cures #0 4 « ole, Fo i 1% takes a win dally in teres Pie's Cate. anion Te 100 > highiy maken ol »iE Seoul care J. TT {FP uiew. 9% Thivd Fo . Minneancie, Mans, re &, $n, Tha man who Kurs the Jeaat shorn it | Rate AH eA SW sh A Union Snidiers” Home, A remzekalds galdiery homes #8 be milding at Johnson Clty, Teng, where hots Dalen and Cosfed srrate sehborg tn 15s gry 1 war and walk ar in the rar Rarboraed Thig sme bulldings, WIHANE 8 fess bh They w Lo the 5 sys EEN" salir a . they are | | eentraried sie and resarvolrs of there wax’ n for ronslug water | end end : gi 3 the od In the "Song of Free it ia a doen subteriancln ug. which Bows through an arched for Wirt Tha u 3 Sichiae ox isla mot an wit and (oh har PASYES BAIN Berd 3 His AE HHS down the iis i “1 have ken « Avar's Chery Pus toral io my house for a gre g It is the best icine & in r coughs and colds.” 4 C. Wi me, Arica, N, ¥. All serious lung troubles begin with tickling in the throat. | You can stop this 2: Brest } in a single night with § FE Aver's Cherry Pectoral. # Use it also for bronchitis, consumption, hard colds, and for coughs of all kinds. Thos shes: Tic, Sc, 1. AT dracgiets ~ Ed oe 5 de ue we er, Foe fod £5 HEE jist rs. » PNCH ”n FF Kui sesh ses Shep sh A friend in heed 4 x friesd--whe we | or. art Pte We offer Oni ade Uwborl Cave, ERY * Ca. Praps., Todas, 4} P40 do Wanvrs Whalaals by Pl he. Pri sar Te Testivmsnisis Gros, The oom of paints s the Tower Brides, | : London, is £3000 fandred Dolixre Bewsrd foo : orl that cannes be cured by | ver bottle © ur ap in Collapsitic Tudes. A Sulsetttnte for sad Supuior to Moanesd oe “-=y or pede Bh thon lewd sd sisal mid als reson bo nedioadarie sod ret 3 ocean, { he article wil Tha feminine wring in Musuachusetos | is 2 3 | peor Telex. Among ig UAE 5 3 3 £ £ i FARSI bd rem. Oxsand and Catting are within hounds A most important stil 3 Messrs, Ogasil's and Cotting's © #52 BY anew adtantry in Sosnliry appeied ou the editorial | 5¢ the Néw Tork Eveédlng Post of serbia 132 last. and as every Bi the fond Is interested 0 he of anlversal int THE a BUGAR IND . 1 The Bvening Rest bids tle hea maleate to overs Anerioan ind) hat oan stand] of Ite own hationy make i¥s way with ott irsuing o8 tae sdf owy Industries wa are glad tn know ie prodestian of beet siger MM event iF was adel Pwo Jens an puldish slapwlers a letior writhen 1590 god signed by Mr Oxusnd Cutting, the obiels of this } wile of the $38 sold in try on tha atstar Mosontsine sme sh this was the apy condition of the trade ot th tice. If parties miasgnerading as ungar producers sre Dosdeging: Prostitent and Congress at this mat died pretending thie they wil be mined If Cation sugar i admitted fae oix mosiths at half the presen? ree | duty thelr fales pretences ought Tle miter of Mosers i xeant Yuetnn pnd Palley . 59 mime tn tae cultivation of basis for Ta mear factories 7 mils for telling the tra ha anid show ¥ fl 4 3 7 3 inary and Inte ; This eral 18 rah neliied eur thst fare eri conld elesy 5 per seve by culties ard nught even make voter £4 sevrre the + oultle Lt wi ERY of protection, these Die Cary Hupedignl ire : CULIYS DEE BR sheliod ariel. refined sud granulated, It is nat 1ke cane sugar grown in the Wiss Tinta Talands 2 Swed and offen AEP naeta. whisk nut Lm onrried ie wages fo tHe seaboard sod thenee by ships to the Tr sited Bixtes, where, ffs tay anole basdlinel if is pat o trough a easily retin fry. sad then shipped bf 3 The poSywniey, whe may primhe He bn Nebremsktn, alongside 8 Dest BRAr fictory, whieh turas out the pee Amad snd granulated article at one toll SWoah. Tndest the advantages of the. pradinedr of beet sugar for! supplying the damestle consumption are ves We have nn durhy thet Mopsrs, when they say that “ugar can be pros dud Bera cheater Yhon I sun be fy Euros,” The ressobs Tor this are i | af four From wheat That. “The map ladastry ix. athe ally War T an ate uttural one. We ong wimlersed Europe in al other crops, wil sugar is po exception” PIE fallen as patorally as the making IT wo can pro- doe whens sheaper than Egrops, thes © natursily we can produce Sour cheap Sth planter, avd will to blister (he meat dedloate COA The pam sllarims snd sarees pu iten of tart Beare woodertul. FEwll ep tie Coothnede | Cob a medieren Bea howtos nd elution : | Warenomosend © se (he Bast and salieed erteenad | © ronRAeeArvthant Enews, 6s a 6B stuensl seedy | { A frtal will prove what we hobs for 8 and 8 wlll pemaphe mir TL Eh ee Sent of WT vous pemperst) i ES Price, 13 death 6 #0 Breavista or her dealen | | owen wil] sem pan aw Baste he sail Wo artiole shoudl be scoeriat by he pedilic selens | | the wacos carrien oar lbel, ae isrwise 3 i Bob | W——- CHEESENROUGH MANUFACTURING ca. 7 Sats Srent, New Tari Gitps Because Its component parts are all wholesome, It acts gently without unp easant after-effects, It 18 wholly free from chjectionible siabstances, “It contains the It contains the canminative It contains wholesome aropatic agreeable and refreshing to the t All are pum, All are delicately blended. All are skillfully and scientifically compounded. Its value is dae to cur method of manufacture and to the orginality add simplicity of the 8 combination, To get its beneficial effects — buy the genuine. Manufactured by San Francisco, Cal New York, N.Y. LREQGISTS. Louisville, Ky. PUR SALE BY 20f LEADING prises laxative principles of plants, ples of plants He ids which asl « {avr ter semaine SH sound Bo ua 1a Doetae RISE { fry | focturs I ness, i i % £ i § § ¥ i i SLI 25 pa DROPS Y as we dun Bat tle writers of the letter do not depend pen a opckor earning to prove that they can make sugar at 8 profit wihout aril protection. Ther pain to. the fact thet under the MeKigiley tariff of U0. wisn sugar was fees of HELE. the price of tie srifele was four Wit per pound. Yet # Bes ? urallt of 8 5 Was meade tg A of hry Santor 4 PARLE Ear profit wh ie waking frees trade. and they id & right ta Do praad of his posple thelr =i ande industry. Many TY "fas 4 sd Deen started tie Fi tari in the sixties af the nlociventh con Oalledl, because the pro Sot understand the Dosis Ripew them great progress has seen made, both here gl aheoad in Hee cultivation and mssipetarion of the Heal. What was impossaihie thirte TORS agi in now enthraly Teasitie. Ths Austey le already on a salld and ese during basis Theme are faeries in the Toibed States these gentlemen tell us in thelr letter capable of using PAD Annum st a ¥ , nIBee 5 ta ix ¥ 2 Lara 3 TEN nh eR Als} Ne BRT ee aml hai iid in AWL EN tang of 5 win af 2 ner tan, mil this wonld ro IN 2% the fn. Rder absoigte free i to resders af thin the cantains of the thay the pple in deciaiming Statag toe Unban pens Sie dry ‘sorant of the swulidect, qr gv Sliking grosk des Hass. The tens suid Tor thes 8 ty RRY are having pros potion Hit waar de per need. and therefare we Wve tare than we Red, This wonlg be sonsistent [ritl the letter of Messrs Oxaard and j voRiue iw we [TON WwW.) Washinatog, ¥ Sioa ME roteyes © ENE RW {wa AD kien Sma, EE Wo Washington Age rk Pos Soe k hy ¥% gdk Lag WW DY 3 EWE ow wre) —— a 2 pesto nies aed SE dn Ye Boeaine B, SnllN & Suan bs ee Led ¥edn wi eiiaiay omit I MALHE NNY > TABASCO Wi ; Wn kg &.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers