ee ARRAY SAAT A ee A A. Hi floovar, who has bean em. Hodgkine, Puttar, and; Hastings Finh Avenue barber, will suit you. Owner i hereby aotifled too onli snd Hoyas dsm Patti ae phrased % Pad Happ ENI NGS Sg. dee me rsd ub at Mifloe's, bar. Yom don’t live by what you oat, “bot hy what you digest and friar amvimilate. 1 Jour siemanh dosnt di- and relatives in Pen county pesl your fod yo Faally starving. Kodel dyspepsia « sare does the stom. : Snyder bad busines in Bsr. ach’s work by digestiog the food. You © Cgun't have to diet. Eat all you want £5 : Kodo! dyspepsis care cnres all stomach h lection wil br held ck 0 borvm! tronbies. OW. Hodgkiss, Patton. said Hastings Li Pharmacy. x Prato spt Ehhieags Wann Speaks. Prof. Bors Tyler, of Chicago, Vice { Prosidont Pilineis. Woman's Albanese, fre oth of Huyler's ¢haoolates 0 © kB ® 5 pEmedy. wave Clow cod this wintry © noihires ort tis cron Into pnentnonia remedies but © wemasid to grow wore and the medicine ppeet my stomach, iA friend mend mae fo try © mberlain’ & dite ot the 5% Reatune. Fifth iam now sntively recovered, , saved # : Ryan sirooneds Alhert doctor's Bill time snd ow Foring, and 1 ; : focal Teprese) ative of will raver bo withoul this splendid medicine again’ For sale by £00W on hliadeiptia for: several Pharmacy, a Petey Navies, every isi. ft every Tore sams to the promesin of & ty Restaursot. Familion andérsigned wt Mostannen No. 13 e pint w gaart oF gallon. mine, ear Pidtesn, a = : ] ae in need of a god shave, sod in color, 9th small white Sar in or sham pos Garfield Wilkins, forehead and two white bind feet t MePherson aticnded the | Et same, pay ai} Samagre ase Shee | - ding a for tips. with ny. x Haven friends Lock Haven “I have PRBEY Case tis 2 that iF Toros is sealiv ty | : for 1 Dongres in this Avpdrations and i 4 foie the nominate lo 4 a Fargo } read Tew pre SET Balsrd's Soow : Litman Pons ein & rans af vaefininese the Empire Rteam laun wiry, er, of Ty rote, ie in town, recnally manage. his shoe Stine ex di Contre fa fav . Phe blnekt ¢ and every fort of hbearsil bap water ied Fea he ©. W. Hodgkins, Patio it, and Hh Pharm Sew, hh Cieresinnia ohehetrn, Whosnever has suffered from piles nished such excellert mpsle knows how painful and troublesome ¥ Year's swsembly. they are. Tubler's Bockeye pile olnt wi bar F. Jaclson ix a beni is guarantesd Ww cure pliss. Prive ¢ to snoeeed bimsell! in the cena | in Botties. Tabs 75 conta, ( and will | be a cindidate W. Hodgkin Patton, and Hastiogs 1 nomination in the Pharmacy. He is of the opinion entitle him to that la grippe ovayh often nntingas for months and sometinies leads to fatal re sults after the patient is supposed to | have passed the ¢ danger point. Foley's : ri honey and tar affords positive protec. tion and Suourity from these conghs. joy- Cut this oat and alee it ta (LW, 1, Rosedale 1, Sam. Hodgkin, Patton, or Hastings Phares. | suet Dar LL Hautings 1: uacy and get i free sample of Cham. | Vintondale : berlain’s stomach and ver tablets, the, rn Cambria liverymen's “best physic. They also enre disorders been organized with A. of the stomach, hiliousiess and head. of Hastings, President, and ace. and T. N. Nagie of this If troubled w 5 a weak digestion, 'Y and treasurer respec. belehing, sour stomach, or if you fed niform rate card has been dull after eating, trv Chamberlain's and the association will bold stomach and liver tablets, Price, 25 menting at the Paley House cunts. Samples free at ©. W. Fiogd- | ; J Kins, Patton, mod Hastings Pharmacy. reall has boon reap one of the sounty physicians the paor by the poar direc: : rh appointments are of Asheille; J. V. Berolitows: 1. IR Blows, He J) Ls ». Murphy, of Lar wm. Bu haat, of Mountain For sale Pool and biiard room : 4 tha: are strengthened vr White's cream vermifuge. It destroys worms, go digestion at work, and so refmilds the Lies, Patton and Foose Pharnase % sor Dusiness fakes owner’ a time. , Patton, and Hatings EER Hay Jak wesdba nad CREU Ehedy mops aod fall fariation aw - The fragile babe and the growing child Shody. Price 135 MEL WL Heated a Marufact ing as Well as a Iroad Centre. ie es otD OM Every bis ; A Len 2 E 8 (RES SereRond ERC SRT RUBY bo rat dq Lhe pity Fight ap ae fast as olive. [Etances may demand ; : ; oo Wa are owes fo meet all derbianids aa In snp port of this avestion we olte these facts: First, the Knintin & Pastory | which will propably start with the Bd voloyex aud the Workdnn Wars works Cove Ba 4 eal rabies and fl Petavar of a kinds Fait buwts for 81.75 and $4 ay ME people To start with Ati this great Ralivodd Shinoe whivh wilh § caver sixty acres and employ Big 8 : ' ales iled men are all in ures tion wad are being pashed to con ples Lick am fant ae She y Trae Will perenit, sore of the shops being half Way up 13 A ge FAC * Heh iW mOre TY $3 Hing, re La the ayers. 4 be OB feet ong, wilt fu com nd BAX Werk OF Very Boo he Taro theamrmrnal more gens will med Will cole in rapid secession au ¢ ee Er HEE = push the shops and vend te pletion. Now, Drak Grove an cand} Radek Waldo bore LTE0N, CELI for tha rush Afremiy 1 re ped pases Rave Bean chartered, aby Be a rn : & trolley Hoe ww ses chartsped Las OE le e . Fig 1s Sis Feit Ou Leroy {th Fock Haven, > en 4 4 HIE wh x i i 2h ee, - Hinew aire 093 the rit hres 3; ) A Shove da} Wi i reat ; it + “He is put tozether like ¥ PE i Taet ERal faore EN ei xt * f- KT a fe be a fant that more passetigers get og | 4 r Waltham Watch. ‘and off gt Oak firove aththon Lhasa days than got on asd otf at J prey Bhore station, four miles from Oak SLirave, ur Look Haven, sight af pipe spay i FN A $5 1 imei f a pany nels Erte Slav af Altgwna and the donhlia $8 AN Senki Viki In ths CER sade of : fo « FR ESH Bread, the Dest ae Cakes, Pies, Rolls. § Hamilton 3 by Haver and Rav. : ; Betore boying ont of 1 FY oul macaroons. statics and saps, write to Boner Bren oat Ula pled ¥ ev ¥yoL 43% J go Aen oF 3 ed be terns and prices or elise vet write ia " 5 | 5d {) i Lier. Seaver and Ravage what day and hour you will meet them at Ouk Grove and J C bd AMER thi be tally informed before parchas Ling. The survey of the Rogers and he. T= oR , Fifth Avenue, Hamiiton farms into ois will be made : by the middie of January, Write to PATTON. PA. [Btaver and Savage, Clearfield Pa, ; ; Sy “about if Daily Public Spirit. IChep; Feed and Meal. Fir SIP ation’ Bank Best equipped Mill in North. ern Cambria County, OF PATTON. : Patton, Cambria Co, Pa - BUCKWHEAT FL OUR PPPALA 1D A SPECIALTY. CAPITAL PAL TP, $100,000.00. A I ul PAL CP, $106,900.00 AR kinds of Faney Spring and SURPLUS, $19,500.00. Winter Wheat Flour, Whale Grain, Advonnds of 4 arpaeations, Firms, Ladivute Middlings,, Btran, Hl Meal Baled Hay ats and Reins wt Be maoml fava. and Biraw. « Patton Feed & Toki prretat atten t pa har on Lieoe Supenite. A FE Parrox, Wx HH Sawpwonrs President. Ciahier. Parnell, Cowher & Co. AAW IR Sa FIRR, LIFE AND | i» nit All the delicmion of the miu. Th i Vi “ ¢ } EA . a Ni NA REY ACCIDENT 1 JURA t 2 REAL METATR Lees Oyateen in svery style fhent Validiag Patton, Ia. +73 is Mo B Aoand W. J. PERRY, Proprietor. Palace Restaurant & serves! prow GEO. BOONE, va iin Banddave, JURTIOE OF THE PB tt ptly abe nde Lin Properties to snd rent. Proprietor. A.SEITZ, OMce upstairs i in Good Batis Of flee Hoars--8 a m. to : m. and ip ny : Bom. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. trigha SALE espotibed (a 3 § Vimanputer of Fon cam vans ain tHhpaad Eg rok blag { Buckwheat Mills, Me in Aritagion Hoek. next to Posto Mes, Mtl Pa. That's Ou and we have ane of the the am to The price is’ HH you I ifth Ave PATTON, PA lime, Flour, Feed, Quick Sales, LOW PRICES, Small Profits Come and See Me. rest Frycklund. ryt $e wri irk i We are sole agents Cambria county for the brated Brooks Qil Co.'s Gutta Percha Roofing Paint. « » * x 5 0g 4 oe bik oh Ween ah Ea grid Sy ke Estimates Caer ‘ mnie for ail work 1n our line. 4.0 Harper fo pietitre, Remember X 3 Noe we are not going to'raise the price of our goods in order to make up for the valuable pictures given away, but our prices are lower than ever, as we want to reduce our stock preparatory to making our inventory of stock. prices with ad be convinced: Fasting roves BLS to B20 006. 14 $95.00. Thon rsties fe upwands PAN snak $15 oe 88.75 CRI wha 0 20 $I 00 Morris chairs at cont Ward Robes, Sideboards, D : 4 and Chifoniers at greatly goods ar a corresponds iow price rise AT inne J. E. KIRK'S HDW. slagoe Ave. PATTON, PA. HOW TO SAVE fram 50 to 100 i pn 3 * Ak # op Fg ra 5 per cent mere] quality 1s mst as good. too. Dishes, Nap- kins, Hankerchiefs, Ribbons, Novelties, Socks and Stock- ings, Tinware, Soap, Ete., Ete. Finest candy in town at 10 cents per pound. Tinninganc Plumbing! Hav location we are a than ever to do tins ine has re-opened it's and 10-cent counters, % Ww ith a bigger and bet- oe Rg k C - than ever. many things to Why Pay More ?" Proprietor. Miss Susie Wentz. TESS HER OF SNC cay basi ihing. Thaw bing Hoan x PRetiening abiptihon Ww Spe, Rear ation ot LYRE oe ni Bngean. dhe kg in TN adh
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