SORE RNR RR ME I. SEA Le a Re is 1 that iis without job work, | warning against an upscrupulons ir and cringing mendicant who © 25 pents. For sale by Gunn's Pharm. gh ; who would take his pitronagy pected to bring the coveted order when {all oftier methods fail. Bat somehow | : it don’t. Most husiness men despive | a sneak and a snake in the grass and govern themunives accordingly. : With an hamble apology to our large | circle of readers fur taking up so much | wvalnable space with such a contem phi | | ble subject, we will desist antil a Hie | provocation calls for like treatment . Banchio Panza asserted that it was yl {waste of lather to shave an ass’ but ‘iat the risk of displeasing the shade of 1 3 i i ik | deem it our duty to ourselves, our ¥ | patrons and the newspaper fraternity ‘generally to turn tbe light of trath on | (| thin Boden Jshowstite : WARREN Wo rit Baus KY, the aditor of the Johnstown Democrat, is tobe | congtatad on his appointment as one of the delegates fo the Civic Fed-| ! eratiin tax conference at Bufilo, a anit | | ability in all ations pertaining t to tax- ation, coming as it does from a stal- | {wart Republican governor to one of | the most rabid Democrats in the state. Mr. Bailey was suggested to the gov. { Pittsburg Tax Reform club and re ceived the endorsement of the Demo- | When aman(?) and | cratic organization of the state. ——————————————— ernor for appointment by the Phila mb) | delphin Single Tax society and the is ssanEd a share ont their ey Thin. ox: | P 3.Piece Bed Room Suit, S1 5.00. {| the ancient philosopher we have 1 1 Cheup as hetter than 1 the THE oLD RELIABLE La * Senorita SEE THAT THUS Gg EVERY SHOE / Mediu High Fleet. is compelled to re- AA i methods § in Wito says thems is no money in Pat- | ton, when the statement of the First! tion National Bank, published in another : ot Tromibly one other ¢ ox column, shows that there is $281,586. oe om, the newspaper mén in the in that jnstitation subject to check. | y sre pight, honarable men, The entire statement is a most gratify. ing cme, i Ton Foneral Director # Assoctation | i Pennsylvania have decided to hold | | their anrioal meeting al Johnstown | | June Sh and sth, An excellent selec | | ton, : ORY MINIS "strangulation during 5 sudden and ter | "irible attack of croup. | quickly se | me honored and an gronp was mastered and our little jj aarting speedily recovered.” So writes | A. L. Spafford, Chester, Mich, Gunn's i Pharmacy, Hastings, and O. Ww. Hodg- {Nina Patton, i Ea MO Jo Cured » Ranaing Sore. “1 had a running sore on my breast | I for over a year,,' mae Henry R. Rich- ards, of Willseyville, N. ¥., “and tried y | 8 great many remedies, but got no re- {lef until I used Banver Salve. [can _ | not recommend it too highly, and will Druggista. Science bas found that rheamatiam is caused by uric acid in the blood. Snr Kitts girl x wits aneonscious from | | ) * | pured a bottle of One Minute Cough ! Ailing, nay suxions, to curs, giving ber three doses The: _. | never be without it In the hous.” All REACT REPRODIICT IN OF TE STILE We0E, | QUEEN QUALITY, the fama $00 Show for Women, aml WALK OVER. the fumons $1.56 and M.0 Shoe for Men, sre pada of bett macerinl, higher skilled woaknan | ship than any other shoe at the sme pie, | Buy a pute and be convineed, SOLED RY We test your eyes Free and furnish Spectacles as low as $1. Lenses can kidneys, No rheamatism with healthy Si, BS ro ROR Dm ? Do you use embossed stationary? | ‘The Comm is now in a position to farnish you with letter hesda, note bewis, envelopes, or in fact embossing » {of any kind, as cheap 8s the cheapest res land better than the lest. Give was stock and worse printing aa | trial order? fe work In order | to bid a fow Tea feat » * Hart. {Uke Banner Salve, the great healer. Ite’ guaranteed for cuts, wounds, sores, : piles and all skin diseases. Take no y | uOMitate. AR Druggists. You ure much more {iable to disease when your liver and bowels do not act promptly. DeWitt’sLittle Barly Risers more than. any other in | reniove the cause of disease, Gunn's This poison should be excreted by the | be exchanged any time | kidiyeys, Foley's Kidney Cure always, Linh : makes them well. All Droggists. | within a year. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Ther Patton iewsler Flwainr roe Pom vee aed Gh Honinta a & plant in a small town. In Phirmacy, Hastings, and OC. W. Hod = i papers without num- | king, Patton. Mont i shorn Cosighs : 1 : : not violating & state secret to respiting from an attack of a £rippe ; that COURLER ia one of | them. Lor heavy colds must yield to the wor ndable and characteris | ‘derfal headin & prog siting of Foley's o bulieve that ‘. i Hopey and Tar, which shrangthens the we believe that we are gut- (the ltuogs and makes them sound, All country newspaper that will Deygpists. favorably With any in this | The Joint in quant ity and roost in nd we know that it is entitled quality describes DaWitt’s Little nited support of the tows Eatly Risers the famous pills for § PECHi. This it hos enjoyed stiguion, aml ver . comp large mensure and we have nol {Gunn's Pharmiey, Hastings, and : W. Hodgkins, Fratton, 1 coming on that score. This “apie” in aimply jsstiend as a nota] Try the new pemedy for comtivenous, | Ohgmberiain’s Stamach and Liver Tub. lets. Every box guarantesd. Price i : use hin smooth and crookid acy, 51 astings, and CW. 11 cul gk © OL otage with the unthink- Patton. know of no business man, who I'neamonia follows Ja ETippPe, ve the matter a moment's never follows the nse of Foiny & Hon Sj Cand Par, the reat throat and nny rerpedy. Al Drag) isle. t people who live here abd : hoe money in the town and DR. Ss. WwW. Worrell, ab” whe Hyes thirteen PHYSICIAN AND RU RR hood resus of 8 Brancsl Does Your Dpainess need & rejuvi- nator? Try an sd in the UOURIER Halle are sure to follow, © pation ordain . Women as Well as Men entire stock Hardware, And the Kirk Fur ature and Hardware Co. are now prepared! to furnish you with Furniture, be Carpass, Baby arnages, (30- Cans. and | | Matting slot ‘at record - breaking s| Job Work, prices. Complete new Tin. | stock i in all lines. Copper Fall line of Hard- ware, Glass, Pamts, and Otls, Etc., as usual. Sheet Tren i We have taken the Work Agency for best Bug-| . Speia div gy on Farth. Best Workmanship, [ owest Fi ino St line of stoves in town-— Red Cross, Summit, Ete. Kirk Furpiture & Hardware 0. Magee Ave, PATTON, PA. Company. FirstNation'|Bank : Ladi EUR Es Rees 1 of fe gl Our line of Suit ; OF PATTON. ings and Trouserings Patton Cambria Co Pa comprise all the lat- | a : est shades and de- signs that will be worn this season. SURPLUS, $18,000.00. Soosanie of Corpoestions, Firm, individ: Dats ant Hanke received upon the moet favo. i The terme Sansisient wilh nw gavd SORES TRA Ye | Y it Ges VIR Chenking, Call an d 3eC us. Lo mieminahip Uo Res Bor wie fir aii Ue Tem tines, Foreign | eafla payable ia Lhe propolis Our large assort- | elton of the Old Ward iy 1 a : ? i Ast Parte anes will hava any promptand ’ EEE LE + LP # - Ee ment wiil pease you, Ps path” A i dapeuite. A FE Parton, Wu H RANDFORD, - Proliant. Suits, $18.00 up. Fiints, PRO up. DINSMORE BROS. w Ben mn teed of PURE DRUGS STATIONERY, TOBACCO & CIGARS, CONFECTIONERY, PATENT MEDICINES, Huber's Are Made Miserable by Drug store. Kidney Trouble. ; PATTON. PA. rut P ros prions | oroperty & Chop, Feed and Meal. Best equipped MUL 18 Narth- En ann Broiak vanes fr Cambria Connty Ky Re Foeeuiviet fram Reeough CAPITAL PAID UP, $100,000.00. ; | Banton de Borough RECEIPTS. at in nendeat Trvssures Marin 1, 1. oe ma 5 LEW San La aa a] HAE ia i IamNT REM ENT, To rds ow Jaa: fr slowed : flan x Bg Spite, ion . {pviiivw ja £ Feavaiph Ce ROE DL i : Phediien mid Bar obeeik sea oboe aud Bewtagn : rd yuk for Pollen had i for pans SHR ae Ca i ; in 5 = tire ere mid far poi ute : a nw ¢ o¥ sedi for riters = met (in Bede ele was Coupes a Bonaeh : CE pr Trams: ul (emtmission. BONTL [NTEWEST AND SINKING FUND, 4 a » 3 fn. oe duiaiivale : bs HEURSEMENTS Pad Rawnyt Bond Con. one. $f Wow Treaster Bi (sr neste, Spur pants te Balanss in Sandal ¥ Froms. COREL bi, : ws Eee Spinal i RpstneEs § Tres. a RPE WORE ea fons Pal beer avenie nem on IRR IR LIABIL PIES | Omtstand 3p inden ane Bardi as fintows : Bossnghindam. BLIN0 ite Bopds HAO Timeline. Oke sees AAR As AISA | SRN. fi RTATEMENT TAX 1 ALLECTIRA : , Walter Whankiand, Tax ed § LeE 5 {Pata Bons Tresor | Hable W Dipmyen ; Exoperatione = Eo Hota rises! A ment Lande =u § Balngien dhuit Horie Ting = dents Moston, Tox [np 8 » HR jig Borough ineleding wi sx raisin shew Beronsh.. po : $ ED | We, the ondersigned auditors of Patton Buarough, do hereby certify that : we lave examined the foregoing ase counts of recsdpte and expenditures, | ete, of Patton Barough for the year ending March th, 1901, and found ‘the imme to be trae and correct ta the best of otir know lelpe. PlANK MoU LURE } Anditars. MB COWHER, Pros ation Native, ey thal The partnership Tweedy has, ¥ Pitt and Consdtes the Tron tains od i bee Dewitt santosh by BE Be sondusted by : WE Vasntae nnd pay all ie Chelating od sie Aran pad will sole ail 5 IRGA x 5 sas Five MoS waoipn SEELEY. LIBEL IX DIYORC B. sis viowyrt of Dnisiniaan Eoammbria 000LY, IER CR BOYE Ee real an DEY ENE he GME Daves, shettl. "Or V. A Murray, FHYSIUIAN A SURGEON A; ting 2 Mogh, mart Plamen.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers