Sn Tine he wim fet ry — drab : ERE ENESR Eb HEasEnT i Poa : HAIN tw New She $C ped MiG Fa nei Haven Year gsdaie cWavna) Soran Kher Janction basen BE WWibibameaswort B= a ete We ww York : . a on 1254 1 3 go visrs al Hand r dt Eastern Branch. Mutat for Meotjoes, © es ay Tama tie 3 Likene Iopxunity or Eidag duel War R ne A wav Lok incentive fo thrift in ia Bean for 1b bad wraatl suns, aid ald oh 1 ton Th hood and youth Ww woth a cert ‘tion of the money that wand be spent } tsougiitieesly by the of "i Be oa very respectable 2 amount om the prediie pide of the leider when the da preitoy is 15 voare old. The habit ol self Senin! is not the least the substantial benefits that f wg wise ecomomy of money Ladi Home Journal. rio ci 3d 15Y $25 Mrs. Gould Likes Antigees, Bs Brie args and antigned as hor world: fumed relative. the Count de Uastel- Bhe Indicated her tastes in thin gn thy oicasion of a recent New Orleans during the mardi grax fostivities, Oviemns fo the meres for tich southerners who are on the oitiook Per OI Fie semis The French : Rtas tem pe Pena iki to Niw it i rare | town FO BpDToCinte ol mii FERELL voici Lit Georgia, AM ou Pi 5 Hi ha oh Wid 1 Wa ne 12 nM = : » i id ek REREE Ed ¥ -. A AY a £5 343 =: Fe Ce 7 gasunE een TTT Se ¥ ¥ a 4 HT 2a bd. wg ¥ EH AM A 47 8 “io a wos #5 EEnEY soos: 2 = FI AT Ke RSE ARNeLE pe ewan mERCERINS EH =. Sd Me aI IEGE MpBEML wk PETA i this, Bowbyer, HL pystem of Mticesiral worship and patriarchal gat her Hen. ia Chinese gird Belongs 1 the fa ¢ 108 hor pros ey di KE pr ek Hon. Laue RE i Ue Fa RE Ch FR A GSE, PRA ENE ih £8 STA my ar Na Bo 4 i dy Det on snd : BR Te and Plusbarg sad Boheat) “rowano GLAPEY. Retr gent, Hontwater, 13, Y, of burg Johnstown, Ebens burg & Eastern x : fo. ak =i Milton SE m— R. R. Timo Tabis in effect Nov. 25, wo, LZBTRE a oA a Union Station) ron Bellefonte, 5 © rt, Rest gx £1f a, a 4H HR tine Witham tieheva nnd tng ir Cosrn vite, OF I t Phill with all NY Lock Haven, Big, Lent | FLEEING ane itil Houta t R tmin leaving i ‘tp re apertnsendent. & ¥\ I band's family | having the medical instraction to their Cour fowomen. The career of Nadezhiz Sas. en doctors, Is parti i Bown a serf and frecd the continental schoolz, Nadezhda was brilliantly successful ¥ take long for Mra Gonld this snportuesity, and she sor thie ahobping worp ordered to be island, an the comet Mrz Edwin Goult furnishings will and Co arniosphere cramiiing nan sadomial aristoc- itdi4 a peng pinek of These articles fhinped to Jeavl haa uo ov al the whloh Lover hong of Georéin rRUY. § ovary th Platters frove the Wirrar, Does your mirror do yon dus wplon? Won may think not. Fond lke to Bs a #0 ths of pure white Whaat 1s the tert of Tanith fabied, fratsy clit the nat re 21 tha top & 5 ley wig The trae tints ba thevte—n Hille snp ystgend i rile: xian pg bey ¥ Ba : Foose the Counienaoey. In TT Land the ave. the color of the ha : ® | poeurately poflort sd, all i maade more harimoniog 5 {ror showed ties bo love £ix the Kasse wan i te bit of whith mata glace toll nonrer the tr hove than it did | without itNew York Horsld Chinese Women. It Is strange. save Harper's We that In & canntry shors the tes fasnily dre so strong and wine meh attention is given to the ration of the family mame phosld be go lotked down they are In China. The ros iz io be foun ine together of 5 From {he i hor bethrot lia Bi je¥ aeiive husband, and when ber own family is poor or fuel Unalide ta alfind fie s Koon iv he fur unl 4 jreschin a marriags! even while fi mere child to he » hia ta Bee Syon when she 51a; ghing not the cistare bat ‘ #0 she je ds otens which she Wb born. so far Aa wervanes of (he anieentral ries eerned, ; This Is the reason why on btelng saked the number children. answers only with ber of his sons 3nd never counis ‘Bis girls. This too is the resars as a rule, Chinese girly are not ed yt a Ena ® ed. Since abe 12 to belong to aaothey family, the parents do not bolber about bar, Pies! Wornen Phyaielann, Russia hes lor frst 4 hersel! on nhvsicigns ofl mad others Wire a nat only in thelr ‘own studies, hut also In opening up ry, hE pride t and Bost won flariy Intaresting. with Lor Pars off. one of the enrli E03 ‘ents, at the smavcipation ta 186], she and her broiheas and sisters recelved the best possible education at home ‘and abroad, for her parents were both {extremely intelligent, and her father ‘aequired wealth after gaining his free. Everywhere, in Russias and in For 80 years there has heen no man- ner of doubt as to the sympathy of the public and the medical world with | | they are making hats with black vel 8 idea of thorough ‘medical fnstruce imines whivh many peanh whe Bnew ; hay, Fdwin Gould is as fond of Cpnly ones who RRYe | for women who bend over beda of | Viste Lobe fom ‘eotored tulle weky, gaye HHH viewer medical Courses, sind this min. 4 1 have them 1h the mil Harry ment where ihe heewnse i 5 ad Re SxRaaBAtion: and to wear ua. badge Tha Bongry Wonten in Hospiiale It is a curious thing thet hospital polos elinil be US fel Bat thew Gillen gre gud ie many lsstilations fe pod Iptended for an Boo san tio n, pierely an Waguiry nto A sate shonitl the workings of boupliais, wont especially purses in training i asking. Why! Possibly the that ipsuficient and unhy- rienis food Bh too often the rule may be Jooked for in the fact that formerly gigters Woking for hardships were the PHEeI VRE aver to these taERe of mercy. Paiting was part of the hnsiness of woman wie nursed the sick in the old days. and possthly the mation oncon pciowly that fasting is a good thing pain. Whittier expressed this notion in the poem of the “Angels of Boone the “noble Mexican women went about on the Seid of battle altar firth: “worn and faint and lacking | iy 1 is poetic. romantic, in the oid | fashioned way, but it Iz sot a bit mod prn. sustaining or comfortable A Chung Woman 88 85 angel of mercy is nor phnsidersd AR we fe, or even 8 praction pie, adinnet : : Whang he Coban war began | rsa] of the the untrained horde of women, ment of dpotinn ta Cubs aw aurses yo oe Gary warning pave ond oy wef wanted ta go sre sway Only Oa ven mort of angels of ¢ erongh to Resp the fix | rations with Ahayt I were al (hose wore of the Heid Cross ik Lip 5 Bek organiza f punee: anced in gltiea are Bosnit- narees in bs ih eid Pus th Tem oh hun finds Hen fe Ra He chine soke or ion suliar font of the of Alay emb roldpred, own. where graduated wid Fug ihe Targuoise bf sore charming i Ha 3 Bird the mahioo A most Higek #IR muasin site 00 a BEY vals There fa with stock an gitipes made with The slesveg 10 this gery reach to the wrist, The is made over white silk i In Paris they are making lace roses The exquisite silk amd val vet Sowers ¢ sROWE DoW are the nearest approdich to the beauties of mature that ome could expect. Also in Pardes, Lie Thx ok vet brims and joose. puffy crowns of) Around the crown is 8 velvet band terminating in a k good ; sized bow, Apis Sig orb SAA wit } the factories of Liormany FERSIONS GRANTED 0 Fides to Contd for Yalush's Pri : | A Libis Fan tear-0id Horoles Save Two Lives Ee Have 5. Pen) Sk Jour tow nshin, fan of a modern bat | Army (hay Fir i tae Hye gvres The growing demand for women in ‘the sereant ois problem more ane moss te the front Gibbon brouwahs 620. save that sugar was firs from Asia to Europe A DD OF the 150.000 Mobammedsns to ; the world only 1IS000000 lve Turkey. : is bringing | RIN RNR SR ER l ot of them, grow id before th wake =P determined to do so much before the da i fore { ie morning is very old he dreadful B BACE (attacks them, the brave spirit in affr ks back ' matter how bard they struggle, the “clutch” is upon and they fall upon the couch crying: : “Why should [suffer so? What can idol” The answer is ready, your cry has been heard, and woman is able to restore you to health and happiness | Backache is only a symptom of more fatal § Beed its warning in time. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com : atop your forte cote from ut of the womb ad resto: vol sattral menstruation or some de Let those wha are suffering tons letter and be guided by her experience. Bormisicnd Node sen AN OPEN LETTER TO WOMEN. iia 1 have been ao delighted m’s Vegetable Compound wid write and thask oon. 1 saifered “hh tirrible hack. mr back snd could hardly stand tied i ernie that on mtiring ; Sines akimt your Cone de ma Was ekineh this had he ten : ar Bi rhs. pound 1 Bava x avery wal Mr a ache ard § look “1 ghall re minty | is & won ot wd ied : youn. My systems am gaining ote Jun Sonpeoved, eve no back Tier tha © aver lodiken| tedere. as parend it to ail my Spineds eT "M8. EF " MoRTON. : When a. maeaticine has been sacrassful in restoring toh i more than a million wamen, | you rannt well say, don't hesitate to get a “hottie of 1 XN voli a CE Pinkham’s Veg eta Compound at once, sad write How Pkeam, Lyun, Mass., Special advice-—it in 8 free, = 25 sie Amn . p Fran EEL v] and Exchange We sell Tabulating Artschments. We sell Typewriter Supplies, We sell Typewriter Furniture. We furnish Stenographers and Operators. . « . + 4 Can We Serve Vou ?| A Manth's Tent Frees, 12 som have Rhenmatine, write Dr, icine Wis Box 168 for six Rivsysunise Cure. vp. paid Seo 20 money, Pix 85. Hat vered WEY Eo anvinee & Wan ia Ws will give Ee rowaret or uy came of stmrrl that carol be cured with ally 5 Taken tumenally. the height Sone FITS permanest’y cured. No Sia or servons. Tas alive Sewt dave gee of Dr. Kline's fires dy Restorer. $210 boltile and Westie free Dr B 8 Kiar Lad 031 Archie, Phils. Pa When the worst Somes the worst we huss to anake the best af 11. sa x hive xiwars suffered withboads | ih - thew as mevitable, Tale > Cana Heid Hmadache Powders. We have vet Wo wt a emtioh ke that these Powders will “hn samp vieven feet In deer s Dest record of nine fa ea WE INT Rangaroos Bight against 8 4 iweb A Wes, Nissiow's Secthing Syrup farhidres : eeiiag safien the gum, reduces infammn. om. sire pain, cures : fos wasinity when x inking that he save Poo ws Cure is the beet medicine Tor wii affections of throat and | OU Exosimy, r, Vanburen ren. Ind. Feb Feb, Euro core baa had 21 monarche since the HET wi
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