fd en Rs exhibit here on Saturday. move ont of plo inti n Contpor ast week. exhibit ut Johnstown Decorition Day. fora visit with relatives i s N Y. erly day. td. Lorbe, ot Chest Springs, wos : in town Batarday and a oaller ap this in gown » & couple of days last week on for the Osborne farm tools, embracing Rhody’s. ey | olwaper than the old sigsok? system. LA western paper announces that Mra Nation is a hopeless cripple since shies discovered the jointe in her knees anid smashed them with her hatchet. .-If von want fine laandry work, iNew sidewalks, 18 this your paper ? ~The “hamp' miast gO. “Keep! the paved streets clean, Refrigerators free at Mellon's. Memorial Day rext Thorsday. | wiDou't forget the mnsicals Friday Ww HH. Sandford, of the First National evening. prank. were two of the expert witnesses ~-Overconts were in demand the first | in the Hipps trial #t Ebenwbnrg last of the week. : wiek, Patton had a surfeit of strect musi: Frank Pine was taken to the Phils clans Jast week. pibiare hospital fast Thursday and No heat prostrations were re operated npon for appendicitis the ported this week. following day. He ia getting along iw Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gill finely, ‘on Friday —a son, Chev. John EB Radoliffe and dungh- be, Mrs. Wm. Clark, were called fo op ¥ M 3+ a Ratrignraions gives away a = | Miryland last week on acecant of the : fot ine i” all kinds of fob seifions Hines of Mr. Radcliffe’s little Cat i iii { danghter. ' ja. ; . cigars at Rinkead's 1 at this) Hoose anil Lot for Sale ~ Five _=0ld mewmapers, or ai | sats, good well of water at the door, | Eiton Bros. cirvus Is advertised 10 me. Inquire of Geo. Boooe at his eithoe, Fifth avenge, Patton, Pa Joe cream soda water, all flavors, 5! |. The Pennsylvania raflrond carried cents at the City Rewtacrant. 880,161 tons of coal iast week, which Mellon's Onsh Grocery has been | | brings the aggregate for the year to. { May 11th of 11.120, 184,0r an increase of Lime thousand fans given away at 140.633 tons over the same period of ibe. the barber, Magee avenue, the! i the Patton Wall Paper Stare. 1900. ata Doll is visiting friends and rela. ~The 8t. Boniface Hotel at Sb. Boni- | tives in Bellefonte his week, fice, formerly conducted by the late a P. Yoting were Jueob W. Anta, has been purchased | Mr. and Mrs. F. E by J. Leonard, of Ebensburg, and the | jioense will be transferred at the June | ~8. BE. Burkhart was visiting his term of Court. ea busi. “he Rev. (3ideon H. Day, the old- | Cor pat member of the entral Penowy ki ness trip to Cherry tree Thursday. winia conference of the Methodist Mm MM. Nedan wae visiting rel | Episcopal church, died st his Beirne ak | atives in Clearfield county last week. pioardde nest Danville, on 3 Phursday Raffi Bill's Wild West show will ut, aged 85 years The ros] estate and engineering. XN. Randolph Beeley eft Monday : nice of the Beech Crock Coal & Coke Lp has been paoved to the room form. | secapivd by Dr. 5. WwW. W orrell in| ~The Pan Ametiexn exposition was | the Good balding, pe nding the erec. Tits of the new office building formally opened u sud dedicated on Man- tregr Witham 3 o, of Patton, wan in FC peson on Tuesday merniog on his Lwimy to Eheosbarg. Mr Cll has boon | pronntly apjeinted a Pansy saa Heated afflear and When you want rubber stamps, | samed hia duties, stationary ete., oall at ¥. H. Kin si The days Chnger y thst they were at their shorted | —ePor & good shave hair cot or sham. | 3 { poo endl on Cine feldd Wilking, Pifth : LE Dlenesininy, They will wn gthen | avenue. ‘ Lgmata 1 diy from this time faward Lyell the 21st of June, when hey will | ~d 4 Donnell ¥, of the Bos Ton, be again at their greatest Jength for the FORT, ~The Hipp Hile cise which was on | trial at Ebensbarg last week ended Fri : * day afternoon when the plaintiff took I ponent after the jury had retired. | — Patent loathars in child's, misses’, Life sued for $10,000, the face of a note, | | and women's AL gith interest since i888. The defense © ry [was forgery. . EB. Patton, of Curwensville, Was |. Geo. Boone has taken the agency | harrows, cultivators, mowing ma- - To Let—Two pice rooms for light chines, hay rakes, etc. Farmers in Nave voor lanndry with W. E. Pro 7 agent for the Empire Steam Lanndry. | President A. E. Patton and Cashier | with convenient ont buildings, on easy @ AID a stylish young lellow- one of sur eowtomieTs. So uk other day: “My friends ask me where I have clothes made. When I teil them that I get them at Wolf & Thompson's, ready made, they seem inclined to doubt it until I show them the label.” This gentile sva's friends could see wo difference betwaen his garments and those made hy the best Isiiors. Neither oan you OF any one else. They are identical in sloth, taileping, trimmings and style, As to fit-we'll leave that to you or your friends. Bring back When it comes to prices we can save you aboat one -balf on yonr tatlor’s bill. y Suits Here—$6 to 16.00 At the Tailors’ 518 to $40. WOLF & THOMPSON, A cotuplete line of FANCY and STAPLE Groceries and Pro ‘visions always on hand. cales, Paticy Ginghams, Ete. Shoes. The most coy Ladies’ Men's Child ren’ 5 (xt rsrds. Ward's Fresh Bread and Cakes Received Daily. S 5 - 5 Q o any jrarment nob satisfactory and gel your money. tn, on w - » o 2 ‘ever shown, incinding Dimi ties. Lawns, Eddy Silks, Per Leave your ordes for Men's Patent Leather, Black bread carly. Green Vegetables. ¥Y tl Lan get ti he Twi h LTE Tan Vid Oxfords | Always clean and fresh, Dry Goods. Le Finest line we have . Prices the Lowest. | SITET, CHAS. F PITT, Saccessor to PITY & SEE LEY. PATION < TO THE LADIES OF PATTON. Come here for your next hat. You are sure of getting «os much more for your money than at most stores. Better qualities and later styles and the prices will surprise you. Children’s ready to wear hats in Mull, Chiffon and Fancy Braids as Jow as 25 cents. Ladies” “hats trimmed 11 all the! latest styles as low as $1.25 up to $7.50. Come and see us and be convinced, No trouble to show goods. Weare Apply to Dr. 8. W. need of anything In that line CAB yp 45 do business and will not be nndersold by anyone All we ask is a share | | save money by consulting Mr. Boothe .¢ goyr patronage. Johnstown is to have & new Na. | it his office on Fifth avenue, al bank with a capitalization of |. If you know a good news item, bring or send it to this office and your | {1s Martha Bard, of Lock Haven, | Lrcoble will be appreciated. The | guest. at the Good residence on | [COURIER aims to got all the local news, hat it ix pot infallible, and if the item | | you expected to see isn’t in the paper Lit is becanse we didn't know it Send | in the news, Among the pensions recently | granted was one to Catherine, widow of Thomas UC Miller, decissed, of : 7 | Chest Sorings, $8 per month, to ante : ~The. Republican state convention from Sing 14, ot Mr, Miller hav- | he held at Harrisburg on Wedaes- ng serves in the Civil War ln Com 8 {pany F, of the Beventysoventh Penne | All work guaranteed by the Clear wylvauia Volunteer Infantry. : d Steam Laondry. Garfield, the! Por Sale--Six-room house on East | venae, Por full particulars call | Dr. Deaver will preach to th d soldiers at the Baptist church onl ‘gine of the Patton high school will be | L Ww. Nicholson was visiting | held on Thursday svening, May 30th, and relatives at Ford City apd There is bot one graduate, Edgar G. Punxeutawney last week. | Yeckley. Prof Charis C. E of |} as st muanafaciare. We give a low af the Chas, Cordell is improving rapidly | ! Juniata collage, Hontingdon, Pa, will and unless. unseen complications ab se | delive af address and a gousiond will be able to sit up in a short time, Nteracy program will be rendaver, The Jackson Eckenrode libel suit | LA poe leh advertiserent inserts od} will be the first in the county under lin the Youth's Companion onee ! p new law and the second in the $34; in the Ladies Hon [in Munsey W842 Thee « ply jor gesriie Pert liBn TE WT ty ; 5. 0: Young, formerly foreman of the Barnesboro Sentinal, is the new * editar of whe Valley Item at New Fig" ARE PRRs taue a PROMPT OF tos the twliet thint a0 change, “ER Halmboid, of the Pint Na. tiona Bank, ‘moved his family into th Bi 1 er property on Beech avenue on Om Friday of last week vanities dixision £: ent ral raliroad ; trains. Jo postin 1 of the nelghbaring tows have pt 1p Stewart, disisi ized base ball clabs fur the season, | tendlent, states that this Is she , : 10 be a back number in, this | business since he has been in charge of | Yr | the division, The average number of er your cash register cOUPONS | cars per train was §5.65 on the F all d sec ire. a high grade refrigerator | feook and 19 on the Beech Creek of : huge at Mellon's Cash | PHY e. * : hs | sorrest ond with some young lady with r on » the lina of the new tele | * » : a view tu mated mony. ges flald ger Ls will cone, is handsome and scoomuiisbed i : wl 0 lw and wank make an excellent husband, | § long as fst as possibly, 1s looking for a lovable companion | 1 Belenrode, Della from 18 fo 40 vears of age. Need not | mas aid Bertha Shar: be a good housekenper, as bo is abund- | 1 Archibald M. Dunsmore, of antly able lo afford servants. Address | ry were i Patton visitors on | with photograph in confidence, Bache. Advertising Rates made known on} i lon Care PATTON SOURIER, Patton, Pa. i application. The annual commencement exer © Wall Paper Store, ‘GEO. BOONE, i Wealthy young bac olor Gosden tl Hos a goad ine MRS. G. ROBISON, Nolan Bldg., Magee Ave, Pp ATTON, PA. Great Reduction Cheap John end Noe WALL PAPER Store! Yor. are invited to call {nd see my new line of HE PATTON WALL PAPER nv Rl or THE Pou LL PAP GROCERIES, We have just received an immense Canned Goods, Ete. A | stiock of the latest designs ard colors {ngs und to dispose of these pipers we | Atl lowest Prices. ks Ean aR A SSR SRE Now in Full | Blast Our Store. Tn ander to Sake room br Bir new Hine of spring ge vu and clean ap 03 (ld stock befor tioving into our new gue we are golog to fer you such birgaios in the following good that it will be a big ving 4s vou. Avail yourself of portunity and sire from 25 Io 00 per cent We full tha you will not have gen for {hime goeds at the present hut thie prices we ave going 10 name should bring you fo this money-saving sale regardless of the time yon will have une for them. Just look over these prices 500 yartie all wool country funnel, rey alar 40 kind, now go at Bo. 100 yardy all wool dress flatinels, worth Sie, to-duy’s price only Me. ME yards Porsian flannel, was 150, now + sii 100 yanis vedling wool |, worth 35¢, now 150. 06 yards outing fannel, worth Ide, now Sa, 80 yards all wool md twill fannel was dc, now Bo i yarde all wool red Sannel 50 th 4 ply millen yarn, ens Se, now 0c. Hoag ow moar Ble, * be. 50 1h Saxony yarn, was 10 ont, sow 4 for He. 1 lot men's AED oof coats, vahae $250, now $1.95. i lot men’s blue Mannei shirts, worth $1.80, we offer thewe at 78c 1 lot Richa’ shrunk Sanne! shirts for men, wotth $2.00, now going at Lom 1 lot soul swe ers, Che i Ah pind wh i i H 2 1 i £5 i oH wy £1 i 1.00 3% 3 0 1“ neixed i 35 8 1 ak hops! i% ©% 25 % I ich men's heavy ovembirta, worth $1.00 we offer oa at 8c. 1 int men’s ovarshivts, worth 756 now 380 1 lot bisa’ wool walste, worth 11. 50, now Go, 1 lot ladies’ onting flannel waista, the ie kind, now go at Se 1 lot cating waists, the Je bind, now Fae { ot ladles’ Boece wrappers. real ralne $1.25, now go at Te 1 let wool hoods, the 560 kind, now 19e, 1 hot claldeun’s Ba wis, the 360 Bad, now lice {Lot ladies’ all wool skirt patterta, wrth 41.00, wil close put at 72. 1 lok, The 80c Rind. at Be 1 lok fasclnoatom, was bik sow Be i id *¥ 2% aes ae § hot Tudien’ wo al andar wrar, the regabur bo fae kind, at 730 1 Int men i art oye’ caps, Gh LShe kind at 3 3 Ty £4 3 ho a He All woo! hosdery at 35 per cent ofl. All winter gloves atl mitt af cowl All fult Boom anil aprotic al ves thay Qos. Wa have a few pasiom © Fahri tn wah sien HAL we inink are big calnes. " yonr aise In here it will pay you to purchase We haste some very preity things in BIW BEE ing goose for pection.. Drop] in ami see Ga Yours For T rade, Patton MELLON'S { You can get 20 lbs granu- lated sugar for $1.00 if you purchase goods to the amount of $10.00. Lave marked them at amd below cost Flour and Feed prices to convince yon that we can A SPECIALTY. RAVE YOU MONeY: A ia ay Loa graace Gf Lame. V £7% done Uorrect x i 3 oo 2 toate (iit parior pape a Full heavy embosd iit papers al rami 12 cla & rot : Also bane ta of bother pakt Srhis Bl rested Fis The Patton JOHN GANTZ, A.C. FISHER, Propr. | yReuel Somerville (ttornev-at-Law, JUSTICE OF THE PEAUE. Patron, Pa {iffice on corner of Lang and Reh | fe in Khe (hood Building. Avenpsa Collections promptly sb i tendiad to. Properties to sell and rent. ; Agen fore Pm LIFE AND IN : ACCIDENT | SEAL MSTATR AGENTS {Good Building, Pata, Pu. Phooe Na. 6. Patton Courier, Promoter of Prublieit ¥- ii ~ Parnell, |, Cowher &Co., wd Lana MILL INERY. Proprietor. « impr in all its Branches. MRS. G. M. STEVENS “ Si ISTER.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers