Sin SN, Cm ~ Knows upon’ pr : nt ala arrer. ] thn woe how r the Th fands are er This Is my position, and, 1 think, wi 0 explain to your renders why my name E His conspicions by ite absence. FE Famanavon, Democratic Member Board of Antitors. | REDUCED RATES 10 WASHINGTON a Red ¥in Peausylvania Fuiiromd, Acsouni Insig. he ambria | ation oo 2851, ; +) popaia- dot rea} nde] i in the ; eels saborh, | wth the ext armbria Stee will send ta — Johnstown | 1 he patios that the eriadite iy editor of the food city | great stress upon the words | w'! and bill, the first merely | and the wecomd simply the | ome in whom the wish is 6 thought Brother Hailey head of the little WW around the ancient tale ¢ and the hare, other townx jn the onunty Patton in popuistion they wed it That is a straight without equivosstion Bat they won't. On the other 200) Patton “promises’’ to and will” hin the next decade exceed. the of Johnstown or spy other ! wn jn Canobria county in population, an does now as a desiralite dwelling ; among friendly and enlightened ls who are not jealous of the made hy thelr less fortunate Johnstown is a nice city and the ; + and its editor Straight nie, - wool, snd a yard wide,” but wind writing is on the wall, and, thse protests of oor talented ute brother, Rates | 8 x destined every other way, Rink feels constirmined to ex pres: | its sorrow for Jobostown and its suburb,” buf the pext census figs ps will prove somolnsively and be yond perady enbture that both will have to take un bisck sent during the greats part of the twentieth century to room for the Narth Star of Came SELF EXPLANATORY County Aniitor Paras vigh id i Ane Bis Nowe Ta the Hs ald went : Cornine:—1 notice the ole in your kane of Thursday, by Puraban h of Patton, the ty Democratic county paditor, ¢ to the snnnal report ¥ aaditors published in ine COURIER, and #8 3 jasbnt CONTAINS | » of the two Republican thay bo interesting to your reader to know why my nate is COnRpICROus | fu anditors’ seport, as filed, con is the following, in asbition to tive grt the commissioners bave pa ss v E Farabangh, concur in the report, except in tha follow. LE EB ‘Parabangh, refiase tp conor a the payment of $150 to Evan & eh, sitorneysat-law, io defending “ommissioners Benj. Jones, am Hostetler and Thay Hoover taxpayers’ appeal from the aad- wf 189%, in which the taxpayers: apht to have the comunissimenn sar wd with the salaries of the scribing clerks and the fees on dlections paid Wm. Davis in excess his salary as commissioner’ enunsel. +6 dre taken thereto for the nt 3he commimioners, as indi. $ i £ nh. reine to concur the allownnee to Jadies Moore, di- rector of the poor, of $240 in excess of is salary and incidental expenses. : sptions are taken thereto for the reason that the allowancr is exces e ahd illegal. AF. BE. FARaBatGH, Auditor.” After close investigation I find that i the commissioners’ clerk has co auditors’ report including hee ox- ceptions, for publication. Jost why the commissioners pubdish a part of roport, and not a pony tw be explained. | gratia of Prisiden: MeRKinley, Om accoant of the inanguration of President Gd eRiney Oy March 4 {he snl exenrsion tickets from all pointson ith lines to Washington at rate of one fire for the round trip | ‘minimom rate 50 cents. Ticks will be wold on March 1.2, and 3, good to returns antl March 5. inclusive. Tickets will mien te sold from Harrishurg and inter. mediate stations, and from Philadeiphin { and intermadiste stations 08 March 4. Thske tickets will be good to stop off at Baltimore and Philadelphia within Heait of March B Special side trip thokels, Roited to March 8, with | he utd from Washingion jn connection with above mentioned | : tickets ae fedlonwr Od Point Comfort and retarn via aid- a Boer $6.00; Bichmond and return, $4.00. Via Novo and Washington | Sani wt Company: Old Point Lion. fort or Vieginie Norfolk and pitarn, $3.50: Virginia Beach and rear, inc | lading trausfer thin sgh Norfolk, $4.50. From Baltimore, via Bay Line or Chesapeake Sgeamship Company: Narfaik or Old Point Comfort atl re. turn, $2.50: Vigginds Beach an od rétoen, Cipelming transfer throngh Norfolk, Ha For the weakness and prostratis ik fyllowing grippe thers is I hing 80. prompt ant efertive as One Minute Cough Care. This preparstion in high ¥ endorsed aR #0 wifi] : remedy for all throat apd ung trouble and its early pao proventy cansuny ption, It was pode th curs gaickly. {. W. Hodgkin, Patoon Pharmacy or Gann’ . | Pharmacy, Hastings 3 A powerful sngioe pannel be ran with 1 weak bobier, and we can't Reap np the wirain of an active life witha weak stomach neither oan We stop The Hamas machine to make repairs if tach exanot digest spough food | to o keep the body sbrodig, sud ha prepar. Wi AR # Re wid Traps wd are abcd sosussasiissss sR) it peta what vo / v GRRE baidp Dat Gane’ “ Phar miwey, Hi Rt ngs wow Und ) roe nr oof Marshall, Mo. writes: Honey and Tar in | the best carigh 10 the marke! toalay I have paed roost all kinds and am re shat thers! ws no pier 80 RoC ut for both youag sod old, ard speciany for diildesns. We are never without 14 ng Lkhe hoowe. All Druggists. = Reports show a greatly inereaned | ‘death rate from throat and MoE troubles, due to the prevalence of ira paenmania and grippe. We advine the gee of Ope Minute Cough Care all of these JiMonities. It is the nly harmless remedy that gives immediate resulta Obildlren like it. CW. Hodg ‘kins, Patton Pharmacy, oF {innn's Pharmacy, H astinge. Like bad dollars, all counterfeits of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve are worth. | jess. The original quickly cures piles, sores kod afl skin diseases. CW. Hodg kins Patton Fharmary or Gonin's 4 Phar | mary, Hastings. Xo Care A Cough stop coaghing, as it irritates the langs, land gives them no chance to heal Foley's Honey and Tar cures without | capsing strain in throwing off the phlegm jika common cough expec | torants. All Druggists 1 A Lamdert.of Rachel. N.C: wiites: “heartily | endorse Foley's Kidney Care. It does what you claim it will do. ard 1 thank you for the goad it has dope me. Accept no substitute, Al Draggists. “] have always used Foley's Honey ‘and Tar cough medicine, amd think the best in the world’ says i has. Bender, 4 pewsdealer, of Erie, Pa Nothing else as good All Druggists. H. A. SE TZ, Ofttoe in Young Baiiding, next fos tay Dinsmore 5 Brow to12m and ip Parnell, Cowher & Co. RSE FIRE, LIFE Fen SUR iE ACCIDENT IHUUHARUL, REAL BSTATE AGENTS. Good Baiidiog. Patton, Pa Phooe Noo $ m todp m pies constipation aod te gran (ffoe Hours 8 a Peansyivania Raitrond Company will i NOT NARCOTIC. . Sr oF (5k BY SONTELPITCBER, “ rin Sud" ; Br x sn font + * oct B Beimedy for Const Ape Sour Stomach, An Worms, Cormdsions Feverish- | | ess avd LOSS OF SLEEP. a 1 AINA Fac Savile Signature of CXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Signature in ER RRF7 FIs re SISIIESIIIIIR A Dolla r for Se 5 Sr even, y-rive (ls. a SD A EE uits. “Ove There 8 00 POSOIVE garment in the this reduction of Per edt Thaw PPOT It aE ie cary eet WOLF & al PATTON, ours satin msn. | Ee Cheap John Store! Hg You are : and op IY New bine o GROCERIES, Canned Goods, Etc. At Lowest Prices Flour and Feed SPECIALTY. direc tiv i front al JOHN GANTZ, Proprietor. ht Sieepiesariess Almost invarinhiy SOTO PY. 1 agiegedant “0 aeiim-mepvisns disorders, Fil igestion, Toeands Patton Courier, Promoter of Publicity. Advertising Rates made known on Clrenition, m 120 sche, loss of appetite, ste. To sb ems nt ta ins duce Sleep by Opiates is a Serinan ry oetamkn far : ihe rath i" ar Benim badd snd the body suk King removes the vane of wake in by Its soothing effect ob Lao nerves pand on the stomach bowen, Nature in ladies’ Suits Reduced . Ln i » pleaning np the Tailored a ; re ten where these great Repgoe and wowepe B18 1 Dal were 5 FS redband 1 a EAT te Rader made Suds the ea bay bo ai id out AL Alten ome tf Wants, were He. Digests what you eat. frart geile dig ligesta the food and aide | structing Lhe e ZRns. ant apd t tom ie, Sri 4 pre Ir in. FIRS eutiye 2 al other endache. Ci sptpet dd, Pp Dy EC DaWitt 3L0. Chicuge. 0. - Hh aki Patton Pharmacy. wx relery King tures Constipation and Nerve, : Stomach, {iver and Kidaey divenses W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy Guan 8 Pharmacy. Hastings. roe Brangde we 23 Bond 8 and SAE . ah nn 0 Recent expartrentn iow that sinuses of foods may be completely i gosto by & preparation patled Kodol | which absolutely y of all 0 nidoaral Sante ever devised Lee dumand for it bits heoome SROTIONE. al tins neve for illen It is a soothing and healing wis for mores and all skin disemium C0 mints Pharmacy, Hastiogs Tied ¥ ik Proteins waif Missoni V ake Japul wovere Kiduey hat tried five dotlors LC W. Bodgkins, Patton Pharmacy, or hat thee hatiies of : | Drugints. again Ya fietpge Cough fi Vacher 157 Osgood SL, Chico. | : site aly wile had 8 very savers case of ; with a very Totise wared | Hix ee Sales in pollens sales dey mre tn take De SWilLTA HE a Ea £0 finns Frost Hiios ged 1 bintus snred by Banner Naive, Lhe. healing remedy vi the workl 8 HUDSON RIVER RR Cena ivan Pris ama - ea : Beech Creek IDnstricl Candenaet Tipe Table ew at Hu rg & Eastern Branch ar Mad Hadew fxr MM ne. ham ; i$ RENE AE NA wl a ow ny ay Lown js we Cur sumed me Al eal 5 Chop. F rd po Meal. Beat ¢ card Mil in North kinds of v Bpring and ; w hae Ue, Whale (irain, i : ui Palo Hay Patton Rd & Bugvheat Mills, WJ PY. Proprietor. Over-Wd Weakens / our Unhealthy Ky Make AH the SlogPosr body passes through our kidneys ever three minutes. [ETS Ere yO Bion 3 purifiers. they fib ter oul the waste or inna ‘vies in he Blond. if thew are sick or out their work. 3 Faina achersndrhen MALT Orta from ox Osa of Sari BoE an the Blarad Aue te neglected y quick or unstead 4 ? reams sm feel ax thse they fu ble because the heart is Lenroweird PUMBing thick, RKidney mpdgines yeing and arieries. sided (hat anly uwringry 4 1 10 he wines “ , ri Science Deaves that nearly 4 3 hes have thelr begin 2 no mistake war widners, The mild Sinury fier of Dr Kilmer's Ihe great kidney comedy is 1 sana the ipheo! foe Ry oo ier 55 of the most Satresss a rm mole © oY mall Home of 8 free. boil oiling you Baw ee a . any Hf 2 ie kidney or Hisdder trouble. Ment Jper when aeriting De. Kilmer & Co samton. N. PHYRI IAN AND SURGEGN, (mooed Balding, Room No. 3 sacs: 308 Be Eve Specially, 1 an TETRURE Bieri SR leR iu £ :D A. Murray, Ohmastink x. w Bt North a Ghey, Truss AY. Ceeii & gan Now A rk, Willinampory, id : Penusylvs aia Ratlriad. | Tn affect May 27, 1800. : Main Line Somme £ pwn bo Haste nl ek dave. AMa om 5, We any Fao ie Hane ek - ¥ i ng Koons iy Aas sri Suite : : Torn imi Ri Gan, wow dure Cambria & Clenrfieid Division. Lave Palade Herasiiwanl £3 ; xi fRICIAN & SEHGERGN. § ati ihe Bites 5 ; a wa hak SRT, Grower whe BYES mda mand Bodom Somerville, * aoa Fe “ALARA, Gunsear gk aa, EaENsRunG, Pa 4 ioewi SEE TA Rn Rr ieIng wl ire iy Rat newe POM artended Ww ve avd WE i: iis Lastiving i Cabarns mek sed | The Delineato’ ET SEAR ‘GEO. BOON E JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Moe aon Garner CA vente tended Tan 8 THE Woman s Favorite Magazine, on ; and is lwwasd By the unig | publishes, The Butterick dr tu (Limited, at 7 WO 17.0 tenth Bireel, Now York | markabiy iow rate of $1. OC for a your's subscript pew is of all hoe in Parker Hag ag. TYRONE. PA x rer of Lan Fifth { oliectiony prom a at The Cornea offios has Just | re- ; teived a handsome and full line of sta- B® tionary of every description, which i will be printed in the most approved ‘ dxie and at the Jowest possibie fi fend in your job work. figure.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers