Cor RIER are you roading? $ #, ters for Job. printing the teh for Goldstein’ 4 hirty-day no you want a pictare framed | H WwW, J. Mulson. 3 Refrigerators given 's Bast Sircndey. Away at Med | | 3 There § in considerable Sickie in| Patton at the present time and all of ithe doctors are busy. Grip and ty. | phoid fever claim the majority of the | victims | These who expect to vote at the I election next month sheald pay their {taxes before Saturday next, Jan 10t 1 as that is the lant day on which a voter | | oan qualify. Read the full page advert of the Hon Ton in this {low prides offered the Lance sate aupht to be [well as phrase. Brawn Churilia « [Jasoh, haath of thin Tin the bonds of matriniony on [day morning al 8 o'clock hy the | Rey. Father Edwin Thy Not a grand masque | men’ & Hail 1 BHatuin 3 preg ; Al the | Glenys RTI January Gre infact ax ari Miss Asnnn place, were anitsd Ties pastor, | 3+ at fan on guar antes a pond Potln & Theavis ; mway gotd dollars In eechange for pon. ad ie, bait they Fedet hing for 75 contr worth new mee enilivne 83 Hema thar ener las rnent Tn This pane wan Mewes when the dleot. | arn Wilkins is gent for the : ere hon Jas, A Metin Say we Ralph Lei several Jape) last; week on y btu Max Fiynn rtavied Posing oom business trip to Clay county, W. Va an yon want rubber of ame, y ole, onli at ¥ H Kin we Mos attie , Eranmatin iB on Bvt ; re tives And friends in Belle adie visiting cards of the latest printed at this office for 50 cons 8 Good, of Lock Haven, was (Baturdy en route to New Finber in spending a iad by the Clear Ianndry. Garfield, the Om, agle,of St. Avgastine was & visitor on Wednesday and maede tering and inside painting y and promptly done by W. J, , Call and see him. wee E. Dale was confined to his © several days last week suffering an attack of erysipolas. The annual convention of the state ‘will probably be held at<Johns diar Janvary, len from Dec. 10 to Dec. 13. r. and Mri. Will MeCormick, of . Were jrusets at the residence . Miehell over Sunday. Fog in January, frost in June.” in old adage. Wo have had the r, will | we get the latter ? 16 the brine part o of thom time Goldstein's Big Department Cfnangarate 8 Moday inven Wa heh for the son ee putes geraidir : = rar at Mellon's Cash 51 : io eit Sopupsred. ? the Patton pontractor, js 4 5 wx Tot 5 auite 54 0 he LASTER Ry offs. Satiafun. wat ab the r oviet, wis aid Yo DuBols ssday by the serious pens of her-in-law. Randolph Seeley, of the firm of & Sevioy, left Taesday afternoon New York (ity expecting to be gba ail or ten days. Fran N. Greene, of Washington, , was in town last week lookiog be interests of the Huntingdo riiaid Telephone Co, “A Melis vn hay Inagguy ated | A ” ho will abeolitety ve AWRY i fd mits nre and household : fg wise off. The many ki | Hew adi er : *i hi | Monday of & big bell ax the “the 8 £045 has BHROuneet b : | fe The flew, ht Ta thessodnry and "| gob ape Di Below 1%, Fis o enanty, that Ele wy Fae gare tantra phil Dan § wil Fadia, ng a HATES Oar gra af the praia thes erdpean worl reel 1a 33 ried § ta printed | in regard Lo the Daper : faye RE vps the labor af the Many > grat FLT tie ad ‘hrethren, The weighing of hott the milled Bo fur years he governmen? aeglioyn) a urge force of men well tie Paatls i order te fx £00 pale ny enrry Cag the penile with the soverm Ladi i he EN He 5 frrnary 14s Pansy Avted wy TRY shipplog | perwey Forme, We Ew wheat Slee ena’ 14 hits or ay ung g Ring fa Tlie Lamps and candies we pps fam and mach Spe Cate 41 Badidlay will be Lin Pe beuary 12 The next Jey apin's Wnrihday. wpring sloction wil | February 15 ddd day will come on February the be days in this stale. The figure cap $11 years from th epmber 3, 1989. i had wach a long sousecitive pO anid tome ® has aon which | of Gyer Bn rent in Been fn a webivh 88 pep gis § En PRET TLs % SERRE 0 iad LR Saat Tol PEW BEN Eure of the Toy RSE EL noel 1h ~The finer large as in the teainmen fhe, w vary Id oy daring Ju pinemon will receive from Mfrenien fromm 375 te RG fron hi iS to Biol: Hagmen from. $100, and brakeman fear $749 io & : SUR Rial the fred ght ave pis tg LE oe ’ abs Xa many of the off during the In elonneing the WENTOY vee. We are scarce of news this week. Our town would remind ont some of a pig tail at present, but have patience, only "a week or two and the ocosl business aviil boom. A new coon in town, came Thursday 1, [evening to the home of operator 8. A. Kuhn, well, but pop, well he is still tied Bgnire H. H. Hurd, one of Chest township's oldest and most popuinr dtieene, was in town attending a jaw anit Monday. W. FF. Mosser left fr West Virginia, whores he expects to Tonk up a sie for the erection of i large annery. of 4 Na ¥ phinia fovay. YWoashdngton, wean hi friends hers Mon. shiny. winorabe belt rn nomination in Thee xn Monday evening i, simrtivesl (hens At ave Bp od Pantied 33) ie hi AY Jan. M4, by FO TE Ea of Fi shin iy srg & Busse hang bans felay 458 Siow LITINGEY, Avni rabnr Prettion Pa stion and gives dant reliant, Ww stad | offs tive in W pderfoy Guar aod boweln. © Hodgking T sation Pharmacy. entire Sh HARDWARE, STOVES, ; Bite, Mother and child are doing The above 12 the name of a new Flour added to our list of celebrated Minnesota have not yet tried it. better let us senda yon Flours. a sack. market: if not we refund your money. ick of aur flour von will find a coupon. set of these from one t present. While Buying FLOg When you get a & return th em to us and receive a ih 0 Ov beauntifn Tuesday morning HA RE apy bauiftag Chepughont the United Sates Two mE EE) ayt ik Pansat 2 Ey bn woman's font restyye fospe gn te Ta thus host Wana Arndiiienrs fi * WE LOOSE; YOU GAIN! Ay evs fay dames cent GE dnd Ren can home Vit BE PA T TOM, PA. Nation Bank OF PATTON, i " Pras Ir Patton, Cambria Co, Pa Huber’s Drug Store, PATTON, weno, PA £a i i OF Laakeive id hore sosuah past ¥ id hank wou for the $i.07 vee AR ve Bas i done All Dreinggists, we have lately if you We fully guarantee it to be one of the very best flours on the Remember in each You are mvited to ami sec my new lime af GROCERIES, Canned Goods, At Lowest Prices Flour and Feed L SPECIALTY. ade of Lime. ; JOHN GANTZ, Proprietor. ¥yo R We weg: oe hl A RR “BLN SLBUSERNSRMESS SunRIANCeEiNC vo Soewsalil Shin Tem Mu bay ¥ na Putin x ane LEE Tea EN 1, SEEN Tes ssgmat, fe Yor Peo EEE Toi ALE AREER S FEF ERAT ENE 1 effos Maupin Soh Main 1a EA 3 ated 11m gr in
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