CHU RSDAY, NU ARY 24, GOI, DIU. he National Gathering of | ‘ment of Cambria connty, just made ited Mine Workers. ORTANT BUSINESS. il be Tenn ted » the Youity Gath ot thie Delivers Tei Hiaok wi for a Sabedistrier Crnvens February. and Tom Powell went | fs on Satorday as the from the Patton local union nited Mine Workers of Amer. d the convention of the ation now being held Comer city MoTaggert, of Barnesboro, | m there is no more progres en or in Jabor circles or who is popular, ju also in attendance. rt in one of the Aressurer of sab district 1 Na oof which the tonal apart. He was accompas shed] | tel Swinstwro snd Pat Moo Barnosboro, ational convention will remain sion until Janoary 20th or the when all its delegates will talon al trains for Uslambus, Ohio; pe a Joint oon vention of operators driers will be held on January 0 determine a wage scale and con w for work for the new year, nning April 1. This convention s £ up from 1,000 to 1,300 delegates, ting approximately members of the United Mine igation, bat really an Jejgislate for more than , experience having proven | workers not fociuded in the will accept their policy. the largest convention repre. single trade that has ever, yin the world. phion has 8 membership | 500 and io well represented by | Ison and Fowell. the conference al Columba will bold sub-district con | different pointe in the ie at which the Patton i vo? Considerable business | aportance wii . 0g neluding the election of oft | laying sre to be chosen: | y oti vi ioe President, one | wx een by 4d of | Morac srt, seerels ary. | yu: sention, sll nominations offices are to be sent in to the Sec ry Treasarer thirty days prior to date of amvention, the same nom. ons to be sent out to the various Is to bu yoted on by members of would he wise for all Lovids to) d thelr delegates instructed to vote vhether or not they are in favor of | ing any officers, and whether or H they are in favor of the term of of | oe being twelve months ar remilining | " at present. ing to & resolution from fast; . Local Unions snd shall be en: d to vote for every fifty m members fractional part thereof, and no dele. shall have more than five votes’ Se A ST Attetion. ne of the best theatrical attrac g that has visited this section in, . e is billed to appear ul Fire. Hall lay evening. it isthe r wian De Monto Vaondeville Co., anid er it has appeared it has ro 4 | the cordial endorsement of the and people as being something ly fine in the entertainment Hine. Vandeville, good singing and. theatricals of the burlesque order go. to make up an evening of real enjoy - gent. The company ought to be greeted w with a crowded house in Pal Card of Thanks, ish, ‘through the columbs of the ER, to kindly thank those who jC rae needed services at the of the death of my husband. Mas. Jos, R. PATTHRSON, “Save your ‘cash register coupons Secure @ high grade refrigerator ~ Mellon's Cash Prim aniston ational organization and is the | 200,000 commie before the © Ao a Hesolution pissed : INTERESTING STATISTICS. Triennial Siatement LAR) meet Fem 1h Cambris Cannty Jisst Made Fah According to the tricunial assess. ‘priblic by the county commissioners there are 217 acres of peated land in Patton with a valuation of $6,260. [This does not include the value of | yania conference of the ME. | houses and lots, which foot up $254,750, lots. There are 41 horses and mules in | Patton valued at $3,075 and 57 eatthe i with a valuation of $855. There are female dogs as. 143 male and 16 damned. Allegheny township shows 17.547 {acres of seated land valped at £774, Go worth $117,360. It has 264 horses and males valoed at SRB06, 340 cattle ‘ worth $5,100 and 110 male and 2 fe male dogs. Carroll towaship shows 21,00 acres of seated land valned at $400.8 1 188 acres of unseated land worth There are B88 acres right valued at $148,820 and 362 horses and moles valaed al $9,760. The cat tie number 381 and are worth $5,415. {768 male and § female dogs are also | inctnded in the five stock, There are 348 sores of seated land in Chest Springs horqughs valoed al $4,715 wud 25 acres of mineral rights (worth $2,345. The town contains 58 houses and 102 lots, with a valoation FI 00, Apyoy of inersl of $28,370. 22 cattle are v alned at 8385 and 12 maje dogs are enumerated. Chest township claims 8.471 acres of seated land. valued wt $101,375, 6.998 pores « f unseated acd wor bh 880 085 and There sre 158 mies the township worth taation | of $29.815 Land Borses in 5 male and one female dog have es paped the sansage grinder, There are 5,508 acres of seated asd 2.922 acres of unseated land in Clear. field township. The former is worth ($200,865 and the latter a #0. The | miners] rights embrace 5,372 acres val Ded at $0,920, W833 torsos and mules are valned at #4, make the nocturnal air vibrate. Our peighboriog borough of Hast. ings tins 120 acres of seated land worth Be 4 135 acres of miners rights worth aE Ro and 201 houses wid 428 Jote with Lan meessed valvation of $147,935 #) horsds and mules worth $1.79 and 70 cattle valned at $1.6 complete the iis stock with of 83 the exoeplion {male und 16 famale dogs. $2 155 apated land worth oy. Boise) land 16 ots valoed sal 84 OPER and mo es with & ¥aination ay re ak Hw 1 fotle spin yaige non tated. The acres of seated land with a valuation of $45,500 and the miperal rights foo! Hp Z84 acres worth §5.050. I re Ari 244 houses in the tow and 540 Bola, the ‘whole valaed at $118835. 64 and panies are worth $0. 250 and 42 ‘cattle $630. 54 male and 6 female {dogs make up the canine popalation. Susquehanna towiship bas 16.184 Lmcres of seated tand anil 350 acres of The nneeated 8 wort $4,350 and the seated $211.510. ‘mineral rights are valoed st $188.7 A and are embraced in 7TH acres 235 ' horses and moles are valued at $5,485 jand 20 cattle al Ploh These 4 ure #2 borough of Rpsngler has 430 5 Brest : Bopmbiioan Cuno idates, The following are {he names of the Cwho have announosd themsdives us Poandidates to be volad fur the af puliican pringacies to be hei On Bal arday, Jaa. 2% Sokant Directors, two 1a we . elected, Hiram Wilkins, Hs 3M. 4 lewis, Chas. E Greuninger Councilmen, thee to be Joka OC Gould, BP. Motion LE Probert, MM. Nolan Assonsoy, Jabkn Evans Auditor. 8. BC owher Yai gre of E tog Fread Mite Inspector of Blection, Jobn Hunter af dp Tag A POEL, ilket deny ba The Meng The following is a Hat of advertised Hetters remaining in the Patton Post loffice, Monday, Jaanary 21, 1W4 To obtain any of these letiars the ap | plant should call for “advertised lea- ters! If not called for witha wo weeks they will be seat to the Dead Letter Office in Washington, D. ©. ‘Mrs. J. BE Wood, Dan Kora, J. C Showalter, P. Cillo. John Johnson, Ba- salin Stexepozanka, Mrs. Harry Wil Hams, Pyozela Unit E WiLL GREENE, Postmaster. Dt eho i erators free at Mellon's. of at Ta ool wk. | There are 468 houses in town and 572 and 11,894 acres of mineral rights Ws add 1.833 acres of mineral rights with a vai- $4,105 and 140 cattie vilned at $2,100, Elms, dra Mary Bog #70 and 270 cattie val- | ‘ned at $4050. There ars no female dogs in Clearfield, but 110 made LRnines held at the Loretto borough contains 50 sc res of ven mad dep The Bbensbtinrg for CHUREN J AND ROLETY. Merely Mentiontng The New fiber fei nizatnme Wil be hewd at farEER Aue Preaching services the Baptist church on say evening The puter, Rev. J. E Radeliffe, will scoupy the pulpit, The ate of the Central chinreh, of which Patton ix a part, to be held at Chambersburg, has been charged from March 13th ito the th of the anme month, Gieo FE Prindible, John R fanghein, ©. F A. Deity were Lords {hoi iH. in Ensasbure add Thursday evening attending a meeling A ban of fhe of the Knights of ¢ quet was one of he gathering. stnmbas jentiares Ap old-fashioned revival is Deilig oon slucted by Bev, Dir of the M. I ehurceh, and meetings are being ic nightly Hall. Much in leeresl 38 Bod mignifhed ther RRR TTS The foliowing Price of Patton, far the i Past Templar, Mrs Lydia Crowell te Templar, Mra Elzabellh Rows. Viee Templar, Miss Maggie Jenkin, Propbetess, Mrs Bi Frivatems, Mrs Sa Ganrdian oF Records, Mrs Alice Sut ciifte, Cingpdian of Fin Nperry. Guardian of BExdbequer, sien, of Ler Dogiver, in Goldstein's Patton Tear LER ane. Mm Saran My mmiuad Mr Andie | Mis {inariiian Maude Ouoardian of nner P er, araian of Outer BF petal, Mra Melia ie rial, Ms Aloe Seheid. Trustees, Mrs Sarah Sperry. Mes 1, Mrs Elizabeth Ross Representative to the Grand Temple, Mrs. Rebeca Kinkead, MRS. THOMAS DEAD The Wike of Blown, Jobin Thomas Hae Jined the Silent Magaty John Cordell, Chas. Langhein, Ja Fhoanak and Martin Thomas went Wn Carroll township Tuesday to sttend the funeral of Mrs Kate Thorius, which was hones, midway {tradi own, half-way x bist wenn Ele ard at to'vloek pow Mea Thorns bad from dropey and astlims yoy MELE Vins th Eu srteas thos alternoon, Jan. 19k riage to Hon Join Kfiows tion] I wadding anniseraary 1 ade War shoaith Mr Thomas was a widow resisling Pustabary at the time of Ber marrage to Mr. Thomas. Her Srst hosband's parhe was Kesh, No children the frais of her second aillanes teen sone and two dangliters by furger mm arith rea ves] hb ay the #4 i of 3 ArTingY bo s5 od & Kind wile and Nhe was 6% vears of her death indulipent mo ape al the ay The regiains were Laken to interment Toesiay afternoon. HANDSOME DECORATIONS Casary ME ® ¥hing of Hauty Canrt 6 has al on 8 as 3 9 Peay aaa seaflolding now % ile Lh fist AUWAIOG RES 54 3 iis baa PRION Wi od swe © rooio. Rh i wed FIETRTY » i be placed on chnvas, which will he dope by BY Ascenzo perso ally, x gure of justi a soatml araldst the of lator, arded by The balance of the work wii be dane by the contraction from designs and specifications of the artist and carried ont usder his instructions Gerber Bros. of Johpstown, have the contract. «Whose COURIER are you reading 7 SEVERAL Pennsyl- Ténhman ang Dr Nir. Reo cand Mr. Chat the matter bad been were sbian od i moarning the loss : W VaR Tad Woof the Balige = Proceedings of Counai, COMPLAINTS. Sess Wiper Cospaaiiiec and Hopert al Paid and Boatime Basins Tru rsaetred : Hepoit of Troasurer, pt was a bitte fate geconnt of several of the barough dads getting stack in the mad holes in Hoo ard x block and tackle had | EXIT gun's all to be sivgied beiore they wens gated, HH i# expected that by the time the next meativg is beld a ferry boat will be wr These separ were President {ieminciimen ee and Mol iarmier and and Ame alr. Wine. thee sirpet oommmiities, med i Ro Moy with WW. T. Hob ercasing on Third an alley at a cost ato ar PPR ari Ls fos, one ad EEL OAL 3538 AVerie and open ap of Ei Mp the meoessity © Met lormiek oailed adtsition erossing at Fone Loner ave &* wth EVRA ane © BEAT thal, Supt. Urs ruil CEaEpnY, had prised bo remedy evil, but had not 6 been given, however, by Lhe new sip E = Hippey, ih The fay fstbomeead it developed and, of Lhe t n erintondant Caviar word be done, Me. Usmpbell stated Thal Beech avenues thal seeded Sling in fil their coal honees, investigate thes port at the nexi muting. Mr MeCorealek spoke sity for a street light © fand Hotel wand Mer, aur the Fryoke “amphell Betors Lhe hesporablie body 00 8 previo a ARID ard Baal ween vole dass I Was presen 4 Fane i Nios Wiikine y Tar 35 . “a apd a pti, i od Hii tlhe on ordered noid Hardware L pad Wok oh A of : 2 ¥ cies far $ thos Hav hot The ripaart of peer of Palion bofouagh of Damar 8 $1 shaman a4 in the Baads the Eppganret receiver] 8 apie Gr Jaa. i. 2. THER h Ralanew ine frpganrer IRL BMT BIST. The sinking fond acon inn the Sof ¥i85 hands Yo Ey slowed § balages feasnna ¥3 A Pian ts sy Phe Pox we Weak of FXEL a Was mean slrewt 1axl it was Fast MM; want te] pared b wi Else The exoner: d to M2 leaving 067.80 ed Vist onthe 1589 duplicate. asoeriainad Bere ween he did not beg foe ih alos ao to be collec This will be redueed at least $53 the present week. The original duplicate amoutited Yo a aad. wi fuvestigate Thew | ive Newt Hesthngo Bb in rs on | Camp mick $a wax Assurances had tensors wore complaining about a crossing on Walon nude R comigaanl tee garding an alley off of Magee avenue that the residents thereat wanted apen- : wil ay erder tof wai prdered taal the street sommitioe complaints and fo of the neon COrne at Once Save Money. It ata tod srderod AF ¥ AAA MA AAIAALAASAMAIIAD svidedd or # bound walk wd. RY ; Clothing and Over all heavy i nal Tb ventory Sale and here : you are. : SALE TO LAST 15 DAYS. rt ik ath pa Poi £3 818 on it i Dh 8 50 Suite io xe i A ¥¥ &§ &% 9 a0 15% ih % {5 Boys’ and Children's Suits and Reefers Cut Big Reductions i in Like Proportion. n Underwear, Heavy Shirts, Il Winter Stock. NOTE THE PRICES ON SHOES: All uther price fadivn 82 Bi Sh oe Rieciueed to = : IH LL 18 8% as re ok 3 Eh and Children's a i» 6 +4 Hoys' | 2 00 2 it Be ke proportion Misses’ i x = 3 i ] The Keystone Clothiers. tly Opposite the Bank. rr heen i ION FALL AND WINTER GOODS at x. Large line "AT COST ®o Now is the T0 BOY (ORIS HAND CRFES at mas... THE BAZAAR. __onssss AMA VE VARVARA SE RN AR AY EAHA soma] uoped ay papal Aston ao 1d aio i 3 iE 3a )
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