CAMBRIA CO, PA. THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1901. IU] the Boech rack ralivond and purricd ‘ Naw York 4 i and destinnt boy ayer th niral io a don A pnetraction The Penney boranin , are the contractors for this There {x 8 large amoont At lens Four Tnige tunnels having % ength of Ton Jeet will be onstrated, pre will alue be quite » Jot of heavy Toes begun Hye toning, = and work wil 3 f rhe sub Home er cuore ANS ENCE. Mardy Mont Loangt he wan ag th Heh Joes and Othe Grgunieat Tiss On Sanday “vent HE the mame of {the First Baptist Church of Patton met a8 per annonnoement to take foal aotion on the choice of a pastor of Cosmid eharoh, and by ascent ballot it wos : et to Fomor this ATFAngS the Agreement of thi hat] fhe coal of Shes nt rast of the BRA ; the Pome wi fie rh x bith 4] they ; otfamed wg foie Pasion every miners avd op RPALOIE | Co, is premring far , put ty promised by ¢ drift tn the BD seam 3 an nine, The new drift ar Ahan the seqin compan is now working and when I give employment to red more men. From the readily be seen that Fab wil booms as it bas vever boomed vd every resident thersof his t iwason to grow hilarious the promising prospects. R. Lisyd, 1. KE. Evans and Daniel dren, of Patton; Jas. W B Jmnuirg. Lo ; Pleber ang : are be ans aper, treat on ‘general min. ilation, mine machinery, poli » rosy whew of the El Among wher things Mr. K TH hgrest activity in the ita. coud region of Central Pein . Within the past sik a ry large mies of coal lands has | anged hands, and new developropnts sre being made in every direction : t that district. The demand | iy th at in ordee to get it to mir Hoe of railroad will @ coming year at a cost af $2,500, {H, the past do ol ays the New mide & PONTERCT or the enn. of what will be known aa the eat Branch Valley railroad. This be an important feeder to its Wain This road will make connection be he Philadelphia and Erie rail at Keating, in Clinton eonnily. © tracks of this lstter line will be d to Lock Haven, at which point and freighs will be transforved to! Lory : 3 badlt ge v8 pa 4 placed tha ban | bm t | found that Rev, JB Radcliffe wan the | chon of alt present with but two ex. {| ceptions, wha cast favo Blanks designs. {ing vo cholee. He was thon srtrawted with oversight of the chuoreh in ita spirit nal matters pind delegated anther ity fo perfors all its duty in accord e wit! ¢ manos of the churel, and exercise the ir ihe Eospel He wi prea oh ennh Sur day evening at 10 ofclock. Al nore charch gorrs are invited 10 come and hear bin proach, Geo. Boose, : Charch Clerk. The fol owing offonry « Vat Hy Eas saviy Cerra ling & Se retary and fan, Peter Kare, Momball, H. 8. Bag Ini! te Sentinal, Died ager, 5 Septinal i :¥ 3 Exeentive amber, io ith WwW. Metion, FX Lelonan, Gen, art Af Storm, lee nf the Knighis of will speed ine Bola Fadl day oy when Peet Harry Derr. of Jobnetown, and gree team will confer the Pythian de. grens on abou pew lodge will start Petting se, ix at 3 ont nader the Fepeet favorable anspie eu * axd the meh i 5 $ Ha The Orne fy Vation ‘bership will complis LPOnt prominent Wen disciples of Damon and Pytbias are | miaking great preparations for the Levent and the goat is expected to be Cparticularly fractions on Uae of sama viaY, The Ha of ofoers in the will be published next work. | The quarterly coriference of the M. KE church will be held at Goldstein's Hall Saturday evening al 7230 o'clock ew toons district of the Central Pennsyl- vania conterence, Rev. J. Ellis Bell, of Altoona, will be preseat ate. The presiding elder will als preach ab the Sanday morning service In the evening the _ pastor, Rev. Deaver, will occupy the hers of the school board whose term “will expire. at 10:30 o'clock, pulpit. ‘enlobrated by the members of Bt. Pet er's and Paol's Greek Catholic chareh of Patton ou Monday. The M. BE. Church at Conemaugh 1 | | was destroyed by fire Saturday morn- Loss $1,000, no insarance. A GOO SHOWING. An Liierenss of 4% Por Com in the Bis Bees af the Patton Haak, The stockholders of the Fimst Nao ‘tional Bank of Patton held their regu ar annual meeting at the banking house Lon Tuesday, Jun. 81801. The report of the past veur's business shared a wery | maried and pestifying increase, the balance sheet an forty-eight per cent over the previo wear, which speaks volumes fur | management. whose liberal and pro 3 pao we YE Ee EEO Vis ME ARS RRR Trad hae fone! i (the heuding flu now Sal A od plus of 815.000. baard of director follows Prosident, A. BE. Patton Viee President, A. (i Pa Cashier, WH. Sandford Directors, A. E. Patton. A mer, G. 8, Guod, Hon, James Kers. E A Brown and WwW. H. Sandiord tier north andl i ipmined ME ; company, of Clearfield, in which A BE. (3 Palmer and myself bl wid bedore Jue Bodo on Monday night charged with Cassanit and battery und threats to kill total mother, all of her statements were bagged | Ther Ly wrading. Subcontractors Are Bow on Avge and Appreciative atte : present at i oped into a sn opinion ested are Fread CEagien, Laan fond » i oF morThinantar Lf Ee ‘Me Poe money for the vovae +f Starodilie Fay Lhe Fae > CE berr Choa and amt Tourden Wek sant be a Lo henge Depuly % sles 5% thirty enndidates. The dye | The pew presiding eider, of the AL and offiei- The newly elected The Greek Christman, which accord. _ing to the calendar of the Greek Cath- {olic church falls on January 7th, was ; and is a Demoowal. of PEAY MER POTAER Few Fliihones Foppes Holi That Chaves Be le ream Mrs Rd Poppe wiliey hos repel gp 1G Hore THES grenvialkie this plow by prancn of alleged miedo. wo of the Pease The mifarmation Mes Josephine Gabrial, and the father, Stapley Galyial A 10e Wan gay family quarrel gad Lhe Rearing Wi cal rogolar the Jostios jpwisied on tangible information on which to Al thie pariut wi dpenk bat the geting sate {nse of ter. gied Tron Hinde difflond to obtain anyth to draw i proper conelusion. Liar hike However, run it watinuiny Moen Vioprea EE duced acted in 8 wares her thevatening Io kil wet Puta in saltrented hoy, j regen borer tis of nn the « rei There ip Rpfeara psd 4 Feit op my etre hey shay aboriiach aed Belward bia Heated Aiapat Sony | radios and that af ugly rumors afloat mupdensd and an the ralireaa Frior Popper 8, he wr hris trikes town, the time wer thes plaoedl death, for ty fui 1 France Bik wife's parents, atd furnii Hast bear redobiad Patton Me Pooy ir: 2 saan SLR iTre Sh wn se Hageant Were him Be nly Se Veter. Was LES HEY : thas FUER of Teiah an irrated aio a ferry bad and § Hag ak EH Pannen ] defanit Of $4 Gal fail Toesdae morning by Coeanl Javkann The apd parvniy mnt fe fw quiet. ineflenav Pe are being taken ware of Dy #0 Ferenc poo maar Wan Was eR in THE COMME ELECTION he Eu AX Laase Ferm Eaplao Laat wf Fear e Lo hei aeiel Nass of Thiaema Laterest in ti CRIN DOUBLED vie tion sal low ehh just al pressal, DU within the next fos days the politic fans will begin casting about for good we to Ail the various offices made vacant Three sotseiimen, two sihool Heitary, ane Gasealor, one aaditor, a aleetion wad two inspectors of “ting are 1a he voted for Las spring. The counciinien whose terms expire Lie of are BE. P. MoCormick, Hepablican, and Frank Andersen, Republican. A sue. cessor most also be chosen to succeed MM Nolan, Repablican, who wan ‘appointed to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of 8. AL Cornelia of three years CC Crowell, Demoorat, and GH. Carfman, Republican, aré lbe mem. Thitir successors will serve for three years, John Somervitle, Democratic Asien. wor, iv another offal whose tern will expire this year, having served three years. | A successor to Clusoce A Repsher, Republican, to sefve is audi tor for three years must also be chosen. | J. E. Radcliffe, is the Judge of election, Joseph Marks, Democrat, and Jobn Hunter, Republi. van, are the inspectors of election, ' ¢ a whose terms expire. There are enough offfees of impor: tance bee Bled gsiial warm contest and calls for pri and cancus will probably May the ta to aries ig jmsued in a few dum yen win Boa Bows Allesapt, faitowibe i the first allot of Lhe fae he Whose Con gis are you reading Kits 3 Tas Ai aerve for a term by Peaver, of the ML Beach avenue on Tho 4. 1901, at 230 o'clock, of typhoid fever, gu granites Lhe at a hag iy OR Willhums, Patton, ¥ Now Lily Dads, SUCCEEDS CORNELIUS. haan ATE Ek $ . Soo iv SURE Fase £y TARY Emitters Was £1 ets rtind $5 Avenan? oF Hasan Wivaw Bedeividl & Taipsissaas Yole bay the Foust aenas Fit ing Yon } fps dotted] phsmber in nnd Balla 3 sigend Hout Lane ie wos Monday eves Sy thn Hing for the reg. wine meeting Patton Traits Camadall Fite on, Winalow, Lar. i Hap tuhuroe. al Me ¢Corssiek and Mr. Wonsbvw stated 1 Lin. pela wold sol Be arose moved Gut af the be rofigh, and theres HA hay Wk es £1 3 Hare Aral Thad sven’ E Tia Lane ii fi Iomed. WT. Hobin- Wis * presect, and his bill Silage Hise The male wat, that pombe al vhrion sunt of sewer gx 5 pian A sori on oe Mi yin, gin gin Pals 1 3 ashe: Eitia R859 ids ars sires gomimbsioner and aver ust Lhe i sit mis hensiaad Yana Heyl eed Wp pant Of por ser. pais Procgtnber LE Pied oar i owaa weno for comselion Yiiar Of ny ; uid iene Aa Lites {lens / Lo acim An alk presented the nate of Sota hand the mafia was seeosded by Mr Winslow My Nolan she nranimmogs vobe of the connat wd woes dec lareel eheoed xd Honrieq, a fn i Vg { WORTUARY [ive dhres Wha Have Fean Called fo the tier Shay the Httle sx momihe’ old smd Fassel] wii of Me after a short Uness The fyneral was held at St. Marys R ©. ehuren on Wednesday at 2 o'clock p m.. conducted by the pastor, Rev. Father Edwin. Interment in the Cath ule cemetary, Mary, day niternosas, ines, , The little one wax two brothors etd at the howe Tuesday 4 ctnduoted i Ee by Rev. chureh Fairview a clovk, interment was in ery David Tharabell the yoongest Ar and Mra Phos Tuaeabell, place, died at the family re Sin ar of this readiterion on after an llness extending over a period All that mustical aid eked gic wiwits at wiih eotd doe for Astet pRrattal the Hethe sniferes wan di stelion dispeine was ou then ss, buat the in. sevatead and after an unegine ant enth cinder hin ag Heo Prasvied won IMME aired Byti tas wa CREE ER Tir SOLES thevalors sioven amd eght ahs AER, Ws years, foun es Bi Wak 4 FREE ame eh BA oy ¢ Alay Aine Fo Fp § 5 Ei Was atl 3 HE aby, 3+ 11 B Cait on or sddress Lee & AER Her Cre a Mem Hesign On Pram thd orogh : the for the borough Thue present were Prosiilent ; ani Shoes x he had hid . : GE dered tial a foal report. be eet them. ith the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs 12 LL. Biair, died on Sunday afternoon of pnsumonia after a short as tent montis “old, and besides the parents is survived & The funeral was afternoon at Dir The Cee. radny night, Jan. Prior to our Annual Inventory, January 2 ung § we hind we have too entirely, of broken lots in Woman's M isses’, Boys’ and Children s Now to reduce * stock we “shall knife the price and that means we shall sell The sizes will regular, 28th to 31st, 312¢ os. be Boy % g Kegn ar 5% and We wiil Sch 1 Yai be aout {4 <¥ . ails 1 fan. 3rd, Ww ¢ shall We shall have them ol Sia will pay vou to colle and see th money, but no matter Mrs. Jas Ll. Boley, of | Fifth avenue, died of spasms on Ties The Keystone Clothiers. Directly Opposite the Bank. Large line COST to. SE —— a Eh Th he hl LEMAR LRLRNS A $ F Now is the Tirme § TQ BUY CORIS AND SHPES at notwithstanding sods ai jowest BAZ AA R. = 2 Mice 3 It 1B AAVHVLLH VESTER LHP ERY FLAVA ALRV BALAN 3 ] I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers