i Courier. | ANY ADBOUNOES FAG RENE poeigonk ESTABLISHED 1988. —— Rr yield; it is too deep | seated. It may wear | itself out in time, but | it is more liable to i produce la grippe, pneumonia or a seri- ous throat affection. You need something | that will give you build will do this when everything oe fas. There is no doubt | It nourishes, hard cough, but to the system against’ attacks. If you are Joes, BEE BOULHISEN VE, | Chemis, New'Y ork. «and | 3 -~ i ” mR : Oends Paeuvidoal we ¥ tap are diane Ih vem any, dapr tiv Kame i Trike, is. : Michuel J. Barn ot ux 10 John T Storm, Gallitain township; cc nsaplera thon, $700. James W. Lick et ox to Kate Chand. Jer, Cambria gqounty, $25. Jane Monroe et vir to James 1. ftobetl, Gallitzin borough, $00. Henry Taylor wt ux to Jane B. < Johnston, Baenexboro, $100, oh arehes foeated on Ur NeRr th : Hie road, should reach se, i Dee. | ori fndividosd Lien when prile by the company hs gets as much as $50 for & singe Ih strumetit. {Evangelical charch year he has no : Hae cation was made from Lag Ltrs Clersent Deders for 19061 The Pennsvivaran Rallr md Comp that clerical orders wii ear 1901 to ordained charge Of Fie od Fair | be issned for the ¥ | clergy men having reguine Application bhiun ks may of Eek and fois { HY ge shtained Pr re pie wR LY Say ans by may shitload KEY Hey VEN - ay 31 phy tHe. wis that nrders fy Oe Cipders wild sg InEn #7 toy Toh Fa Laarredd any spd Boat of £37 bhintiks farntehed and certified to by fj} CHrRY Lone of ite agents Makes Cippard Yokes Centre Hall makes fiddtes, nad good has preacher wie cation, Tan, fir iT: $1is WwW. H CRheads apd be preac hes for the United Paring the past atin, natne is Bev, woie Hen En guitars and a cane and has anot her vi Anishedl. One Thr #4 wa sunk dar lin ard cane partly an American vessel Lind the fovlutionaty war, and = in faked with 0 gifferent pees sof womed, Tawi flaven Express foave yonr of Binday papers Cat Kinkeadd's Misier's Notice. Flay if eect BPR ICS sages Wet Evening s wal Berd fF bo pp Ry {regen tied dwar i Faery Bre Bye When in need PURE DRUGS STATIONERY, TORACCO & OC CONFECTION PATENT MEDICINES Call at IGARS. ‘ERY. Huber’s Drug Store, PATTON, Prescriptions properly comps sified the mos nge saive Thomas Barnes ¢t al 16 Ann Harve, Barnestoro, $35. ~ J. L. Spangler ot al ih Hastings, $50 \ ; Lutheran Protestant Cemetery Lutheran Prikentant Cemetery elation. Eider, $1. A Lord, Tis Avs Guardian of Ira Thomas et ul to Bac ehael Thamar, Carroll, $10 Rachavi Thome Wo J. Carroll, $660, CA. Shuitbmugh el Whalers, Bpangier, £15. Polly I endure et Vir to John Baza, Barnesbory, 3 ‘Administriitor of pulty ef al fo Pan : boro, ad so Indlana LU dobn W.. Mevyatyen, nt 000. Archibald Kirkpatrick ot ux to Her man Kirkpuirick, Elder, Bass W. DD. Bigier et al to Joho Smith, ‘Bosquehaniik #1. : i Commissioners af Umbria count Thomas T. Hewes, Ebensbnrg Rn 41 MW Kem Dh Hobert Adams, $1. ux to Bridget = McA Yearnns Draw bat Satter, Fioposit Hank to asipoehaii om, Inada ty 3 Tis 4 Gi. C Bearer 10 Jacob 8 Huber, ‘arroll, $185, In you have ever soem aoehila in the : ngony Of vrbup you an we hoy thankin gyre are for ne Ainnte cough cure which gives relief as soon as it is administered. It quickly cures coughs, cols and all throat and lung troobles. CC. W. Hodgkins. Feat ADVERTISED LETTER List List ot Paciaimed Letrer for fag Trower bar 10, The followivg is a list of advertised letters reme ning in the Patton Post- “office, Saturday, December 15, 1900, To obtain any of those letters the ap- plicant shold call for “advertised let ters.’ If pot onl led for within two : weeks they will De sent to the Dead Letter Office in Washington i Mrs Angenton Ancerson, Nellie Daugherty, Mes. Rose Endler, John Kridier, + linres WwW. Myers, Jabn Morgu, Thongs Shears, Wm, Wil son, Fi arindo Baath, Joba Gp B® Piahibs, Mow Ei Heh Perry MitMerriman Miah John Reniek, Varga Jogel, ager. Foroign — Marton Flarindo 3 Boge A, Gov. Varga WILL GRERNY, Posts Week| Badd { hurls Ww bo mie y Morris, leman, Digests wh: at you eat. Trartificialls digests the fond god ab Nature tn nire nit gd rhening 5 ri structing the gans, Iris the lates ant and tonic CAD Abproach stantiy relieves an Diyapepmiag Tudipe wiley, Flatule nee, Se pr Bik Headar hie Gas Hother rests of ts i A Rd by ¢.: >in. Chicos. CW. Hodgkins, Peston Hi thiscanerod digas: : pron Ta 3 {Erinanen lye 13 Hearth 51 EERE hy \ Aigo vid 4 St L y PRISON, DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? Kidney Troudic Makes You Miscrabie, Airman papers every badly ae foe pam 3 bn ¥ i s the gras! mec mip of the nine AR . TAR as after years of oom pm dees Fer ar lay UN SITE RY Thom mrs ida 1.) ney wi nde 7% lane ba bias and | ; form of wid dn ft Dr, omanended iors Jess orb ins BO An ny way practice, among ’ chase relief and has every ase that A sp - been rads by ! : wha have | ny Te tells find wk Wihan wea 3 ofler in this paper send your addr Dr. Kime! & On harnton BN. £ 3 regular ify Sent an: : ve of Soap Ext dollar sizes ars soid by all good druggist xl nrted igestive Goo THE A de otioe in © inventive Age’ Bleck © How wh obdain Patents’ Charges wi mivderate Xo for L471 pinto Lay gn con fdantond £6 SOCERS. Patent Lawyer, Washington, Bh ll lA i “ Everybody is Busy DYSPEPTICIDE. Planning and Getting For the CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY. where to hnd ro - y A FREE PATTER # A PRLL 2A ¥ 3 agp ns 4 fiw, aro ay Our Prices are Lower than Others Ask for Same Qualities. .———= 1 Jape ar at i 4 vimslile hed an » Al Baws Lo ny d a or Ahem. A why ary swie 97 ee ae "eo AL COMPANY, SI. S48 Week Tain Srewwd, oc no» Kew Terk Cww, EL A peep at Doll dom. pure EAL { doen pated Laie earh & few Go handkerchiefs, bem An and ap A few of the many Men's kid gloves, lined and anlined, ved of the paeasurd all ahades. af §3 and 1 50 per pair Tin Toys. Mocha gloves, in brown and of these adits, $1, 125 and 160 per pair. Binck Jersey he and Mie per pre fen atte hed, 123, 170, he, 350 on ail Yi a g Pid aad d &:3 § 3 avigiae and ringing bel, Fe. Ald Wik. Ley bas cirtaied Sr 25 tarot ea and WR abe Dwr de YOUNG 2 gen they ean be prog spel for wy sina! : BIER file Beaaties 4s fi ony in Lhe sbiage wists for such B boil meetin. Eversiton wives LTE & A reat variely inex pers len $8 della that can be Sorin 0 market, pisir Spoteh gloves, He and 500 per pair. AR suitable for Christmas giviog, bok tur see and find out the right size. sik suspenders, we, 81 1.50 to 2080 get Very attraciive Lo fran children Fh A by eR ¢ x aa £ i Arent and undressed, Stationary engines, 500, Me and $1.29 Musical topes, Ad Ie Se and 10 Lire ems] fil Fhe, Hw done, searin 10 se, $1, 81.35 4 oe } eo traand dain, { fore, it institals ; A full line of fancy 13g Re {vik gan = ol EY Are mssaled) Abie oe panel JERE fh plonly boxed, 7 ati E gy ¥ ® : oA sind LENE Wiataees Gold Rings Bemade, He fall Fite The largest and most beaotiful Hine ity the sity for the prices, ail new styles Wf stones, bien, wil abgen, - =n fen, hg? roofs els in DON, iy wetiings and all sorts « Ladies’ plain gold rings, He, He, $i, 2d and fd Por Aela 0 Foley's Honey a»4 Tar heals lungs and stops the cough. Ord Bk 3 M1 ema h Give, #1. § ES ay 4 Sal {hasnd rings, S50 1.58, : a3, 2. ta 3 awk Phila Writers fap the Bova ana oon i They Tos ! boptviom, 2 Si AL 2 HL Poadiion’ rings, oF Fu alyite enamel, #1, and 3.89 3 tami Ts - many $1ALTY mH, a & ; 5 Cyt Ey tt Ag SR wheat TEETY Lo fueinee we AW, Fen 1 ty Pan, wad Hoye pass Lrg Barras, ile three Fv & or pg EAR 2 Largs sgine Gad tend Mead, yricl pigw with posi) sete, $1.35, tak bureans 3.08 each. Se, he, 83 anak pies Dohring nas presents poms Semerintiom may Sepoiy Dred Whe ar wa Eman i oy ran. Fatants Things for Presents. 1m : I Arpeey #tr A reid, B28 A Ly adi wewadeaier NN i Go Er New York Hrasoh es, C5 ¥ with $1, TR. pa hs 413 wea wae Tah, ot, Y 50 151 tering an thimbles, is hirnsies, buekies, and all make S06 DEEN ak freind fs. tel, s Hankerchie pakiere ky erga al were ther things bof irda ge ssh gigas ghey prives 3 bos vrs dae vwesd PHATE TE % VAY AAAS SVAN 42S VAVVVPIEVS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers