# the Hrain upd Death a 1 Marty. SV erdiet of Askeld Obeistimns selebration in Patton PATTON, V(x | oop alan a af the 1h and family Williamsport Lieit, | forwarded te the ' conmnd. Submitted in F. F, and C. F. H KiNgpan, Jans Pore Sn Giger, BB Howe, |} RANE AE Chom Citorer of the anivers has in his inf} nite ‘wisdom removes] from among us one of our worthy Comrades, Pout Connander Valentine Dumom, and WienEas, The long and intimate re intone beld with him in the eights e marred on the evening of that | nocidental shooting, the oh was the death of Jos tereon wn estimable young ool § miner whieh. wearred on the following | was a former resident of and with his wife and child from their home at Amby mis evening for a fow dave the bome of John Gantz, thie Mrs Patterson. During the visited several placa Is in them the billiard hall Frank Kinkead. Here he met wo. bier i Jacob Troman and El Steure, and the trig decided to attend a dane : then isi progress at the Firemen’s Hall. When st a point near the Patton | Hotel stables in the ailey jeading fron Fifth avenve to the Hall, Steare tok his handkerchief out of his overcoat pocket, Ir doing #o his Bcalibre ro: _wolver fell to the ground. Traman, wan walking with Sears, pleked the wrenpon Bp, snd the latter tojd him fer ‘need not hsndle it so gingerly as it was not loaded, Patterson was walking a Yitthe in advance of the couple at ti time. Truman soggested having aoe | fun with Patterson with the supped empty rewdlver, and suiting the action to the word, eel the Woalbem arid advanced to where hie prstspeoting victim wax, who portain aud hat we need see nar like a CAs Be dis so he wtyimhied aud Hee : weapon was exploded. The ballet struck Patterson below the cheek bone and pumced on pwd sud dsr ward course, fntiag hedgment ih the brain Chief of Police Waa, Gil biped the shot Jud with others tame rum ning discharge of bis doty in oud GAR { Post makes it befitting that we id our appreciation of him, the refore, Resolved, That the wisdom and abil our organization by Gaprvicos oo tributed snd counsel WH be | grateful remeniberance, Resolved. That the sudden removal of such a life from our midst leaves a yacancy and a shadow that will be desply realized by all the comrades of our Post, and will prove a serious pms to the community and the public Pesolved, That with deep sympathy with the relatives of the doceged, We T oxpross our hope thal even so grea 4 Joss to ne wil may be over riled for good by Him who doeth all things Cell Resolved, That a copy of these reso- ations be spread apon the records of the Poot, a popy printed in PATTON LO RIKER and a apy forwarded to Lhe bereaved family. Gun, BooXe, Jor ANT, £3 WW. Lassiny, regaiar paneling aif Pain Lodge, No. LBL held Dees savsihop 9 vs i Lhons were dotted : Waeniar, af Prother Ralph WEE, Ey v reminded of 1 ar Tabath bos taken fhe wile Latah 3 sa wy fe dE Thin we fide ia the Pivine Spirit to gubde os to aovess ard our destin Het BE dd and placed both Truman | andl Sedave in custody. The anforton- Ale AR Way carried to the office of Bo P MoCormick in the Good Balding, where he died at 4 gelock Wednesday He never regained con Coroner Miller, of Johnstown, ‘was potified and with Drs Worrell nnd | Dowler performed an antopsy, which disciceed the course of the bullet ms Resolved, Tr mit to He | duweply monn the boss bel Cand be it farther Paomot ved, That wa horetic heartfelt sympathy to the sorrasiiag family and commend them ‘Great Rater of the nriverse who proses to be a personal helper in tise of peed, and be it farther Hewolved, That a copy of these reso. we % a 3 a - ee hve fied wo Tad WES Pali wh i XS taegred aay Ae vi. ae jution be presented to the bereaved stated above A coroner's jury was sommonad, dof P. P. Young, COM PON Sas. Mellon, W. H. H. Bell, Bernard Litginger, Wm. Yeckiey and OG Crowell, who after hearing tbe evi dence brought in a verdict of accilen- tal shooting. The remains of the anforiunate | victim were taken to Ansonville for burial, where the funeral was held on Schmidt, Gadlitzgin boroagh, $400. Kill Buck Tribe, No. 369, LO. RM, lutions in memory of their late brother | Joseph E. Patterson: + Whereas The Great Patber and Su- | preme Ruler of our universe has in his 4 finite wisdom called to the bappy hunting ground our belovad brother Joseph BR. Patterson, therefore te it Resolved, That while we bow in. humble reverence and submission to M. Binder, Carrolitiwn, $200. Him who doeth all things well, yet! the sudden removal of our brother fumitly and that they be inscribed tpon the minutes and published in the Pare Pon COURIER WM CRAMER, Jons HUNTER, Jas, McoNpar, |} Com. SICH ENS iN DIRT | pli i ewils Racrrted at Ehemabhurg we Friday, Dreembir, 28. Christopher Noal et Noal, White, $1. Hx to Lworge - Anton Wisdwild et ox to Anthony . Joseph Wetmore et ux to John Man- of Patton, adopted the following reso. "1o% Susquehanna, $500. Joseph A. Gray et ux, to Frances . MeDermott, Barr, $150. Frances McDermott et vir, to Mary ane Anderson, Barr, $180. Alice Aschroft to A J. Bwope, Cres. son, $2,000. John Bock et ux to Young Men's : | Institute, © mrrotitown, $350. from among us leaves a vacancy that : be deeply realized by all the mem. bers of this tribe. Reslved, That we recognize in the { calling of our brother to that Heavenly Council fire above, tw band of the Great Father, who gave us a lesson of mortality for our instruction and fatare guidance, Resolved. That praying to the Lireat Spirit thit he may make our path straight and our henrts brave, thit we wander not into the trail of the evil Spirit, we will endeqvor to profit by | their divine teachings and strive Jive sodhat when our RRIMMOES COMES to join that tatemiie cirole to in the heavenly wigwam above, we may _p- proach our grave ike one who wraps the dra “aud lies down to pleasant dreams. n Resolved, That with deep sym patby with the bereaved family, we express our HOITOW and that we drape our sharter and that the brethern wear urning for the period of thirty BUNK. ved, That a page of our records ries of hig couch around biny : Parr, $2 Emma I. Derricott et vir Hawin Henry J. Binder et ux to Isadore ‘ Binder et al, Carrolitown, $. Isador I. Binder et ux «bt al Henry J. Binder, Carrolltown, $5 Spangler huprovement Company to Abrabam Lincoln Good, Spangler, $75. JL Spangler, trastes, to W. R. Rishel, Susquehanna, $100 Joseph Peters ot ux lo Reffuer, Spangler, $500 Mathds Leonnrd of viret ad to Jubn Lantzy, Ga2poll 81 5 ak. Elias Stiles ux to John man, Susque “ink i, S148 Ciprgory Milor #8 ua Polkenrode, Carrodl, $200. Porter Kinpurts ux teustees of First Presbyterian hureh of Barnsshoro, Barneshoro, #7 Prank Wargo «0 ox grove, Hastings, $1. Jomevh Miller ¢f ux i hE Albert A. ir Lar ciivpster wi ef wl 10 £ i Tis ii i 1S Board of Church Pittsburg Uotlurunes od Protestant Chore to Porter et al Barnesboro, $60. : Fixtansion SOompience the nes contary rigid by planting an ad in the PaTrox ited to the memory of the de- Courter, The outlay will be rel arned and A copy of theese 1 iobation to you many fold in the way of new town on Monday, Jun T WHEREAS, The Great and Supreme gram ix appended: held in Gmiden Eagle, #1 a CAMBER 3 EDIT PI AAR PEAS br an Berd Pieimiodd To he Mend 1eriy Mowing sil Pomerania EREIEE The next grnrherly Tembria Le Posponn (range will be badd ar Fokenwsn 5 Hall ak Uarpoll Th E 4, Pw Fit nay MORNING, 8000 oni Muse, Nise Prana gh Pansy, CTanvnrd tetange. ha Advantages of Shealding F der,’ Gran a M pig Fanny, Mow prise Livange, ity which he exercised in the aid of (uerivs. AETERN Mawie. ay frhor off. pair ff TosGEaoR Sosipany Hivgiason, -tlarey Rowland, of Ji . Hermon Grange. anbont wid he bas at A fifth deg 4 o'vlenk poonl be open Lo Lhe pubis The pvening meson wi HA PRIN TIE OTL pdt Uirnsge Dreher Recitation, 5% bi Hm Travia, of Cambria Grange, i Adkcirras, Shei Take in 4 Children,” Prot. : Carrolitown sohinois Fsany, John Motiormick, of Higham Girangy : Snr, i ar: nix ¥ ANE v M Ary arid 34 Paweh (rave tir A Re J 7 i yivani Megte Uiranpe pile Carvers. aewian PDiobaet, Addirees, Ajiasan, of 5 Farsi voad Mew G00 mitiaers of the Bake PEOIRD Lian of Hanes Gomipany | Bve ; Gerson Saunier wudnaiong ppt lari aluery. ABS reat hE af the maigars the wage satiunal i ete st organigatings GE Bow meeting seales to be subi it Srranpe fiat to cnntention of the bundy, ow vu Fleviasd, Tha folio Patton (astie, Na. wing officers were elected by regular ssaon of thet astie to serve for the easuing Lerriny Nahle Chief, (lorge Sinclair. Viee Chief, E. E Deitwiider. High Priest, Sidney Ronndsley. Venerable Hermit, Fred. Mitchell, Master of Records, W. H. H. Beli Clerk of Exchequer, Geo. Law. Keeper of Eqchequer, Gost dersion, Hepresentative to Lhe Liemnd Castle, Pred Mitchell. The appointed officers installed at the next regular session by District Grand Chef WwW. H H Bell An fat Sine Per {ont The suditors of the defunct Fenn sylvania Building & Losn association with headquarters ia Alcona in that city recently awarded the stockholders pine per vent on their holdings, the aggregate amount af which = about $110,000 A further report with an- other award, ls promise, adi tors seem to have done their at Tix protect the fragments poems ating to ctockbolders. Claas of Ex-Con- gressman J.D Hieks, wha was prow £55 tly Hie fhe dant £2,300, were nol allowed, Ly Mian AuBaeIation, {ame in Ie, pnaniag a nu Patton, bad Pati daus iH the Saup iy Ew ag jester remining That Of advertised rhe Patton Pot Peaepnber 29, Fo in oho, Haturdiy, Ta abtain any of these le scant gad call for! 2H ed eniled 11 Tue ¥ SI8Kh Enis IL Wastiioul i > % Tor BoaArdnK. ET wee kin they $13. £ lush 3 TiHG As maaan i, Peter Hiviey, : glengle, Miss Lizzie lage Post maser Whose COURIER ars you reading ? £3 ny 3 BELLS Wire Wore 302, Rnighta of the ‘the parsonage pret ing of foe : AND WHISTLES Pane wid Shoeviked Foarowedd ti fhe O14 seed Hielponme 1 the New Rear Fra snipes catbann Belgned Sanwatie for a Cnnstder abies Length of Flaw Patten was pot a whit bahind any of extending » hearty sentary. While thea were not sanctioned fo “' Mell sporoval and assist. pone Glaoes Lhair very spon. ianeity was proviactive af a pelebiration that wonid ave date cra 10 6 alder Langer comunity. Old 1906 wos uniemriiy relegated (0 the hax beens’ HOT sas widened as ferventiy aK wld 4 Ha neighbuirs in wepioanie 1a the Fhe REY new feet Fws SE. UR IB RARE REY aNrE (vd Pathar Tine potniang L apd Tame Natore appravinggdy upon anal the night was am witited per Wisiesl, Moa HiaNa Grosso A sineteen hueired yore ago oo a 7 ag) upto Elie Bow Conner GE BT Like unotber Lite owns when the Christ child came to exrth to : Hin presence, ses and fears of wal te years fr ie that plight” hrichien amd Dleus wilh weir jl uric pg ioe SvSRInY ohio in gris Lemcin fantastio coxtitmen parsded the ard Durnished amusement for Cherssebies and friends malar v i el Shee the dlaek i the steeple Hos “hala Bad wie an Lie wy Tawa } sural dip whtie meniberg of Cornet Bam joo ven by playing p tntie sutary mus nave tel weaviet and Pats dy place. The a ie Bod waleh 12 al place of worship, in pars sebd and al walohars were wong and serning Sein] 8 Supe eR Were Bnats of Rh sya Sonn BEE Le galiered fo Vweitomue Lae © send Ina DRIVING grapes.’ fuk ts a presi raed wy ¥ singin goxology be sthor before Patton ita ors mad poetarasl guietode. WEDDED BELLS faving Hearts That Mow Bent ax Tau, Walter Marsh and Miss Brewer, two popular Young Patton. were united in bunds of matrizinny at af te bride's parents the by Rev. Edward EA Deaver, of the MM. E. chureh. Foo Litt youngest daughter of Mr. aod Mrs Wn A Evans, were united in mar riage Wednesday morning al 6:80 o'vioek by the Rev. of St Mary's R church. Walter Little, a brother of the groom. and Miss Ella Evansa of the bride, wers the attendants. After a sumptons wedding breakfast, the high contracting parties left on a wedding trip that will include Pittsbaryg ard other cities. The newly married cottple will go to houseke their return, Vega ty High Kvery | reinval vei vind aE PeILY end Aon feation points to a general fol The period of depression Int primariy Lo AL A af the coal bBasiness this bin industry, due Ba all cars, amd a Pash bay Dn Spears RELY Sanaa wea bon AMR i ret ie wi 1 a8 tors and miners iw il be Ard whether yi Phim in wise as welcomed hy ath trade it vir hos aioe teal 1 Li ayers Pion ade Teas present 3 of glock regard to Radi anler of oft nest Buaday evening tale fiual acto By f Degeons, 30, Boove Ulsck. {ater those of are joined in the jollifeation Lizzie pecple of holy the residence on Christmas evening. The connubial knot wax tied : of the firm of Little Broa, and Miss Anna RB Evans, the Pog upon to our Anna | Inventory, Janua 28th to 11st. we find we have mar Shoe 5 entire ly, of broken lots in Woman Boys : { i we too and Children’s sizes. duce stock shall the price and that shall sell 51265 will Misses, NOW this knife means we them. The be regular. Prices Carefu r 3 dag I.addie es’ Rey wiar x fw HE Bgl REE TE BE 2 i DIOCESE ROUSE dy gp $0 {0 Riley shall have them on sale Thursday pay vou to come and sep these Shoes. but no nutter. % po Woe we ; 5 will W eo shall money, The Keystone Clotiers, Directly Opposite the Bank. Fatber Edwinat er best grade, with every purc of $1.00. We Handle the Highest Grade of Oysters in Town. ret drehases ab Mellon's CASH GROCE! NOTE No Uash Register) Hicks iE eel & TE TrEEsiubaa TY Wits given in the tea deal or wi purchases.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers