nmin al Re SH 1 JNCIL. PROCEEDINGS Monthly Hills Paid st 5 Special Sec won Thursday Eviniog. y borcagh council met in spec. last Thursday evening for of transacting reguiar. The following members wire nt: Anderson, Winslow, Cordell, phell, Hartshorne, and Cornelins minutes of meeting eld Oct. 29th, ah, were read and ups report of the Borough Treasurer Ae i on motion of ' seconded by Uorselios, it d that same be accepted as of the Borough Engineer submitted, i of Anderson, seconded by Cor J it was oarried that same be go follow ng bills were read, and F Winslow, setonded by ft la rarriod that sane bah opdars drawn: W. J, y ELS, Gece 8. Giod i Dae Jenkins, $25.00: Von, $12.80; John Bhunkwiler, £15.75; flkins, § R70 SeRoy Wiki ing, James. Medion, hoo: Erich $1.00; Patton Water Co 840.00, Hanson, Magy be granted a building peo 9y of an ardinans from thie and on motion of ors | ded by Hartshorne, it was te Borough Solicitor. nn of Winslow, seconded ‘it was carried that 1B be instedieted to clean the fuom the Jock-up so ak 10 make it in ; Good that they would have fi fe for the present Connell a er that date jon of Winslow, seconded by lye, it was sarried that the Fire s Committee be instracted to what farnitare in peedod to Hilda lost, Leenivivi Mod OPTI, anes, W L Anna Liske, Laura Winslow, Margoer Joahmston, Eimer Col Faia difte, deihig Belk FATION PUBLIC sero REPORT Third Mon with Ewing Treo: #ih, 1960 mn he following is Sh report of the F mont th af the tern; Yiest Primary. Niraber in altendanoe, Bi, average attendance, 88; per attend. Those perfoet in attendance cent of Dedteiek. Murseila Hiller, Helen Yeckier, Mas { Apnie Novick, FE Harper, Daggett, Frank Diteky, Joseph bard, Alexander Willlsroson, Thomas Paweil, Orville Ke Mictigel Jacobs, George White, Alex wrrdleer ile Faison, Fort AS Arnos PE Hoilge, ne hin Willie: Chariay, Harry MeNamare, trobtge Dehronskey John Armstrong, Charles lddings BrazanerH Suoesa ger, Teacher, Reeoid Pripesry. Naber in attendance, 68 sed fsa ny CCRYOTERRE caf attendance, Jus Ivory, Martin Finn, James Palrick is Bima, Met * a flrey Xa & oh Gi 3 iE 0 Steines Antony Fleiud, Pravic i 7 Felon gh Lavaee, gy. thevy Waller HE * AN WAIIMO IIR Heohen ivi, {ist Whites 3 mim £ alinhan LIFAR, £3 oo Xi Hotter Willis, A wri Fiske oH Eugene Rad. Sarton, Antti Shun REwLer. Winslow, Far Foti yards. Pours i frens Riondds, Ala Johnson, Ms Pork vyntis Anning VV Fant EY, Teacher Third Vivoukey Bry Muamler in in ak Rive ly gtesdnnos, sSvorage Lorin) RERE Ro Ea tof allen T™ Abela Agnes Harper, Levenich Peters, Mar garst tl ape, Hilda Wastmiry Lk 5 Powell, Pal Mary abe ky Magpie ty Mad Jing Ling hare, Li i Fornowt £3 {perirle Sak i Yingling Janes Artiend Cataraas. Joo Delosier, James While, arski, Joseph Andy Bhay, Jame Lon; H Frra WW Hus Fomteth ie y attendance, 67) attendance, 5. per tend. BN perfect in attendanci: Andrew Jobs Powell, Bi i. ¥ An gastos Dale, Nesbit Pope, Elever Ivo Joka Monroe, Biohiad Williams, Fal Mitoheil, John Chat, 1s Brady, Edwin Grenpinger, Mark Uline, Jobin Tobe, Jacob Stresser, diadsith Shuss, Rumber in average Thome Rue Ris, Edy Alie Hartshorn, Helen Monteith, Margaret ™o DEATHS. —— eung Son wf Mr. snd Mrs George Frederick, son of Mr. and Nagle, died at the home of & Thursday afternoon, Dec. years, after an illness of sev- | ks of poeumonia. Funeral were held in St. Mary's Cath. | reh, Rev. Father Edwin offici- which the remains were in the Camidy cemetery. wis 8 bright little fellow, and | y death will leave vacant a the home of the parents which | : n be re-filled. Sincere sympa. hy extended to the bereaved par. Men. Lissle Letach. ints of Patton were jreatly harsday evening when the broken to them that Mrs. : i one of the mines, and] Bvohing A about 10 o'clock Khe tried to ‘home the next morning. He 0 summoned a doctor, who y responded, but ponld do noth- save the ladies’ life, and at t p.m. Thursday she p yussed he officiating, burial took place in Fab The members of Pat ige, 088, LO. OF, Mr leisch is a member, als the ast wad rites in a body an aged wis a highly ris pocted esteemed lady commanding a rele of friends and in early life h the Methodist Episcopal which she was a member at of her death. She is survived nd and three children, as i ged 10 years; Em- George, aged 6 3 mother ie Phy slulogs ; CAnstatt, Morey, Keres, Allon Noonan, Helen Bell, Lily Mary Williams, Margaret Tillie. Boyle, Mary Gor, Margaret Anderson, Dorey buirer, Tescher Firat Futermndinte, ’ Namber in attendance, #5; AVOTARS attendance, 43; per cent of attend- | noe, 92. Those perfact in atbendance: | James Armstrong, Clair Boyes, Jolin ‘Corneliun, James Hodgkins, Gearge Jones, Willie lelsch, Daniel Morgan, ‘William Whiteford, Perry Walters, Grace Ansteacd, Alice Blair, Irene | Brewer, Lillisn Kirk, Rath London, Rosella Miles, Grace Monteith, Amanda : Quinn, Annie Shankwiler, Ethel Ying. ling. joer BE PRIN Kevowd Tntormostiale sine, Teacher, Namber in attendance, 57; average attendance, #6; per cent of attendance, 87. Those perfect in attendance: Wik ‘liam Meehan, Clark Cowher, Frits { Hanson, Claire Beaale, Jobn Goods, Thomas Chapman, Frank Jones, Wil- helm Forsberg, lew Lewis, William j Paw, Stanley Taber, Johseph Gagh- ardi George Astbury, David Sperry, | Gladys Morey, Elizabéth Montieth, Margaret Whitford, Effie Troman, Mary Andrews, Kity Anstead, Fdith Weaver, Cora Jackson. Besa BL Lewis, ¥iard Teacher Eve ae fests tanvkanoe Fiyun, Mary sides Honk: Scdomen Heoiar, Albert Junkies forme LL Motos, 7 Rasvutely Rawson, BL Myers teacing of Ls a5 A Arithmetic, a8 teacher of Grammer, Literature, Rit { nd Gegoral History, Sars Com: her of 1listory, Geography, oath Ly teunher {lrannnar, Arithmetic, 8¢ heel 1k > 5 gk A QUE Red ler al : iki of Latin, v- Number enrolled, 36; aver- 3 Ee Mil ath ; : io the because in his reg rhe galotink HIver. and there is conshieorable $0 ape attenvinooe, ance, 9 Thom Lucy Malian, Mary Jeanette Brute, Arthur Jenkins rf, 1 Poze Hew Lett, BOR Hoiter, htt BEB. lirade HOC rR tetanic, {sariey Ab #Biied £3 x Rte: Wiener. Baohel Hi ead, 18, aver af sited $e Thee Anna Jor : dones, Jom Hoses, Fai Carrie Holter, Edi Lingle, Dan Jones, Barton, Faw Liratie f Bvernge aliendanne Anna Donnelly, Pawin, Murg Bophomore rolled, Ali GEiesaty 13 WE ares ¥ Agy ek Donne! by atteadatie. 5; per cent. of & Wo Those Metion IRR AAY no rp fins Fe Lardy erro ed Mire attends, 1 | pair cenl { Advi, ne rok wy Sr {eit : io! ¢ gels 90) AEE, LF REE Te We pe da TE 5 Mss Hg for Via y wrenia will Frits ineir Baveng dren allie i Le 3 prompiiy relarned Bi Mya, So iFie Maids Caoventbun. Vrs The yousg peopl of the Patten M. ¥ ehareh will ve an dliertainment Fireman's Hall, Friday evening December 14 at 7:40, entithad, “Ye Oide Maids Convention,” ander Proceeds are for 1he benefit of the Building Fund of the new church The entertainment a a very funay, ane, in which many local characters will participate and appear as “OW Maids” who wert assembled Ww dis cL matrimonal subjects. The enter tainment is extremely fanny and will plese every one. treet Skule! entertadriment, here by Miss Bock a few years ago. Admission Rig Foiks 25 cents: Little folks 15 Genls Cosmet bien Mus! Visit “Siloons On Monday Joo, A. Plats, of Sosqaehanna Township, before the conrt and given a lecture piar paras a he Court be stated that be bad not visited hus badliwick month, as required by law arn Was reius edd, pa Be war in to make the again. For some tine vision of the law las beet pany of the const ahles, known Jost constable was cals i OBE SRE Th Aa mira? why {anstable Plall Sas Ay i Fd pga’ + & singled aL. ae beer: reported thi GPRITRLACT at Phustiy Leia Woah Pravte Maeid fo Sian: EE Hew A Gio hay : banal the ; bol diane soon Tie lo ars dre pied jam y the direc “tions of Miss Annie Bock, of Kingston, | Fa This entertainment is even more laoghable than “Ye Dis given MR. BION H. BUTLER. & dw Tho evar ll LO) oN LER few FR ETE T 3 tay Se FE AREREL the prose Karr aml; i the it the parkas Mow York iesies Cramding Por Boat amit As Yorn or hres sun = ers] Sasaqoehanins $m of Ca grade the Haven RPE Ves ulin ry abort Lrains doable headers % iy A es FATE, Ata & # 5 WAS at tio rial Bocrowded so Palins are cod linneily engines to take the losded Motsve power ia said to be soother thing iscking According to ihe stale ments here io Patton nol bess Than #0 joedouaives have been invaild to the shops in the pial six months kept alive hy the promises of 31 heeamo- tives Lp help Keep Uae Lene Ra clear, but in these MeKinley tines 21 new Joon motives are not 10 be had just by send i day LYE Fol Ary “nd CRIs AWRY. ing an order to the shop. Too much | prosperity has ite disadvantages for the mun who wails, Mr. Rerr said the buliding of the Went Branch road would be 8 ecessaty in order to relieve the crowded sondi tion of the Beech Uresk hmaneh died gs Rave cope 10 She : sore machinery and me the lines of survey Lo begin work. Pennsyivasia company Jas & ne verti nly this fled ils a1 to Osean from ad 5 Ro fone CT Gaxiry and fe rnmting Ri ste gus UW inion i always ite bow EW AER ON Hope is gether In ca ET Bayes £5 ik Nix Ai How med here Bipak tha bride, a weniding wupier win served to& few Lous home of ¥. 4. til Pry JAE Zradusiiy iF Re # reduc ok eons if peeve Bak bees w 4 ; at Jodineton sbria' R pow Bri sabe % Fi nt x Ciba Sonne ya erations 82 PE : when & iE: sivandes 1 thn z Gom's parents rents in : this place Weodawsday, Execember Sth, THe The Diwocw rat par paint AHR SE Ee % sl § Spas sed soltimion A womber Brae iRan RTE Ye 8 A Fa rte Faiate of Bowie Lauseages, Bees 8 tral i He NEY pein E Janes cow, with re ken, aged shout i Berehy given toe HE Ge x AORN GES 1 ® i 3) © have a Misses ana } Child: far 3s wesw fi; + Tid Bi SATE LIAN Rai f hereuails, Reefers. - Sweaty rs, M en’s Underwea: Mufle 5. Fancy fact eve rvthing
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