So re Cw, Hodgiing. India, the and of famine, thous. food. In America, the land of pleaty, digest the food they eat. Kodo spepsin cre digests what you eat instantly relieves and radically cures stomach troubles. CL WL Hodgkivs, | ation Pharmacy. LEGAL PERMITS TO WED. BN ands die because they cannot obtain many suffer and die because they can: | Marries NE tecyed by Cambrian waney ohms Done, Waiter R. Young and lpporah BE Bohrader, of Johnsown. Julias Keyeer and denmi i Helsel of f any meeibet | Johnstown, . | James MM. Mathews, ard Fleapor it Morgan, of Johnstown. ; Bocas, the chil Joseph Head, Jr. and Cora Jafibir, : : of Johnstown. and si chy, it wii | Robert E. Bowers, and Katherine E Sohuite, of Johmstown, aikde oe ring flesh rd becom. eh, of Jonnstown, hin and emaciated, it wi i bulid Williame Thomas and Margaret : wp and give hem flash and Re ppat, of Phrenfeld : TP. Stiles and Genevieve C. Coons, ‘of Wildwood Springs. John Tayker, and Anne Fea) Donde, John Kandla, snd Merl, Brodoveki, No housetioid should be without #t | yo : : be tagen In summer 25 wei wld Tomchick and Mary Baris : of Jobrdown, oi Pacayse’ 8B erred in all throat Nevin Slavely, of Jodostown and Ciertruode Stevons, of Roxtery. Avthnr Melann of Washington Tow mshi gi and Mary Maboney, of Cas EXT ars. Pro ho or PRES : Tame (Mernent Leap andl Mary Me He voloe of he ante {5 this Alesr, of Lily. ntey is the law of the txnd | Broest E Weimer and 0 iatnerine A. ot " grwstion of Beesing the Ein, of Job nstown. the East, bat of leavieg Bun Lamiorm, of Hooversville, Pa, Land Fannie Pettier, of Jolnstown, John A. Mitchell of Pittsburg. Pa, ® “stharine Amelia Boslopt of Carpodl aid Catherine Amelia Boslatt of U oil & Prambaint Viginia Eaitras Had Xmen garries forward cio. TC el i I Samuel Marsh of Barr Township, nd Lig Micheals, of Pine Township he gous there $I 4 : education, American intelli: nd. ponnty. i oy Heald ion, and Clan White, Josef Hedorich znd Anvde, Partech, or Johnsiown. Jaane] pk the Brow of the | Jowsph P. Kiefer and Anvie M. Gol rican soldier or a jewel from the ter, of Johnstown. f American aahiievinent,” ; sir Foley's Kidney Crip ls a pure medicine, and containk in concentrited form, remsdies recog: Harper Wiikey Recrived Geld Mody! | Special Dispated. American whiskies received the official increase of our territory a y to one strength and pros. nt chinging our republican principles larged : sti ples and on the Benbeim Bros, Louisville, Ky.. on 40h their 1 W. Harper whiskey. Sold in government of ours slo In poi pl by Paimer Hose, and W. | : Low. Rate Personally omdictad Tride vis bands of ite people, bexratine they o a other sim but the public good, 1 Nicholson. other good but Lo attain for the mont the ghost Gumting and be cored and the worst cases comforted {and Tar. Suggest it 10 those afilicted. S41 a of terry tat the Kind of ? You shounid do this an a friend. Pats le tinder which right action and de rate Jndgmunt sen possible. Tb is wl tir thm Hiweator ad Breas Roewrded at Eheashung wp fo Dats Friday, Sepiembel, 5. John J. Dietrich et a3, to Frank es Paalie, Carroll; consideration 325. and tia American Michael Bracken et ox, to Gh. F Me PR BOW thers are likely to eat | Donald, Giallitzin Barough, $100. Christmas dinner in Pekin, so far Herman E. Baumer, to (i. F. McDon- : seen AL present. It iy be. ald, Gallitzin Borough, $1,500. | that the refused of England and. Mary EL Spencer et vir to Sarah By to withdraw thelr troops Westover, Spangler, $180, | Russia to change it mind, and G8 Goud to J. 43. Frickel, Patton, weak hecanse of a knowledge of 42.000, ; go Bithongl there has wen A. FE Patton, Trustee et ux, 16 New dal anihsintement, that thie Cent ral & Hodson River Railroad Uo, drnment made a promise of pro id, i 0. Huang Chang, if he pended EM. Stayer el ux, to Maz Frick, jon, which makes it pratically Ww Bo $i : that our troops will be kept in F. 1 Farabatiygh to Petir & Cam long se the negotiations Patton 840, 1 and » sevoinl other Chinamen FL Furabaug hin. Patton, $200, rir hy av on sre, Mini: Frank Hill ot nz, han sent a : mpurtant {am Barneshy pegitin. «| Fhensbharg # | Ee tt of State de B. Cosgrove, Hastings, = 0 give i ont, It bs known that AB Conirnn ot 4x. Ye ba Ruy tiger dow feel as mach con. Dean, $20. dence in Li Hung Chang, as ths gov. Treasuser of Cambria SONY ernment has exhibited, snd be bas Cambria vo 7% iy sent no word of warning as to Uamiaia con anger of trusiing him too far. ow hite, $12. “ Whe J Tras, to Viole Divas tials Vitals Boronoh, $100 Flow Brights Insc arts, Indigestion, bilivgsness, blood abs ag t AT i t | Cable and Charles Ficke fis ni in the river nenr William. ort caught five German carp. The ; WH ang el ¥ poisoned with urea and ore acd Jest one weighed seven potinds ; Ca which should have been exerted by p Jargest tipped the scale ab, 4 : Le face is an mds. Lock Haven Kx the kidneys, rheumatic pain in ! Press. nerves and joinns, cansing irentation of wolt in the fable pat on sheep's the kidneys then pains over v the snail ng because if he traveled on his of the back, mark sure spprosch of matation he conldn't accomp- | Bright's disease, Ds not wlelay aki Conrposs,. Counterfeiters of Foley's Kidney cure, for it makes the witch final salen couldn't Fidnoys right Take no sabsiitate, they pit them in hoses and} Sa | The quicker your stop a cou h prs like DeWitl's. Look ont for | 5 ie ug ? ; ee Pair Take only i io os Neiteh ase azel | | fital Jung trouble ren te ¥ skin dis. | Seure is the only harmless resninly that LC W Hodgking, Patton | gives immediate resuits. You will like Ht C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Mathisg Pajsk avd Johnanna Udov. : aged Ses aite . he W OW Hodgkins, Patten Pharmacy Paris, Aug. 26 « Approval of the exposition to-day, when Gold Medal was awarded to A good many consumptive would - Philadelphia will run pold the lose danger there will be of One guale cough < pimde boat Conf The (.W. Hodgkios | Chinean gre dangers 81 they are treacherons. That's w sopngerhate of Iw Walia BANE Are ute pe. Tae Wl Lo witeh : 3 Hatite te irritate he icin PTL ey we ail % swital Boaded axlve ¥ £2 WONDERFUL cumg OF DIRRRMGES. Fenty Sh, Bor Wes Teaght Back Poteet Mean by hamdee rian’ Costin 1 hodiers and IVs a Bosseds. Read Trew Ediiechnl. LF ron Tha Johan fumergo and Miri Sexe of i euffered with diay time and thonghs | was pat being c cared, : I Bnd spent mach tae and mone snflered so mach misery (has 1 had ab mont decided to give up all hopes : FEENEY snd await the result. boul nid icing the advertisement of Chamber imines colle, choles and digerhien res Hberty poace . Cia OR" adr and iso some testimoni : Sl and tas of * pigad by the most skillful of medical y : . i. Who will withdraw Chow some wonderful cures Lid tenis profession as the most effoctive agents var which it floats fi {far the aure (of kidney snd bladder i. \ ; ; try it. After taking & few Gos, Iwan sotirely well of that trooble, and [ wish to sry farther to my readers and tellowsafferers that [am a hale and hesrty man to-day and feel ax well as | ever did in my fe 0 KE Motre Raid by Patton Pharmacy ©. W. Hole WAGARA FALLS EXCURSION rewney Pants Retirosd September % and October 4 and 18 “are the remaining dates for the Penn and relieved by osng Foley's Honey syivania as Companys popular ten-day excursions to Niagoa Fas ‘from Philadelphia, Baltimore, snd | Washington, Special train will leave | Washington 800 a.m. Baltimore : fa om. Excarsion of September 0 from Manuka Chunk and the wl eware Vs ales {nd trmin will leave «Iva om jennd inp Jicheta will Frum FP Billa i vision: 5 $ 380 from Lanes aay vali %: I SITY, ifs. H Xs Branswich, and prin stations For So gw saan ittedd rapes in ase for and the only one tha IR Seoyanrd, wal DYSPEPTICID] The grestest td to DIGESTION. nds Have Kidwmev Trouble and Don't Know it. i wat reoniaticsan of seYeral DOrDOrR- x a Ea ges : ¢ it = EM close. Anttber work and we shail be —_y ts adeeb wn of our : Laney alii where we shail open a “and fine 4 staok of fasbilonable as oan be found in Central iso nin. Wa are siresdy receiving Dew goons same of which are opened and Lan lisplay for the Dw ; bi Ses be Bret in bnyivg fll sup abiired wile are here nn test pans them the blots sait at {her site B10. 00. Cee Prened Flanne! Waluts $2.50 and 6 mechs. kot New Taffeta Silk Walste, corded ali VERE IER ower, SWE and 86.00 each The sl Pha AH mind onders promptiy Sled Remi sent when desired. I. W. COOK, : Altoona, Penna. Sh aan ap we WINN KONE noney refunded. Sits ixfachion i bw Drug Store, ad sy PATTON Cry EE Finn pwnd. . EERE PIT Ase LIF DAG IRN, Pa = sheng ey cosimalted Sy Manulnares Bead for mmple cope FREE. Addrem Digests w hat located JOHN GANTZ, Proprietor. 200fing, pouting How To Find Oni. e Automobile Co. Boston. The Str athmore Plumbing a | Specialty. Bamako PORUOIROE. Patton, Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers