PATTON, IA Co, PA THU R > DAY : $r.00 PER YEAR. OU AT MELLON'S CASH G RY CERY. day books writing pads, boa; letter files, pens, ink, | : kead’s 3 ‘Gleaned Here and There by the “Courier Reporter. rk eenl PAY FOR ADVERTISING. CK Renova Bittor Tells Bow the Craly Gel Biv. t’ S$ The editor of the Renova Evening IN is the largest and nest? ever showed in the coun- ty. You only need to drop in and look them over to be convinced. All will receive onr usual prompt and careful attention. MERCHAN or TAILORS Patton, Pa. ews has given away somo of the se crete of the professiqn and tels how Loountry editors amass gigantic fortunes Land finally compel] the poopie of sari to tomble and fall in bumble submis ‘sion aL the foot of the country editor Hear what he says: This morning we riceived an adver: ‘tising proposition from a Washington patent attorney, offering os five dollars ask Borough Trewairer | for every client secured by the adver timement, bot io case no clients Were orthooming, we wers to recive poth- don out of it, excepting the fan of mail. ng oar paper free to the advertiser during the career of the contrach Hardly a day passes wilh ne any more ‘that we do not recdive a proposition equall iy generous, wid every other | newspaper in the posntry is blessed the same way. Is it any wonder that the publishers of the fand are soassing sach colossal fortanes? ls it any won ‘der that the average sditor bss to go armed to keep tha envious poorer clases fram anarchistic aftacks spon (him? Is it any wonter that aller rove. ‘ping ® paper & few months a oan be gins to indalge Tu Gili able and stole atest hase, fois Bats and seals ip i 0 long ress and Jove watermelons aud Alfred | Avstin's poems and sth, forms of almost reclilest luxury ? Daring the past wiek wo have # offered Hghining rods, corn salve, due HY on tnitiog at Kelley Tnstitole, cure for the stationing Babli, wire Satlein : fly paper, Chinese dictionary, fe af ‘Charlie Boss, vonditing powders wan | atramental mosie, entitled, “After the Ball Lite of Jew James, tas dy der in ene of ar earthqoaee’ “endl End written hie one Je offer the fol low- at special price: Mattings, Carpets] ples, Pillows, and! Also Iron Beds Thre.picce Cham Suits at 13.50, to igh back sinks, phastds. hall trees, springs, all prices; tresses s, a full line. | chairs, Side Ee all prices Full line rdware, paints, oils, lass, crocks, ete. general Full line stoves and inges at all prices. Very Respectfully, ‘school jokes with a diagram of Bach | pd puperoas other slakities as pay or advertising. It is such dhings we this make the life off a pabiisier oe glad panorama of sunstiae and vibe ial fun. HB oshows how tickeled every body sees to be fo give the pubiisier ‘a chance and help hin aioig and bow trostful and confident they are of his perfect ability to run his buminess {i 8 prlh came fo Patton wilh the in. : tention of defeating the champion guoit pitcher, but was badly jolt. Frerybody knows ‘hat Enoch can without the use of § OTe, ataritey fhe Tiny, Next Satarday afternoon at the min ing town of Giallitain thers will ba ded | the late James Wo OKilde® wihowe Iv mals lie in 4 pretty litte spot in the {Gallitzin Cemetery The monument was purchased by the subscriptions of the miners of District Noo 2, whose } champion be wan in the darkest days of ithe mining troubles years ago, and ‘who was the editor af the Gallitain Vindicator, one of the strongest labor | papers in ite day, msisted them in ob taining the present good prices for mining coal. Mr. Kilidaff died sev “ral years ago and it was only wt the | past year that thers was started Lhe | agitation that resulted in a liberal giv. ing by the miners end the miners’ or | ganization of the district. Rev. Wather (John Boyle. pastor of Bi John's Cath. oie church, Johnstown, will be one of the speakers, while among the others will be several of the officials of chine ‘trict miners’ union in Cambria county Cheek for leven emis Ira C. Mall, of New Florener a raph operator at VY Tower, ast ea last Saturday Feceived » cheek from the Penugrivinis Ballroad pomp any which in uftique on acount of the small amount which it represents. Mr Hall worked just ono day during the “month of July, anid when he received | bis pay Satarday for the month of An ast he wan also given a check fu ® © eleven conta, which was the amoal dae oS him for the day's service in July, all the proper monthly o i thie Pann Cavivania YVolnnteny Patiof Deparnient bad been deducted, The o tio wk is reg. ularly exeonted and bears the notes ‘sary two-cent stamp, which in thi oase represent 18 3-11 per cent if paper whch it makes : ‘check is a good Inlication | ness with which the Penssy itm cash santa, § “the cheek amd will For Sate. At a bargain, modern Iwosiory dwelling, located in the Quest reside | section of Patton, Inquire of : KE. WiLL GREENE JL AD SENERL NEWS Water Company 19 dasl fo Tix al wind jeatid a monnment to the memory of ‘of three games. The next mesting WL SEESION sf Toms Patton Bovonga ftineedl met In regs “nike session Monday evening with the following mernbors pros: Earphely | | Mel ormick, Anderson, add Winslow The minutes of spina: meeting held Monday vvening Sept. id, were read and approved (ny motion of Corneiius, seoonded by’ Anderson, it was carried Lat the dork ; ‘ ; reanitliohg CNBrY alye will bee sai Tor Lhe S20 wit wil AR dans j mim made by Jas Metion for Mr, Kibler, of H : ; Borough wis oot Lal claimed {ry renting of Carnelios, it stalatnnnt of fon Jam wigh Santis et frat of every mont Moatioa od Winslow, tha Bix Austin as ted By Borg! gh E Ie elaine ok reed Stal arr lok meen by 5 Shows From Germany PP. Young returned bome Satan day after having spent three months in Cermany and Franon, Ho went 10 Germany to visit Bia father, who is ners aged &7 years, and says that many fond] peenlications were hrgnght Siidiy to hin mind of when be was a boy the phd bomestend, that Germany 8 nny tia home in thal tnante Far maarm Hut at the Pars + Expostin Ww the crow chaireh, The form panto of ia charge, Reve CL W, Woasssn std BI Witsnue. will be present. Aleo Mr J op WW Powell a noted chinrs worker, and geri 3! wile, of B affinlo, N.Y. Mueesl music by talented singers will be a ples? ® asl attraciive feature of the servis Frewh Winn, Favoeh Short in! fore 8 the writer that a4 Kelly, pro ; | going first to Lake Superior, Wisconsin thence ta Denver Colorado, from thers . Ji $ diay inst wewR pr eof the Porto Rive potel si OU monsure the distance in this kind od & dopitent and be defeated Ham’ Twn gol will be more interesting no doabl, Jewish New Yar Next Monday will be the beginning of the year 364] Taosording to the Jew ish Calendar. 1. Cioldstein and family, B. Kusner aad family, and A. Mirkin ill depart for Altoona in and family, » apider to be ptument at the obwervagce of thin day. On the 25th, Tuesday in alse a holiday for the Jewish peoples, and ix valled the 2nd Day of Rosh Hom hana, and October 3rd is Atonement fay Big Crop of Peaches Over 1.000 baskets of peaches have tween pioked and abipped from the or shards of G8 Good near this city snd anly about one-half of Lhe total erop has been disposed of yet. The hig wind storm of Wedneulay moraing biew o large gua ntity of the frat from the trees. During We adnesdas y forty wagon joads © . vrachies aad bad Elawn down were solid, Express wipe woeep Babbesd, Humor say tht on hun wide pete *3 stioe sharp od establichon Harve i phereis bint Salk bax £is id be ¥ gb 51a rb SALES Rat amathY Erna lion pin ely 1, both of ayette Connty, secured 4 marriage Heese at Uniontown Mon day. Smith is eighty three years old, while his bride is but twenty-two. riled fo Eong by Him, Who dosth all iE aecipt grade on RR dopot Toesday evening last give remidence as Mbswnri. During the day while making s fow sorchasss at Her TU man’s store. he remarked thal he Arroriea and wi anid fod bos paRe : az be ESOL LTO oF — Fase By Patten Foe oangeany Ne the Peat of Fake 3 Montwin, At a regalar meeting of Paton Fire Company No 1 held Toesday evening, Angst 28h fhe following J oJ were anardmonsly adopted: A HEE 1 Dan poled Almighty the puder of the universe, to take fron otir midst, cue beloved brether, | Jobe HL Monteith, acd that as & tribute 1 his mwimory we tender the following rh AL in the denth of our Brother john §1. Montieth, Patton Fire | Nooo i lows shin of Ha most honored ember: Sherefors bas Bt Besclved, that the dmep sympathy | i with the terenved wife and relatives of | I, we dxproaw our hope that | wy tee wil, man ease + 35 farther eralor Lo the widow i wt slnderd ton. dolence in her bereavement and that | thens reicdniionn be sprvrd on Gar asin. wtea and publisivid in the COURIER ard the WH HHamsport fini and a oHPY prauited tvs Ihe widow of Phe dpokipud wid the charter of the Company be. i dE Este Bue 0) dave an a ea ain Gf the becvnmnd, Rie pan Leis, RE Joss Hanky Davis Cdnatiites, voy Murder xed dulebie The police arrest «i a man af tbe P ng his same as Charles May and us wanted to look all right, as he expected tor bar “Guid ont” the next day. For ther inopitry developed the fut that He sticot bimself The police were notified | and finding their man, arrested] him, x Sim to the J SET seed seabed % him. A pleted and a bolle containing | poison gree Sond on Bima. He had cared the revolver from Goss, and fos forged order Wigaed by UR Me. Crt) i 8 ot Sf acetic Reht al i owas stibee- ay Bad been Anatol of his wile, ay given bis Ub WW peta 0 Fonrney . Editor Stiveman, of this paper will ; take his departure Saturday morning for an extended trip through the weal, to Halt Lake City, where he will re main one week and then continue his journey further west. He will be ab sent aboot two months, His sisterin. aw. Mrs. A. M. Stineman, will leave at the same time for Chicago, where she will visit friends for & month or Lmore Saath Pork Record. Wissiig Woman Fomad Drad, The following is contained In 8 patch sent out from Allogna dated Sept. 17: Miners sent to explore an ab- andoacd ahaft near Daugherty Satur. day found the remains of Mrs Richard | Kellar. Tyrone, who went to Frugality | last Jume to vist her brother. Warren MeCauliey, and had sines been missing. It is supposed Mrs. Kellar became lost and altar roaming the woods with nothind to eat but berries and rools, took pefuge in the old mine, where she dlesl Kathier Breil Fioen Typical Thomas Carteight, aged 32 years, died at his home near Magee & Lingles Mines Sunday af 130'¢h sk Me Cart right had been i with the fstal disease fire abut Gane Weeks F goers! services were tomdne ted bt R Preaver, Tues day allernoon : lank aL the Home of Robert Ensign, The deovnsed oar vived by | with. hires children, an geet mother and TH and wid We meglio Bera Tose 5 Giond cook wants a0 Commer Hotel, (resson, Pa Female preferr 43%, Al poods guaranteed at Mellon's Unsh Grocery. ‘about the smne as Load $40 aniacre, and Joma Patterson, of Hamilton, Cenada (Foie nid Me Patterson represents 8 a ge Barker Has bold tions on 25,000 ACRES OF COAL. The Fellwwiog iy Citpped Foom Johustowa C Fribune, Muck hos already been auld sonoery ing the coal operations along the Black Hoek Cried and vagae prophecies have been made as to the fotare develop ments of the fald, bat the fact is not generally koown tht lo round nombery [95 O00 sores of vaineble cial land i now ander option 1m West Wi nested, Bast Wheat leld, Boshvalioy, and Bur retl Townships, Indissa County, which, will soun be paid for and operated Thin gigantic coal territory is in » aolid Week. Commencing at the Con. emangh, 18 extends from Nigevah to Centerville, a distanie of about Aone miles. From the Copemaugh, it reaches out northward to tise Binckliclk Wheat leld Township and is incloded The other 10.000 acrss are ponligous to the Wost Wheatfield block, and Hie in East Wheatfield, Beushvailey snd Bag ‘roll Townships. Ameng those in West Wheatfield and Faust Wheatfield whose ana has been aptioned are Charles Lemke, Wii fam Krissinger, Samuel Krissinget, Smith Dick, James Dick, along the Conwminngh: George Bother smd Riel ard Butler's beim, Wiliam Nippes, tJ shnain Wison's heirs, Coniter Van Horn, John Southwell, Alphonse Cane pinghim, William Benostl, and of fe expected Bin wife on the evening train, : and intianadedd ta abet Ber and then hill aling the oid Mate Fike belwedh tyde snd Armagh, and Wagners Camblwlis, and Macks galore beiwesn tie pilse aig the Blaekiiok While the prawe pe pe mE WwHRD this territory 1 a option in pot Krown, & is undendond that it ix id by Mtoe & La Consider: the Spare Ww iw wa 3 % & Deans Hay An regal ANE | aman t THe of ie paride seetites of that owning th hi 10.000 wooes will De | fur wath Ei 00a, making $000,000 the price at thie peed Beld held ander o 1 by Lhe aie ENEMY. Tha exact whose jnvestigation this 3 fd hun been optioned iw Repl aecrat, the deeds of conveyance that have ab : ready bay mde contain ithe same of 2.000 apes of Went Ww hesifeld tand BON wo be paid for Canadian manoiscturing concern of wisrld wide reputation, which bas an ty abject the mining of coal on the tract in goestion for is OWT Ose. Pastas Barbee Fatorest un This Field Doripg the pat few months the Hon A.V, Barker bas purchased 2000 acres ip the section named. W. HH Robertson, Alderman of the Nineteenth Ward, Johnstown, has recently been instrumental in optioning some 1.3000 stress dn the save feld for Mr. Barber, Tu bhis work he wos sedated by George W. Cribbs and Harry Wager, of West Whestfield Township Besddes 15000 asp. Judge Parker secured By pure chase the options on 16,000 acres of ad jilting erritory which had been taken ap by DI Biauch the real-estate desler. of Johnstown, meisted by John I) and James € MceCrorey, also of Jotinstown, [¢is now anuounesd on trastworthy anthority that Jodge Barker has posi tively sold the entire field under his cotitrol to the previensly mentioned Capsadian Mannficturing Company. this monster fransaction he has heen S hi ; mpaterfally aided by ©. RR Claghors, Land in all about 14000 acres to West Su perintenddnt of the Vintondale Col- fry. Oatlowl far Deislaments 1% is stated on good authority that thet Company for which the feild has heen secured proposes to immediately gperste it. Attorney John A. Seolt, of Indiana, bas been retained to look after tities and he is now etgaged in hii, the weords at Iodisna gunty-Sarveyor Moorhead, of Indians ih ET CL ; i , i= now at work in West W ent Weld Township Asisoon as that portion ead be sur r pant Limes some berg good yor for about sixty days and some for as much as AX months, lst hedbre the expiration of thst Line it mexpected that 1 Loe fend will ave been paid fur. The corporation hiaek of the atlicns @ ola af gant pro- portions, ant whi is the ontiay of push will be cuormons, iE ls sual to the ie mado En sessed, Ra OU Fashaanant IRS Ger. ee Ladies Aid See ott Patten 3 7 2 2 ME chyreh intend giving a grand dinner — ane of the abl fashioned kind oti Thanksgiving Day. November 08, 1a Now we all Snow bew much Better woenjoy & good dinner when seme one ele soolts it. Tarkey and waiter with al} the «ids dishes will De provided. ¥ wil partionlark and rates will be aunoiaoed Inter Maus WH? SaNuroR, Pres Miss Minnig Shey Ray. nerming Z 1nd Pl 1. 1 tnrmed eter RX TE FX AT FER ah THE KEYSTONE CLOTHIERS, Directly Opposit ¢ the Bank.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers