Ome COPY, one your, in advance, - No pipers discontinued midis arse are pald, apless at the option of the | Wt the Portotfice at Paiton ax secon cin mail matter. : v fly is Bying home Fier. Rave money by buying al Mellon's. Aue line of parlor limps at Gold. Robert Evans came down fem. Eh : nrg, Friday. aM Fivon, RNeT % at Altoona, Garfleld has the agency : steam lanndry. Firth § ear. br th ! The Tarks will suffer next the gob. SA pring torks. Su Adverusing rates made Known upon a} Fine fall millinery arriving daily Mrs. Anna Dartt's. Fall goods are arriving daily Mirkin & Kuosner's, For a pice clean laneh City Restaurant Pgs Wve HER Croldatein's fall and winter dey goods | are the finest in Patton. PI Whitaker, & visitor wo Patton Monday. of fuck Haven, was Sady Water declines in price bot it may be in good demand yel. Fora fing suit or overeat ab reason. Cable Bprnres onal Bt Cronintein’' a Loo Riekler, of Urdssoli, Was moet woe the fist play eyeing. Fee are Re Se, _ arsans st Blasting Thursday Miss Myrtle Hoover, asastant in the Sent Nandey with his ; Eo H ag pent Sunday with BS qo ihone exchange is i with ty phoid fever. Harry Liovd, € WW. Jones and HH, Myers, of Ebensburg, drove to Patton oe cream Soda only Jeents per glass Sunday. Leave your r order for robber stamps, 0. ete, at Kinkeads. rH are the best made at (Fold. a's novelty department. to see the fine line of Mirkin & Kusver's. coats and expos at Goldstein's : Department | Store. . still you can ses i few dwellings free of construction here. f fad $ ab coal trains on the N.Y. U. are ) into Patton several hours Jate. are invited to call snd Tewpect Joe fine of box paper at Kin Aagast Wagner, of Brishin, is st of ber son, Raiph Leweh, of yenue, n't fail to visit Goldstein's Mam. Department Store and wee the dry work call at Garfield s shop, Bros and see the fine line of fad extending his thanks to lL. Jumes MeGaire, of (den Canpbels, wax in Patton one day ast week - business, FRR Ta af aun basting When yom want a godsd job Central hotel Call at the flor shop of IN and wintir sailings Miss Bertha Yeckley, of this plete spent Sunday sniong riistives at Gal pnd Py Hexion drt son Harty Simmons and bis mother are safer: with typhoid ferer, Thay are 8 & eitioal condition. New gouds arriving daly at Mes ‘Anos Dartt’s. Watch and wait for the fall mlilinery opening. . 1. Hoover the dairyman, has pur. Paes Charles Yeoklep's cider prose and is ready to make older at all times The writer will take this method for Cyoidsten ater Mellon and rank Little, of for a Jewish ( Salendar of the year M61, will have the Sanday papers om about 1 o'clock on that day. our orders early. onarch ball team of Altoona is giving the Johnstown Athles | severe rabbing Gonld Ww at present doing a fine dutabing for Pius Anna, who » few miles wast of Patton. Hardware Co, P 1 Mgr, wells ail the standard Plcaphate at rock bottony minutes in all the time re 10 dye with Putnam Fadeloss by C. H. Perry, Chest Co. at Folimstows. | with his parents in this Alice Asohron, » in New York | walks - Patton will BOUT with the ones South Fork They should od st once, some ope will mo Ww 8 ie early risers. Pation Pharmncy. i that Wm. Cranier wil @ hin family from Jersuy Shore ton. His many friends are 4 to hear that har bucomys a Fat cr or tha Toth i ben Lois rs, Who was enspened ladt spring 4 being lo a wreck an thsi road, wn re-install and bas charge of ‘ ges brain between Willlune Philipsburg Lelio, neg a little West ward hg aly embracing amd a yonng lady. Some one re. little tot: How ole! Yom whe 6 wo meh on EBS Foes Fhe VRE Nicholas Adabo, an Rallan interpre. wan Tutally Bitten iy radtlosnakes ‘ He was in tds while walking * et the eat been removed he canw upon a reptile, In his endeavir to die it, Adabo spepped bes wands, ting his foot in a den of Afteen of Three of the soakes k their fang into the oulf of Ad Levening homer at present, oq wish it would get cooler” Mra. Anna B. Dart retarsed home Tuesday from the sastirn cities where she porchased her fall stock of milli nery. The Opera House at Hastings will be opened for the season this Thorsday |, with Hoyts “A Bunch of Kegs" Yona can see the hot vwealber growiers hustling joints of stove pipe to their Winter arrived THE aoa bo suit thend, You could bear the lek last week: aad Monday and Tussday you could bear the nald weather kieker Rig orders for foreign cond ba placed with the Berwind Waite Uomp. Any y nd other Cambriy coal Haumdsorse ne teases the Sresent Fates charsorize the dens, Shipments to Mezioo ure 8x0 billed to . be sent averiand. Mn Richard 1. Lilly ¥ | petnrred ts Billy reports we Cand beronght Bom w with penta she reovived while in POODELY. Her Bn the 10 yonen, ja bw ® steal wtaek 198 Get high house baled being bail? to res power station forperly oa ¥ SRE SRR stent £ WOR ¥ Aiea ta Contraetsa & hag nw barn At the con 3 fake ae of #IE THE A tr aver EET a Sesh Praha others Loar the Pes ERT Ty for i satae redactions, but to hel collections, PrEEOL A boast ES Rit Payker Th CTE Siem his : ira fis sk £84 in {ents © Wid Bares anid it Spi hegran Vey grintually gr fs dav when she gave the rivet dropped col. at: hand bepring thea route langhed al ARO i PRITY ‘ihe girl 4 Rasa “HR sRArEe of ameRil $ furnita i Cee Yon will never . find any other pills so prompt and so pleasant us PDeWitt's little. varly risers W, Hodgkins, Patton Pharmany. When a Reedville girl wis fixing on the bridal hat of ber newly married fiend, preparatory to Be pouple slart it Y Feet. pinned around a words in large fi my happy home for aple along the whole phe Inpoeent gris tr Lo The shaltingh “1 hive and the gs here won morhfioation, Do you seed a good warm mir fur gaara) nite] to be Las, ax frat iu 5 enyae poral and : font do Jon op the new mi. of the Ww rig Aey Hardware Lo Mabaflny, hh appears on our third page They are the gensrai nion Segal Warm st of the kind on the watdr-oaked i ¢ rhe Rasahes piver Maine By loge ATE # TLE await SEY far bBonte and dram ti: the surfaee, towed anid Ww AnG split ap Fnto sardwond In manner 8 Bryscdrad ary ty head het wenn Waesthroak and Muliom Fallin alone wre snnaally reolaimed fram the river Raxer itn Among the vied of the nprikdng in Ching was Miss Mary fours of Tediana, fener walbRnown ty belie of fhe foen. © Miss Hoxton Tee tu. whither ahs had Froaliytérian 45 4 SE Ywith oa rifle in hey Wharton, Ee the nn 4 a Bis defending Dir the Preabyierian whit 40 death Ww of the “Hoxer' tarde Lomia MeUoy, employed as a section hand on the Peunsyivaria radiroad, Ww white ea Memiiny, wn cf Floraton, puting fo along the Drak bitten by a copperbesd, which sprang at Wim withont a ssond’s warning. Metioy killed the sonke, which foot to have inflicted a severe won in Ris right leg below the knee. The polsan Gu effacin aon hogan In awert lege swesled = OR Wie thesiuelvos and the Egelews ite natural Coe i ah BERAGLY supply of the man the effet of poison Lei anos Ays that he will Resp a Af whiskey in the & ae 1 11 enuinberacis aa in gad oat af Cornelios MeCae, onnfined Indiana swaiting trial for the theft foes harms from s melghbor, was found lying dead in blu osil in & poo of his own Blood, with his throat cut, Sunday morning. Ab hae bead ay Pour months ago he was acquitted on and battery wits intent to repre of Inmaniny He was then released on an order of conrt Before his release he sot five 10 the bed in Kis cell and smashed the He bad a bad repuiation a we teas recommiited, charged Perth lapoan yo Last Faiday, The cor developed that with the other prsoniers, w co Gee & razr for shaving & Gay kit, by vi. Paaehy RL fait wrt he in AiR POW ws § remain AF weed ge Bal SRE (gly Fagor. go We are closing oat our old Hine of ! olla “at 3 for n quarter and have ad: ded the celehmted “Cluetto” Hee of collars and cuffs retailing at 2 Tor a puarter Tue Keverose Croriing Co The two Hlnstrated lectares to moth. ers and daughters in Goldstein's ball tare were will attended. The pay leo in the evening the largest sawed AL the ries the dare Mr Benn was warmiy gremted with handshaking ara words of © Eras Ew any tanght All her work investigation entied in a i 5¥% pa 3 ie 1a rend Brad Shae tien whe maTMOn temeling will bear gx i £5 : of feer Wao Was Tage fnngpanos for bathers fhe Dewees) gnterprise in the insorance Hoe io Vag ind Peging in slot y Pasa iad ; x PRR a [5 sel uf ide OR ad © bag $5 fore Voll puter the walter oon | ] marth taking off toy £5 griciden stipe on : + aretoen Mee wow Por. el Lids ri YE In = of Rant Hep aniipletinly Patton Fray oxhud af Rave ads gr al our ise We are (dosin iF Sar a numrier and ’ Me wrehugnt Tailors shaw saps Indigesting Bipsns Wigins Tabu pl WAR The physician We re- have just tne {ot Paper of al the oO op Pio We can frame. Patton Art and Wall Paper Store. A.C. FISHER, Propr. iL Directly Opposite the Bank. It is not necessary for us to say much about the wheels we handle, because they speak for themselves, We have them for ladies and Gents at rn Bicycle sundrie (ave us a call won dertul | ie rg 85. THE BAZAA er Penn’a. CILLLIIL. ress. FISTS NTSET, - Odd rousers $1.50, $2.00 to $5.00. a RA VBA Ro Bt, Lis BA BIEN pp ge WOLF The Reliable Clothiers ray TISTETELIIOB Pd A SITTIN ES ITO TIINITTIIITY. rarest ©
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