LC mognebusly Caw hidspered ti Graceful, Easy and Long Wearing. _ THE FAMOUS Olga Nethersole ire FOR WOMEN. Pioesansen the merit of perfect style) LL a Broa king bn poetry Neate Lis igo ary Bosiblo | hiran nate bike irom Foals ai ’ ho Wl shoe fox wear ol ER | HA IN ped renee 10 R S00 col Hy 4 bow libs et his width ool wove Cont kA a CN wl Bod dude an wi a Bombe rich dod i bie ted Cone IOS Sri Island, HE, Pandecturcd by 1he High island Shoe Lv and gold ¢ ichusively C.R Perry, Chest Springs Pa. 2.50 Shoe anion wid durability. i o Rif stonk that in sll an 8 howe, yet hon Hise of the Flust, wil comfort, po weight webs, a piodf patter. Deets Recorded at Ehensturx np 10 Ite Friday, Sanunry 6. Mrs. Annie Melauley to ik, Sasquehanna, $150. Henry Philips, by the commissioners Jambria county, to John R. Cor- John W. Kophart, master, to David Bougher, Barnesboro, $105. John W. Kephart, muster, to Thomas Executor of John Nagle to Charles to Julius . Carrolitown, $200. : MeClain to Has ings, Barr, $1,500, Rosalia Litzinger to Catharine Boken- rode, Clearfield, $1. Yaewis Burgan ot ax to John DD. Gare Susquehanna, $100. Execator of F. J. Baker to Jobo A ker et al, Hastings, $56, Executor of F. J. Baker to John A poet al, Hastings, 2650 George Miller, by Treasurer of Uae brid county, to commissioners of Ca brian county, Sosquehianns, $4 George Miller, by the commbsionors fi ‘mmbria county, to plar les “ment company, Stsguebanin, 1 : Honey Kirsch, by the Treasurer of Catabria county, to commissioners of Cambria county, Hastings, 34. Hlenrey Kirsch, by commission of Cainbria county, to Jacob Kirkpatrick, ings, Bi. nH. Davis et ux to Edward W. Daniel H. 13- Rpung Horo y Roland, Elder, 2A Harvey Roland ¢t ux to Thomas OLE, i Mahan eb ux fo Owen M Jone. Ebenxburg, $1,000 : ducoh Hartman #2 ux to A. 1, Elder, $1,242. Lemon Reed et nx to Pat-; . 8. Tittler, | William, j.a's Finest Prodoot, s tronsl jot trimmed. A Robert go at the half-price rate, £25 Ripans Tab jes cure Ratulence, Ripans Talviles assist digestion Wipans Tabuies: one gives reilel Ripans Trbiles core dizziness Hipans Tabules. Ripans Tabules cure indigestion ipans Tabules cure padhes. Ripans Tadules: for sour stomach Hipans Taligies cure headache spans Talales pleasant Jaxuitve Imunkentess Blak, Cw hat do He Was Too Smart, It was at one of the recent receptions. | All society was there, and it was a Brilliant sceasion. Une young wah who | his 8 reputation for brightness and pepartee began throw ing bunquets at one of the fair yvonne dies “1 heard ay veil were the foxt jatatit of the season, Ik Ling WHS Lehmrining dui “Oh. who ft. Mr Blank: sow guked pxpecirniiy. “1 eaf’t tell now will tell yon 90 #0. please An she pleaded fle wax ohdnrte and she Was pwr sistent. niu] soot thw other girls were he rapid “ht | + then “attracted to whine $e ruiple af oad 8 “1 ghipk it ia real mean BrGINe IY CHS von think, girls trrniug tothe crowds He Pgs id Ril thing nice phont ne and wan 1 tgil Caen, otal i Ceharacteriction of the one whic SF EArs uy Spiller y ; nod will rend Ee ¥ fies war Bis tie Yes 1 did bear that she most charming debutant of spoke up Mr. Blank. “Wha told you, please?’ spoke up fiw girl fo a last sffort to gel the name of her admirer “Your mother” apswersd the young CHAan And pow they never speak fs they prass. Memphis Setnvitar The Mont Anctent Machine Tool There can be very litle doubt ihal the potter's w heel, or potter's lathe a= it ix also termed, represents tay the anclent form of machine wid known Among the many wes EE od pocoinis of the trades and sccupatons whith so vividly sepreselit the ens and hinhits of the ancient Ezyptiosos the potter and his wheel hate Lenn | found frequently depleted, and it is Lerrious to note that through the nh | mov sountlees geherntionk since phat fine his ermnde type af IaiEe has andey Rone po I punliBen tion, The prioutive frre was evidently & snail 4nd free to revolve, teing turned hy hand at intervals and to this deviee Thee were added in the course of How xech wimpie convenivnees Bs 5 fable to wap port It and 4 foot or & his wl perwer tari ax ETAT IP. il in paved yeprs in pessiliy 8 foe twedaterl raven by actual engine power driving in grernl the wheel of the present time bears ai the § ied fateria Seprlacivd tines Laweverr jrot Soar EEEP is 105% ges aad fannie near nen, servesl to sins Grp ena bile Cansier » Magagine Brent ing Cast of nm Loaf of Hrend, The average “pound hal of f wale hy Imkers =iv% A ard YEIRGE Hy File ny | professor. weighed on 8 avernge bon per cent of water being added bo th Ping : he rry Eon Lipo potinid ole olihoe & pense onl oF bremd oan he sanele from about throw quarters of a poumd of four. ales — our during the prodess of beendions With same flours 5 ta PI pa water ons be Ktworbed sand a greater weight if bread from o 5 weight of fone Thin additional » fa water and pot nutrients At 2 evn a pound for Soeur i is timated by the professor {hat Coat of bread ing fied and abor, Lig Giastdt wi half cent being allowed for shorting amd yeast The lex of dry matte breadivakiog is usually enfimidde rl ng te } per cent of tie flour use] In exceptional cases as 0 A Pwr side, ned oun beg a duvint og Cures Drig prodonged fermentation gmder facies Users. THE KEELEY TITUTE, AE PE hve, PETIREL RG Fa For Family Use As well as for General Use get Amer. be BARTHOLOMY lages Beer, manufactured at Hoches- may diteriorate frintis N.Y. and bottled by the Galiint, Pa.) Bottling Co All Orders Are Promptly Attended to EDDLEBLUTE, Prin R.C. Bile conditions the loss LOB pwr cenit Bl Bare Fay Alon Rassian Extravaganer, The veaglthy Hisniahs & win idd exin ety proditalse be §: dus tons is that 2m He pestis than Ronen 1. LE sens Sp Mad ys ran will tuts! 1 TE inn) wo thee Raho fe Hen Vinglisl hoe of tia AWheti 4 tay ian Tomes Toy Af Yih alone ss Iwigihin fexly in tiie are sitting on thee lost artiel ington 1x PimiElr get tp Frm RT ert poids Yates, RY protected fro fis by the cheniicals used fn paper maktag Mondor bawiiks, hawaeter {lsaey Creer Prowl ans wielar, . W. Cook. JANUARY SALE PRICES. Fur Collarettes. fe Ww ¥ § We have Ro ginretien | fag Fleotric trimmed with Bow only i N mitnale colaretls \ed id a3 19. § aniv ben Pronk ur Jackets. Just a few lol and reduced to grand vinles: One sgrenuing Ba regular vile Rather than Alaskn wet beauty fini whey slore Forti poi §%. KPa $112.50 One elegant velvet jacket regular ROU vain, Where else are values like these? .. W. COOK, American Dr, Maki JTRS re ho Th 3 mail; any arn them at l l i Ie perfect. them. Prices Write us for arcular giving full particulars. Tomerres Pun Co, =o Fifth Ave, Patton, EUGENE L : ware OF P A Tr TON. Cambria Co, Pa, CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000.00. KURPLUS, $50,000.00. A ovis fa maid Fapnka yeni %, whet if with sabi te oor % ath Tew TOP TERR & Patek ine Mivgiraniip flee bs ar made y Hines, Foreign Dabs peiyatic in Laue pri nek ities nf the C1008 Wile dg Allo arpespatelote Will fun ve ony prt and perann gl 31 ten! foo Fotis pald on Hoe deguslta, A. R. Parrox, Wu H. BaNnrarb, President, t ashiar, Boarding House. 7% "2 E3 / Vine Street, PHILADELPHIA. Opposite Franklin Square Cambrin and Clearfield county people visiting Phila de pha will find this a con venient and central location Terms $1.00 per day. MRS. S. B. KING. 12-11 The Delineator AS THE Woman's Favorite Magazine, ard is isu he the famous Losluan publishers, The Butterick Publishing Ua (Limited) at 7 to 17 West Thir : Naw York at the pe a row rate of $1.00 Fa suber rip wn, 3 £30 al Fanan) yank engl rey 10 Frey som id! Neowin and. can bu peovornmsencerd for (ta cheap fies, heanty, and, freshno-s ard uti TE Given Pree ERC of sacha Bae wy thw Fagen Moai nt ruil pee 3 WERE FIELD'S POEMS. Maher be Femi ¥ “FHL FLowers + daaky at ®AT ys beget Sih lawn Itt & ted As For ds 5 FARE FR 80 Manras 8 Chicago pd Laelia gy OF ak as haps Li fonrnnd, IpLRaE fechas. ¥ Bub BF all revisions 361 Broadway, Ha vow, Washington, n. CA VEnes Rize doesn't indicate quality. Re of rvoonterfelt and workldess salve offered for DeWitt's witch hazel salve. DeWitt's ix the only original LAR infaitibie core for jr ou and all skin disease. CW. Hodgkins, Patton £55 DIRECTOR « GEO. BOONE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Office on corner of Lang and Fiftl Collections promptiy al, Properties to pel ami rend Pharmacy tended to H. A. SEITZ, Dentist! Office tn Young Building, next to P.O Patton, Pa. Offes Hours-8 a m. to 2m, andlip m toSp m F. B. EUANS, Dentist, HASTINGS, PA diseanes of the teeth and month ef All sicilifully treated, DR. S. W. Worrell, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in Good Building, Room No. 3 Sr-Gonaral Surgury and the Eye 2 Soscialty LD vata will seers prong ativntion AHAFFEY HOUSE Mahaffey, Clearfieid Co, i {wd asalpnatione 2 Ars Hew £5 iat mx Ti 2 GRO E FERGUMON, Prop'r Parnell & Cowher, v mi Foul on HilIA JL, ALK eT EAL ENT ATE AY FENTR a FIRE, LIF Caonnt Bate¥ing, Pation, Poa No B Dr. V. A. Murray, PHYSICIAN -* SURGEON, ! i Arise fos Bomb Mow Patton, is Al ed Proust propa ptiy Pisses of 13 wed torent given special Attention, GFFIOPR HOR Ks Fay ae ts fang Ths a wy ated ln dp - Reuel Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, Patron onl in the Good Building. - WH DAVIS, - * x Ww > Atta rae ei iy Bid fs Od Ar et LAR CauNaEl RG, Pa rid Tapa nae DLT sited fan vies Basra Buikling TORACUO and CIGARS Pras Ul Patton ]. FITZPATRICK'S Magee dvence, dept EA Hosea &3 (r. amtanrant on + POR MEatss AL se of Koreelons vohtcles In atuaily hare. nto sad sutsever! lntoirest has not vi Rell PTolenhote. fhe Md to own AG ty ihe attng The 8, Miri been shoe 1a anything » Fosrione wants to be gam Antoisahily | gveryone winks ta share BHM pride af the busioess. 187 ee A samp Wx the | Strathmore Automobile Co. oot S iio Yirer once Hing ¢ ol maze. How to Ulsos a Patent send woe vei aest Parents wed throng h os a Avastin for mate at pur ex paliee. Patrsts taken oul Through us receive Fpheerrined Aube, without © harge, 4 PBE Parent Reconn, sip Dinstrated aud widely cieniated Foy Bal cymmn iret by Manula rare en and faves Send for saiple copy FREE, Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO. i Patent ditorneyy,) Evans Building. WASHINGTON, O C A FREE PATTERN ax & praeaplly rece: the pateata be of them. Adon Thx TL co 4 Beacon Street, Boston. Yost cast ned out all about ie, They will tell yon how son oan shares in the profits, A Hmited aemsant nl hele Treasury stork Is {iffeveal Tor sie Thu wha wind to share lh the great stir Setanta were fer Ler paid shah ow le al onde HA thes of Tha tok Ww wap ened Tp thie Hee vst Rk Bnkter will be given special fers for the purchase of an sus mobile Tor His WD uae : i the vary fed fa the fetid, fy ER hE fa the Lesh een of Lue fathmore SRNR i ake IER BGE 5 = i % NT a & deerh Creek Distr ct Cemdensna Time Table, end down Fare, 2% Yuba Patton Wentoyey dat iey Berra Comenn "wy In ATP aX Now Mappers flavin Hite hells Vie rites A weld ant SW iliaeeian Wor Amatate Mines Miwon Pliripsiarg Muapenn Winhorne Pom isifintown Flier Mim Hh reel Mil Ha fawk Haven Yosmtrppainie Wayne * Ferry Shore Junction © Ee J evasy Whours 5 x W iH maspeart - aR ¥ nH V. % ne a AY id A us ik 1% H" [¥ iv #52 a . By x8 ar arbi @ 98 Homo oB Mm v We AONE pf ROHR EE Fhe 1h & TH Rida 4 Naw Fark ju smngor traveling via Phil added pen ah PEAR fous Teva fev Will Hiner will ehans pears wl Hantngdon S151 Pittsburg & Eastern Branch. Mshatfoy oy sia Fh mses tog ret Pa & Hewdty Willi mapeet Fritadelphity 3} {via Tana $4 Wy gaat \Y vin Phila FEY 9s 0% Fx # Ebi Ay y aye fie jn Pe Med ben TUE 1, Trains Eagan ed bra af Bp FEal Ren Pa, At LEY WE TE he piv atid Bewiding WEE ¢ & ¥ % 1 wissrt WEE Faihae wl 4 Jeray wip M3 foal N missl at Penna arin rar iraad pnd lett phew THEE TAS trcegsl: fs wn #3 we Fit Sagi Ma ira ey and Putom wi Eh Cambria nip $7 marie 4 divieian of the i Sal aE eid With he Proog namy PE prim wd wi Northwest vvy Fal iwE 4 i] peas fg i 8 wis Phts Muahailoy oH. RNorihrap 3 Farry = id, Williamsport, Pa EPR Pratiiean awe New § fos 48 he SE Pennsylvania Railroad. In effect Nov. 18, 1896, Main Line. § inne Fastway Mpg, Miso Kapri wool duys 5 30 A feria bossa kodation, sae days 9 Main Life Exprises Auily Mi x bawina Aemornaoddaiion, Mail Wagons 308LY hist tadetjphin ¥ pemen, aily fever | ress West wie, Foonstewrn Xeedn, week dey Pacis Fixpress, dally Woy Passetuper, daily % aban Ed if eres {7 Perennial yey ddiy E13 ida FORA rE shai | Avian, week dave Capbrin & Clearfield Division. ome Paton Scat hrwant Ws ES st TH aL ma arriving al Crees #5 arr ing {TORRE Nartheund, arriving at Ma tileds ample it Bt ne 250 pre wariving af Mutat wf lent ampisi] af Huntingdon & Broad Top Mt. Rail ad 1499. tt iy {11 flere ep. ward antington Punibuus ad ria. wm | % 4 few MH ACTIV ng at ML Dwciins ut Nar acai gaoept eyed hs xf M1. £y MOREE A 1x fanting 3: 1 inp Leng JEN a ie ind £% 5 3% Hanning M1 Sone - prising af Me Md it Sreipet EEOC HRS Pheis diseiwed A: fuaibns far Vite al Hunting: Gitte iit Wis ! inh 3 AME MM iisuE veneral M say. Rochester Pitts- bhuorg Railway. xX amy remidin wil HERVE EES FH 2 f f ig Pong Das in feel iss wie Phe Pay Basis Patios Perrabiarg Poa Soe seed oF Vig Plein weld Fale do IBN He ¥3 % 1 3 v1 Lie fei Hisigsway, , ADVE AS 7" PATENTABILITY Natiee in © inventive Age’ senk How th obtein Patents” Chane mskiwate No fee il etters si rictiy confidential ra EN gg ' ! fe a SIGGER, Pate Patent nt Lawyer. ‘Washington, D.C. 1.7 X, COPYRIGH shore ON. — a eh nn examination and ad BON 1 FREE. No Atty's before patent. o Robe rt | [PANY BEE Went Lith Burees, «v2 oo Bee York € New York. Altoona, Penna.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers